Protesters take over Columbia University’s Hamilton Hall in escalation of anti-war demonstrations

Dozens of protesters took over a building at Columbia University in New York early Tuesday, barricading the entrances and unfurling a Palestinian flag out of a window in the latest escalation of demonstrations against the Israel-Hamas war that have spread to college campuses nationwide.

Video footage showed protesters on Columbia’s Manhattan campus locking arms in front of Hamilton Hall early Tuesday and carrying furniture and metal barricades to the building, one of several that was occupied during a 1968 civil rights and anti-Vietnam War protest on the campus. Posts on an Instagram page for protest organizers shortly after midnight urged people to protect the encampment and join them at Hamilton Hall.

The student radio station, WKCR-FM, broadcasted a play-by-play of the hall’s takeover – which occurred nearly 12 hours after Monday’s 2 p.m. deadline for the protesters to leave an encampment of around 120 tents or face suspension. Representatives for the university did not immediately respond to emails requesting comment early Tuesday.

Universities across the U.S. are grappling with how to clear out encampments as commencement ceremonies approach, with some continuing negotiations and others turning to force and ultimatums that have resulted in clashes with police. Dozens of people were arrested Monday during protests at universities in Texas, Utah and Virginia, while Columbia said hours before the takeover of Hamilton Hall that it had started suspending students.

Demonstrators are sparring over the Israel-Hamas war and its mounting death toll, and the number of arrests at campuses nationwide is approaching 1,000 as the final days of class wrap up. The outcry is forcing colleges to reckon with their financial ties to Israel, as well as their support for free speech. Some Jewish students say the protests have veered into antisemitism and made them afraid to set foot on campus.

Humza Yousaf is everything that’s wrong with modern politics Vain, haughty and brazenly disdainful of working people – we now know what wokeness in power looks like. Brendan O’Neill

For me, the most notable thing about the Scottish first minister Humza Yousaf is his haughtiness. Rarely has a man’s arrogance been so out of proportion to his intellect. He has honed to perfection the Diane Abbott style of addressing both the media and the masses as if they were special-needs children. Remember the time he told a striking nurse to stop being patronising? All she’d said is that politicians like him are not listening to nurses’ concerns. ‘Let’s not patronise each other’, he snapped. A man with great power telling an underpaid health worker to check her patronising tone is, ironically, patronising beyond comprehension.

If this were just a personality trait, I could live with it. (Kind of.) If his ‘snide, arrogant and patronising’ demeanour – as one Scottish observer described it – was just the way he is, I’d be a tad more forgiving. We can all be wankers at times. But with Yousaf, something else is at play. His condescending style is directly reflective of his condescending politics. His conceited bemusement at journalists’ questions and pompous disdain for the Scottish throng are less personality tics than core tenets of his identitarian belief system. It is not an accident that a man beholden to the ideology of woke should be such a neo-aristocratic arse.

As Yousaf heads for a no-confidence vote – following his dissolving of the coalition between his Scottish National Party and the Greens – it’s worth reflecting on what his time in office has told us about politics in the 21st century. It is unlikely his first ministership will bother the history books much – though his recent batty claim that men experience misogyny might be included in a future tome on Stupid Shit Politicians Say. And yet there is something noteworthy about his rule. It’s shown us what wokeness in government looks like. It has given us a grisly glimpse of what will become of public life once the grievance-mongers of identitarianism seize the reins of power.

Fundamentally, Yousaf’s is a government not for the people, but against them. It’s an administration devoted less to unleashing Scotland’s potential than to taming its bigotries. It’s concerned less with meeting Scots’ needs than with policing their feelings. This is why his speech on the unbearable whiteness of Scottish politics was so important. You remember it. It’s gone viral about a hundred times since he first made it in the Scottish parliament during the BLM madness of June 2020. He reeled off various ruling-class positions – lord advocate, solicitor general, Police Scotland chief constable – and barked the word ‘white’ after each one. A country where 96 per cent of people are white has mostly white rulers? I’m shocked.

‘You Have a Beautiful Daughter…’: The Persecution of Christians, March 2024 by Raymond Ibrahim

[O]n March 25, the Lahore High Court in Pakistan awarded custody of a 13-year-old Christian girl to her Muslim kidnapper.

Charges were filed, “but instead of arresting the two suspects, police tipped them off …. Since that time, they have been threatening me and my mother to withdraw the case or face the consequences.” – Morning Star News, March 8, 2024, Pakistan.

“Christians are obviously a despised minority [in Yemen]… Christians are often last in line as it relates to being able to receive the care and attention there as war and as these things continue to escalate. That has a ripple effect … while Christians were already last [in] line, that line becomes even further elongated.” — Open Doors USA CEO Ryan Brown, Christian Broadcasting Network, March 8, 2024.

