Oppressed Palestinians or Potentially Oppressive Terrorists? By Raymond Ibrahim


Why do Palestinians, who present themselves as victims of land-grabbing Israeli oppressors, extol and find inspiration in the land-grabbing oppressors of history? 

On April 16, 2021, Al Jazeera published an article by ‘Adnan Abu ‘Amar, “head of the Political Science Department at the University of the Ummah in Gaza,” on the topic of jihad during the month of Ramadan. In it, he explains how Palestinians find “inspiration” in various jihads throughout Islamic history, “prominent among them the raid of Badr, the opening of Mecca, the opening of al-Andalus, and the battle of the pavement of martyrs [the Battle of Tours].”

Interestingly, in all these battles, the Muslims were the aggressors.  They invaded non-Muslim territory, butchered and enslaved its inhabitants and appropriated their lands — and for no other reason than that they were “infidels,” non-Muslims. 

The battle of Badr was occasioned by Muhammad’s raids on non-Muslim caravans; the “opening” of Mecca — in Muslim historiography, the euphemistic word “opening [to the light of Islam]” is always used in place of “conquest” — was simply that, the conquest of a non-Muslim city; the opening/conquest of al-Andalus is a reference to the years 711-716, when Muslims invaded and slaughtered countless thousands of Christians in Spain and torched their churches; and the battle of Tours is, of course, where the Muslim invasions into the heart of Europe were finally halted in 732.

In fact, Palestinian elements are constantly praising the unjustified conquests of others.  On May 29, Hizb al-Tahrir — the “Liberation Party” — often holds large outdoor events near al-Aqsa mosque to commemorate the anniversary of the Islamic conquest of Constantinople (May 29, 1453).   During one of these, after all the takbirs (chants of “Allahu Akbar”) had subsided, Palestinian cleric Nidhal Siam spoke:

Oh Muslims, the anniversary of the opening [that is, conquest] of Constantinople brings tidings of things to come. It brings tidings that Rome will be conquered in the near future, Allah willing….   [Moreover,] Islam will throw its neighbors to the ground, and its reach will span across the east and the west of this Earth. This is Allah’s promise, and Allah does not renege on his promises.

Biden-Harris Foreign Misadventures Harris fails — while Biden derails America First. Joseph Klein


The Biden-Harris duo have embarked on their first foreign journeys as president and vice president of the United States. Vice President Kamala Harris’s two-day visit to Guatemala and Mexico to work on the “root causes” of the migration invasion into the United States was a complete disaster. She managed to garner sharp criticism of her performance from both sides of the aisle. President Joe Biden flew off to Europe to sign a new “Atlantic Charter” with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, attend both this year’s Group of 7 (G7) and NATO summit meetings, and meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva. Biden is demonstrating his eagerness to bury the America First priorities and be welcomed as a full-fledged member of the globalist “club.”

After Biden’s arrival in the United Kingdom and meeting with Prime Minister Johnson, the two leaders signed what they branded as “The New Atlantic Charter.”  It’s supposed to be an updating of the original Atlantic Charter signed 80 year ago by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill, which looked ahead at a world freed of “the Nazi tyranny.” The new charter steers clear of naming the leading tyrannies of today that threaten international peace and security – China and Russia. It mentioned terrorists only once, again declining to name the enemy – Islamist jihadists. The new charter declared that tackling the climate crisis, protecting biodiversity, and sustaining nature would be prioritized “in all our international action.”

FDR and Winston Churchill had valid reasons in the midst of World War II for laying out their broad vision of a future world freed of Nazi tyranny. The new Atlantic Charter is a publicity stunt meant to highlight Biden’s and Johnson’s commitment to a globalist philosophy.

During the G7 summit, Biden tried to enlist Western nations and Japan to counter China’s growing global influence. Biden wants to lavish developing nations with hundreds of billions of dollars in financing as an alternative to China’s Belt-and-Road Initiative. Spending boatloads of American taxpayers’ money is Biden’s way of solving every problem.

“Officials emerging from the session said there was a clear division of opinion about how to take on China,” the New York Times reported. Europe and Japan want to foster good relations with China for economic reasons. They are not on board with Biden’s professed confrontational approach to China, which Biden has yet to back up with strong concrete actions.

Biden made headway with his initiative for the G7 to back an agreement on a global minimum tax rate of at least 15 percent on multinational companies. But that may only end up hurting American businesses if other major countries outside of the G7, especially China and Russia, do not go along. Don’t hold your breath waiting for China to join in. “The days when global decisions were dictated by a small group of countries are long gone,” a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in London said in a statement.

