Goodbye Snow White. Hello Diversity Rainbow Don Feder

Disneyland is reopening its Snow White ride to howls of protest from the Woke mob. How can she consent to Prince Charming’s kiss when she isn’t awake? #MeToo. Presumably, she’d prefer to be asleep forever than to be kissed without prior written authorization.

Frankly, I find the whole story problematic:

The very name – Snow White – suggests a connection between whiteness and purity. What about calling her Diversity Rainbow?

All of the characters are Caucasians – no dwarfs of color. It makes non-whites invisible.

Why does a man have to kiss Snow White? Why not another princess?

What’s the backstory on the Wicked Queen? Perhaps her issues arose from being dominated by a white patriarchal culture.

None of the characters are trans. Maybe Dopey and Sneezy transitioned from giants.

The dwarfs were miners. What about their carbon footprint? Noise pollution? Unsafe working conditions? Were they even unionized?

Everything doesn’t have to go. When Diversity Rainbow entered the Dwarfs’ cottage, she was homeless – and it’s good to raise awareness of their plight.

Call rewrite. We need a new script from the author of “Heather Has Two Mommies.”

Bronx judge RELEASES man, 29, who ‘smashed windows of four synagogues’ HOURS after first judge defied NYC’s bail reform laws to keep him behind bars

A New York judge has released a man suspected of vandalizing synagogues across the Bronx – just hours after another judge defied the state’s bail reform laws and ordered him locked up.

Jordan Burnette faces 42 charges he ‘terrorized Riverdale’s Jewish community’
New York’s bail reform dictates that if nobody was hurt in the attacks the suspect should qualify to be released
But Bronx Judge Louis Nock classified some of the charges as ‘hate crimes’
It saw Judge Nock impose $30,000 bail on the 29-year-old suspect 
Four synagogues in the Riverdale district of the Bronx were targeted by the rock-hurling suspect who destroyed windows and doors at the houses of worship
The suspect also caused significant damage to the Chabad of Riverdale and Riverdale Jewish Center before returned the next night to inflict more damage
The targeting of Jewish religious centers comes at a time when anti-Semitic hate crimes are at their highest levels in 40 years.

Jordan Burnette, 29, faces 42 charges over a string of attacks on Jewish places of worship. 

He appeared in court Sunday, and was expected to be freed because New York State’s bail reform laws say a suspect with his charges cannot be held on bail.

But Bronx Judge Louis Nock classified some of the charges as ‘hate crimes’ and ordered him held on a $20,000 bail.

However, the judge’s defiance didn’t last long.

Just hours later Burnette was called back to court where another justice – Judge Tara Collins – granted him supervised release, the New York Post reports.

It was not immediately clear why Burnette was called to see another judge, or why he was granted supervised release after Judge Nock’s original decision.

Jerusalem Post is Guilty of Betraying Great Friend of Israel and the Jewish People Rabbi Aryeh Spero

“Obviously the Jerusalem Post is unaware that Sean Hannity is literally one of America’s greatest supporters and advocates of Israel, more so than half of America’s Jews.  In addition, he has been a staunch friend of the Jewish community and Jewish individuals here in Long Island and other regions of the country.

“For the Jerusalem Post to imply that phraseology Mr. Hannity used to describe Bernie Sanders demonstrates anti-Semitism reveals that the Post is ignorant of Hannity’s record and the American political landscape.

“The Post suggests Hannity expressed anti-Semitism because he called Sanders ‘Bolshevik Bernie.’ Indeed, he should!  Sanders is a marxist, not simply some Swedish-style socialist. Most probably he is communist given his expressed admiration for the communist regimes of Venezuela, Cuba and the Soviet Union, and spent his honeymoon, of all places, in the communist Soviet Union’s Moscow. Listening to him over the years, the inevitable conclusion is that if possible he would institute a communist model.  

The Price Democracy Exacts for Ignorance David Catron

In an 1816 letter to his friend Charles Yancey, Thomas Jefferson wrote, “The functionaries of every government have propensities to command at will the liberty and property of their constituents. There is no safe deposit for these but with the people themselves, nor can they be safe with them without information.” Jefferson was making the case for taxpayer-funded public schools. He believed an educated electorate with access to a free press would be proof against the government’s inclination to encroach upon our liberties. One wonders if he would take such a sanguine view after witnessing what passes for education and news reporting today.

It’s useful to ponder this question now, considering that our president’s first State of the Union address was a classic expression of the propensity to which Jefferson alluded. Absent the tired bromides and outright balderdash, it was a call for the expansion of an already-bloated federal behemoth. The $2 trillion “infrastructure” plan the president pitched, for example, includes numerous programs to which few taxpayers would apply that term. Indeed, it would spend far more money on entitlement programs than on roads and bridges. As Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) expressed it in his SOTU response:

Republicans support everything you think of when you think of “infrastructure.” Roads, bridges, ports, airports, waterways, high-speed broadband — we’re all in! But again, Democrats want a partisan wish list.… Less than 6% of the President’s plan goes to roads and bridges. It’s a liberal wish-list of Big Government waste … plus the biggest job-killing tax hikes in a generation. Experts say, when all is said and done, it would lower American wages and shrink our economy.… “Infrastructure” spending that shrinks our economy is not common sense.

