What Would We Do Without Experts? Fauci, the Wuhan lab and 100 years of the Chinese Communist Party.James Freeman


It’s getting harder to believe Dr. Anthony Fauci’s claim that his government agency never funded “gain-of-function” research to engineer new viruses at China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology. Meanwhile, Thursday brings a timely reminder of who ultimately oversees that lab in Wuhan.

It’s the Chinese Communist Party, which this week celebrates its 100th anniversary. Lowlights along the way include the killing of tens of millions of Chinese citizens in the 1950s and ’60s. The party’s current governance is also not without its flaws.

The Journal’s James Areddy writes:

A former Chinese Communist Party academic, now a critic of the regime, is urging the U.S. to abandon “naive” hopes to engage with Beijing, while warning that the country’s leadership is more fragile than it appears.
In a forthcoming paper timed to the party’s centennial Thursday, Cai Xia, a former professor at Beijing’s Central Party School, says that four decades of U.S. bridge-building has merely entrenched a Chinese leadership inherently hostile to the U.S. And under President Xi Jinping, China no longer finds engagement useful, Ms. Cai wrote.
“Wishful thinking about ‘engagement’ must be replaced by hardheaded defensive measures to protect the United States from the CCP’s aggression—while bringing offensive pressures to bear on it, as the Chinese Communist Party is much more fragile than Americans assume,” Ms. Cai wrote. Her 28-page paper is slated for publication this week by the Hoover Institution, a conservative-leaning think tank at Stanford University.

100 Years of Chinese Communism The Party’s reliance on fervent nationalism is a danger to global freedom and democracy.


The Chinese Communist Party will celebrate its 100th anniversary on July 1 with fireworks and nationalist fervor, but it is no occasion for joy. The Party retains its iron grip on power, and it now poses the leading threat to global freedom and democracy.

Note that we are referring here to the Party, not the Chinese people. They are not the same. The 95 million Party members have special privileges and rule over 1.4 billion by the threat of arrest and ruin for dissent. “In the east, west, south, and north, the party leads,” Party chief and Chinese President Xi Jinping once said, echoing founder Mao Zedong.


The most important fact never to forget is the Party’s murderous history. The Communists retreated to Yenan in the 1930s and let the Chinese nationalists under Chiang Kai-shek do most of the fighting against Japan in World War II. Mao then won the civil war in 1949 and proceeded like all Communists to purge opponents and take total control.

What followed were the bloodiest decades in world history, rivaled only by Stalin’s purges. The Great Leap Forward led to mass famine. In the Cultural Revolution, Mao unleashed the Red Guards to torment anyone suspected of disloyalty or bourgeois tendencies. Millions were banished to the countryside, and over the Mao years unknown millions of Chinese died.

After Mao’s death, Deng Xiaoping won a power struggle and began the free-market reforms that have produced China’s fantastic economic growth. For a time, social and political controls eased. But the Party has never relinquished power, and in 1989 Deng crushed the democratic uprising in Tiananmen Square. China still censors even the word Tiananmen on search engines, often with the acquiescence of Western tech companies.

The NIH’s Diversity Obsession Subverts Science A project to understand the brain becomes a futile effort to make up for educational disparities. By Heather Mac Donald


The National Institutes of Health supports a multidisciplinary neuroscience initiative to expand understanding of the brain. Research applications include treatments for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, autism and depression. On June 10, NIH director Francis Collins announced a new requirement for participating in the brain initiative. Neurologists, molecular biologists and nanophysicists seeking NIH funding must now submit a plan showing how they will “enhance diverse perspectives” throughout their research. Scores on the “plan for enhancing diverse perspectives” will inform funding decisions.

This new requirement is part of Dr. Collins’s continuing effort to atone for what he calls biomedical science’s “stain” of “structural racism.” The NIH already supports more than 60 “diversity and inclusion initiatives,” but those have apparently failed to eradicate NIH’s own “systemic and structural racism.”

Each “plan for enhancing diverse perspectives” must show how the principal investigator will “empower” individuals from groups “traditionally underrepresented” in biomedical research, such as blacks, the disabled, women and the poor. Institutions are also covered by the diversity mandate. Researchers working on an NIH neuroscience grant should be drawn from institutions that are traditionally underrepresented in biomedical research, including “community-based” organizations.

