Top Admiral Warns of Rapid Chinese, Russian Nuclear Arms Buildup Jack Beyrer

Admiral Charles Richard: ‘We are in uncharted waters’

Admiral Charles Richard, chief of U.S. Strategic Command, warned that China and Russia are building up their nuclear stockpiles at an unprecedented rate.

Richard said Thursday that China’s nuclear weapons buildup and Russia’s advanced nuclear capabilities have prompted a reassessment of America’s ability to defend itself.

“We are in uncharted waters,” Richard said at a Hudson Institute event. “We are facing a class of potential adversaries that we haven’t had to deal with in 30 years.”

Richard’s remarks come amid a heated fight over the future of America’s nuclear arsenal, as national security staff in the White House and lawmakers such as Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) push for a smaller U.S. stockpile.

A letter from Senate Democrats prompted the Biden administration to call for an independent review of ground-based nuclear weapons, which have been in service since the Vietnam War. Several powerful House and Senate Democrats have opposed nuclear modernization, an effort which experts say would give China and Russia an advantage in a growing arms race. Sen. Steve Daines (R., Mont.) called the attempt to “scuttle” America’s nuclear arsenal misguided in an August letter to the White House.

The admiral said that given the speed of Russia and China’s weapons buildup, policymakers should waste no time in strengthening America’s nuclear position.

“Business as usual will not work,” Richard said. “It is going to be long enough before I get any new modernized capability into the forces that I am responsible for. We can ill afford, given the threats that we’re facing, any further delays on that. … If we make the wrong decision, we can’t come back a couple years later and buy it back.”

The battle for eastern Europe’s energy sector   Ukraine has offered huge subsidies for renewable energy developments since its war with RussiaWilliam Nattrass

The fight to power eastern Europe is heating up. As Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky prepares to meet Joe Biden at the White House, competition for Ukraine’s energy market is increasingly being framed as a battle between East and West. And as western investments into renewables vie with fossil fuel imports from Russia, the struggle for the nation’s energy supply is assuming a moral dimension reminiscent of the Cold War.

Tens of thousands of panels at Ukraine’s huge Nikopol solar farm harvest the sun’s energy for nobody. In late 2019, the Canadian owners of the farm, TIU Canada, were informed that the nearby Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant, owned by the notorious Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky, would be disconnecting their farm from the power grid to make repairs. They were not aware that any such repairs were needed. Despite frantic protests the connection was severed — and a year and a half later, it has still not been restored.

Kolomoisky’s tentacles extend deep into Ukraine’s economy and politics. He controls a faction of MPs without which the current coalition would collapse, as well as the country’s most lucrative energy distributor and, previously, some of its biggest banks. He is a controversial figure who in March 2021 was banned entry to the US over his ‘significant corruption’.

The grim rise of antivax death porn Why do people delight in news stories about COVID-deniers dying of COVID?

America is a porned-out society. Half of young men and a fifth of young women admit to viewing porn in the past week (millions more do so and then lie to pollsters about it). Prestige cable shows such as Game of Thrones built their popularity through a bevy of brazenly-displayed breasts. The best-selling book of the 2010s was an erotic BDSM novel; the second and third-place spots were taken by its sequels. And the concept of a quick, dirty, cheap high extends outside the domain of sex, which is why the world has food porn, architecture porn, and military porn.

And now, enter a new genre: COVID-19 death porn.

On Saturday, the Daytona Beach News-Journal noted the death of radio host Marc Bernier after a three-week battle with COVID. Bernier, the paper observed, was ‘an outspoken opponent of vaccinations’. The death of a local radio host might normally be a local story, but this one quickly went national. Many publications noted that Bernier was the third unvaccinated radio host to be stricken down in a single month, following fellow Floridian Dick Farrel and Tennessee veteran Phil Valentine.

Cockburn will concede that when a public figure stakes their life on a certain medical opinion and dies a preventable death as a result, the irony is enough to merit a news story. But he would be remiss if he didn’t observe that standards for this sort of thing seem a tad inconsistent. Losing weight is another entirely controllable way to reduce COVID risk, too, but the same publications that gloat over dead vaccine skeptics have published a Pravda’s worth of takes explaining that COVID-related fat shaming is not funny and not OK.

