Anti-Semitism Should Not be Part of the American College Experience For years, leadership at U.S. colleges has incubated and tolerated extreme left-wing ideologies that led to the current anti-Semitic and anti-Israel protests. Fred Fleitz

Most Americans have been shocked by recent images of violent anti-Israel and anti-Semitic protests on college campuses. Jewish students at America’s top universities, including Columbia, NYU, and MIT, are being physically attacked and intimidated. Jewish students are fleeing Columbia University because campus police cannot guarantee their safety.

How can this happen in America in 2024? Why are we seeing the return of the vile prejudices and hatreds of the 1930s at our leading universities? Who is responsible for this?

The leadership of America’s colleges and universities bears most of the blame.

Many of these student protesters are not high-minded crusaders for justice but lazy, ill-informed morons who know little about Israel, Palestine, and the Middle East. They are also cowards who are hiding behind masks because they don’t want their anti-Semitic and anti-Israel radicalism to prevent them from getting high-paid jobs in corporations and law firms. These student protesters are afraid that heroic organizations like Canary Mission will put their names and faces on mobile billboards and list them in databases to hold them accountable for their hateful extremism.

Anti-Israel/anti-Semitic professors are the source of much of the violent protests and are egging them on. On Monday, hundreds of Columbia University faculty members staged a walkout to protest the school’s decision to have police arrest student protesters. Also in New York City, police blamed faculty and professional agitators for causing heated standoffs after university officials asked the police to remove a protest encampment and arrest 120 protesters, according to the New York Daily News.

One has to ask: if these student protesters are actually demonstrating for justice and peace, why didn’t they begin their protests on October 7, 2023, after Hamas terrorists waged the deadliest attack on Jews since the Holocaust—slaughtering babies, raping women, burning whole families alive, and taking hundreds of innocent Israelis hostage? More than 1,200 Israelis were killed. The Hamas terrorists also took about 240 hostages and imprisoned them in tunnels in Gaza. Israel believes about 100 of these hostages are still alive.

Where’s the outrage on college campuses over the rapes, murder, and brutality committed against innocent civilians in Israel on October 7? Where are the demands that Hamas immediately free its hostages?

Irena’s Vow A new film dramatizes the life of an almost unbelievable heroine. by Danusha V. Goska

Irena’s Vow is a 2023 film dramatizing the World War II heroism of a young Polish nursing student, Irena Gut. Irena’s Vow is a two-hour, color film. It was shot in Poland. The film is in English. It received a limited US release in April, 2024. Irena’s Vow has an 86% professional reviewer rating on Rotten Tomatoes and a 93% fan reviewer rating. Veteran reviewer Rex Reed calls Irena’s Vow “One of the most astounding holocaust stories.” He says, “It’s true, if fantastic.” The film is “anchored by the powerful, heartfelt performance of Sophie Nelisse as an innocent girl whose integrity and resolve turns her into a woman of maturity and strength.” Roman Haller, a Holocaust survivor, says, “It is a very great film. I expected a good film, but it is even more than I expected. … I saw my mother. I saw my father. I saw Irena … She was like a mother to me … I want to tell you there were people like that.”

Dr. Glenn R. Schiraldi wrote the 2007 book, World War II Survivors: Lessons in Resilience. He devoted a chapter to Irena Gut Opdyke. She was, he writes, “a diminutive, elegant woman with warm, radiant blue eyes and delicate features. She is one of the kindest, most loving women I have encountered. She reminds one of Mother Teresa. As she spoke, I often found myself choking back tears.”

Dan Gordon is a veteran screenwriter and also a former captain in the Israeli Defense Forces. Gordon says, “About 25 years ago, I was driving to my home in Los Angeles and listening to the radio. I heard a woman, Irene Gut Opdyke, telling her story. When I got home, I sat in the car in the driveway for another hour and a half, because I couldn’t stop listening.” He worked for years to get the film made.

The Hamas Nazi Ivy League Why history is repeating itself on campus. by Daniel Greenfield

The Nazi cheers of Sieg Heil didn’t start out in Munich, but in Massachusetts.

The Nazi chant was borrowed from Harvard football cheers and imported to Germany by Ernst “Putzy” Hanfstaengl, a Harvard man in good standing who befriended Hitler and helped build a more respectable brand for the National Socialists.

“Putzy” was one of a number of Ivy League elites who were enchanted by the Third Reich.

Socialism forcefully implemented by great men, whether it was FDR, Mussolini, Stalin or Hitler, was the great obsession of America elites of the era who were convinced that it was the only answer to the chaos of capitalism and the hurly burly of democracy and technology.

Columbia University, whose Hamas occupation fills the front pages of every newspaper in the country while driving Jewish students off campus, has changed little in some ways. A hundred years ago, Columbia University President Nicholas Murray Butler was laboring to keep Jewish students out while celebrating Mussolini’s fascism. Butler’s admiration for fascism was common among university presidents, leaders of society and even in the FDR administration.

Not just remastered football cheers, but eugenics, another obsession of Ivy League elites, made its way over to Germany where it was implemented in a far deadlier fashion, not only against Jews, but against German disabled and others deemed to be “life unworthy of life” in keeping with the ideology whose adherents included Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger.

