Twitter Permanently Suspends Alex Berenson Over Viral COVID-19 Tweets By Jack Phillips

Twitter has permanently suspended former New York Times journalist and author Alex Berenson, an outspoken critic of CCP virus mandates and lockdowns—as well as Big Tech censorship.

“The account you referenced has been permanently suspended for repeated violations of our COVID-19 misinformation rules,” a Twitter spokesperson told news outlets on Aug. 28.

Berenson, on his Substack page, also confirmed the suspension, writing: “Goodbye, Twitter.”

“This was the tweet that did it,” he wrote, referring to a now-deleted tweet that downplayed the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines. “Entirely accurate. I can’t wait to hear what a jury will make of this. Meantime, guess you’ll be getting more Substacks.”

Berenson later noted that the ban didn’t surprise him.

“I expected this day was coming,” he wrote. “And Twitter can’t touch my Substack (in fact, it reportedly tried to buy Substack last year, but Substack fortunately said no).”

Berenson also hinted at possibly filing a lawsuit against Twitter over the suspension.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other health agencies have said that COVID-19 vaccines “are safe and effective” after clinical trials and say that side effects are rare. CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walenksy and others have cited studies saying that the vaccines don’t necessarily prevent transmission of COVID-19, but have stated that the shots limit the severity of the illness.

Berenson worked for The New York Times from 1999 until 2010 before becoming a full-time author.

Covid-19 Surge in Malaysia Threatens to Prolong Global Chip Shortage Southeast Asia country is cited as auto makers cut production, highlighting little-known but critical link in semiconductor supply chain by Feliz Solomon

SINGAPORE—A surge of Covid-19 cases in Malaysia, a little-known but critical link in the semiconductor supply chain, has opened a new front in the battle to fix manufacturing woes that have rippled across industries during a global shortage of computing chips.

The Southeast Asia nation is one of the world’s top destinations for assembly and testing of the devices that control smartphones, car engines and medical equipment. Disruptions in Malaysia threaten to prolong uncertainty over chip supply well into next year, dashing hopes of relief in the second half of 2021.

The supply crunch in Malaysia, caused primarily by staff shortages linked to virus-control measures combined with a sharp surge in global demand, poses a new problem for the auto industry. For the first half of this year, shortages largely stemmed from companies miscalculating the pace of economic recoveries and not ordering enough parts. Now they can’t always get the parts they need because Covid-19 outbreaks are denting factory output.

“It’s a bit like a game of whack-a-mole,” said Ravi Vijayaraghavan, a Singapore-based partner at the consulting firm Bain & Co. specializing in semiconductors. “We think we have supply sorted out, and then a problem suddenly pops up somewhere else.”

Some of the world’s leading car makers including Toyota Motor Corp. , Ford Motor Co. , General Motors Co. and Nissan Motor Co. have disclosed major production cuts due largely to chip shortages from factories in Malaysia. Ford suspended work for about a week at an F-150 plant in the Kansas City, Mo., area and a Fiesta factory in Cologne, Germany because of missing parts, while Toyota said it would cut global production by around 40% in September. General Motors said it expects to make 100,000 fewer vehicles in North America in the second half of the year.

North Korea Exploits Biden’s Weakness to Restart Nuke Reactor Daniel Greenfield

Weakness is a pretty clear message and the message has been received. It was received in Iran, in China, and in North Korea.

Everything it’s been received our enemies have responded by pushing the limit to see how much they can get away with.

The Norks are no different.

North Korea’s Yongbyon nuclear reactor, thought to have been shut down since December 2018, is apparently operating again, according to the U.N. atomic agency. “Since early July, there have been indications, including the discharge of cooling water, consistent with the operations of the reactor,” said a report from the International Atomic Energy Agency. The reactor is allegedly producing plutonium for North Korea’s nuclear weapons program, according to Gary Samore of Brandeis University. 

That would put this within the window of Biden’s withdrawal announcement. Not to mention his previous kowtowing to Iran.

Under these conditions, why shouldn’t North Korea play Biden like a fiddle?

Pyongyang has also ignored overtures made by the Joe Biden administration since it took office in January, while warning Seoul and Washington of a “serious security crisis” for staging their regular joint military exercise this month.

