China and Russia: The Guns of April by Gordon G. Chang

Russian troops are massing on the Ukraine border, Chinese vessels are swarming Whitsun Reef of the Philippines in the South China Sea, and China’s air force is flying almost daily through Taiwan’s air-defense identification zone. Chinese troops for almost a year have been dug in deep in Indian-controlled Ladakh in the Himalayas. Two large aggressors are threatening to break apart neighbors and absorb them.

American attempts to de-escalate flashpoints are seen in Russian and Chinese circles as failures of resolve.

The Global Times, an unofficial Communist Party tabloid used by Beijing to signal new policies, on April 12 posted a video of Hu Xijin, its editor-in-chief, warning that Beijing would overfly Taiwan—in other words, fly into Taiwan’s sovereign airspace—to “declare sovereignty.”

Chinese leaders speak provocatively because, among other reasons, they do not believe the United States or others will come to Taiwan’s rescue…. In effect, China’s leaders are saying they do not believe President Joe Biden would defend Taiwan.

In a propaganda blast on April 8, China’s regime said Taiwan “won’t stand a chance” if it decides to invade the island. This Chinese self-perception of overwhelming strength is extraordinarily dangerous….

[W]e have already passed the point where just declarations and warnings will suffice. The Biden administration has yet to impose costs on China for aggressive actions jeopardizing America’s security and that of allies like Japan. Chinese leaders, while hearing the mild warnings from the Biden administration, must be asking one question: “Or what?”

Vladimir Putin in 2019 said that Russia reserved the right to protect ethnic Russians outside Russia. This month, Dmitry Kozak, deputy head of Russia’s presidential administration, said his country might intervene to “defend” its citizens. If it did, he suggested, Ukraine would not survive because it would not be “a shot in the leg, but in the face.”

The American response has not been adequate. Russians perceive Biden as feeble. “In Putin’s game of brinkmanship, Biden blinked first,” said journalist Konstantin Eggert to the BBC, referring to the American president proposing a meeting to his Russian counterpart. Biden’s “nerves,” he said, “had failed him.”

That assessment may be correct. In the face of threats directed at Washington by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, the U.S. Navy did not, as many had expected, send two destroyers through the Bosporus into the international waters of the Black Sea. Politico reported that “two U.S. officials familiar with the plans” said the cancellation was due to American concerns about inflaming the Russia-Ukraine situation….

the ultimate decision to stay away made it look as if the U.S. had backed down.

The Dragon and the Bear appear to be coordinating moves, as they have for some time. At the very least, each is acting with an eye to what the other is doing. Once one of these aggressors makes a move, the other large state, taking advantage of the situation, will almost certainly follow. Biden also has to be concerned about Moscow or Beijing acting through proxies Iran and North Korea.

All the elements for history’s next great conflict are now in place.

Russian troops are massing on the Ukraine border, Chinese vessels are swarming Whitsun Reef of the Philippines in the South China Sea, and China’s air force is flying almost daily through Taiwan’s air-defense identification zone. Chinese troops for almost a year have been dug in deep in Indian-controlled Ladakh in the Himalayas. Two large aggressors are threatening to break apart neighbors and absorb them.

Why Aren’t We All Socialists? The Left is no longer on the outside looking in. They’re running the show. They can’t stick it to the man anymore because they are the man. By Dan Gelernter

In 1984, a defecting KGB propagandist named Yuri Bezmenov gave an astounding interview which remains one of the most trenchant in the history of American politics. Espionage and microfilm, he said, are a minor part of the KBG: 85 percent of their manpower and money are spent on “intellectual subversion,” a four-stage plan to replace democracy with socialism by destroying America’s ability to defend its democractic ideals. 

Stage one, demoralization, takes 15-20 years, because that’s how long it takes to pump Leninism-Marxism into the “soft heads” of a generation of American students. They graduate to become half-baked intellectuals running the government, the civil service, the mass media, and education. They are, as Bezmenov says, permanently contaminated: “A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information—the facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures. Even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him a concentration camp, he’s going to refuse to believe it.”

“This,” Bezmenov warned, 

is what will happen in the United States if you allow all these schmucks to bring the country to crisis: To promise people all kinds of goodies and a paradise on earth, to destabilize your economy, to eliminate the principle of free market competition, and to put a big brother government in Washington, D.C., with benevolent dictators like Walter Mondale, who will promise lots of things—never mind whether the promises are fulfilled or not. He will go to Moscow to kiss the bottoms of a new generation of Soviet assassins. . . .

