“President Biden is incorrigible. With his ample record of not knowing when to leave well enough alone, he probably doesn’t know better. Merrick Garland is supposed to know better.”
One would have hoped the new AG would have the good sense to steer away from score-settling prosecutions that are apt to blow up in the president’s face.
‘D on’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f*** things up.” If nothing else, former President Barack Obama is a shrewd man. Hence, this evergreen assessment of his vice president, after years of close observation. It is most manifest in Joe Biden’s ineffable glibness. Beneath it, the now-president can’t quite conceal the uncomfortable awareness that, though he somehow manages Magoo-like to land on his feet, he has always been in over his head. And he knows that you know.
If you get that, you’ll understand the latest Ukraine kerfuffle.
Yes, I know, the press says it’s all about Rudy. We’ll get to that part. At bottom, though, the story is about two other men. The first is Biden — specifically, his unique capacity to turn good fortune into farce. The second is Attorney General Merrick Garland.
It was too much to expect that Garland’s seasoned moderation would counterbalance the woke warriors of his Department of Social Justice. The president’s grandiose hallucinations aside, the Biden administration is not the New Deal reincarnate. It is not going to move epic progressive legislation across the finish line. If it’s going to appease its restive left flank, it will have to sic federal prosecutors on police departments, high-school locker rooms, and the Little Sisters of the Poor. We get that. But one would have hoped that AG Garland would have the good sense to steer the administration away from patently politicized, score-settling prosecutions that are apt to blow up in the president’s face.