The Lessons of the Yom Kippur War, Pre-Emptive Strikes and Iran What Israel must never do. Hugh Fitzgerald


The Yom Kippur War was a war Israel almost lost. The accepted story is that Israel was taken by surprise; that Egypt and Syria managed to launch simultaneous attacks against an unprepared IDF. It turns out that the true story was more disturbing than that: Israel knew in advance, thanks to American intelligence, of the Arabs’ plans, but refused to engage in a pre-emptive strike because of its leaders’ fear of world condemnation. They were willing, that is, to sacrifice Israeli lives in order to limit the diplomatic damage that would likely result from a pre-emptive strike. This was not a wise decision. The story is here: “Israel Knew of Imminent Attack Before Yom Kippur War, Did Not Strike for Fear of International Reaction: Documents,” by Benjamin Kerstein, Algemeiner, June 6, 2021:

Newly released documents reveal that the Israeli government knew that Syria and Egypt were set to attack Israel on Yom Kippur 1973, but chose not to make a preemptive strike, fearing international condemnation.

The Egyptian and Syrian surprise attack on Israel’s southern and northern borders set off the Yom Kippur War, which proved to be one of Israel’s most traumatic conflicts — with over 3,000 dead, thousands wounded, and enormous economic damage to the Jewish state.

Israeli news site Walla reported Sunday that the newly revealed documents include protocols of the Israeli security cabinet, which met on Yom Kippur just before the Egyptian-Syrian surprise attack to discuss newly arrived intelligence that war was about to break out.

Defense Minister Moshe Dayan told the assembled ministers, “The assumption is that this evening, at dusk, or shortly before dark, a full-scale attack will begin on both fronts.”

There was still time to order airstrikes that day, or the next, on both Egyptian and Syrian forces, and to move more IDF troops into the Sinai (which in 1973 Israel still held), and further south, as well as call up the reserves on which the IDF must depend. But Israel did none of those things before Egypt and Syria attacked. It didn’t want to be seen as the aggressor.

There is a phrase to describe this Israeli attitude: the “galut mentality.” This refers to the attitude of Diaspora Jews of bowing and scraping and being quiet for fear of offending the Christians; thank goodness there was no such attitude in June 1967, when Israel attacked first, putting aside any worries about what the world might think, and consequently was able to destroy the Egyptian Air Force within the first day of the Six-Day War.

This information [about a full-scale attack by Egypt and Syria], he said, had come from American intelligence, which had “credible information” that an attack was imminent and had informed the Israelis a few days before.

Since the intelligence about Egyptian and Syrian plans came from the Americans, they would understand fully – and certainly not condemn – Israel for striking first. They could even testify that they had been the ones to furnish that information to Israel. It’s unclear what “condemnation” Israel was worried about. Did it fear condemnation by the Europeans? By the U.N.? As long as the Americans could exercise their veto power in the U.N. Security Council, the U.N. could no nothing except issue its usual anti-Israel resolutions at the General Assembly, which unlike Security Council resolutions, are non-binding.

Boris’s mind turns to mush Is it Cabinet Cognitive Collapse or unbridled cynicism? Which is worse? Melanie Phillips


Whatever you may think about Boris Johnson’s character or fitness for the great office of Britain’s prime minister that he currently occupies, there has never been any serious questioning of his brain capacity. This is deemed to be sufficient to negotiate with the EU in Latin while simultaneously writing his book on Shakespeare and beating Emanuel Macron at strip poker. 

However, something horrible appears to have happened to the Johnson grey matter. An early symptom of this affliction (which he seems to have contracted directly from an earlier and distressing victim of Cabinet Cognitive Collapse, Michael Gove) was his evangelical promotion of “net zero” carbon emissions to arrest “climate change”.

Through this policy, he intends to fleece the poor for the high-minded privilege of freezing to death, ramp up inflation and cripple the economy while undoing much of the industrial revolution. This is in order to alter the composition and course of the climate, a system which is impenetrably complex, non-linear and chaotic but whose alteration he seriously proposes to achieve by reducing one already minute factor in its composition — the equivalent of the attempt to extract sunbeams from cucumbers in Jonathan Swift’s satirical island of Laputa.

Further evidence of alarming prime ministerial brain malfunction emerged recently when, in the wake of the row over the England football team being booed by fans for “taking the knee” before a qualifier match for the Euros, the prime minister first urged fans not to boo the England players for “taking the knee;” but after pressure to go further in backing the team’s gesture, his spokesman then said: 

The Prime Minister respects the right of all people to peacefully protest and make their feelings known about injustices.

