On Sept. 17, 2021, our nation will celebrate the 234th anniversary of our beloved U.S. Constitution.
The fact that this document has lasted for such a period is a remarkable feat. Legal scholars have reviewed national constitutions that have been adopted since 1789 and concluded that they lasted an average of only 17 years.
But as I travel the country, Americans are asking me, “How much longer do we have before our constitutional protections are wiped away? How long before our nation descends into a real tyranny?” One friend went as far as saying, “If you criticize this administration, they call it hate speech; if you disagree with their actions, they call you a domestic terrorist.”
My friend wasn’t exaggerating, reading the most recent Department of Homeland Security issuance on Friday of a nationwide terrorism alert message titled “National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin.”
To be frank, I was stunned and found myself asking, have we, the United States of America, sunk to a new low? Although we are approaching the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks against our nation, this terrorism alert does not say one word about Muslim extremism being a threat and it barely mentions al-Qaida.
Rather, this terrorism bulletin focuses on the Bidens’ political opponents. Its sweeping rhetoric was so broad that it could put under suspicion more than half of all Americans. Is the Biden administration redefining domestic terrorism? Will having a pro-American set of beliefs and using the word “patriot” get you labeled a domestic terrorist?
The alert focuses on those who resist the Anthony Fauci COVID-19 narrative, stating that “threats are also exacerbated by impacts of the ongoing global pandemic, including grievances over public health safety measures and perceived government restrictions.” I wonder what “perceived” government restrictions they had in mind — aren’t the real restrictions damaging enough?