Media’s Entire Georgia Narrative Is Fraudulent, Not Just The Fabricated Trump Quotes The fake quotes, bad as they were, are just one of many ways the media have done a horrible job of covering election disputes in the state.By Mollie Hemingway

The Washington Post was busted for publishing fabricated quotes from an anonymous source, attributing them to a sitting president, and using those quotes as a basis to speculate the president committed a crime. The invented Donald Trump quotes, which related to a fight over election integrity in Georgia, were cited in Democrats’ impeachment brief and during the Senate impeachment trial.

But the fake quotes, bad as they were, are just one of many ways the media have done a horrible job of covering election disputes in the state.

According to the media narrative, the Georgia presidential election was as perfectly run as any election in history, and anyone who says otherwise is a liar. To push that narrative, the media steadfastly downplayed, ignored, or prejudiciously dismissed legitimate concerns with how Georgia had run its November 2020 election and complaints about it.

That posture was the complete opposite of how they were reporting on Georgia elections prior to Democrats performing well in them. In the months prior to November, some media sounded a bit like Lin Wood when they wrote about Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, Dominion Voting Systems, legal challenges in the state, and Georgia election integrity in general.

How Media Talked About Georgia Before Biden Won

Guess Who’ll Pay Biden’s Tax Hikes On The ‘Rich’? Hint: It’s You

If you’re an American of average income, listen up. You’re about to become a lot poorer. President Joe Biden’s proposed soon-to-be-unveiled multi-trillion dollar tax hike, the first major increase in taxes since 1993, will ensure that.

With a massive wave of new spending on the way, it was only a matter of time before Biden and his far-left economic team came up with massive new tax increases to match. You might be happy with your $1,400 “stimulus check,” but you won’t be happy with the higher taxes you’ll be paying from now until you die.

That’s right, because no matter what the Democrats said during last year’s presidential campaign about “taxing the rich” and “big corporations” it’s the middle class and the poor who will really take a hit.

Though still in the discussion phase, the White House says only those earning more than $400,000 a year will feel the pain. They’ll face higher taxes on their estates and so-called pass-through businesses, including limited-liability companies and partnerships. Millionaires might get a double-whammy, with both higher income and capital gains taxes.

A tax-fairness win for the little guy? Don’t believe it. Biden also wants to raise the corporate tax rate from the current 21% to 28%, a one-third increase. And that tax on “pass-through” businesses? That’s a tax-code euphemism for “small businesses.”

Gov. DeSantis Proposes Plan to Bolster Florida’s Civics Curricula, Denounces Critical Race Theory By Brittany Bernstein

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Wednesday proposed putting $106 million in pandemic-related federal funding toward the state’s civics curricula — $17 million of which would be earmarked for developing civics curricula with “foundational concepts” and not “unsanctioned narratives like critical race theory.”

“Our schools are supposed to give people a foundation of knowledge, not supposed to be indoctrination centers, where you’re trying to push specific ideologies,” DeSantis said at a news conference in Naples, Fla.

“There is no room in classrooms for things like critical race theory,” the Republican governor said.

Critical race theory “presupposes that racism is embedded within society and institutions.” The theory’s implementation in classrooms nationwide has drawn outcry from parents, some of whom have received emails from their children’s schools about “Decentering Whiteness at Home” or have elementary-school aged children who have been read “a book about whiteness” that suggests “color matters” and encourages them to dissect “the painful truth” about their “own family,” regarding potential racist behavior.

In September, former president Trump issued an executive order requiring federal agencies to “cease and desist from using taxpayer dollars to fund” critical race theory training programs which he called “divisive, un-American propaganda training sessions.”

DeSantis suggested a civics education should turn down the heat in the U.S., which is increasingly divided by politics by giving everyone a common foundation of values.

How Trump Got Control of the Border By Rich Lowry

And how Biden created a crisis by throwing it all away.

I n a few months, if it hasn’t already, President Trump’s legacy at the border is going to look much better even to skeptical observers.

As the Biden administration unwinds Trump policies, and a new migrant crisis builds, it is becoming increasingly clear that the Trump team arrived at an approach that, after fits and starts, worked.

Counter to the image of the administration taking a blunderbuss approach to everything related to immigration, the push at the border was a thoughtful, creative, and well-coordinated effort across government agencies and between sovereign countries.

It is worth revisiting because understanding how it came about and the reasons that it made such a difference underlines the mistakes that Biden is making now, no matter how much his officials and allies want to deny it and shift blame.

Many of Trump’s policy successes — tax cuts, deregulation, judges — came from adopting standard, off-the-shelf GOP policy. There is another category, though, of intractable issues or unexpected crises that were addressed by innovative problem-solving by officials unwilling to accept the conventional wisdom about what was possible.