Peeling back the layers of the dominant ideologies that Ivy Leaguers hold today leads to National Socialist or Communist ideologies. The Ivy League elites who were environmentalists, socialists, globalists and population control advocates a century ago were strongly influenced by these totalitarian ideologies that called for tyranny and mass murder.

The fantasy of open borders Mass migration will only lead to more suffering Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Before entering today’s torturous immigration debate, we would do well to remember James Baldwin. “Power without morality is no longer power,” he observed. And the border question is fundamentally a moral one.

On one side, there is a growing belief that an open borders policy is a vital moral response to the economic inequality between countries. In these milieus, national citizenship within a bounded community in the Western world is increasingly seen not as a birth right but as just another unfair advantage. As the political theorist Joseph Carens puts it, Western citizenship is “the modern equivalent to feudal privilege — an inherited status that greatly enhances one’s life chances [that] is hard to justify when one thinks about it closely”. And just like feudal privileges, they should be cast aside.

On the other side, meanwhile, the vox populi disagrees. Polling consistently shows that most Western citizens want less immigration, a sentiment that has risen in recent years in the US, UK, France and Germany. Faced with the elite-approved “human right” to unlimited free movement, popular opinion responds with an emphatic no.

With die-hards on both sides, it’s no wonder the Senate border bill has become such a point of contention. For Democrats, the problem is not that too many foreigners are abusing asylum claims in order to immigrate illegally; it’s more that, with an election coming up, news coverage of chaotic conditions at the border doesn’t paint Biden in a good light. For the rest of us, meanwhile, the problem is the assumption that everyone in the developing world has a moral right to claim asylum in the US.

The Democrats’ Plan To Steal The Presidency For Good-The “national compact” is little more than an effort to disenfranchise RedState voters.

While Americans brace for another contentious presidential election, the Democrats have a better idea: Subvert the Constitution in the name of “democracy.” Once again, the party of the left shows why it’s losing Americans’ trust.

Quietly but steadily, the Democratic Party has been advancing its latest bold idea to create a uni-party state: A “National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.”

In case you missed it, the Associated Press reported last week that “Maine will become the latest to join a multistate effort to elect the president by popular vote,” the 17th state to do so.

As the AP noted, “Under the proposed compact, each state would allocate all its electoral votes to whoever wins the national popular vote for president, regardless of how individual states voted in an election.”

The goal of this “movement” — it’s really a plot — is to get enough states to join to get to the magic number of 270 electoral votes, the amount needed to win the Electoral College. With Maine, the group now claims 209 electoral votes, a mere 61 away from their goal.

Marxist Health Officials Want You Committed By J.B. Shurk

One of the more insidious features of Marxism’s manipulation of language is its stigmatization of opposing points of view as some form of mental disorder.  Opposition to “gay marriage” is said to be a “sign” of homophobia.  Distrusting Islamic terrorists who celebrate 9/11 and shout, “Death to America,” is a “symptom” of Islamophobia.  Wanting the federal government to secure our borders and enforce existing immigration law “reveals” underlying xenophobia.  Not wanting biological men to force their way into ladies’ locker-rooms and showers suggests that a person “suffers” from dreaded transphobia.  

Notice that all these purported psychiatric disorders are categorized as “phobias,” or more plainly, as “irrational fears.”  Marxists routinely use loaded medical language not only to demonize or disgrace their foes but also to transform any political disagreement into something that it is not.  Respecting marriage as a millennia-long institution that celebrates the bond between one man and one woman has nothing to do with being afraid of homosexuals.  Being prepared to defend yourself against those who want you dead does not mean your worries are unfounded.  Insisting that foreigners immigrate to the United States lawfully is entirely rational.  Ensuring that your mother, wife, sisters, or daughters are safe from strange (and frequently dangerous) adult men intent on intruding into their private spaces requires selfless courage.  Still, because Marxists depend upon distortions of reality to instigate cultural friction and manipulate the masses, opposition to whatever politically expedient wedge issue is currently being used as a battering ram against society must be diagnosed as a psychological abnormality.  You could say that Marxists are committed to the lie that opposition to Marxism rests on irrational fear.

Sure, communism murdered over a hundred million people in the twentieth century alone, but that’s no reason to fear an ideology that seeks only to empower the “common man.”  Right?  I don’t know whether it reveals more about the persistent malevolence of Marxism’s unashamed supporters or the human race’s inexhaustible supply of gullibility that Marx continues to lure willing disciples to further his vile legacy of mass starvation, torture, and death.  Marxism is the evil clown lurking in the sewer that reappears every generation to feast on tender human flesh, but almost every college campus in America would insist that such a description is hyperbole stemming from irrational fear.  To oppose socialism and communism today because of the murder spree the twin philosophies undertook in the past is Marx-o-phobic and should be treated like any other mental illness.

Liz Peek: 3 reasons antisemitism is swarming college campuses

How is it that in the United States, a country dedicated to protecting the rights of every minority and where hate speech is a crime, antisemitism is surging on college campuses?  