‘Stealth Radical’? Biden’s Program Was No Secret

Six months ago, Joe Biden was supposedly a moderate. Now, he supposedly wants to restructure the fundamentals of the American economy. This narrative is dismaying, because it suggests that Mr. Biden got elected by voters with inaccurate information about Mr. Biden’s plans.

The most nefarious spin on it — call it the “stealth radical” explanation — is that Mr. Biden and his allies in the press were intentionally misleading the voters, falsely portraying the candidate as a moderate by hiding his far-left plans.

The most generous interpretation — call it the “surprise conversion” narrative — is that Mr. Biden somehow changed his mind, entirely sincerely, after the election. Even that is problematic in terms of small-d democratic theory.

Where is the mandate or consent of the governed from the electorate for an agenda that the candidate, before the election, denied having?

A pre-election news article on the front page of the Sunday, October 18, 2020, New York Times mocked what the article called “a curious charge at the center of President Trump’s re-election effort: Mr. Biden, the president insists, is eager to do the far-left bidding of violent agitators and other assorted radicals.” The Times reported that Biden is actually “a 77-year-old moderate.”

The issue came up in the first presidential debate, on September 29, 2020. Mr. Trump said, “Joe, you agreed with Bernie Sanders, who’s far left.” Mr. Biden replied, “The fact of the matter is I beat Bernie Sanders.”

Into practice Timely teaching advice and research findings Demonstrating that everyone’s voice is valued

Dr. Monik Jimenez, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Epidemiology, uses different pedagogical approaches to elevate diverse voices and styles of learning. In her Mass Incarceration & Health in the U.S. course, she balances speaking time between a traditional scholar and an impacted community member, and emphasizes to the latter (and to students) that they are an expert. Dr. Jimenez also provides a variety of ways for students to participate and ask questions that include different cultural and neurodivergent learning styles. “It’s important to think about decolonizing the classroom in a layered way,” she reflects. “What are the multiple ways in which systems of power and white supremacy have impacted what we consider to be an ‘optimal’ student through the metrics we’ve been taught?”

The benefits: “Creating a space that demonstrates everyone’s voice is valued allows students to engage with one another in ways that are far more authentic and that last.” Students open themselves to learning, engaging more deeply with the material, and practice challenging stigmas in a carefully cultivated space. Emphasizing that voices outside the traditional scholar have deep value, permits students to feel comfortable thinking of themselves as experts. Dr. Jimenez notes that her students are often more interested in what impacted community members have to say.

“We’re challenging who you can be in this space and that your presence – your whole presence, everything that brought you to this point – is valued, not just where you went to school, but all your lived experience and distance travelled.”

Why School Vouchers Matter and How To Get Them Right Vouchers should promote true competition and benefit poor as well as rich students Charles Lipson

After a year of missed schooling and inadequate online learning, after months of teachers unions delaying the return to classrooms, it is time to reconsider school vouchers. Many “red” states are already doing so. Indiana is the most recent, and Florida, with one of the largest programs in the country, is about to undertake a major expansion. As these programs are implemented, we should learn which policies work best and build on those lessons.

The pro-voucher debate so far has focused on two features shared by all voucher programs. They offer more choices to parents and kids. And the schools supported by them appear to perform a bit better, on average, than existing public schools (after taking into account differences in student populations).

We need to refocus the debate on two other points that are crucial to designing effective programs. One is whether the payments are actually large enough to benefit poor families. Vouchers are useless to the poor unless they cover nearly all the costs of tuition, books and transportation. (The federal government already covers food costs.) The other issue is whether the programs foster genuine market competition, forcing schools to do their best for students or pay a high price for failure.

Well-designed voucher programs should accomplish the following:

Encourage new schools to enter the market,
Drive out schools that don’t meet students’ and parents’ needs, and
Shift public resources swiftly and decisively toward the best schools and away from the worst, as determined by the parents themselves.

These goals can be achieved only if resources follow the students, not the schools, teachers or administrators. They happen only if voucher programs are large enough and if bad public schools aren’t kept on life support. Right now, we don’t have that kind of vigorous competition, and it shows. Our children suffer for it.

China is Trying to Break up the Five Eyes Intelligence Network by Con Coughlin

The survival of the alliance in its current form, though, is under threat after Ms Ardern’s administration announced that it was making improved trade relations with Beijing its priority, rather than maintaining its support for Five Eyes.

