The Obama and Biden Administrations’ Betrayal of America’s Closest Ally in the Middle East: Israel by Majid Rafizadeh

What onlookers see, including terrorists and America’s enemies and adversaries – when they also factor in the open US southern border across which millions of illegal immigrants have recently poured, including 46,000 Chinese, many of whom are military-aged men possibly “building an army from within” – is that the Biden administration is perfectly content to welcome and support terrorists.

The White House actions have bolstered America’s adversaries and pretty much extinguished America’s credibility as an ally. The universal “optics” are that if America will throw its closest ally, Israel, under the bus, what chance has anyone else got?

Many people in Israel call to “Bring the Hostages Home.” The request is wrong, because it is addressed to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been doing his best to do free the hostages, while preventing Hamas ever to be able to strike Israel again – and standing up to US pressure, as he did during the fraudulent Iran nuclear deal. But the hostages are not his to bring home. The cry should be: “Release the Hostages” — addressed, as well as calls for a ceasefire — to the people who are holding them: Hamas, Qatar and Iran.

The US administration would clearly like to replace Netanyahu with new US-handpicked prime minister who would do whatever they tell him to, and appears to have launched a plan to do just that, using Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer as its mouthpiece. The Israelis must not fall for it. If they want to preserve Israel, preserve Netanyahu.

The Palestinian state, even if it were officially “demilitarized,” would, of course, be free to enter into military alliances with any countries it wished — perhaps Russia, China, Iran, North Korea?

Israel’s new US puppet prime minister would presumably be happy to have Qatar – a country that has supported virtually every Islamic terrorist group — including Hamas, ISIS, Hizballah, the Taliban, the al Nusra Front and Al Shabaab — “operate” the Gaza pier now being built to bring “humanitarian aid” and Heaven knows what else into Gaza. Above all, of course, the new puppet would presumably agree to Iran being armed to the teeth with nuclear bombs.

The Biden administration would do far better, especially for November 5, instead of aligning itself with the terrorist groups and the countries that support them — such as Hamas, Qatar and Iran — to align itself with those in the Free World, fighting for freedom, human rights and civilization.

The White House actions have bolstered America’s adversaries and pretty much extinguished America’s credibility as an ally. The universal “optics” are that if America will throw its closest ally, Israel, under the bus, what chance has anyone else got?

Rutgers Police Escort Jewish Students Out of Town Hall after Pro-Palestinian Protesters Call for ‘Intifada’ By Zach Kessel

Rutgers University president Jonathan Holloway held a town hall with students Thursday night aimed at offering the school community the opportunity to ask him questions. Before he was able to answer a single one, anti-Israel protesters unleashed chaos.

As Holloway attempted to address the crowd, “pro-Palestinian students interrupted the town hall and prevented the scheduled programming from happening. They shouted and tried to intimidate other students,” Rutgers student Sarah Shiner, who was in attendance Thursday night, told National Review.

The chants — as captured on video and shared on X — included slogans like “globalize the intifada,” “long live the intifada,” “from the river to the sea,” and “we don’t want no two-state; we want ’48.”

“What shocked me the most,” Shiner said, “was the fact that the Jews attending the town hall were escorted out by police, not the individuals protesting and breaking the rules.”

Holloway also had a police escort out of the building mere minutes into the event, leaving only half the security dispatched to the town hall there to protect the Jewish students who had come to ask their university’s president how he plans to handle antisemitism on their campus.

Shiner told NR that the environment on Rutgers’s campus is “extremely hostile” to Jewish students. The university’s student body recently voted in favor of two referenda calling on Rutgers to divest its endowment and academic affiliations from Israel. As the campaign in favor of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement vote went on, anti-Israel students posted flyers featuring a photo of a Jewish student next to the words “Free Palestine” across campus.

Neither Holloway nor any other Rutgers administrator has addressed the targeted harassment, though Holloway did issue a statement after the BDS referenda saying he believes “in engagement, not isolation,” and opposes any divestment plan.

DemocratPolitics Shift Toward the View That Hamas Should Win Noah Rothman

Israel’s critics will not be sated until Jerusalem is forced to accept the status quo ante.

Not even six full months have passed since the October 7 massacre, and already that act of unspeakable barbarity has been reduced to a passing aside in Democratic rhetorical assaults on Israeli perfidy — that is, when it is mentioned at all.

“Of course,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken began in remarks before reporters on Thursday, “what happened after October 7 could have ended immediately if Hamas had stopped hiding behind civilians, released the hostages, and put down its weapons.” Indeed. At any point in the war Hamas inaugurated, including the present moment, the conflict would end and a brighter day for the Palestinian people would dawn. Nothing else needed to be said. But Blinken continued.