From ‘Insurrectionists’ to ‘Interruptionists’ More than 100 days after the January 6 melee at the Capitol, promises of high-powered sedition charges have yet to materialize. By Julie Kelly

Well, this is a bummer for the sedition-baiting crowd.

The Biden Justice Department last week announced its first plea deal related to the January 6 protest on Capitol Hill: Jon Ryan Schaffer pleaded guilty to two charges—obstruction of an official proceeding and entering the Capitol with a dangerous or deadly weapon.

Schaffer, who has no criminal record, faced six counts of various trespassing and disorderly conduct offenses. (He did not plead guilty to any of the initial charges.)

He turned himself in to law enforcement on January 18 and has remained behind bars ever since; like many Capitol defendants, Schaffer was transported to Washington, D.C. to await trial. Schaffer’s arrest was part of the “shock and awe” manhunt the Justice Department unleashed immediately following the unrest to deter people from protesting Joe Biden’s inauguration.

In an April 15 press release, the Justice Department patted itself on the back for a job well done. “On this 100th day since the horrific January 6 assault on the United States Capitol, Oath Keepers member Jon Schaffer has pleaded guilty to multiple felonies, including for breaching the Capitol while wearing a tactical vest and armed with bear spray, with the intent to interfere with Congress’ certification of the Electoral College results,” Acting Deputy Attorney General John Carlin said in the statement. “The FBI has made an average of more than four arrests a day, seven days a week since January 6th.”

Carlin, a top deputy in the Obama Justice Department, worked for the same shop that prepared the bogus FISA application against Carter Page. An outspoken Trump critic and onetime chief of staff to ex-FBI Director Robert Mueller, Carlin clearly thrills at the idea of using his government authority against Americans on the Right.

FBI investigators, it appears, had their hands full building a case against this dangerous criminal. (Even though the Justice Department claimed Schaffer is a “founding member” of Oath Keepers, there’s some disagreement as to whether that’s accurate.)

Officer Sicknick Died of Natural Causes, Not Riot Injuries Julie Kelly
This was just another massive lie used to gaslight the American people and justify an ongoing manhunt for Trump supporters who had the audacity to protest an illegitimate election.

Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick, according to a bombshell today in the Washington Post, died January 7 of natural causes not from injuries sustained in the Capitol protest the day before. The D.C. medical examiner told the Post that Sicknick suffered two strokes caused by a blood clot at the base of his brain stem.

“Francisco J. Diaz, the medical examiner, said the autopsy found no evidence the 42-year-old officer suffered an allergic reaction to chemical irritants, which Diaz said would have caused Sicknick’s throat to quickly seize,” the Post reported. “Diaz also said there was no evidence of internal or external injuries.”

Two men have been arrested and charged with using bear spray against Sicknick on January 6. “The ruling…likely will make it difficult for prosecutors to pursue homicide charges in the officer’s death,” the Post worried.

Sicknick’s death became a rallying cry after the New York Times reported on January 8 that Sicknick had been bludgeoned to death by Trump-supporting “insurrectionists” using a fire extinguisher. Capitol and D.C. Metro police organized a somber procession for Sicknick on January 10. Democratic leaders invited his family to participate in a rare Capitol memorial attended by Congressional leaders from both parties as well as Joe Biden and his wife, Jill, the weekend before Trump’s second impeachment trial began.

But after pushback from a handful of outlets, including American Greatness, the Times quietly retracted its initial account of what happened to Officer Sicknick. The media quickly shifted to a new narrative—the officer died after suffering an allergic reaction to bear spray. The Times even published a lengthy article with video showing how Sicknick allegedly died from the bear spray attack.

The falsehood about how Sicknick died has been repeated by every Democratic politician, nearly every news and opinion outlet, and most Republican lawmakers. It’s impossible to measure how many impressions of the lie exist on social media, and unlikely Big Tech censors will flag past and future posts as “spreading disinformation.” The lie about Sicknick’s death is still included in the House Democrats impeachment trial memo.

Nancy Pelosi rallies to Maxine Waters’s cause By Andrea Widburg

By some metrics, Maxine Waters is a true American success story – the fifth of 13 children to a single mother, she slowly worked her way up the ladder to become one of the most powerful politicians in America. By other metrics, she’s an American success story in the same way Al Capone was a success story: She attained and has retained power through thuggish bullying. Capone was finally brought to justice for his sins and Waters’ latest incitement to violence may finally be catching up with her.

Waters has been in the House since 1991, representing a very poor area in Los Angeles, even as she lives in a $6 million mansion in a mostly-white neighborhood. She has distinguished herself by being rude and obstreperous within Congress, and by inciting violence outside of it.

