Marxist, Extremist Support for Palestinian Terrorism Leads to Jew-Hate Throughout West by Guy Millière

For decades, most articles on the Middle East have portrayed Israel in a negative light, not as a democracy under constant threat. Willfully or not, they promote Jew-hate. Hamas is often described as a “Palestinian militant group,” almost never as a terrorist organization.

Israel completely withdrew from Gaza in 2005. All the same, Israel is accused of imposing a “blockade” on the coastal strip — without a mention that everything necessary for the residents of Gaza is allowed, or that what is being blockaded are deadly weapons. Also never mentioned is the extreme brutality of Hamas operatives towards their own residents of Gaza, who are all Arabs, or that the Palestinian Authority still supports and finances terrorism. The Palestinian Authority’s rewards and incentives for murdering Jews are also always left out.

On June 24, The New York Times published yet another biased report: “Gaza’s Deadly Night: How Israeli Airstrikes Killed 44 People”. The Times stated that “on May 16, Israeli airstrikes destroyed three apartment buildings, decimating several families”. It never noted that Hamas had attacked Israel, that Hamas uses civilians as human shields, or that Israel invariably warns residents in advance about buildings set to be destroyed, to provide time for the residents to leave rather than be injured or killed.

On May 18, when Israel was being subjected to some of the 4,000 missiles fired at it by Hamas, French Prime Minister Jean Castex… announced that he was “worried about the fate of the civilian populations in Gaza”. He did not even touch on what Hamas and Iran are planning for Israel’s population.

London. May 23. An organization called The Palestinian Solidarity Campaign organized a protest against Israel. 180,000 people turned up. Placards compared Israelis to the Nazis, and black flags of jihadist movements, accompanied by cries of “Allahu Akbar”, fluttered alongside the Palestinian flags. “Israel, the new Nazi state”, some read; and “Nazis are still around, now they call themselves Zionists”. This kind of comparison is now common among many in Europe who also seem sympathetic to Marxism, in which there always has to be an “oppressor” and “oppressed”, never a “win-win” or a “making the pie bigger.” Do these new Marxists, who compare Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, to the Third Reich and the Zionists to the Nazis, really not know what the Nazis did to six million Jews, or what Communists and Marxists today, in China, Russia, Cuba, or Venezuela, are still doing to their own citizens?

The protesters in London shouted openly anti-Semitic slogans. One demonstrator, Tariq Ali, a member of the editorial committee of the New Left Review, addressing the crowd, implied that the Jews deserve a second Holocaust: “They have learned nothing from what happened to them in Europe. Nothing”. Another man exhibited a drawing of Christ carrying the cross, along with the words: “Do not let them do the same thing again”. A few days earlier, when a convoy adorned with Palestinian flags drove through a Jewish area in North London, shouts from loudspeakers included “Free Palestine”, “F**k the Jews”, “F**k their daughters”, “F**k their mothers” and “Rape their daughters”.

Biden and the Mullahs: “Feeding the Crocodile” by Majid Rafizadeh

Have the Biden administration and the European Union already forgotten the disastrous outcome of appeasing the mullahs in 2015…? US President Barack Obama pledged at the time that he was “confident” the deal would “meet the national security needs of the United States and our allies”.

Throughout that time, the EU and the Obama administration not only initiated and expanded appeasement policies, they made unprecedented concessions in an attempt to dissuade the ruling mullahs from their internal and external aggression. The US and the EU met the Iranian mullahs with generosity and flexibility every step of the way.

After sanctions against the mullahs were lifted, instead of bringing peace and curbing Iran’s malign behavior at home and abroad, those appeasements… generated billions of dollars in revenue for Iran’s military institution, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, as well as for Iran’s militia and terror groups. Tehran used that influx of revenues to expand its influence throughout the region, especially in Syria, Yemen, Lebanon and Iraq.

Iran’s aggressive expansion campaign proved immensely successful. The Iranian-armed Houthis ratcheted up efforts to cause death and destruction in Yemen, and Hezbollah escalated its involvement and control of large swathes of Syrian territory. The region also saw a greater propensity for Houthi rocket launches at civilian targets in Saudi Arabia, the deployment of thousands of Hezbollah foot soldiers in Syria, and the constant bombardment of southern Israel by Iranian-funded Hamas rockets.