Three reasons:  

In recent decades, our educational institutions have drifted far to the left, encouraging and sometimes aligning with ultra-liberal groups who despise the foundational values of the United States. Young people today study gender politics (search Yale University’s courses for “gender” and find 191 offerings) but are taught little about World War II or the Holocaust (16 courses); they know almost nothing about the foundation of Israel and the history of the Middle East. In a vacuum, they are easily misled. 
Rising antisemitism has been underway for some time in the U.S. and in Europe, but been largely ignored by our political leaders. 
Joe Biden is a coward. He should be standing tall and commanding Hamas-loving thugs barring Jews from campuses and “occupying” schools to stand down. He should demand that university authorities and local leaders call out the National Guard if necessary to arrest and jail those creating chaos and acting illegally. It can be done, but Biden is terrified of losing the Arab-American vote — in particular not winning Michigan, a critical swing state, so he will not do it. 

The protests roiling some of our most prestigious campuses may have started organically, with students genuinely concerned about the fate of Palestinians in Gaza, but the unrest now appears increasingly guided by professional agitators. 

New York City Mayor Eric Adams noted that the tents in the so-called “Gaza Solidarity Encampments” at different schools look remarkably alike, suggesting that some central group may have distributed them to campuses.

108 arrested at Emerson College protest, 4 Boston police officers hurt CBS News Mike Toole, Penny Kmitt, Christina Hager

BOSTON – Boston Police arrested more than 100 people as they cleared out pro-Palestinian protesters and their encampment from Emerson College early Thursday.

108 arrests at Emerson College, 4 Boston police officers hurt

“108 arrests,” a Boston Police spokesperson told WBZ-TV in an email. “4 injured officers, 3 minor, 1 more serious. All non-life threatening.”

Police said none of the protesters in custody have reported any injuries “at this time.” Some of the 108 students were brought into Boston Municipal Court late Thursday morning. They were not arraigned, but had court dates scheduled for next week. Some thought police were too aggressive.

“I don’t think that they needed to use full riot gear. I don’t think that they needed to slam people into statues and then slam people into the ground. You can arrest people without assaulting them,” a student who only identified himself as Oliver told WBZ at court.

Attorneys showed up at court, volunteering legal representation for students who were arrested. “I think peaceful protest is really important and I think that’s the goal of these students right now and we’ll see how each individual case plays out,” said Marat Erkan, who’s with the National Lawyers Guild.

Emerson College protesters warned

Emerson students started camping out in the 2B Alley off Boylston Street late Sunday night and had remained there for three days. Boston Police warned them Wednesday that they were violating city ordinances in the alley, which is not solely owned by Emerson College.

US, Qatar and Iran: Release the Hostages! by Michel Calvo

The United States, France, Germany, Russia and Argentina, who had dual nationals taken hostage, did not try to bomb Hamas infrastructure and places where Hamas hid. Instead, they let Israel do it and then accused Israel of destroying the Gaza Strip.

Rather than putting any pressure on Qatar and demonstrating in front of Qatari-owned hotels in France, the United States and elsewhere in Europe, the families of the hostages have been putting pressure on the Israeli government, thereby doing exactly what Hamas would presumably like them to do. They are “working” for Hamas — and against their own interests — in the hope of seeing more hostages released. By their actions the value of the hostages only increases.

The demonstrators are doing what Hamas cannot do by itself: they are dividing Israel so that the unity government loses its strength in the negotiations, as well as any ability to bring the hostages home sooner — a triumph that was successfully accomplished by the IDF, left unfettered.

The hostages are not the Israeli government’s to deliver. They are unfortunately under the total the control of Hamas, Qatar and Iran –which is where the pressure should be applied, not on the government of Israel.

The only way a new Israeli government might negotiate the release of hostages would be by placing Israel’s entire population in incalculable danger. Any new Israeli leader hand-picked and pushed through by the current US administration would most likely be expected to agree to a terrorist Palestinian state next to Israel — meaning that the Israel would not be able to cross its border, if necessary, in “hot pursuit” of terrorists, and that the new state would soon be militarized, officially or not. Even if a new, sovereign Palestinian state were supposedly demilitarized, it would still be free to form alliances with any other entity it liked, including Iran, Al Qaeda or ISIS.

Qatar said it would invest in France 10 billion euros and in exchange France said it would be happy to try to save the terrorist group Hamas…. Everyone wins — except the hostages held by Hamas.

Without the US military base there, Qatar knows that it would be a rich, targetable oil-rig. America, “in exchange,” it seems, agreed to let Hamas continue its terrorist activities support the US quest for a Palestinian state. No remaining hostages were released; perhaps they were not even talked about.

Even though American citizens are among those still held hostage in Gaza, the US appears to have sided with the Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist groups, and their terrorist-supporting patrons, Qatar and Iran.


Bloomberg Battleground State Polls
Wisconsin: Trump 48, Biden 44

Arizona: Trump 49, Biden 42

Georgia: Trump 49, Biden 43

Michigan: Biden 47, Trump 45

Pennsylvania: Trump 47, Biden 46

North Carolina: Trump 51, Biden 41

Nevada: Trump 51, Biden 43