“I thought it only happened elsewhere.” — Mayor of Clermont d’Excideuil, France, March 11, 2024.

The Muslim Slaughter of Christians

Russia: On March 22, Muslim terrorists armed with automatic weapons launched an attack on Crocus City Hall near Moscow, massacring at least 139 people and wounding more. Boasting of “killing Christians,” ISIS quickly claimed the attack in a statement that said the assault was intentionally designed to target “thousands of Christians.” Two months earlier, ISIS issued a communique to the “Lions of Islam” — presumably Muslim “avengers” around the world — to terrorize and slaughter Christians and Jews, including by targeting churches and synagogues.

Shock and Awe on the Campaign Trail A Rubicon has been crossed, and advance troops are already besieging various outposts of our taken-for-granted institutions and assumptions about our social lives. By Roger Kimball

I would wager that a million or more words have been written about the trials and tribulations—but especially the trials—of Donald Trump. I have written quite a few myself, here at American Greatness and elsewhere.

Some stories from the left are of the gleefully salivating variety. “Goodie! The Bad Orange Man is Getting His and Might Even go to Jail.  Hallelujah!”

But it is my impression that more and more commentary has a worried, if not an out-and-out tone of alarm.  Former Attorney General William Barr is no fan of Donald Trump. But he recently announced that he was endorsing Trump because the likely alternative—Joe Biden—was so much worse.

I suspect that, with the passage of time, that endorsement will be seen to mark a turning point in l’affaire Trump. If even an anti-Trump figure like Bill Barr has lined up behind the former president, a rearrangement of the stars is underway.

Note well: The primary fulcrum of this change is not an assessment of the relative merits of Trump vs. Biden.  Rather, it’s a reaction against the perversion of the DOJ and the coercive power of the state under Biden.  Trump is the most obvious victim. But any opponent of the regime is a potential target.

“Shock and Awe” is the popular phrase military folks use to describe a strategy of using “spectacular displays of force to paralyze the enemy’s perception of the battlefield and destroy their will to fight.”

That is a good description of what the Biden administration is attempting to do to Donald Trump.  Thanks to the incisive reporting of Julie Kelly, Mike Davis, and others, we now know that there was extensive co-ordination between the Biden White House and the myriad prosecutors, attorneys general, FBI agents, and other official factota to formulate a strategy to indict, intimidate, and neutralize Trump as a political actor.

The Travesties of the Trump Trials Tragically for the country, to stop this left-wing madness, the Trump travesties may not be the end, but the beginning of precisely what the Founders feared. By Victor Davis Hanson

Do not believe the White House/mainstream media-concocted narrative that the four criminal court cases—prosecuted by Alvin Bragg, Letitia James, Jack Smith, and Fani Willis—were not in part coordinated, synchronized, and timed to reach their courtroom psychodramatic finales right during the 2024 campaign season.

These local, state, and federal Lilliputian agendas were designed to tie down, gag, confine, bankrupt, and destroy Trump psychologically and physically. They are the final lawfare denouement to years of extra-legal efforts to emasculate him.

Indeed, the nation is by now worn out by these serial assaults on constitutional norms: the Hillary-funded Steele dossier subterfuge; the pre-election Russian laptop disinformation campaign; the two impeachments without special counsel reports; the impeachment Senate trial of a private citizen; the effort to remove Trump’s name from state ballots; the ongoing attempt to emasculate the Electoral College; or the radical opportune changes in state election laws to ensure massive mail-in balloting.

Recently, Andrew McCarthy has reviewed in depth this coordination between White House personnel and prosecutors, long known and long denied by the left. Biden, for example, had complained to aides about Attorney General Merrick Garland’s tardiness in getting special federal prosecutor Smith appointed—and thus apparently ensuring Trump was convicted before the election.

Nathan Wade, Fani Willis’s now-fired paramour prosecutor, visited and consulted with the White House counsel’s office when he was acting supposedly as a purely local county prosecutor. The January 6th left-wing-dominated congressional committee consulted with the Biden administration in sending forth its criminal referrals about Trump’s purported role in the protests. And to handle his pseudo-indictment against Trump, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg hired Biden Justice Department official Vincent Colangeio.

Two, the prosecutors’ delayed criminal indictments and E. Jean Carroll’s civil suit were predicated only on Donald Trump running for reelection. After his 2020 defeat, the loss of the two Republican senate seats in Georgia, and the January 6 demonstrations/riot, Trump was written off by pundits as politically toxic.

Rx for America by Lawrence Kadish

We might start by returning to energy independence. The climate would not be hurt one bit: The US has plenty of oil under the ground; we can extract it more cleanly than anyone. Instead, we are paying exorbitant prices to, say, Russia for oil that is far dirtier, while the Chinese Communist Party are opening two new coal plants a week. The result, in terms of clean air, is therefore currently either net-zero or, thanks to “protecting” the planet from America’s clean oil, actually down.