But “taking the knee” is not to protest against injustice. It is to support the agenda of Black Lives Matter, a violent, anti-west and anti-white movement which pioneered the gesture. This has been adopted by well-meaning but ignorant people, who naively believe they are signalling their opposition to racial prejudice and injustice when in fact they are signalling their support for racial prejudice and injustice — against white people. So deeply has this mind-rot penetrated society that, as one journalist told me in all seriousness the other day in a radio discussion: 

There’s no such thing as racism against white people.

How America is Now Threatening its Allies Undermining Israel’s security wasn’t enough. Melanie Phillips


Israel isn’t the only country that’s having to cope with a US administration threatening to undermine its security.

President Joe Biden last week ordered a senior American diplomat to issue a severe formal rebuke to Britain for the way it is dealing with the European Union over Northern Ireland.

Accordingly, Yael Lempert, the acting head of the US mission to the United Kingdom, issued a diplomatic reprimand to Britain’s Brexit minister, Lord Frost, and delivered a veiled threat that America’s proposed trade deal with Britain depended upon Boris Johnson’s government acceding to Biden’s demands.

The noxiousness of this rebuke — more commonly issued to adversaries than to an ally— doesn’t just derive from America interfering in the policies of a sovereign country. It’s also because, just as with Israel, this interference is based on an ignorant and dangerously partisan view that, under the guise of advancing peace, is in fact a powerful incentive to further violence and aggression.

Lempert told Frost that Biden wanted the United Kingdom to settle its dispute with the EU even if that meant making “unpopular compromises.”

She suggested that in his robust negotiations with the EU, Frost was threatening to undermine the 1998 Northern Ireland “Good Friday” peace agreement.

The row centres on part of the Brexit deal with the EU known as the Northern Ireland Protocol, which resulted from the British government’s desperate attempt to untie a Gordian knot created by the Good Friday Agreement.

That agreement brought to an end years of terrorist violence between Northern Ireland’s majority Protestants and its Catholic minority, and against the British who had tried to keep the peace in this province of the United Kingdom.

Crucially, it involved an open border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

Jason Hill Video: Cultural Nihilism and the End of Education in America How our institutions of learning became national security threats.


This video is brought to you by a Freedom Center-Glazov Gang collaboration on a new exclusive webinar series, Teach-Ins for the Twenty-First Century. Join us as some of the leading thinkers and pundits on the scene today discuss key issues related to the coronavirus pandemic and its ongoing implications, confronting the Left, the jihad terror threat, and much, much more. And make sure to ask your own questions of our experts.

This new webinar features Jason D. Hill, a professor of philosophy at DePaul University in Chicago and a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center.

Dr. Hill discusses Cultural Nihilism and the End of Education in America, revealing How our institutions of learning became national security threats.

Don’t miss it!

Kamala Harris Just Keeps Getting Worse A political opportunist with neither a clue nor a rudder. David Limbaugh


No matter how mentally diminished President Joe Biden is, you have to be horrified by who waits in the wings should he leave office before the expiration of his term.

Unfortunately, one of the many consequences of Biden’s mental decline is an impairment of judgment that manifests itself in such reckless decisions as putting Vice President Kamala Harris in charge of the border. It is like making a colicky infant the goalie of a professional hockey team. If Biden were more alert, I would suspect it was his way of seeking revenge against Harris and those who foisted her on to his presidential ticket.

Harris has neither a clue nor a rudder on this critically important issue, which by any fair measure, now must be considered a crisis. She is a dedicated progressive, and progressives are flagrantly open borders-oriented. But even more, she is a political opportunist and will say anything to salvage her hemorrhaging reputation.

Thus, after all the root-causes rhetoric and the castigation of anyone who properly advocates even a modest level of border enforcement, she told migrants during a press conference Monday, “Don’t come here.” “As one of our priorities, we will discourage illegal migration,” she said. “And I believe if you come to our border, you will be turned back. Do not come. Do not come,” she continued. “The United States will continue to enforce our laws and secure our border.”

Perhaps we should be grateful for the whiplash if it means we’ll begin to see a saner border policy, but how can we possibly rely on the White House to enforce the border when it’s signaled in every imaginable way that it is ideologically opposed to protecting our sovereignty?

WE CAUGHT THEM! Pennsylvania Results Show a Statistically Impossible Pattern Behind Biden’s Steal By Joe Hoft


On election night President Trump totally ran away with the election in Pennsylvania. 