Dr. Collins provided no evidence for “structural racism” other than demographic data on NIH’s grant applicants and recipients. Black applicants are “present in far fewer numbers compared with their representation in the US population, 13.4%,” according to Dr. Collins’s announcement. In 2020 black scientists made up 2.3% of the 30,061 funding applications the NIH received. Less than 2% of NIH grants go to black principal investigators.

To Dr. Collins and his academic peers, such disparities are virtually irrefutable evidence of discrimination, though grant reviewers don’t see an applicant’s race. But the use of population data as a benchmark for assessing institutional racism ignores racial disparities in academic skills, achievement and study practices that the NIH didn’t cause and couldn’t possibly do anything to remedy.

Is the CDC Still Relevant? By Roger Stark


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the premier federal agency in charge of scientific public health research and information dispersal. It is a large, bureaucratic organization with a budget last year of $11.1 billion. For more than a year it has been the leading voice for COVID-19 recommendations and requirements for Americans.

The CDC is supposed to base those recommendations on scientific research, yet over the past 15 months it has been extremely slow in updating those recommendations as the science about COVID-19 advances. As a result, the agency is losing its credibility with the American public.

When the pandemic broke out in the United States, the CDC focused on the potential of surface contact transmission. It said hand sanitizers were the primary weapons to combat the viral spread. In March, 2020, the CDC said masks were not recommended for the general public. One month later, the CDC reversed course completely and virtually required masks for any activity outside the home. It wasn’t until May 2021 that the CDC actually admitted that the virus was spread by aerosolized particles and that surface spread was negligible.

The CDC also forced Americans to eliminate nearly all social and economic activities and quarantine at home. Businesses shut down, schools closed, teaching went virtual, and all “non-essential” interactions were banned. This was in spite of the real science data that showed by the summer of 2020 that there were categories of people who were at high risk for catching the virus and dying and that large segments of society are at very low risk. It became very clear that the elderly and those people with medical conditions such as high blood pressure and obesity were most susceptible to the virus. Yet the CDC did not differentiate between those people at high risk and those who had a very low probability of a serious illness. All Americans were essentially treated the same by the agency.

Incremental Outrageousness Is Killing America Bruce Abramson


Critical race theory has exploded into public consciousness. Millions of American parents are just coming to realize that our schools have become woke indoctrination centers preaching divisiveness, bigotry, discrimination, and disdain for American history. Most of them are wondering how we got here.

The answer is simple: Slowly. Incrementally. One step after another, over the course of decades. It’s hardly just K-12 education. An incentive system of “incremental outrageousness” has taken every aspect of American culture dangerously far from reality into the orgy of radical leftist hatred known as progressivism.

How did it happen without anyone noticing?

Turns out, we’ve reached the endgame of a strategy the radical left put in play in the 1960s: the long march through the institutions. The onslaught began in higher education—an institution particularly well suited for a takeover because it functions without external market signals. Success in academia hinges entirely on peer approval. Faculty members make all decisions concerning the hiring, firing, and promotion of junior colleagues, curriculum design, publication in prestigious journals, the appropriate paths for research, and the availability of public and private research funding.

The surest way to succeed as an academic is thus to flatter the senior folks charged with making decisions about your career. The best way to do that (within the bounds of legality and propriety) is to “build upon” their work—that is, by taking it one step further in the recommended direction. Senior academics select the direction. Junior academics bolster the prestige of their seniors whenever they make a new “scientific discovery” along the designated path. In one fell swoop these junior academics show how important past work has been and tie their own egos, prestige, and careers to those of their seniors.

This process calcifies conventional wisdom while divorcing each new “discovery” from everything other than the step that immediately preceded it. Each small step in the approved direction represents a small step away from the reality that originally grounded it.

Incremental outrageousness. Consider, for example, the well-grounded observation that it might be worthwhile to study history from the perspective of the peasants and/or the conquered rather than of royalty and/or the victorious.  Fast-forward a few decades and many incremental steps. Now, perspective implies sympathy; those who study the oppressed are compassionate, while those who study the oppressors are cruel. Fast-forward a few more decades. Critical theory reduces all human interactions into conflicts between oppressors and oppressed.