Additionally, the US outlay for buying overpriced foreign oil and gas for immediate domestic use has simply served to finance both Russia’s war on Ukraine, and Iran and Hamas’s war on Israel. If the US were to start drilling, refining and exporting oil again, its price would go back down to $40 or $50 a barrel, nearly half its current $83 – and Russia and Iran, soon unable to afford their global aggression, would be forced to stop.

Next, the US should return to a policy of strong economic growth. No country has ever taxed itself into prosperity. Let America’s animal spirits — in a creative, economically open market — loose again. Lower everyone’s taxes and tear up all regulations that are now throttling growth. Most regulations are probably only there because some adversarial country that is trying to cut the US down to size — think Russia and China — wants them to be.

America’s “competitors” are not competitors. They are openly adversaries (here, here, here, and here) and would seem to love nothing more than putting the US out of business. They are already doing their best to cripple and displace the US technologically, militarily and economically. The Chinese Communist Party, after causing more than a million Americans to die by deliberately lying to the world about the human-to-human transmissibility of Covid-19, are literally poisoning Americans by smuggling in fentanyl and other lethal drugs. According to Dr. John C. Hagan, writing in Missouri Medicine:

“Enough fentanyl to kill every person in the United States is smuggled in monthly. Prosecutors and courts consistently fail to prosecute drug dealers whose products kill more than 100,000 people per year.”

Video: Drag Queen Leads Children in Chants of ‘Free Palestine’ Welcome to the Left’s harrowing twilight zone.

Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk posted to X (Twitter) the short video clip below of a radical Left double-indoctrination whammy: a drag queen hired by “Valley Families for Palestine” leading children in a chant of “Free Palestine.”

No word on whether it was explained to the children that drag queens would be tossed from the rooftops of “Palestine.”

Check it out below:

Why Are Women in America Cheering for Hamas and Iran? Phyllis Chesler

Have you noticed that young women all across America are demonstrating for Hamas, Iran, and Palestine? Why would such privileged and educated women, the heirs to the #MeToo movement and to Second and Third Wave Western feminisms, cheer for male rapists and male killers, arguably the most blood-thirsty and sadistic misogynists this side of Ghenghis Khan? Why side with Islamist barbarians who have jailed, tortured, and executed their own women over a slipped Islamic veil, and who would forcibly convert their Western female admirers to Islam, veil them as well, and coerce them into polygamous marriages?

[T]hey are privileged political opportunists posturing as victim-pariahs who feel that they are “occupied” by Western patriarchy.

Do these educated daughters of affluence understand that were they to express any views deemed dissident in Gaza, Teheran, or Kabul or, were they to announce that they were “queer” or gay, (which is how some of these activists identify themselves), that they would be instantly honor killed?

In the months since 10/7, in addition to the odious, faux-feminist silence about the gang-rapes of both women and men, the torture of babies and whole families, the kidnapping of civilians — a terrifying tsunami of hatred towards Israel, America, and Jews has exploded into non-stop jihadi-style, belligerent mobs, whose goal is to disrupt civil society and gain both attention and followers for their reprehensible views. The news of Hamas’s pogrom on steroids, unleashed their Jew hatred, and whetted the mob’s appetite for more of same.

Majority Of Voters (Still) Back Border Wall, Stiff Immigration Controls: I&I/TIPP Poll Terry Jones

When it comes to immigration, one thing is clear: Americans overwhelmingly favor building a border wall and strongly enforcing existing immigration laws, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows. It’s a big reason why immigration has become the No. 1 issue in the 2024 presidential election.

For our April national online I&I/TIPP Poll, taken April 3-5 from 1,432 registered voters, we asked the following broad question:

“Since President Biden took office in 2021, immigration rules have been loosened, allowing for the entry of 5 million undocumented immigrants from around the world, according to the government’s own count. How would you address the immigration issue?”

The answers once again showed a strong general preference for a return to the stiffer border controls that had significantly diminished illegal entry into the U.S.


Sunday, April 28
General Election: Trump vs. Biden

Trump 49, Biden 43

Trump +6

General Election: Trump vs. Biden vs. Kennedy vs. West vs. Stein

Trump 42, Biden 33, Kennedy 16, West 4, Stein 3

Trump +9

Pennsylvania: Trump vs. Biden
CBS News/YouGov

Trump 50, Biden 49

Trump +1

Wisconsin: Trump vs. Biden
CBS News/YouGov

Trump 50, Biden 49

Trump +1

Michigan: Trump vs. Biden
CBS News/YouGov

Trump 49, Biden 51

Biden +2

Michigan: Trump vs. Biden vs. Kennedy vs. West vs. Stein
CBS News/YouGov*

Biden 45, Trump 43, Kennedy 9, Stein 3, West

Biden +2