In 1992, when the Rodney King riots erupted, eventually killing 63 people and leading to the infamous attack on Reginald Denny, Waters didn’t try to calm the rioters. Instead, she led a “no justice, no peace” really in the middle of the riot. Waters defended the violence, saying, “If you call it a riot it sounds like it was just a bunch of crazy people who went out and did bad things for no reason. I maintain it was somewhat understandable, if not acceptable.” During the trial of Damian Williams, who was caught on camera slamming a concrete slab into Reginald Denny’s head and dancing around his body, Waters embraced Williams’s cause.

By 1994, the House’s presiding officer, Rep. Carrie Meek called Waters “unruly and turbulent” and threatened her with the House equivalent of a cease-and-desist order for repeatedly interrupting Rep. Peter King’s speech. Ironically, just recently, Waters told Rep. Jim Jordan to “shut your mouth” and stop questioning Fauci.

In 2000, 2004, and 2016, Waters objected to the results of the presidential elections. Nevertheless, she was one of those leading the charge again Republicans who challenged the results of the 2020 election.

In 2018, at a rally about “kids in cages” (which Democrats ignore now), Waters told people to intimidate people in the Trump administration:

Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.

Waters has since escalated her violent demagoguery. This weekend, after having first asked for police protection, Waters crossed state lines to head into Minneapolis. Once there, Waters riled up the crowd gearing up to destroy Minneapolis following a verdict in the Derek Chauvin case.

Even though Chauvin is not charged with First-Degree Murder, and the prosecution struggled to meet the elements of lesser charges, Waters loudly insisted that Chauvin was guilty of First-Degree murder – and urged violence if the jury didn’t find him guilty of a crime for which he’s not being charged:

I know this, we’ve got to stay in the streets. We are looking for a guilty verdict. If nothing does not happen then we have to not only stay in the streets but we have to fight for justice. I am very hopeful and I hope that we are going to get a verdict that is guilty, guilty, guilty and if we don’t, we cannot go away.

Shortly after Waters said that a drive-by shooter attacked a Minnesota National Guard and a Minneapolis police team.

Waters’ demand was so heinous that Chauvin’s attorney argued that it would influence the jury, destroying Chauvin’s right to a fair trial. Judge Peter Cahill denied that the jury would be influenced, but nevertheless lit into Waters for talking about the case “especially in a manner that is disrespectful to the rule of law”:

Judge Cahill added that Waters’ conduct was not only “abhorrent” but could result in the case being overturned on appeal if Chauvin is convicted.

Islamic State executes Coptic Christian man on video By Raymond Ibrahim

In a video released last Saturday, April 17, Muslims connected to the Islamic State executed a Coptic Christian man in Sinai, Egypt. 

The slain was identified as 62-year-old Nabil Habashi Salama.  In the video, Salama appears on his knees, with his hands cuffed behind his back; three masked men holding rifles stand behind him.  The one in the middle launches into a typical jihadi diatribe: 

“All praise to Allah, who ordered his slaves [Muslims] to fight and who assigned humiliation onto the infidels” — this latter part is said while the terrorist points at the bound and kneeling man before him — “until they pay the jizya while feeling utterly subdued.” 

This, of course, is a direct quote of Koran 9:29, which commands Muslims to “fight the people of the book,” understood as meaning Christians and Jews, “until they pay the jizya [monetary tribute] with willing submissiveness and feel themselves utterly subdued.” 

The middle speaker continued by threatening “all the crusaders of the world” — a reference to Christians in the West — while singling out the countrymen of the one about to be slain: “As for you Christians of Egypt, this is the price of your support for the Egyptian army.”

After his rant, the speaker points his rifle at the back of the bound Christian’s head — even as chants of “jihad!” blare out — and fires at point-blank range, killing him. 

Fools’ overture By Eric Utter

It hasn’t taken long: Gas prices are rising. As are the prices of other durable and consumer goods, such as timber. Crime is soaring. China is making threatening gestures and Russia is massing troops on the border of Ukraine. There is a crisis on our own southern border, which even President and Lid-Caller-in-Chief Biden accidentally admitted recently, causing White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki to claim that’s not what he really meant to say.

This was all eminently predictable because, as any rational human being knows, actions have consequences. Banning the Keystone Pipeline, printing and spending trillions upon trillions of dollars and threatening to implement preposterous environmental policies, defunding the police and coddling criminals have had the effects that similar actions have always had. They are the only possible results of actions such as these.

Likewise, pretending that China isn’t a serious and imminent threat to U.S. national interests– while simultaneously proclaiming that Russia is, even as you have no stomach to back up your assertions— was almost certain to result in the present crises situations.