Following a throat-clearing digression about the importance of drawing distinctions between Israeli democracy and a “terrorist organization,” he proceeded to mute those distinctions. “As has been said, whoever saves a life, saves the entire world. That’s our strength,” America’s chief diplomat mused wistfully. “It’s what distinguishes us from terrorists like Hamas. If we lose that reverence for human life, we risk becoming indistinguishable from those we confront.”

The implication in this poetic digression is that it will be Israel’s fault when those who lack elementary powers of discretion discern no difference between the Jewish state and a nihilistic death cult that murdered, raped, and burned alive as many Jews as it could — including Americans. As a matter of fact, the observational deficiencies that would lead someone to endorse this hopeless moral equivalency are the observer’s problem. But the myopia Blinken described is increasingly endemic among his fellow Democrats.

Fetterman Is the Democrats’ Stand-Up Guy By Jeffrey Blehar

I was wrong about John Fetterman. I misjudged the man’s ability, his character, and his strength. Writing an encomium to a reliably Democratic senator is an odd position for a conservative opinion writer to find himself in, and yet I have done so before. Given current events, however, it feels like a particularly appropriate time to reiterate the point, and explain why I missed so badly on him initially.

It was overdetermined, really; I was deeply skeptical of Fetterman’s ability to serve as senator after his stroke while on the campaign trail in 2022. I never much cared for his working-man shtick — his personal dress habits may be slovenly, but he comes from family money. And I had my partisan desires regardless. (That this put me in the awkward position of preferring a quack TV doctor from New Jersey was merely another one of the many indignities Republicans have had heaped upon them since 2015.) And when Fetterman got to Washington, his first move of note was having the Senate dress code temporarily revised to allow his own peculiar brand of sweatpants chic, which didn’t help either.

But even at the time, one thing was pleasantly clear: Fetterman was making a surprisingly strong recovery from his stroke and, equally as surprising, from the crippling depression that accompanied it. (In all honesty, that was the most important thing of all.) And then, he started going a little bit off the reservation as well: When Senator Robert Menendez was indicted in one of the most amusingly sleazy corruption scandals of recent New Jersey history, which is saying something, Fetterman literally jumped the line ahead of anyone in the Republican Party not only to denounce Menendez but also to clown on him brutally in public. (“Today sure would be a great day to resign, Bob!” remains my favorite political line of 2023, and it was spoken by Fetterman to Menendez as they were sharing an escalator in the Capitol building.)

October 7 was his public turning point, however: Since that awful day, he has been a genuine beacon of moral clarity in the midst of a maelstrom of confusion enveloping the Left as the Gaza war unfolds.

The Data Show Israel Is Not Causing a Gazan Famine By Awi Federgruen & Ran Kivetz

Awi Federgruen Is the chair of Columbia Business School’s Decision. Risk and Operations Division. He is an expert in logistics and data science.

Ran Kivetz is the Philip H. Geier Professor at Columbia Business School. He is an expert in decision making, including the intersection between behavioral economics and political science.

Israel’s acknowledgement that a drone attack mistakenly killed seven aid workers in Gaza has led to renewed criticism of the Jewish State. The tragic incident came less than three weeks after a report issued by the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) claimed that 1.1 million people – nearly half the population of Gaza – face “catastrophic food insecurity” conditions and that Northern Gaza will face famine by May if hostilities continue.

The European Union’s high representative for foreign affairs and security policy, Josep Borrell, blamed Israel, saying, “Starvation is used as a weapon of war. Israel is provoking famine.” And U.S. officials unveiled a United Nations ceasefire resolution that cited “famine” conditions after the IPC report came out.

But Hamas, which has been hoarding food and stealing from Gazans, is the root cause of Gazans’ suffering. As Congressman Jim Himes, a Connecticut Democrat and ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, stated in a CNN interview: “Hamas has a long history of stealing aid, and needs to stop that in the interest of the people that they purport to represent.”

Israel has tried for years to balance its interests with those of innocent Palestinians. Its maritime blockade did not stop Gaza from being self-sufficient in fruits and vegetables, with enough left over to potentially export.. Despite the war, three-quarters of greenhouse acres were still available as of Feb. 15, according to a United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) report, which has the latest available data. Israel’s Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) indicates that bakeries can still provide “over 2 million breads, rolls, and pita breads a day.” 