The Abraham Accords and Operation Warp Speed, as well as other aspects of the pandemic response, fall into this category. So does the border, even if has been largely unappreciated.

Commentators who were willing to welcome Middle East peace and the rapid development of COVID vaccines, even if it meant giving credit to people they despised, were never going to find anything good to say about the Trump administration’s immigration hawks.

Obviously, department and agency heads such as Kevin McAleenan and Chad Wolf at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Mark Morgan at Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Ken Cuccinelli at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), and Mike Pompeo at State played a major part in the effort.

At the staff level, White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller, who cut his teeth working for Senator Jeff Sessions, took a lead role. He mastered the intricacies of the law and the system and pushed relentlessly against bureaucratic and policy inertia.

Manchin’s Mendacious Filibuster Position David Catron

Manchin has claimed since the beginning of the year that he wouldn’t support eliminating the filibuster and even shouted at one reporter who asked him if there were any potential circumstances under which he would alter his position: “Never! Jesus Christ, what don’t you understand about ‘never’?” Lately, however, his position has indeed been “evolving.” Recently, for example, he reiterated his resolve to protect the filibuster on NBC’s Meet the Press, but he added a new caveat on Fox News the same day: “Maybe it has to be more painful, maybe you have to stand there. There’s things we can talk about.” Manchin appeared to be suggesting a return to the hoary “talking filibuster.”

Until the 1960s, if a senator who wished to use the filibuster to stop a vote on a particular bill, he was required to stand and speak without yielding the floor. A group of senators willing to tag-team could extend the filibuster for weeks by rotating speakers. The longest filibuster on record involved a cadre of Democratic senators opposed to the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Because the filibuster halted all other Senate business, these Democrats brought the Senate to a standstill for 60 days. Senate rules have since changed so a bill can be “filibustered” without shutting down the upper chamber. A particularly pernicious piece of legislation can be killed if it lacks the 60 votes required to overcome a filibuster.

As it happens, just such a bill has been introduced in the Senate. On January 19, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) announced that the first Democratic bill in the new Congress will be the “For the People Act.” S 1 is virtually identical to HR 1, which passed in the House on March 3. For the Democratic leadership of both houses, this is the Holy Grail, and they fully intend to ram it down America’s throat even if they must kill the filibuster. This is why Joe Manchin is getting so much attention: he and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) are the only Senate Democrats who claim to support the filibuster.

Court invalidates Michigan rule on how to verify absentee ballot application signaturesBy Gus Burns

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson last year said local clerks should start with a presumption of validity when verifying signatures on absentee ballot applications, but a court ruling says that rule wasn’t properly established.

A Michigan Court of Claims judge last week ruled that clerks no longer need to follow those instructions for determining whether to send an absentee ballot to applicants.

According to the March 9 opinion and order issued by Judge Christopher M. Murray, Benson issued instructions that constituted “rules” without following the process for creating a formal rule under state and federal law.

Murray wrote that “the guidance issued by the Secretary of State on October 6, 2020, with respect to signature-matching standards was issued in violation of the Administrative Procedures Act.”

The Michigan Republican Party and Allegan County Clerk Robert Genetski, who jointly filed their complaint prior to the Nov. 3 election, claimed the signature standards allowed for “invalid” ballots to be counted.

Murray noted in his opinion that Genetski, however, never claimed the “guidance caused him to accept a signature that he believed was invalid.”

What School Shutdowns Have Wrought Parents are exploring new educational options for a post-pandemic America. Larry Sand

Though Covid-related restrictions are easing across the country, fewer than half of America’s students are back in school full-time, according to Burbio, a website tracking school reopenings. A look at the national map shows that the most populous state, California, is also the most locked down, while the third-most populous, Florida, is almost completely back to normal. In October 2020, Brown University reported that politics and teachers’ union strength best explain how school boards approached reopening. In a September 2020 study, researchers Corey DeAngelis and Christos Makridis found that school districts in places with strong teachers’ unions were much less likely to offer full-time, in-person instruction in the fall.

In the early days of the lockdowns, medical experts were mixed on reopening schools, but a solid consensus now exists in favor of doing so. Last month, the CDC urged the nation’s elementary and secondary schools to admit students for in-person instruction as soon as possible. Around the same time, the New York Times “asked 175 pediatric disease experts if it was safe enough to open school.” The experts, mostly pediatricians focusing on public health, “largely agreed that it was safe enough for schools to be open to elementary students for full-time and in-person instruction now. Some said that this was true even in communities where Covid-19 infections were widespread, as long as basic safety measures were taken.” Reopening doesn’t lead to increased cases in a community, and closing classrooms “should be a last resort,” according to a March 11 analysis of more than 130 studies by AEI’s John Bailey.