The present Western strategy is no different from enriching the Nazi Germany during WWII or Soviet Russia during the Cold War. For the rogue state, concessions and appeasements mean weakness. It would have been so much less costly in life and treasure to stop Hitler before he crossed the Rhine.

Winston Churchill famously warned against appeasing the aggressor: “Each one hopes that if he feeds the crocodile enough, the crocodile will eat him last. All of them hope that the storm will pass before their turn comes to be devoured. But I fear — I fear greatly — the storm will not pass. It will rage and it will roar, ever more loudly, ever more widely. It will spread to the South; it will spread to the North.”

History has repeatedly proven that appeasing a rogue state only emboldens and empowers it. Nevertheless, the Biden administration and the European Union appear determined to pursue this dangerous policy of appeasement against a regime that chants “Death to America”, that plots to push the US out of the Middle East, that is committed to uprooting and replacing Israel, and that is, according to the US Department of State, one of only four state sponsors of terrorism, as well as a leading violator of human rights.

All the same, on July 2, sanctions against three Iranians were lifted under Executive Order 13382. These individuals had also been sanctioned by the previous US administration for their involvement in advancing Iran’s ballistic missile program.


This week’s newsletter title reflects Israeli work to provide clean water to Africa, America and the River Jordan. But it is even more refreshing to see Israelis continue to produce a torrent of breakthrough medical and scientific developments to save lives and allow future generations to flourish. 

In the 11th July 21 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include: 

Israeli breakthroughs in transplantation and medical device technology.
Israel provides running water to Tanzanians and Native Americans.
Israel’s Technion is Europe’s top institute for Artificial Intelligence.
Israel has begun producing pure water from the Jordan River.
A face-recognition tech startup is Israel’s latest $1 billion company.
Israelis won medals at informatics and acrobatics.
Stunning discoveries revealed during excavations in Jerusalem.

Transplant breakthrough. (TY UWI) Researchers at Israel’s Beilinson Hospital have discovered how animal organs can be used in human transplant surgery. The main reason for rejection is the foreign blood vessels that need to be connected to the human body. Coating them with human placenta cells makes a “friendly” interface.
Electrifying the human body. A Tel Aviv University-led international team including Weizmann Institute researchers have developed a nano-film that can generate electricity from any body movement. The non-toxic material could power tiny pacemakers with no need for batteries. It could also power non-medical devices.
Safer keyhole hysterectomies. Laparoscopic (keyhole) removal of the uterus risks spreading possibly cancerous tissue, to other parts of the body. But the LapBox system from Israel’s Ark Surgical ensures secure organ retrieval.
Not to be sniffed at. Israel’s NanoVation (see here previously) has been awarded a 5 million Euro grant from the European Innovation Council (EIC) on top of the 2.5 million Euro grant it received last year from Europe’s Horizon 2020 program. It will accelerate the development of NanoVation’s high accuracy respiratory monitor.,7340,L-3911736,00.html
Affordable US healthcare. (TY UWI) Israel’s TailorMed (see here previously) helps financially at-risk patients access resources in the US such as co-pay assistance, replacement medicine programs, government subsidies, community funds, state or disease-specific foundations, and programs that help with living expenses.
Israel exchanges vaccines with South Korea. South Korea welcomed from Israel 700,000 of the coronavirus vaccines that the Palestinian Authority rejected. Israel will now receive additional Pfizer vaccines later in the year, possibly to use as immunity boosters for vulnerable citizens. Meanwhile serious infections are still low.
Program to address mental health. A poignant article about the founding of the Israeli branch of the organization Mental Health First Aid (MHFA). The first running of MHFA’s Israel Youth Course provided 17 participants with the skills to become certified mental-health first-responders and help teens in crisis.
Monitoring care for the vulnerable. A detailed review of Israel’s (see here previously) – the AI monitor that aims to protect the elderly from inappropriate, negligent care or abuse.
Better connected care. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s BioT has developed a cloud-based platform for medical device manufacturers, that instantly connects patients with caregivers to ensure a seamless continuum of care. Secure, private, promotes patient adherence, compliant with international regulations and allows customization.