Plus, more than one article has lurched from an appreciation of public irony into thinly-disguised glee at the death of the unbelievers. A Sunday piece in the Hill with 40,000 Facebook shares absolutely glories in the demise of its subject, while also making it clear his real crimes weren’t vaccine-related at all:

‘Caleb Wallace, 30, who created the San Angelo Freedom Defenders, a group that held a rally to combat ‘COVID-19 tyranny’, died after spending more than a month in the hospital, according to a message posted by his wife, Jessica Wallace, on a GoFundMe page to raise money to cover his hospital bills.

NGO Capture: How George Soros Bought out the UN Human Rights Commissioner Richard Abelson

The report “The Financing of UN Experts” comes on the heels of ECLJ’s similarly revealing report on the influence of Open Society and other left-wing NGOs on the European Court of Human Rights, “ECHR: Conflicts of Interest Between Judges and NGOs” (Gateway Pundit reported).

The ECHR was key in enshrining a radical Open Borders policy in the EU since the landmark 2012 “Hirsi Jamaa and Others v Italy” case, which first criminalized border security as so-called “pushbacks” or “refoulement,” and obliged countries like Italy to let in illegal migrants or pay €15,000 “damages” to each illegal migrant.

Similarly, the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Geneva pushes to enshrine Open Borders and the “rights of (illegal) migrants”, and other radical progressive policies in so-called “international law.”

The ECLJ report found that the UN Human Rights Commissioner relies increasingly on funding from “a small number” of foundations and NGOs, “in particular the Ford, Open Society, MacArthur, Call for Code (founded and chaired by Bill Clinton) Foundations, as well as Microsoft, Counterpart International, and Wellspring Philanthropic Fund.”

52 of  222 Special Rapporteurs from Left-Wing NGOs.

The research was based on “a series of interviews with UN experts and on the analysis of financial disclosures published annually between 2015 and 2019 by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights”, the OHCHR Special Rapporteurs, as well as by the main foundations funding the system, “namely the Ford and Open Society foundations.”

At least 52 of the 222 Special Rapporteurs since 2010 hold, or have held, positions in Open Society or an NGO funded by the Ford or Open Society Foundations, such as the Center for Reproductive Rights or the International Center for Transitional Justice, the ECLJ report found. Among these 52 experts, fourteen have exercised (or still exercise) responsibility within Amnesty International. Twelve experts exercise some responsibility within the International Commission of Jurists. Six experts hold responsibilities within Open Society Foundations, four hold responsibilities within Human Rights Watch, and one expert is involved with the Helsinki Committee.

Between 2015 and 2019, 40% of the OHCHR Special Procedures budget came from such extra-budgetary funding from a few states, NGOs, and private foundations, ECLJ writes. The study found a “lack of transparency” in external funding by NGOs and “a growing phenomenon of capture of the Human Rights Council system by a few actors.”

Theoretically, UN Special Rapporteurs require “independence, impartiality, personal integrity, and objectivity”, according to Resolution 5/1 of June 18, 2007. Experts must take an oath to “exercise my functions from a completely impartial, loyal and conscientious standpoint … without seeking or accepting any instruction from any other party whatsoever.”

Opaque Finances

However, UN Experts are currently allowed to receive funds directly from external NGOs, “avoiding the OHCHR’s control and monetary deductions”, ECLJ writes. “These direct funds are markedly opaque.” Thus financial statements were either omitted or opaque, as were the terms and purposes of payments and the agreements with donors.

Biden Letting China Get Away with Crime of the Century by Gordon G. Chang

The President of the United States does not need perfect knowledge to act.

The failure to share information when it has an obligation to do so is enough reason to impose severe costs on Beijing, but there are two additional reasons — both sufficient in and of themselves—to do so.

First, for at least five weeks, Chinese officials first covered up and then lied about the human-to-human transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2, telling the world COVID-19 was not contagious when they knew it in fact was…. Second, China’s military is working on the next generation of pathogens.

If Chinese scientists succeed in designing pathogens targeting only foreigners, the next microbe, virus, or germ from China could end non-Chinese societies. This will be Communist China’s civilization-killer.

The next pandemic, therefore, could be the one that leaves China as the world’s only viable society. The world, therefore, needs something far more important than justice or compensation. It needs deterrence.

Beijing’s determined campaign to collect genetic profiles of foreigners while preventing the transfer to recipients outside China of the profiles of Chinese is another indication that the Chinese military, in violation of its obligations under the Biological Weapons Convention, is building ethnic-specific bioweapons.