The science is also clear that remote learning has been a disaster for children. A study by FAIR Health, a company that “possesses the nation’s largest collection of private healthcare claims data,” reveals that young people are suffering profoundly. Comparing August 2019 with August 2020 reveals an almost 334 percent increase in intentional self-harm claims in the Northeast for 13- to 18-year-olds. Drug overdoses more than doubled from April 2019 to April 2020 for the same age cohort. From spring 2020 to November 2020, obsessive-compulsive disorder and tic disorders increased for six- to 12-year-olds.

“Xi Jinping Will Not Stop until He Is Stopped”: A Conversation with Gordon G. Chang by Grégoire Canlorbe

We see Xi’s new demands in his intransigent position going into Thursday’s meeting in Anchorage. China’s top diplomat, Yang Jiechi, and his subordinate, Foreign Minister Wang Yi, look as if they are going to Alaska not to engage in meaningful discussion, but to lecture Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and to dictate the terms of the relationship going forward.

Yang’s unpleasant February 5 telephone call with Blinken is a warning of Xi Jinping’s new no-compromise attitude.

If the disease in fact escaped from that lab, as new evidence suggests, the coronavirus is almost certainly a biological weapon.

Chinese leaders set a goal to dominate tech, and they have employed every tool at their disposal. They will stop at nothing to own the tech of tomorrow because they understand that tech dominance will give them economic and geopolitical dominance as well.

China can innovate, and it can steal. Most important, it can concentrate its attention on goals.

The big tech companies are certainly not loyal to America. They are, like many companies, loyal to profits. In other words, they are loyal to themselves.

Tech giants, such as Microsoft, that helped China develop facial-recognition systems to control racial minorities, apparently have no qualms about helping the Communist Party commit crimes against humanity…. It is up to Washington to prevent the tech giants from enriching and strengthening a hostile Chinese regime.

The way to free Hong Kong, ultimately, is to end the Communist Party. Once the territory is free, its people can decide whether to seek sovereign status.

If Xi Jinping thinks he can take over Hong Kong without cost, he will be emboldened to go after other areas. We must establish deterrence.

Beijing’s territorial ambitions have grown during the course of this century. Xi Jinping will not stop until he is stopped.

Canlorbe: Welcome, Mr. Chang. How do you assess the situation of the new communist giant, namely Xi Jinping’s China?

Chang: Xi Jinping now has, in President Biden, the American leader he has always wanted. Biden with his executive orders and other actions has so far given China many gifts and has asked for nothing in return. Among these unilateral concessions are his lifting a ban on Chinese electrical equipment, postponing rules against investments in China’s military-linked companies, rejoining the Beijing-dominated World Health Organization, and delaying prohibitions on Chinese apps.

As a result of receiving so many free gifts from Biden, Xi seems more arrogant and is demanding even more.


No Biden press conference leads to questions about transparency by Rob Crilly

When President Biden finally holds his first press conference as promised later this month, he will face questions about whether his delay undermines his administration’s promise of transparency.

Biden administration calls his new cage for kids a ‘decompression center’ by Tiana Lowe

California Bill Proposes Removing Cops Who Express Religious Or Conservative Beliefs1 By Gabe KaminskyA new bill in California would arbitrarily define “hate groups” and “hate speech,” resulting in Christians and conservatives being targeted.

Georgia Judge Eyes Unsealing 2020 Election Ballots In Fulton County To ‘Shed Light’ On The Truth

By Gabe Kaminsky

On the heels of The Washington Post correcting a Trump-Georgia call, a judge in Fulton County is inclined to unseal ballots from the 2020 election.

How Woke Whites Are Turning Minorities Into Republican Voters

Upper-class whites have alienated African Americans and Hispanics from the Democratic coalition. That’s why Democrats have gone berserk—they’re expecting to lose in 2022 and 2024. By Christopher Jacobs

Amazon Won’t Let You Read My Book An enterprising state attorney general might want to look into why it was withdrawn from sale now. By Ryan T. Anderson

A decade ago, most Americans had never had a conversation about transgender issues. Now a question few had asked has only one acceptable answer. “Transgender equality is the civil rights issue of our time,” President Biden tweeted in January 2020. “There is no room for compromise when it comes to basic human rights.”

Can we talk about that?

We might want to talk about what policies are best when it comes to athletics, for example. Should high-school girls be losing championship races to boys who identify as girls? How about female-only spaces, like shelters for victims of domestic violence? Should women in dire straits be forced to spend the night with men who identify as women?

And what’s causing the surge in the number of girls seeking sex-reassignment procedures in the past decade? Might we want to find that out before we rush to conclude that puberty-blocking drugs and cross-sex hormone therapies—and even double mastectomies for 13-year-olds—are a human right?