EU: New Political Alliance to Fight Creation of European Superstate by Soeren Kern

The July 2 “Joint Declaration on the Future of the European Union” represents the first significant endeavor by euroskeptic parties to jointly oppose efforts by European federalists to transform the European Union into a godless multicultural superstate.

The document states that the European Union requires “profound reform” because, “instead of protecting Europe,” it has itself become “a source of problems, anxiety and uncertainty.” The signatories say that the EU has become a tool of “radical forces” that are determined to carry out a civilizational transformation of Europe. Their objective, they say, is to create a European superstate void of European traditions, social institutions or moral principles.

“We are convinced that the cooperation of European nations must be based on tradition, on respect for the culture and history of European States, on respect for the Judeo-Christian heritage of Europe and on the common values that unite our nations — and not in their destruction.” — Joint Declaration on the Future of the European Union, July 2, 2021.

“All attempts to transform European institutions into bodies that take precedence over national constitutional institutions create chaos, undermine the sense of the treaties and call into question the fundamental role of the constitutions of EU member states. The resulting disputes over competences, in effect, settled by the brutal imposition of the will of the politically stronger entities on the weaker ones. This destroys the basis for the functioning of the European Community as a community of free nations.” — Joint Declaration on the Future of the European Union, July 2, 2021.

“Some EU officials are doubtful that an additional layer of bureaucracy — the conference will have a ‘Joint Presidency,’ an ‘Executive Board,’ a ‘Conference Plenary’ and a ‘Common Secretariat’ — will solve the EU’s already confusing bureaucratic ills.” — Maïa de La Baume, French journalist, Politico, March 4, 2021.

“The EU’s ‘Conference on the Future of Europe’ has already written its conclusions. It seeks the forced federalization of the EU against the true will of European nations and apart from the national parliaments…. We do not want a federal Europe in which all decisions are made in Brussels.” — Santiago Abascal, leader of Spain’s conservative party Vox, July 2, 2021.

The leaders of 16 political parties from across Europe have announced an unprecedented alliance to defend the sovereignty of European nation states, protect the nuclear family and preserve traditional Judeo-Christian values.

The July 2 “Joint Declaration on the Future of the European Union” represents the first significant endeavor by euroskeptic parties to jointly oppose efforts by European federalists to transform the European Union into a godless multicultural superstate.

A Witch Trial at the Legal Aid Society Maud Maron was a model public defender. Then she was forced out of her job because of her political views and her race. Bari Weiss


If you google “bleeding heart liberal,” Maud Maron might well turn up as the first hit. Every cause liberals are supposed to fight for, every group they are supposed to champion, every candidate they are supposed to support — well, that was Maron’s not so atypical life and career. Until recently.

A New York City native, Maron lived her early years in subsidized housing when her father walked out on her mother, who was a pediatric nurse at Lenox Hill Hospital. Her mother remarried, the family moved to Pennsylvania, and Maron returned to the city for college. While a student at Barnard, Maron was a clinic escort for Planned Parenthood. Later, she went to Cardozo Law School knowing she wanted to be a public defender. There, she was a student of Kathleen Cleaver, the former Black Panther who was then a visiting professor. (Cleaver calls Maron her “excellent research assistant” on the first page of this published paper about Mumia Abu-Jamal.)

After Maron graduated from Cardozo in 1998, she joined the Legal Aid Society, where she represented the most disadvantaged people in Manhattan. She left in 2006, after the birth of her first child, and then rejoined the nonprofit in 2017, working in the Bronx. “I had always intended to go back. It just took longer than I thought because I wound up having four children over a decade. But when my youngest was 18 months I went back to work,” Maron told me over the weekend. “For me, being a public defender is more than a job. It’s who I am.”

Maron and her husband, an Argentine immigrant, chose to send all of their children to public schools. In 2017 and, again, in 2019 she was elected to the local Community Education Council — the equivalent of a school board. Then, two years ago, she decided to run as a Democrat for City Council in lower Manhattan. Maron had always been politically involved: she was a poll watcher for John Kerry in Pennsylvania during 2004 and contributed many times to Bernie Sanders’s campaign in 2016.

In short, Maron is exactly the kind of lawyer you’d imagine Legal Aid would put on the cover of its brochures. But today the public defender is filing suit in the Southern District of New York against the organization to which she has dedicated her career. 


The House Select Committee to Criminalize and Obstruct by Chris Farrell

Pelosi’s committee has absolutely nothing to do with the investigation of facts concerning what happened on January 6. It is a transparent political ploy to sensationalize and criminalize all things and persons related to President Donald Trump and political conservatism.

Pressure from a March 2021 Judicial Watch lawsuit helped lead to the disclosure that Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick died of natural causes. For weeks, Sicknick’s death had been falsely characterized as a cynical lie by members of Congress and their lapdog reporter buddies for political advantage.

If the government were truly interested in the full disclosure of all the facts and circumstances around the Capitol breach, why would they stonewall Judicial Watch requests? Why force the matter into slow and lengthy litigation? Slow and lengthy? Oh, that’s why!

Speaking of a criminal conspiracy to obstruct justice — there’s Pelosi’s phone call to General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff…. You’ll remember that call was purportedly when Pelosi told Milley not to obey President Trump’s orders. We can all look forward to reading the transcript of that call.

There is a lot to question concerning law enforcement involvement on January 6. The official narrative keeps changing. For example, claims concerning the number of people that died were wrong. Only Babbitt, an unarmed protestor, died that day by Capitol Police gunshot from a still unidentified officer. Protestors supposedly caused $30 million in damage — they did not. There are several other points to question.

The government is fighting tooth-and-nail not to make the information public. The release of all these records and videos is discretionary — some of the same people calling for investigation are actively blocking release…. Read stories about some of the protestors — how they are being treated and prosecuted — some are still in solitary confinement, others are being “reprogrammed,” and it seems that most are being specifically targeted for their political beliefs.

The House of Representatives just voted to create a select committee to investigate the unrest on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021. And — surprise, surprise — Representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger crossed over to vote with the Democrats in support of their select committee. Cheney found herself appointed to the select committee by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She says she is “honored to serve.” Cheney’s Republican primary opponent(s) must be overjoyed.

Who Are the ‘Extremists’ on Facebook? By Gwendolyn Sims

Have you noticed? Lately, Facebook is more confused and more creepy than usual. In that oh-so-tolerant way that today’s Left has, our Facebook Redirect Initiative Overlords continue to work hard flagging people and posts they don’t agree with as “extremists” and “extremist content.”

Early this week, Facebook flagged a post that I viewed as potentially exposing me to “harmful extremist content.” The post (full text below) simply asked a question and mentioned a MAGA hat in the context of the Gwen Berry anthem incident:

Facebook screenshot.

FULL POST TEXT:  “How would the Left respond if an Olympian wore a MAGA hat on the podium during the medal ceremony?”

FULL FACEBOOK NOTICE TEXT:  “Gwendolyn, you may have been exposed to harmful extremist content recently

Violent groups try to manipulate your anger and disappointment. You can take action now to protect yourself and others.

Get support from experts

Spot the signs, understand the dangers of extremism and hear from people who have escaped violent groups.”

Notice that the supposedly offending post didn’t mention President Donald Trump nor imply or encourage violence of any sort and yet, it’s still deemed “harmful extremist content” from “violent groups” from which I might need protection and “support from experts” to cope with such exposure.

That’s right, the very thought of the acronym for “Make America Great Again” has become such a boogeyman in the leftists’ hivemind, they see it as harmful and extremist.

If you’re anything like me, you’re simultaneously unsurprised at this while also thinking, “What the H-E-double-hockey-sticks is going on here?!” Does Facebook actually believe that all posts and all people who simply view “MAGA” in a post would need to seek support? Really? Does Facebook actually believe every single one of the over 74 million Americans who voted for President Trump in 2020 is a potential “violent extremist” just because he or she might post “MAGA,” wear a red hat, or believe America is great? Sadly as we already suspected, this is what it’s come to and the answer appears to be an unequivocal “yes.”