Diane Bederman; Influencers and Your Children


Influence: the power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways : sway: the act or power of producing an effect without apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of command:  corrupt interference with authority for personal gain

According to a 2019 survey from Common Sense Media and Survey Monkey: “Teens get their news more frequently from social media sites (e.g., Facebook and Twitter) or from YouTube than directly from news organizations. More than half of teens (54%) get news from social media, and 50% get news from YouTube at least a few times a week. Fewer than half, 41%, get news reported by news organizations in print or online at least a few times a week, and only 37% get news on TV at least a few times a week.” Among teens who got their news from YouTube, two-thirds reported learning about the news from celebrities and influencers, rather than news organizations.

So what is an Influencer? The figure of an influencer is supposed to change how we behave, to be a spokesperson who should show a deep sense of appreciation (for something), rather than appropriation. It’s an influencer’s responsibility to create experiences, ideas and ways of thinking that entice crowds to follow them.  Many of these influencers have from hundreds of thousands to millions of followers.

These Influencers are speaking to your children in their bedrooms, without you there to mediate, teaching them morals and values that may not be yours but fit in with today’s cancel culture. They are like pedophiles and bullies who come after your children on line.

I remember people of influence. They did not have the title Influencer. They didn’t need the title. They just influenced by example. They certainly were not given the responsibility to create ways of thinking! What a sense of self-importance!



This just in: a motorcyclist who identifies as a bicyclist has broken the world bicycling record for the 4000 meter individual pursuit.

On a more serious note, Colorado baker Jack Phillips, the man who defied the politically correct mob and refused, in the name of freedom of religion and freedom of speech, to bake a wedding cake for a homosexual couple, is back in court. This time he’s refusing to bake a cake specifically designed to celebrate Autumn Scardina’s transition from being a man to being a “woman.” Rational persons have been wondering for some time why the Democrats ever decided to make an issue of transsexualism, given that the number of persons involved is miniscule. But to ask this question is to fail to understand the dynamics of the cultural cleansing currently under way in the West.

First, though, a brief lesson on the use and abuse of language. Historically “gender” was a term used in grammar. In Latin, for example, the word for water, aqua, which English speakers would consider to be neuter in gender, is feminine, so the forms which the word takes in different contexts reflect this. The word for book, liber, another neuter word for English speakers, is masculine in Latin. Italian and Spanish, among other languages, also work this way, but English does not.

So until relatively recently, no one would have thought of referring to a man as being of the male gender; he was of the male sex. The word “male,” on the other hand, is indeed of the male gender. So we say, “The male seeks his mate” rather than “The male seeks her mate.”

But the culture vandals of the Left needed a word to help them normalize, for the first time in the history of mankind, the phenomenon of a man who considers himself to be “really” a woman (or vice versa). So they began to refer to his sex, which is determined biologically, as male, but to his “gender,” which they would determine in an entirely different way, as female.

Trust the Science? By: Judd Garrett


The new catchphrase these days to bully people into compliance is “trust the science.” We are continually told, we must “trust the science”, and if we don’t “trust the science”, we are some sort of conspiracy theory nut jobs. 

I have some questions:

●  Isn’t it “the science” that created this Covid-19 pandemic in the first place? 

●  Isn’t it “the science” that is responsible for millions of deaths worldwide? 

●  Isn’t it “the scientists” that have lied and covered up the origins of Covid-19 for a year and a half to protect themselves? 

●  Isn’t the reason why we had a pandemic is because “the science” believed it was infallible? 

●  Didn’t “the science” believe that it could genetically manipulate a deadly virus, and no harm would be done? 

●  Didn’t Mary Shelley warn us of this over 100 years ago in her novel, Frankenstein? 

●  Isn’t hubris one of the biggest deadly flaws to which “scientists” continue to fall victim?

Maybe when scientists start acting honestly, responsibly, and ethically, then the rest of us would be willing to “trust the science” they produce. The pure discipline of science is not the problem. Many unbelievably great things for humanity are a result of science. 

The issue is the unabashed arrogance that science displays from time to time, as evidenced in the phrase “trust the science”. That arrogance is where science goes off the rails. So, we need to take a contradictory stance towards science. We need to believe in the importance and potential of science, but at the same time continue to view science with a skeptical eye.

