This post wanders from the Midwest to a D.C. suburb, but the locations really have no geographic relevance because we’re witnessing the same thing playing out in public schools across America. It’s also got a lot of tweets, because they tell the story in real-time, with important videos. Stick with it, though because the bottom line is important: Parents are beginning to realize that the institutions that they fund and to which they’ve entrusted their children are indoctrinating their children with racist, Marxist theories. Moreover, when challenged, they will react like cornered rats and call upon the police state to protect themselves.
To begin with, you must see the Critical Race Training forced on Iowa School System teachers. The training is aggressively non-partisan in tone, as well as being racist and Marxist. (Hat tip: Twitchy.) After you’ve looked at these tweets (skimming them is fine), keep reading this post, because I’ll have more evidence of the battle between public schools and the public:
While many attendees doubtlessly sit in those CRT training sessions stoically listening as a way to keep their jobs, many teachers take this seriously. They believe it is their Gaia-given right to use their classroom to indoctrinate the students in their care.
The teacher in the video below, who is from Iowa (so ignore the language about Texas), is an example of people who take the training to heart helped, no doubt, by the endless indoctrination they experienced at college. They then use their authority in the classroom (and their control over students’ grades) to brainwash America’s children with material that violates laws against partisan education, racism, and, in Iowa, CRT indoctrination: