If an office pool were held today, the question being to identify one thing Joe Biden has done since fetching up at 1600 that AOC would not have done had she been the winner November 3 last, that pool would not produce a winner. Because there’s not a single thing that Biden — whom the mainstream media insist on describing as a cuddly, dog-loving fuzzball of a moderate — has done that the former Bronx barista, now leftist heartthrob, would not find simpatico. As we moderates say, Vive la révolution!
I’m sure Saul Alinsky and Old Scratch are high-fiving over what their favorite moderate president has accomplished in his brief tenure. And it is indeed truly impressive. In less than three months, Biden has managed to erase the United States’ southern border in order to accelerate the northward flow of undocumented Democrats. He’s having more success than he should in pushing for the higher taxes and onerous regulations that held down the economy when he was Barack Obama’s dogsbody, both of which Biden’s predecessor lowered, thereby causing the economy to take off. Biden has reinstated Obama’s invertebrate foreign policy, giving the world’s bad guys the rope they need, and he’s pledged to spend trillions we don’t have in order to pursue the fool’s errand of carbon-free energy (aka very little energy, and at mini-bar prices). He’s blessed the corrupt HR 1, which if the Senate falls for it would federalize all elections, installing voting rules so lax as to hang a “STEAL ME!” sign on all future elections.
The cherry on top of the sundae is Biden foisting critical race theory onto federal employees, including the military, which Democrats seem determined to declaw. Critical race theory informs us that all white people, no matter how decently they’ve treated people of all complexions, are closet Ku-Kluxers. I can sum up critical race theory in two short sentences — one if I’m allowed a semi-colon. To wit: Black people good; white people bad. That’s it. And the Democrat Party, with few exceptions, seems to be wedded to this absurd and thoroughly racist notion, starting with the unifier-in-chief in the White House. (To be fair to Biden, he has managed to unify far-left Democrats with very-far-left Democrats.)