But being a progressive means never having to worry about consequences because: 1) you will be too busy blaming everyone else for the devastation you have wrought 2) the national media is your bitch and 3) most Americans are ignorant of history. These facts also mean you never have to say you’re sorry. Not that you would anyway.

Hell, you can make half of the country believe that it is effective to fight racism with racism, sexism with sexism and intolerance by being intolerant.


Biden Puts Specialist in Illegal Aliens in Charge of Census And a member of a racist hate group that wanted to build Mexico in America. Daniel Greenfield

The media is touting Biden’s pick of Robert Santos as historic because he would be the first “census director of color”. Emphasizing the race or ethnicity of Biden’s nominees has become the media’s usual tactic for obscuring their radicalism while accusing their critics of racism.

As a third-generation American whose grandparents came to this country over a century ago, whose parents raised him not to speak Spanish, Santos is hardly an oppressed minority.

During the census, the media repeatedly trotted Santos out to warn that minorities would be undercounted and that the citizenship question would suppress minority participation.

“If the administration tries to take out undocumented folks, that’s going to lead to lot of litigation,” Santos warned.

“There is no question that in my mind that the citizenship question would deter participation by some parts of the public,” he told NPR.

And for a nominee to head the Census Bureau, Santos has a curious specialty: illegal aliens.

The Urban Institute, where he serves as Vice President, stated that his, “specialty areas include undocumented immigrants and other disadvantaged populations”. Santos’ first publication was for a partnership between the Urban Institute and the National Council of La Raza.

Top Ten Most Racist Colleges and Universities: #9 Elon University “White caucusing is one part of a lifelong and multifaceted commitment to antiracism.”

#9: Elon University

Elon University, a private educational institution located in North Carolina, has resurrected some of the most hateful and offensive features of the Jim Crow era—and all in the name of promoting “equity” and eradicating “white supremacy.”

The School of Education at Elon, which is dedicated to training our nation’s future teachers, sent an email invitation in February 2021 urging “white-identifying” students to join a weekly “White Caucus” Zoom meeting. As the text of the email made clear, no minority students were welcomed or invited.

“A white caucus is a space for white-identifying individuals to engage in conversations that unpack race and systemic oppression,” the email explained. “White caucuses allow white-identfying [sic] allies to have these conversations in a way that does not burden or re-traumatize people of color. White caucuses give white people a space to learn about and process their awareness of and complicity in unjust systems without harming their friends of color.”

Not only was the “white caucus” restricted to “white-identifying” individuals, its content was considered so potentially dangerous that participants were restricted from sharing anything that was discussed at the meetings or from “talk[ing] negatively about others outside the caucus.”

“White caucuses tend to be vulnerable spaces; being critically reflective and honest is a necessary part of unlearning white supremacy culture,” the email stated in an attempt to justify the extreme confidentiality rules.

This email was sent by Jennifer Strange, the school’s coordinator of graduate programs, to all students enrolled in the School of Education. It was also signed by a number of undergraduate students.

The email declared that it was “urgent” that white students join the caucus because “The School of Education mission statement commits to preparing equity-minded leaders…Participating in a white caucus is one step towards fulfilling this commitment for white-identifying students.”


The philosopher E.M. Cioran in his book, The Temptation to Exist, writes: “A decadent civilization compromises with its disease, cherishes the virus infecting it, loses its self-respect… by the same token it admits defeat, worm-eaten, done for. The smell of carrion fascinates and inflames those greedy and garrulous gravediggers we call the Apostles.”

I raise the haunting specter of an infectious virus decimating a civilization against the backdrop of two viruses at present infecting American civilization. One is biological in nature, Covid-19; the other political.

I believe that writer and social philosopher David Horowitz has identified the nature of that second virus. I think that he reasons that it is deadlier than COVID-19, and that its deleterious consequences are far more destructive and long-lasting than any biological infection.

In his latest book, The Enemy Within: How a Totalitarian Movement is Destroying America, Horowitz locates the political ideology destroying every democratic and Enlightenment value on which our constitutional republic was founded. The invasive virus identified by Horowitz is a left-wing reactionary politics ensconced within the Democratic Party.

The philosophical root of this ideology which ties it to several movements that suffuse our culture, whether it be radical feminism, Black Lives Matter, Islamic Jihadism, the equity movements, reparation movements, the trial by media of Justice Brett Kavanaugh or, what Horowitz describes as the racist anti-racist rhetoric of Ibram X. Kendi and Ta-Nahesi Coates, is: “Identity Politics.”