Innovation: The Forgotten Factor Western innovation is the most effective foreign aid programme ever discovered. Conor McKinley

Utilitarianism is currently en vogue. Two of its important contentions are that all lives have equal value and that decisions should be evaluated on how much they raise average well-being (so-called utility). This philosophy underpins many left-wing economic policies because the same amount of money has more value to a poor person than to a rich one. For example, if you take $100 from Jeff Bezos and give it to a starving artist, Bezos won’t even notice but the artist will have ramen for weeks, and average utility will therefore increase. This is probably the rationale behind Bernie Sanders’ claim that the “obscene level of income and wealth inequality in America is a profoundly moral issue that we cannot continue to ignore.” Implicit in this is the assumption that the redistribution of wealth would provide much more benefit to the poor than it would harm the rich.

The problem is that this is only true if we restrict our view to the domestic arena. When inequality is measured on a global scale, most people in the developed world can be considered affluent. If we include foreigners into our utility calculus, we should recommend very different policies: in particular, we should loosen regulations on biotech; we should oppose excessive unionisation; and we should increase the number of highly skilled immigrants we accept.

All these policies promote the most effective foreign aid programme ever discovered: innovation. Figuring out how to do things is expensive, but once we develop that knowledge, it is relatively cheap to distribute. For example, US research institutions and venture capitalists have poured billions into AI research and, as a result, ChatGPT has given every kid with access to the Internet a personal tutor that is an expert in every subject. There is well documented research to show that this effect, known as “catch-up growth,” partially explains why emerging markets grow faster than developed ones. They can just copy what has already worked for us.


Developing countries are generally unable to invest large amounts into the research and development of new drugs. But, thanks to innovation in the US, Japan, and Europe, this has not stopped them from accessing vaccines against polio, malaria, smallpox, and COVID-19.

Pharmaceutical companies get lots of bad press for their high profit margins on successful drugs (think of Martin Shkreli). But these criticisms fail to consider the underlying pharmaceutical business model: successful drugs have to pay for all the drugs that never made it to market.

Woody Allen’s Cancellation Is a Crime Against Culture The great director made his 50th film far from Hollywood, which has unjustly shunned him. By Kyle Smith

In August 2017, a year after Prime Video aired Woody Allen’s comic miniseries “Crisis in Six Scenes,” the director signed a deal with Amazon Studios to produce his next four films for a reported minimum payment of $68 million. A few weeks later, allegations of sexual misconduct against Harvey Weinstein emerged and the #MeToo movement was born. In December, Mr. Allen’s adopted daughter, Dylan Farrow, published an op-ed in the Los Angeles Times with the headline “Why Has the #MeToo Revolution Spared Woody Allen?”

Mr. Allen wasn’t spared much longer. Ms. Farrow’s op-ed accused Mr. Allen of molesting her in 1992, when she was 7—a charge that her mother, Mia Farrow, had raised at the time in a custody dispute with Mr. Allen. Authorities in two states thoroughly investigated, and no charges were filed against Mr. Allen. Child-abuse investigators at Yale-New Haven hospital reported that “it is our expert opinion that Dylan was not sexually abused by Mr. Allen.”

Yet a quarter-century later, Mr. Allen found himself an unperson. Though in the intervening decades he had worked with acclaimed actors at major movie studios, been nominated for Oscars and won one for writing “Midnight In Paris” (2011), he became a target of obloquy and outrage.

Several of Mr. Allen’s collaborators, including Kate Winslet, Colin Firth, Timothée Chalamet and Greta Gerwig, publicly turned against him. Others, such as Diane Keaton, Alec Baldwin and Scarlett Johansson, rallied to his defense. Amazon Studios canceled the deal with Mr. Allen, leading to a lawsuit that was settled out of court on terms that weren’t disclosed. Amazon Studios also declined to release to theaters the third film he had made for them, “A Rainy Day in New York” (2019).


As Americans we have choices, except when we don’t. When liberty is at risk, we have a duty to ensure that freedom reigns. In his Farewell Address (published in September 1796), George Washington wrote: “The independence and liberty you possess are the work of joint councils and joint efforts – of common dangers, sufferings, and successes.” There are times when liberty needs defending.