During his Seoul visit, the special US envoy for the North said he and his South Korean counterpart had discuss possible humanitarian assistance to the North.

China to Biden: No Good Relations Unless U.S. Drops Wuhan Virus Origin Probe Daniel Greenfield

Communist China is really desperate to stop any probes of the origins of the Wuhan Virus.

A senior Chinese diplomat called on the U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken to work with the Taliban government and stop pressuring Beijing over the virus origin probe in order to improve ties between the world’s biggest economies.

Wang added that China opposed the U.S. intelligence community’s inquiry into the source of Covid-19, the virus that caused the worst pandemic in more than a century. He accused the U.S. of turning the coronavirus into a political issue if the Biden administration wanted to bring bilateral relations “back on the right track,” the Xinhua report said.

The official PRC readout states, “If the U.S. side also hopes to bring bilateral relations back on the right track, it should stop blindly smearing and attacking China, and stop undermining China’s sovereignty, security and development interests.”

By that, Foreign Minister Wang Yi meant apparently that, “China resolutely opposes the so-called investigation report on COVID-19 origins tracing produced by the U.S. intelligence community recently. Politicizing origins tracing is a political burden left by the former U.S. government. The sooner the U.S. side unloads this burden, the easier it will be to get out of the current predicament.”

By “former U.S. government”, Yi means the Trump administration.

The PRC has a lot of nerve trying to urge the Biden administration to abandon origin probes as a legacy of the Trump administration. It’s all but an announcement that it expects the Biden administration to choose the PRC over Republicans. 

Biden Makes Islamic Terrorism Great Again

For the past several years, global terrorism was in retreat and had dropped off the list of Americans’ fears entirely. Now, after the debacle in Afghanistan, it’s suddenly front-page news again. Will a revival of terrorism be President Joe Biden’s legacy?

Rewind the tape to 2015. ISIS – which emerged as a powerhouse after President Barack Obama’s decision to evacuate Iraq – was claiming huge swaths of land, to the surprise of Obama (who had dismissed ISIS as the “JV team”). And, not coincidentally, the number of terrorist attacks spiked. In 2013, there were four Islamic terrorist attacks worldwide. By 2015, the number had exploded to 106, three of them in the U.S.

In 2015, ISIS struck in Paris in a coordinated assault, killing more than 130 people, and the attack in San Bernardino, California, claimed 14 lives and injured 22. Earlier that same year, terrorists killed five people at a recruiting center in Chattanooga, Tennessee, two in Garland, Texas. In the next year came the ISIS-inspired mass shooting at a Florida nightclub that claimed 49 lives, bombs in New York and New Jersey, an attack in Ohio.

In December 2015, terrorism was at the top of the list of problems facing the United States, according to an ongoing Gallup poll, beating out the economy, government, and guns as chief concerns. Obama, meanwhile, kept telling the nation that defeating ISIS would be a long and arduous process, which was true only because Obama was micromanaging the effort.

Proof of that came when ISIS was routed just seven months after President Donald Trump took office. As we noted at Investor’s Business Daily, “Rather than talk endlessly about how long and hard the fight would be, Trump said during his campaign that, if elected, he would convene his ‘top generals and give them a simple instruction. They will have 30 days to submit to the Oval Office a plan for soundly and quickly defeating ISIS.’” Turns out he meant it.

Since then, the number of Islamic terrorist attacks worldwide has plunged. In the U.S., there have been only two acts of terrorism in the past four-plus years that were fueled by Islamic extremism. And in Gallup’s poll of top problems, terrorism stopped even registering. No one mentioned it in the July 2021 survey.

Fraudulent Candidate Terry McAuliffe Didn’t Follow VA Election Law And A New Lawsuit Could Boot Him Off The Ballot By Evita Duffy

The Republican Party of Virginia filed a lawsuit Thursday against the Virginia State Board of Elections and the Virginia Department of Elections, asking the courts to remove the state’s gubernatorial candidate Democrat Terry McAuliffe from the ballot for failing to sign a required form declaring his candidacy. This means the former Virginia governor might not be getting his old job back any time soon.