“No matter if they have five eyes or ten eyes, as soon as they dare to harm China’s sovereignty, security or development interests, they should be careful lest their eyes be poked blind.” — Zhao Lijian, the spokesman for China’s foreign minister, BBC, November 19, 2020.

New Zealand’s naive approach to the threat posed by Beijing not only poses a threat to the future of the alliance itself. There is a distinct possibility that Wellington could find itself being expelled from the alliance over its pro-Beijing stance.

As a senior Western intelligence official recently commented about New Zealand’s continued membership of the alliance, the country was now “on the edge of viability as a member” of the alliance because of its “supine” attitude to China and its “compromised political system”.

New Zealand’s socialist government may believe that it is a good idea to throw in their lot with China’s communist rulers. But by doing so, they risk sacrificing their future to domination by China’s despots.

China is making a deliberate attempt to create divisions within the elite “Five Eyes” intelligence-sharing alliance by forging closer relations with the left-wing government of New Zealand premier Jacinda Ardern.

The Five Eyes alliance, comprising the US, Canada, Britain, Australia and New Zealand, dates back to the Second World War, when a number of key allies decided to share intelligence in their bid to defeat Nazi Germany and Japan.

Today, maintaining intelligence-sharing cooperation between the five Anglophone nations is deemed essential to combating the threat posed by autocratic states, such as Russia and Communist China.

The Bleak Biden Way What is the Biden way? To surveille, monitor, root out, raid, jail, confine, and smear all impediments to fundamental transformation. By Victor Davis Hanson

After a hundred days of President Biden, I think most Americans are now on to what will follow in the next few years. 

Joyless Joe

Biden frowns. He grimaces. He occasionally barks and yells as he delivers a gloomy view of America and its people, past and present. 

Admit it: We are all racists, then and now, captives of Jim Crow still. Biden needs as many fabricated enemies as he can find; otherwise, his speeches, his demeanor, his agenda are little more than absurdities. They cannot stand or fall on their own merits because they have none. So grumpy Biden, in his latest and final incarnation, is always anti-something, usually anti-Trump, anti-racism, and anti-everything traditional America is for.

Lots of bad white people still need to be rooted out—outside of the beltway. These are the ones never woken by Wall Street, Silicon Valley, the media, academia, the corporate boardroom, professional sports, and the foundations. These retrograde deplorables apparently won’t give up their “privilege” without a fight. 

Bidenism demands these environmental desecrators must stop boiling the planet. We are a xenophobic nation that won’t let pioneering migrants enter the United States. We are a Neanderthal America full of people who won’t wear their masks when vaccinated and outdoors. We are a battered America still reeling from the Trump disasters on the border, the Trump failed coup on January 6, the Trump racism that led to peaceful equity marches all last summer. 

So America needs a booster shot, a new way of electing presidents, a rebooted Supreme Court, new Senate rules, more states, and so much more—with so little time. The downer message makes Jimmy’s Carter’s old cardigan sweater sermons look inspiring, as the grey and sullen Joe himself makes Carter in retrospect seem sunny. 

The emerging Bidenism is what some of us warned we’d see last summer when the deceptive Left and naïve NeverTrump mantra preened that old Joe from Scranton would usher in post-Trump “healing.” His therapeutic candidacy was promised to be a “return to normalcy,” as he was a “moderate” eager to “unify” us.  

This illusory reboot from Trump absolutism was to be sort of reminiscent of George H.W. Bush’s “thousand points of light” and “kinder and gentler nation” promises, as the implied corrective to purported heartless eight years of Reaganism.

Ron DeSantis climbs another rung up the presidential ladder By Andrea Widburg

It’s currently unclear whether Donald Trump wants to run for President again in 2024 or whether he’ll content himself with playing kingmaker. In the latter case, lots of people are looking at Florida’s Ron DeSantis, whose refusal to bow down to leftist shibboleths is catching conservatives’ attention. His latest pronouncement that Critical Race Theory is “a bunch of horse manure” will only raise his profile with all sensible Americans.

Most people living outside of Florida weren’t paying attention to Florida governor Ron DeSantis before 2020. However, in 2020, DeSantis showed himself to be a different kind of leader. While governors across America, especially Democrat governors, were turning their states into totalitarian dictatorships with broken economies, DeSantis increased protections for the elderly and other vulnerable people in Florida, and then allowed life to continue pretty much as usual – no masks, no lockdowns. (I should add that many conservative states successfully resisted the extreme COVID mask and lockdown madness that Democrat governors showed. None, however, were as large as Florida or as entirely resistant to masks and lockdowns.)

DeSantis’s constitutional, liberty-oriented approach to dealing with COVID has driven leftists around the bend. What’s been especially irritating for them is that mask- and lockdown-free Florida had significantly better COVID outcomes than states with comparable populations, such as California and New York. That’s why outlets such as 60 Minutes have been reduced to using blatant dishonesty to attack DeSantis’s competence and honesty.