Science is made up of scientists, human beings who are fallible, imperfect, who are susceptible to human frailties like the rest of us; greed, pride, arrogance, selfishness, fear, short-sightedness, bias. 

Scientists are not immune to the corrupting forces of the world to which the rest of us humans fall victim. 

We have seen that on full display over the last year and a half. People can no longer hide behind the moniker of “scientist”, and assume that it makes them infallible, or immune to criticism. 

Joe Manchin Is a Fake The West Virginia Democrat is a very savvy politician. But he doesn’t represent Americans or the people of his state or the spirit of compromise. He’s a phony. By Dan Gelernter


I have a number of friends who are excited about the impending results of the Arizona election audit. I also have a little knowledge of what’s going on there, though perhaps not much beyond what is available to the average American. What I tell my friends is: Don’t get your hopes up.

My home state of Connecticut had a Republican governor in recent memory and, not long before that, no state income tax. In the 2010 gubernatorial election, Democrat Dan Malloy was trailing Republican Tom Foley statewide, even as the counting seemed to be wrapping up. But then—shazam!—a bag of uncounted ballots was “found” in McLevy Hall. As the Connecticut Post reported at the time, “Even as Foley’s campaign demanded the ballots be taken by State Police to Hartford for counting by a neutral authority, city officials insisted the existence of the ballots previously had been disclosed and that Bridgeport election workers would count them Thursday night.”

They were still counting in Bridgeport three days after the election. They eventually came up with enough votes in that single city to erase Foley’s statewide lead. Malloy was declared the winner, and Connecticut has been an uncontestable blue state ever since.

Any of this sound familiar?

The problem with a careful audit of the ballots is that most vote fraud has been sanctioned by state law. In Georgia, for example, a consent decree signed by Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger changed the process of signature verification so that when an official notices a mismatch he now has to consult with two other officials and they have to agree by a two-out-of-three vote that the signature doesn’t match. Then they have to put their names in writing to record their appraisal of the matter and they mail the voter in question a provisional ballot, giving him an opportunity to “cure” the mismatch. In practice, therefore, signature verification never happens.

And of course, once a ballot has been separated from its envelope—as they all have been by now—there is no way to reconnect the two, even if auditors find a suspicious signature. Which means there is no way to cure the fraudulent vote itself. That is why mail-in voting is such a bonanza for fraud, and why the Democrats have worked so hard to make it the norm. The toxic Voting Rights Lab was proud to note in a recent report that only two-thirds of voters cast their ballots on Election Day in 2016, and in 2020, only one third voted on election day. So we’re told.

The Palestinian Police State by Khaled Abu Toameh


These [Palestinian] leaders have turned the Palestinian Authority-controlled areas of the West Bank into a police state where political opponents are beaten to death, arrested, tortured and intimidated.

The crackdown was almost entirely ignored by the mainstream media in the West — until the death of Banat. It was ignored because the perpetrators were not Israeli policemen or soldiers. It was ignored because the media could not find a way to blame Israel for the fact that the Palestinian government was harassing, intimidating and torturing Palestinians.

The silence of the international community and media towards the human rights violations by the Palestinian Authority has prompted Palestinian journalists to make a direct appeal to the European Union to provide them with protection.

The protests… are mainly directed at the Biden administration, whose representatives have recently been courting and searching for ways to cozy up to Abbas and his Fatah cohorts. The message Palestinians are sending to the Biden administration: Stop empowering our brutal, corrupt leaders.

Will the Biden administration and the Western world actually legitimize — and reward with millions of dollars and possibly even a state – political leaders who brutalize, torture and murder their own journalists and citizens? To gain what? A legacy of America championing a regime like that?

Earlier this year, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas enacted a decree-law on boosting public freedoms ahead of the Palestinian parliamentary and presidential elections, which were supposed to take place on May 22 and July 31.

Article I of the law provides for “establishing an atmosphere of public freedoms in all the territories of Palestine, including the freedom to practice political and national action.”

Article II provides for “banning the detention, arrest, prosecution of, or holding to account, individuals for reasons relating to the freedom of opinion and political affiliation.”