Since the war began, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have engaged in what West Point Urban Warfare Studies Chairman John Spencer described as “a remarkable, historic new standard” for wartime treatment of civilians, resulting in a civilian-to-combatant mortality ratio that is “historically low for modern urban warfare.” For example, Israel regularly provides warnings of impending attacks, assists with evacuations, and even stops its attacks on a daily basis to allow humanitarian aid to arrive.

John Ketcham Ready for Freedom? A new book proposes reestablishing responsible and accountable authority.

Everyday Freedom: Designing the Framework for a Flourishing Society, by Philip K. Howard (Rodin Books, 128 pp., $15.83)

“Everyday Freedom calls on individuals, families, and communities to exercise newfound authority in the pursuit of flourishing lives. By the last page, the book acts as a mirror, staring back at readers with a challenging question: Are we ready to live up to the responsibilities of such freedom?”

In a now-obscure 1960s BBC interview, Malcolm Muggeridge, the English satirist, journalist, and convert to anti-Communism (and later Christianity) declared: “I hate government. I hate power. I think that man’s existence, insofar as he achieves anything, is to resist power, to minimize power, to devise systems of society in which power is the least exerted.”

That sentiment of Muggeridge’s—the anti-authoritarian spirit of the 1960s—is the starting point of Everyday Freedom, the latest book by attorney and good-government advocate Philip Howard. Reformers of that era felt that biased individuals couldn’t be trusted with discretion. Those in power had given American society racial segregation and other forms of discrimination, destructive urban-renewal projects, and environmental costs that would be paid by future generations. The reformers believed that the way to prevent unfair and unjust outcomes was to limit and check authority.

But the worthy goal of limiting institutional power ran aground with the reformers’ emphasis on grievance and resolution. Howard chronicles how the discretion that had characterized an earlier mode of governance gave way to a new system of individual rights and impersonal rules. Dense rulebooks came to dictate the “one correct way” for workers to do every task. Formal processes constrained executives from disciplining employees and planning for new development. Expansive civil rights, and a bureaucracy designed to enforce them, added arrows of state power to the quiver of every student and individual suffering personal disappointment. The prospect of massive jury verdicts turned these rights into a “weapon for selfishness,” leading to absurdities like a $54 million case against a Washington D.C. dry cleaner for losing a customer’s pair of pants.


No link….private correspondence

In January 1943, FDR and Winston Churchill issued the Casablanca Declaration, stating that the Allies’ goal was the “unconditional surrender” of the Axis powers. It was a statement of moral clarity and resolve for the ages.

In sharp contrast, earlier this week, President Biden effectively demanded Israel’s “unconditional surrender.”

After the tragic killing of seven aid workers for the World Central Kitchen by the Israel Defense Forces, Biden spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and demanded that Israel agree to an “immediate ceasefire.” That ceasefire was not conditioned on the release of the hostages still held by Hamas (at least five of whom are Americans), nor the surrender or even a reciprocal ceasefire by the terrorist organization that launched the October 7 attack. To ensure there were no misunderstandings as to what the President meant, Secretary of State Antony Blinken followed up by saying: “If we don’t see the changes [in Israel’s conduct in Gaza] that we need to see, there will be changes in our own policy…[.]”

Biden’s ultimatum to Israel demonstrates that he fails to possess the cognitive ability, judgment, or moral compass to lead the United States or the free world. It is the best evidence to date as to why the new Axis powers of China, Russia, and Iran are ascendant, and America is in retreat. In addition, Biden’s irresponsible and misguided statement does not just betray Israel in its struggle for survival and on behalf of Western Civilization, it has made the world more dangerous for Jews everywhere, including in the United States.

While tragic, the death of the World Central Kitchen workers was the result of a mistake. Israel immediately initiated an investigation into how such a tragedy could have occurred. The investigation’s results were immediately made public. The government immediately took full responsibility for the killings, identified those responsible, and meted out appropriate punishment.

Anti-Netanyahu protests threaten war effort, hostage deal, experts say David Isaac

The demonstrations against Benjamin Netanyahu are back, this time wrapped in calls for the release of the hostages held by Hamas.

Analysts tell JNS that protest organizers, many of whom, like former Prime Minister Ehud Barak, were behind the anti-judicial reform protests, are obsessed with bringing down the Netanyahu government to the exclusion of all else, endangering the war effort and the possibility of a hostage deal.

Since the start of the war, anti-government protests had quieted, only to burst out fiercely in Tel Aviv on Saturday night. Tens of thousands turned out, according to estimates, with protesters blocking the Ayalon Highway and accusing the country’s leadership of purposefully torpedoing a hostage deal.