The Virginia Republican Party’s lawsuit also contends that McAuliffe’s Declaration of Candidacy contains “signatures from two individuals claiming that they witnessed McAuliffe sign the Declaration despite his signature appearing nowhere on the face of the document.” 

According to DCist, an independent copy of the form obtained from the Department of Elections is indeed missing McAuliffe’s signature in the box labeled “SIGNATURE OF CANDIDATE.”

When asked about the lawsuit by Fox News, McAuliffe campaign spokeswoman Christina Freundlich said the former governor’s campaign “submitted the required paperwork” and that the suit was a “desperate Trumpian” political move to force McAuliffe, who “is consistently leading in the polls,” out of the race.

Israeli Study: Natural Immunity Is 13x Stronger Than Pfizer COVID Shots By Shawn Fleetwood

A new pre-print Israeli study has found that people with natural immunity to COVID-19 could be 13 times less likely to contract the respiratory virus than those who were solely vaccinated against the disease.

Conducted by researchers at Maccabi Healthcare and Tel Aviv University, the yet-to-be peer-reviewed study found that when comparing individuals previously infected with the virus and those that received two jabs of the Pfizer-BioNTech shot, those with natural infection saw greater protection against the delta variant and breakthrough infection.

“SARS-CoV-2-naïve vaccinees had a 13.06-fold increased risk for breakthrough infection with the Delta variant compared to those previously infected, when the first event (infection or vaccination) occurred during January and February of 2021,” the study read. “The increased risk was significant for symptomatic disease as well. When allowing the infection to occur at any time before vaccination (from March 2020 to February 2021), evidence of waning natural immunity was demonstrated, though SARS-CoV-2 naïve vaccinees had a 5.96-fold increased risk for breakthrough infection and a 7.13-fold increased risk for symptomatic disease.”

The analysis also found that solely vaccinated individuals “were also at a greater risk for COVID-19-related-hospitalizations compared to those that were previously infected.”

The study ultimately concluded that “natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity” and that “individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant.”

Gavin Newsom and Larry Elder Caught in a Tight Race in California By John Fund

Mail-in ballots for the September 14 referendum on whether the governor should be recalled have begun to roll in.

A ugust has been a rough month for Democratic political royalty. Governor Andrew Cuomo, the son of the late governor Mario Cuomo, resigned in disgrace over sexual harassment and COVID scandals. Terry McAuliffe, the longtime fundraising fixer for the Clintons, is polling below 50 percent in his attempt to reclaim Virginia’s governorship.

And California’s Governor Gavin Newsom, whose family has been intertwined for generations with the families of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and former governor Jerry Brown, is in grave danger of being ousted from office in a September 14 recall election.

Newsom’s plight is surprising. He was elected with 62 percent of the vote in 2018 in a one-party state, where Republicans haven’t won a single statewide office in 15 years.

But he has squandered his political capital. His handling of COVID-19 has been characterized by constantly shifting lockdowns, closed schools, vaccine-distribution snafus, and an unemployment-benefits scandal that may have seen $31 billion improperly go to prisoners, fraudsters, and people out of state. Half of the state’s people are under a mask mandate. COVID restrictions have especially hurt Latinos. They gave Newsom 64 percent of their vote in 2018, but recent polls show more Latinos back the recall than oppose it.

Indeed, Newsom has acquired a reputation as an arrogant elitist who acts as if mandates are for “the little people.” He turbocharged the recall by breaking his own coronavirus rules and attending an opulent dinner at French Laundry with lobbyists. His children have had in-person learning at an elite private school since last fall, even though he claims “he’s been living through Zoom school” — a statement the Sacramento Bee found “mostly false.” Just last month his kids had to be yanked from a summer camp because the governor said he suddenly learned it had no mask requirements.

Then there are California’s intractable problems. A BANANA movement (Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anybody) has pushed housing costs to stratospheric heights. A new survey by a former pollster for Joe Biden has found that 65 percent of Californians believe that crime is getting worse. High taxes, stifling regulations, and poor schools are driving more and more businesses to leave, and household moving vans follow them out of the state.

This disillusioning environment created the conditions for the September 14 recall. Voters will be presented with two questions. The first will be whether Newsom should be recalled. The second will be who should succeed him if a majority removes him. The candidate with the most votes on the second question becomes governor, no majority required.