Up to now, Biden has shown little — and sometimes no — interest in holding China accountable…. So far, Biden, with his feeble reaction, has shown Xi Jinping that Beijing can, without cost, kill millions of non-Chinese with a pathogen. Xi, unless stopped, will certainly do so again.

On August 27, the Biden administration released an unclassified summary of the intelligence community’s report on the origins of COVID-19. The IC, America’s 18 intelligence agencies, could reach only a few definitive conclusions. The agencies said they needed more information, but the world now knows enough to begin imposing severe costs on China.

America and other nations must impose those costs to prevent China’s Communist Party from releasing a civilization-killing disease. Yes, the People’s Liberation Army is now developing pathogens to destroy non-Chinese societies.

Quisling Conservatives and the Implacable Left: Peter Smith

EXCERPTS- “It goes against the grain, but the sad fact is that civility is wasted on so-called progressives, who decline to respond in kind. Going along to get along, as did so many in lamenting Donald Trump’s abrasive vulgarity, brought us what exactly? A drooling fool in the Oval Office and all the failures now and to come that his handlers feed into the presidential TelePrompter”

I am not talking about those on the postmodern Left. Nothing can be expected of them but wall to wall dross. I am talking about commentators at various distances rightwards from the centre. They couldn’t help themselves. His policies were good but he was such a “braggard,” “liar,” “buffoon,” etc., etc. Relentlessly, on it went. And it added up.

Sure, players in Australia played only a small part, as did those in the UK and Europe, in tearing the man down. The main game was played out in America. Nevertheless, every bit contributed. Are we about to hear abject mea culpas from those who played their part in giving America a president so mentally unfit for office it defies belief? Don’t hold your breath. Almost all, if not all, of the snipers are know-it-alls.

I didn’t find Trump’s demeanour the least offensive. Was he different? Of course, he was. Without his gigantic personality, reflected in his self-belief, called narcissism by some, how could he ever have survived being dumped upon each minute of every day.

How could he have ever moved the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and forged pacts between Israel and numbers of its neighbouring Arab countries? How could he have let loose oil and gas exploration in this time of morbid climate hysteria? Slashed job-killing taxes and regulations. Started building that wall without congressional support? No other Republic president could have done those things. Think of Bush senior and junior.

Those who position themselves right of centre need to take a grip. They’ve already played their part in ridding us of a unique and powerful champion and given us a drooling fool as a replacement. A first step towards redemption is to admit culpability. Join a self-help group for quisling conservatives.

CNN Confirms Biden Administration is Bringing Afghan Refugees to the U.S. With No Paperwork or Vetting By Eric Lendrum

The Biden Administration’s hasty extraction of Afghan refugees to the United States has been so rushed and so sloppy that many are arriving into the country with no documentation to confirm who they even are, Breitbart reports.

Even CNN’s coverage of the debacle confirms the lack of preparation and failure to properly vet refugees. Sources from within the evacuation process told CNN that the goal of the Biden Administration has been to “get as many people on the plane as you can, and we’ll sort out the [paperwork] stuff later.” The same sources added that “some people have landed with no documents whatsoever, creating a very challenging work environment for the officers.”

Many of these planes are bringing such unvetted refugees to the Dulles International Airport in Virginia, resettling them in the United States. Sources from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said that while they are occasionally able to identify some individuals without any paperwork, the sheer amount of refugees pouring in have made the process “just a math game” that may or may not yield any results. This has led to the chances of importing terrorists “higher and higher,” according to the DHS source.

Last week, Pentagon officials confirmed that roughly 100 of the 7,000 Afghan refugees imported to the U.S. “as prospective recipients” of the Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) program had been flagged as “potential matches to intelligence agency watch lists” for terrorism suspects. NBC further confirmed that there had been multiple cases of Afghan refugees attempting to board planes to the United States using stolen or fraudulent American passports.

The Character of Nations and Failed Leadership by Lawrence Kadish

If anyone in the White House or its circling Obama attendants were conscious of history, they would recognize that political will, courage, and integrity forever define the character of nations. Consider the actions of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill who, when faced with a devastating military defeat in France, gave his military his full support in accomplishing the miracle of Dunkirk.