Some hostages’ families, who joined the protests on Saturday, urged War Cabinet members Benny Gantz and Gadi Eizenkot of the National Unity Party to leave the government and “replace Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu immediately.”

Demonstrations shifted to Jerusalem on Sunday, turning violent on Tuesday night as a group, some bearing torches, evaded barricades and rushed Netanyahu’s official residence.

Police said the protest descended into “unrestrained disorder and street rioting” as “hundreds of rioters tried to break through by force the police barriers placed near the Prime Minister’s Residence.”

Some observers described speeches at the protest as “incitement.” Einav Zangauker, whose son Matan is held by Hamas, said of Netanyahu: “You are the traitor. You betrayed your people. You betrayed your voters. You betrayed the State of Israel.”

She labeled him a “Pharaoh who inflicts on us the plague of the firstborn.”

“We will continue to persecute you: we will burn the country down, we will shake the earth, you will not have a day and you will not have a night. As long as my Matan has no day and no night neither will you,” she said.

Not at any price

The reality of migrant crime By Byron York

THE REALITY OF MIGRANT CRIME. There’s been a political debate lately about crimes committed by migrants who entered the United States illegally. Actually, there’s not much to debate about their first unlawful act, entering the U.S. without authorization, but much disagreement about how many illegal border crossers commit crimes after that. 

In recent weeks, Republicans have publicized the murder of Laken Riley, the Georgia nursing student who police say was allegedly abducted and killed by Jose Antonio Ibarra, a Venezuelan migrant who entered the U.S. illegally in September 2022, only to be quickly released into the country. Ibarra was one of millions of illegal crossers who rushed into the U.S. after the implementation of virtually open-border policies by President Joe Biden. In response to Republicans highlighting the murder, some Democrats argued that the “immigrant crime narrative is racist,” in the words of Rep. Robert Garcia (D-CA).

The issue popped up in the State of the Union address, during which some Republicans tried to goad Biden into saying Riley’s name. Biden did say the name — although he got it wrong — and then referred to the alleged killer, Ibarra, as an “illegal.” Democratic activist groups reacted in anger, not at the murder but at the use of the word “illegal” to describe an illegal immigrant. Biden swiftly apologized, saying he should have called Ibarra “undocumented” instead.

Now, there is another migrant crime in the news, this time in New York City. This week, police raided a house in the Bronx that had been taken over by migrant squatters who had entered the U.S. illegally. In addition to arresting eight of them, police confiscated several firearms, extended magazines, ammunition, plus the drugs ketamine and cocaine. The officers moved in, the New York Post reported, after one of the migrants “allegedly flashed a pistol at someone on the property March 27, leading to a 911 call and the discovery of the squatter gang.”

In true New York fashion, a judge quickly freed most of the suspects without bail. At that point, the Enforcement and Removal Operations office of Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrested three of them. How did they do that? Officers just went back to the house in the Bronx, where the suspects had returned to keep doing what they were doing before their arrests. Now, it appears four others have also been picked up by ICE.

D.C. Jury Convicts Great-Grandma For Walking Around The Capitol For 10 Minutes On Jan. 6 By: Brianna Lyman

After being strung up on charges by President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ), a 71-year-old great-grandmother may be thrown in jail because she walked around the Capitol for a few minutes on Jan. 6, 2021.

Rebecca Lavrenz was convicted on four counts Thursday after just three days of jury deliberation for entering the Capitol on J6. Lavrenz entered the building through an open door around 2:43 p.m., according to the official statement of facts.

Lavrenz told The American Spectator‘s Jack Cashill that she “felt that if those doors [on the east side of the building] opened I was supposed to go through.”

Lavrenz exited the Capitol around 2:53 p.m., just 10 minutes after entering, having briefly spoken to at least one Capitol Police Officer before leaving, according to the statement of facts.

Two FBI agents showed up on April 19, 2021, to Lavrenz’s home in Colorado. Lavrenz told the agents she was in the middle of baking a cake for her son and asked if they could return at a different time, according to The American Spectator. The agents returned one week later for a “consensual interview,” according to the statement of facts.

After months of investigation, agents reportedly told Lavrenz she should be grateful the weaponized agency would only charge the self-described “praying great-grandmother” with four misdemeanor charges for entering a building her tax dollars pay for.

“Glad?” Lavrenz reportedly said. “I shouldn’t be charged with anything.”

Lavrenz was charged with entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly conduct and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly conduct in a capitol; and parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a capitol, according to the criminal complaint.