With that in mind, it’s well past time we remind Facebook and the rest of the leftists who think they speak for America just who the actual online and real-life extremists really are. Let’s look at where the Left stands on three key issues:


We know because the Left has told us ad nauseam that it sees everything through the lens of racism, whether real or perceived. It believes one’s skin color bestows both disadvantages to non-whites and ambiguous privileges to whites. Ironically, it also believes being born in America–the most prosperous and free nation on earth–doesn’t provide significant opportunities for non-whites.

No Relief for Lego Man or Other January 6 Detainees Prospects look dim for those caught up in Merrick Garland’s Capitol protest witch hunt.  By Julie Kelly

Joe Biden’s Justice Department wants the Lego Man kept behind bars—indefinitely.

Federal agents seized a plastic replica of the Capitol building from the Pennsylvania home of Robert Morss during his arrest on June 11. Justice Department officials are citing the Lego model as evidence in the criminal case against Morss for his involvement in the January 6 protest: “During his arrest, law enforcement recovered some clothing and other items that appear to match those he carried with him on the 6th—including a ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ flag, a neck gaiter, a military utility bag, a black tourniquet, and military fatigues. (Law enforcement also recoverd [sic] a fully constructed U.S. Capitol Lego set.)”

So wrote government prosecutors in a July 2 filing asking the D.C. District Court to deny Morss’ release while he awaits trial on nine counts, including assaulting police officers and disorderly conduct. 

While dangerous criminals daily threaten the safety of innocent people in cities across the country—and many are released on bail—the FBI continues its nationwide manhunt for Capitol protesters while the Justice Department repeatedly petitions the court to keep the accused incarcerated for months on end.

Attorney General Merrick Garland, who despicably compares January 6 to the Oklahoma City bombing, recently bragged his office reached a “benchmark” of 500 arrests. (Who knew criminal investigations had quotas?). In more than 100 cases and counting, Garland’s prosecutors have sought and often received pretrial detention for first-time offenders, including defendants not accused of committing any violent crimes.

The government’s justification for keeping Capitol defendants in jail until either a plea agreement or trial is that the events of January 6 were uniquely horrific and anyone who participated poses a threat to the country. 

“Morss’s dangerousness is not limited to his past actions, but presents a future threat,” assistant U.S. Attorney Melissa Jackson warned in the July 2 detention motion. “It is difficult to fathom a more serious danger to the community—to the District of Columbia, to the country, or to the fabric of American Democracy—than the one posed by someone who knowingly and eagerly engaged in a violent insurrection to occupy the United States Capitol and abort the certification of a lawful and fair election.”

Will the Democrats have broad smiles on their faces at the end of their Jan. 6 kangaroo inquisition? By David Zukerman

For reasons not yet explained, the media refers to the date of the demonstration at the Capitol six months ago as “Jan. 6,” not as “January 6.”    The forthcoming kangaroo inquisition on the event, under the aegis of Speaker Pelosi, will likely, then, be called “The Jan. 6 Hearing” — if not  the “Trump-provoked Insurrection Hearing.

If the reason for the abbreviated use of first month of the year, in the context of the Capitol demonstration is unclear, the purpose of the Pelosi-directed kangaroo inquisition is perfectly clear:  to smear the Republican Party as the party of insurrection, racism and authoritarianism.    Will the GOP house leadership hand Pelosi the sword to decapitate them — figuratively.

This writer covered the January 27, 2007 anti-Bush protest of leftists in the vicinity of the Capitol.  The images obtained included those of Hollywood celebrities, including Susan Sarandon, Jane Fonda, and Sean Penn, as well as members of Congress including a dour John Conyers and a smiling Jerrold Nadler.   

Will the performance, indeed participation of congressional Republicans during this kangaroo inquisition be such as to have Rep. Nadler smile even more broadly than the smile this writer captured via a Canon camera using film, some 14 and a half years ago?