President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden by nearly 700,000 votes! It was an insurmountable lead.

The President was still ahead in Pennsylvania with 56% of the vote to Biden’s 43% the next morning.

The President was winning Pennsylvania and held a 675,000 vote lead in the election over Joe Biden.

What happened next was corrupt and criminal as the Democrats went about to steal Pennsylvania for Biden.

They took a Trump landslide and they criminally flipped it to Joe Biden.

According to Pennsylvania’s election returns website, on election day President Trump won nearly two-thirds of all votes cast in the state.

The President won 2.7 million votes compared to Biden’s 1.4 million votes.  The President’s votes were nearly twice as many as Joe Biden’s!

But what happened next was shocking.  Pennsylvania began counting ballots by mail.  There was no reporting on how many votes were outstanding at the end of election night.  There was no reporting ever that we are aware of where the state announced how many votes were left to count after the election.

They just kept counting.

The state also allowed votes to come in for three more days after the election.  Of course, these were all mail-in ballots.  We do not know how many mail-in votes came in during these three days.  The Republicans were not allowed to observe the counting of these votes even though a court order was in place demanding that the state do so.  These actions go against Pennsylvania’s constitution which states that the voting process is to be determined by the legislature.  The change in the ruling was implemented by the executive and judicial branches.  This is an important issue with the Trump campaign in their complaints against the state as they try to undo the injustices in Pennsylvania.

Flashback: DC Mayor Honored At DNC For Riot Response. New Reports Reveal She, Not Trump, Teargassed Protesters For more than a year, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser allowed President Donald Trump to take the blame for what her police forces had done.By Mollie Hemingway


The first speaker former actress Eva Longoria introduced at the Democratic National Convention in August 2020 was Muriel Bowser, the Democrat mayor of Washington, D.C. Longoria referenced the clearing of a street in front of the White House earlier that summer, an operation the media had repeatedly falsely characterized as the violent removal of peaceful protesters with tear gas for the sole purpose of a photo opportunity for President Donald Trump.

“When peaceful protesters were teargassed across from the White House, our next speaker stood up, stood strong and turned that place into the Black Lives Matter Plaza in their honor. Please welcome Mayor Muriel Bowser,” Longoria said.

Amazingly, new reports confirm it was Bowser — not Trump — who teargassed the protesters a few blocks away from the White House on the evening in question, that the protests had repeatedly devolved into violence and arson, and that the clearing was done for major security concerns and not a photo opportunity. For more than a year, Bowser allowed Trump to take the blame for what her police forces had done.

In her nationally broadcast speech, Bowser inaccurately called the violent riots — marked by widespread looting, arson of historic buildings, arson of White House buildings, and assaults on scores of police officers — safe and peaceful. Then she blamed Trump for her own police force’s teargassing of protesters.

“[W]hile we were peacefully protesting, Donald Trump was plotting. He stood in front of one of our most treasured houses of worship and held a Bible for a photo op. He sent troops in camouflage into our streets. He sent tear gas into the air and federal helicopters too. I knew if he did this to DC, he would do it to your city or your town, and that’s when I said enough,” she said.

But it was Bowser who “did this to DC,” not Trump.

America Has An Existential Civics Education Crisis That More ‘Civics Education’ Will Only Make Worse By Joy Pullmann


This entire fight is over whether Americans will live under the original Constitution or its bastardized enemy. The civics curriculum battle is key to who will win that war, and the left has the upper hand.

As leftists push for greater control of what children learn about American history and how Americans define their civic responsibilities, a majority of Americans support more “civics education,” an interesting new Heritage Foundation survey finds.

“[T]wo-thirds of parents and nearly three-quarters of teachers share a strong desire to see greater emphasis on civics education. Indeed, interest in civics education among parents has increased substantially over the past five years. However, only around one-third of each group are satisfied with the type of content included in their schools’ civics education,” says the report, which Gabe Kaminsky exclusively reported here.

This datapoint might be taken by some Republicans and right-branded institutions to support an effort underway branded as a “bipartisan” push to “increase civics education.” Look, something about which most Americans can agree amid a time of bitter cultural divides!

The problem with this takeaway is that it is neither supported by the rest of the report, the context into which it is released, the history of American public education, nor the increasingly clarifying realities of America’s current cold civil war.

Stanley Kurtz and the National Association of Scholars have done yeoman’s work exposing the national “civics education” agitation as a leftist play for increased political power. In short, here’s the problem this report underscores about that political background: Most Americans may want more “civics.” But they do not at all agree what “civics” means.