While Washington, in the same Address, warned against foreign entanglements, he could not have foreseen how the world would shrink. By the dawn of the 20th Century, steamships and later air travel shortened distances across the Atlantic and Pacific, encouraging commerce, trade and tourism. Obligations, embedded in treaties and alliances, extended beyond our borders. By the late 1930s Europe was mired in a second world war, brought about by Hitler’s hatred for Jews and his desire for lebensraum – living space. Over the course of almost six years he and his NAZIs murdered seven million Jews. At its peak, in November 1942, Germany dominated Europe. Apart from the United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, and Portugal, Germany’s occupation extended 2,500 miles, from Brittany east to Stalingrad (now Volgograd), and 2,100 miles from Helsinki south to Athens. As well, they controlled a good part of North Africa.

On December 7, 1941 Japan attacked our naval base at Pearl Harbor. The next day, the U.S. declared war on Japan. In his address to Congress on December 8, President Roosevelt committed the United States: “No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people, in their righteous might, will win through to absolute victory.”  Three days later, Germany declared war on the United States. Two years later, by early 1944, the momentum of the War, which in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East was in its fifth year, favored the Allies. Even so, some of its costliest battles – the invasion of Normandy, the Battle of the Bulge, Okinawa, and Iwo Jima – were still in the future. Millions of soldiers and civilians were yet to die.

New ‘Revitalized’ Palestinian Authority, Same as the Old Palestinian Authority by Bassam Tawil

The new Palestinian government… does not seem at all different from previous ones, especially regarding combating corruption and inciting violence against Israel.

According to AMAN, a Palestinian non-governmental organization that seeks to combat corruption and promote integrity, transparency and accountability in Palestinian society, 63% of Palestinians believe that the level of corruption in the PA institutions has increased. The most common forms of corruption: favoritism and nepotism, embezzlement of public funds, breach of trust, abuse of power, bribery and money laundering.

Abbas and his close aides, who have long had an opportunity to make changes in the PA, substantial or otherwise, also do not appear interested in doing so. They seem quite comfortable with the current structure of the PA: no elections, no transparency and no accountability.

The new “revitalized” Palestinian Authority (PA) government includes Minister for Religious Affairs Muhammad Mustafa Najem, who openly called for terror attacks in a sermon on official PA TV, and demonized the Jews as “characterized by conceit, pride, arrogance, rioting, disloyalty, and treachery,” adding that “Allah turned them into apes and pigs.”

As part of a US plan to “revitalize” the Palestinian Authority (PA), a new PA government headed by Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa was announced in late March. While the US administration has not clarified what it means by the “revitalization” of the PA, one can only assume that refers to the need to implement financial and administrative reforms in all PA institutions and see the emergence of new leaders in Ramallah who would work to improve the living conditions of their people and prepare them for peace with Israel.


President Biden’s National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby gets it right.

Thanks to National Review columnist Noah Rothman:

“When asked on Tuesday about a tragic incident involving an Israeli strike that Jerusalem admits accidentally targeted aid workers with the group World Central Kitchen, one of the few international humanitarian organizations Israel trusts to operate in the Strip, Kirby unloaded on Israel’s critics:

“Is firing a missile at people delivering food and killing them not a violation of international humanitarian law?” one reporter asked. “Your question presumes, at this very early hour, that it was a deliberate strike, that they knew exactly what they were hitting, that they were hitting aid workers and did it on purpose,” Kirby replied. “And there’s no evidence of that.” He might have stopped there, but Kirby continued.

“I would also remind you, sir, that we continue to look at incidents as they occur. The State Department has a process in place. And to date, as you and I are speaking, they have not found any incidents where the Israelis have violated international humanitarian law. And lest you think we don’t take it seriously, I can assure you that we do. We look at this in real time.”

Drama over Trump’s Presidential Records Act Defense in Florida Case Andrew McCarthy

I will have a lot more to say in the weekend column about Biden Justice Department special counsel Jack Smith’s dyspeptic response to Judge Aileen Cannon’s order – which I posted about on Tuesday – requiring prosecutors to respond with proposed jury instructions to two factual scenarios she posited. Both involved the 32 felony charges of unlawfully retaining national-defense intelligence in Smith’s Mar-a-Lago indictment against Donald Trump.

As I observed in the post, Smith had to be dumbfounded by Judge Cannon’s order because the two scenarios she laid out seemed to accept some or all of the former president’s Presidential Records Act (PRA) defense. Indeed, the second scenario appears to buy it wholesale — advising the parties to propose jury instructions on the assumptions that (a) a president is deemed to have designated documents as personal records simply by having caused them to be removed from government safekeeping, and (b) that a president’s decision to designate materials as personal records (which he can keep), rather than presidential records (government property that must be archived) is unreviewable by a court or jury. If that’s the law, Trump gets acquitted on the document-retention counts.