And what is less known is that of the 338,000 men evacuated by British ships of all sizes were 100,000 French allies…. One can just imagine how America’s leading military men would have responded to Biden’s directives to abandon allies and weapons to the sworn enemies of democracy and freedom.

This President will have much to answer for as history records his catastrophic failure in how we left Afghanistan. The coming summary executions, the destruction of women’s rights, where even the joy of dancing is forbidden, will be as much part of the Biden legacy as the billions in sophisticated American military equipment now part of the Taliban arsenal.

Perhaps not since 1939, when this nation turned away over 900 German Jews seeking refuge from Nazi terror and certain death, has an American president acted as shamelessly as we approach President Biden’s unilateral deadline for evacuating our Afghan allies.

How the 9/11 Terrorists Got Here And what they had in common. Terence P. Jeffrey

The commercial aircraft that al-Qaida terrorists flew into the twin towers, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania on Sept. 11, 2001 — killing 2,977 people — did not take off from some foreign land before flying toward targets here in the United States.

They were all domestic flights that took off from American cities and were headed toward American cities.

American Airlines Flight 11, which struck the north tower of the World Trade Center, took off from Boston and was heading to Los Angeles.

United Airlines Flight 175, which struck the south tower of the World Trade Center, also took off from Boston and was heading to Los Angeles.

American Airlines Flight 77, which struck the Pentagon, took off from Northern Virginia and was heading to Los Angeles.

United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania, took off from Newark and was heading to San Francisco.

Almost three years after the 2001 attacks, the staff of the national commission that Congress created by statute to investigate the event published a report on “9/11 and Terrorist Travel.”

This report began by making a fundamental point: “It is perhaps obvious to state that terrorists cannot plan and carry out attacks in the United States if they are unable to enter the country.”

We let the hijackers in. But did they come here legally? Did they follow our visa and immigration laws? Not according to this 9/11 Commission staff report.

“The story begins with ‘A Factual Overview of the September 11 Border Story,'” says the preface to the report. “In it, we endeavor to dispel the myth that their entry into the United States was ‘clean and legal.’ It was not.”

“Three hijackers carried passports with indicators of Islamic extremism linked to al Qaeda; two others carried passports manipulated in a fraudulent manner,” the report explained. “It is likely that several more hijackers carried passports with similar fraudulent manipulation. Two hijackers lied on their visa applications. Once in the United States, two hijackers violated the terms of their visas. One overstayed his visa. And all but one obtained some form of state identification. We know that six of the hijackers used these state issued identifications to check in for their flights on September 11. Three of them were fraudulently obtained.”

Inside the Underground Railroad Out of Afghanistan A list of 500 Afghans was shared with me. Then I was asked to choose five. Melissa Chen

On Saturday night I had just sat down to have a drink with a friend when he got a call. He apologized for having to take it, but it was urgent: it was about the Afghan women’s orchestra. They were stuck in Kabul and desperate to get out. He was involved in the effort to extract them.

Twenty minutes later, we ordered another martini. 

I’ve been thinking a lot these past two weeks about luck. The luck of where we are born. The luck of the parents we are born to. And, right now, the luck of who we know.

Knowing — or having proximity to someone who knows my well-placed friend, a veteran of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan — is a matter of life or death for untold numbers of Afghans. 

Listen to the plea of just one of them:

The question of who will live and who will die — part of the Unetaneh Tokef prayer that all Jews say on the high holy days, which are just around the corner — is supposed to be in the hands of God. But right now, for so many Afghans, the answer to that question is in the hands of the Taliban. The chance to live relies on Americans: those who have the luck to live in freedom and those who are determined to right what the Biden administration has gotten so horribly wrong.

Melissa Chen is one of those people.

Melissa co-founded an organization called Ideas Beyond Borders, which digitizes and translates English books and articles into Arabic. And not just any books: Books like Orwell’s ‘“Nineteen Eighty-Four,” Steven Pinker’s “Enlightenment Now,” and a graphic novel based on John Stuart Mill’s “On Liberty.” Works that promote reason, pluralism and liberty. Suffice it to say the translators she works with in places like Egypt, Syria and Iraq do so at great risk.

Because of her connections in the Middle East — and because she is the kind of person who lives by her principles — it did not surprise me that she found herself involved in the efforts to save Afghans from the horrors of the Taliban. She shares some of the details of those remarkable efforts in the essay below.