Unlike the recall that vaulted Arnold Schwarzenegger into office in 2003, there is no celebrity candidate this time. Newsom intimidated any even remotely known Democrat from filing to replace him, and the relatively unknown Republicans who have been debating each other have proved themselves knowledgeable but bland in their presentation.

The exception is attorney and talk-show host Larry Elder, who is skipping the debates and focusing on Newsom. Elder has honed a cerebral and spirited conservative critique of California’s ills in 27 years on the state’s TV and radio stations.

Mayorkas called border crisis ‘unsustainable,’ but swift response is lacking by Anna Giaritelli

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas may have called the level of illegal immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border “unsustainable,” but he is not taking immediate action to respond to the crisis, according to immigration experts.

In a surprising admission, the Biden administration’s top border official admitted earlier this month in private talks that “if our borders are the first line of defense, we’re going to lose, and this is unsustainable.”

The comment contradicted what Mayorkas said a day earlier in public — that the growing surge of people from around the world was “not new.”

“There’s a lot of frustration, and with reason,” said Monica Weisberg-Stewart, the chairwoman of the Texas Border Coalition’s Committee on Border Security and Immigration.

The Texas Border Coalition, an organization comprised of mayors, county judges, corporations, and communities along the 1,250-mile state border with Mexico, is concerned that the Biden administration remains focused on its long-term policy changes that may stem the flow of people traveling to the border but has not done enough in the short-term.

TBC asked the Biden administration to pause all immigration at the southern border, which she characterized as a “drastic” move for the organization and indicative of how troubled border communities are by the daily releases of thousands of migrants onto the streets. Mayorkas did not pause immigration, but he pledged to hire 2,000 asylum officers so that migrants’ asylum claims can be decided at the border rather than years after they have been released into the United States and appear before a judge. Weisberg-Stewart said it was not enough.

“He wanted to hire 2,000 asylum officers. Get the ones that are already in our system that already know how to do this — get them down there now, yesterday. Get ‘em down there and start working on it because you don’t have anywhere to put these individuals,” she said, referring to migrants released from custody.

Theresa Cardinal Brown, the managing director of immigration and cross-border policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center think tank in Washington, said the administration’s hands are tied to the extent that they cannot control who is arriving. However, the federal response has been minimal as monthly illegal immigration levels surpassed even those seen during the 2019 humanitarian crisis.

A White House official said the government is continuing to return those who cross illegally to Mexico under a public health policy known as Title 42. However, the administration is not returning most families due to Mexico’s unwillingness to take back migrants who are not Mexican.

The Best of America The 13 men and women who died in Kabul were on a rescue mission.

President Biden and his wife paid their respects Sunday at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware to the 13 Americans who died at Kabul airport last week, and well they should. We are learning more about these young men and woman, and their deaths are all the more painful because they were sent on a selfless rescue mission.

They range in age from 20 to 31, represent a mix of ethnic groups, and hail from the middle-class, patriotic families who always bear the worst burden of war. Their family members say most of them joined the military out of individual purpose and national pride. They are the volunteers who follow orders and man the ramparts no matter the risk or ill-advised war plan.

Nicole Gee, recently promoted to Marine Sergeant, was from Sacramento and married to a fellow Marine, Jarod Gee. Only days before her death she posted on Instagram a now famous photo of herself cradling a young Afghan baby. “I love my job,” she wrote. She was 23 years old.

Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz, 20, always wanted to be Marine. His “entire world was the US Marine Corps,” his father Mark Schmitz wrote, according to CNN. “Ever since he committed himself to the Marines in high school, he wanted to join. He showed a level of dedication that I haven’t seen.” Schmitz, of Wentzville, Mo., had been posted to Jordan and was among those sent to Kabul as Mr. Biden’s Afghan withdrawal turned to chaos.

Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum, of Jackson, Wyo., was “bound and determined” to join the Marines, said Cheyenne McCollum, one of his three older sisters, according to the Journal. “He knew it from the time he was 4.”

McCollum signed his enlistment papers on his 18th birthday at Summit Innovations School, in Jackson, where he had been on the wrestling team. He deployed to Jordan in April after getting married, and his wife Gigi is expecting a baby in weeks.