The first scenario is better for Smith in that it anticipates that the jury may review a presidential designation of personal (rather than presidential) records by applying the PRA (i.e., reading Congress’s definitions of personal and presidential records). Nevertheless, although Trump could (and probably would) be convicted in this scenario, Smith objects to it because he believes the PRA is irrelevant to the case — the question of whether Trump was in unauthorized possession of the documents is controlled by the Espionage Act’s plain terms and the executive order that governs handling of classified documents (EO 13256, promulgated at the direction of Congress in §3161 of classified-information law). For what it’s worth, I think Smith is substantially correct about that (see, e.g., here and here).

Given Smith’s notorious aggressiveness (which the Supreme Court took note of in unanimously reversing a conviction he’d gotten in United States v. McDonnell), the special counsel’s response to Cannon was sharp and monitory.

Hamas Founder’s Son: U.S. Gaza Supporters Belong in ‘Insane Asylum’ Catherine Salgado

The son of one of the terrorist group Hamas’s cofounders has a message for Americans and the world: most Palestinians support Hamas, the terrorists want to commit ethnic cleansing against Jews, and any Americans who support Gaza are insane.

Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas cofounder Shiehk Hassan Yousef, dropped some major truth bombs while on Dr. Phil’s show recently. He explained how there is “lots of hatred” against Jews in Islamic culture, according to a transcription by Breitbart, and stated “the vast majority” of Palestinians support Hamas, a fact confirmed by a recent poll. Indeed, Yousef argued, the Hamas atrocities of Oct. 7 were “an attempt for ethnic cleansing” and a “holy war” against Jews. While hatred for Israel binds different factions of Palestinians together now, in the absence of Israel, Yousef said, the Gazan Arabs “would kill each other” just as they would happily kill many of the foolish Westerners marching in support of their bloody cause.

He also mocked pro-Palestinian activists for “giving Hamas cover,” saying the terror group would “massacre them with no mercy” while accusing them of supporting “the enemy of civilization,” and insisting they belong in a “mental asylum.” 

The violence perpetrated by Hamas ended up disturbing Yousef so much that he not only broke with the jihad group but also helped Israeli intelligence, Breitbart explained. Yousef also converted to Christianity.

“There’s lots of hatred in [Muslim] culture against the Jewish people; it’s not a secret,” Yousef said. “In fact, the Muslim belief system has a fundamental problem with the Jewish people.” Muslim hatred for Jews is “ideological,” based on a belief in Muhammed’s negative view of Jews, he argued. While Yousef said that “Muhammad did not write a word that says anything against the Jewish people,” it is true that Islamic scriptures include verses that support killing Jews specifically and non-Muslims more generally.

Having a ‘mangina’ is not a human right A ‘nonbinary’ Canadian wants the state to pay for him to have both male and female genitals. Jo Bartosch

Most men are quite attached to their penises. Even the fellas who tuck theirs into silky ladies’ knickers and ‘identify as women’ rarely actually part with their meat and two veg. So it should come as no surprise that a 33-year-old ‘nonbinary’ man in Ontario, Canada is suing for the right to keep his willy.

No, he is not at risk of some cruel and unusual punishment from the state. KS, as he is referred to in court documents, is actually demanding to undergo a ‘penile-sparing vaginoplasty’. This costly procedure would leave him with intact male genitals alongside a faux vagina. This is apparently so his body can better align with his nonbinary ‘gender identity’.

The Canadian health service has, quite sensibly, refused to pay for KS’s mix-and-match surgery out of the public purse. So he is now suing the government. Bizarrely, this self-absorbed man has not been laughed out of court. Instead, his case is being considered as a matter of human rights.

KS is demanding that the Canadian state pay for him to travel over one thousand miles to a specialist clinic in Austin, Texas where the surgery he wants can be performed. Ontario’s Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) initially denied his request back in 2022, on the grounds that the procedure is experimental and not performed in Canada. Following an appeal from KS, and a counter-appeal from his insurance provider, the decision has landed with Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice, where the case was heard in late February.

Why is KS so persistent? Supposedly, this is a vital treatment. ‘It is very important for [KS] to have a vagina for her [sic] personal interpretation of her gender expression, but she also wishes to maintain her penis’, his doctor wrote in a letter to OHIP. Apparently, this is because KS ‘is transfeminine but not completely on the “feminine” end of the spectrum’. KS himself has gone further by claiming that denying this request amounts to an act of conversion therapy.

It would be easy to laugh off KS’s ludicrous demands for a surgically constructed mangina. But he has good reason to think that his special request might actually be granted. This is the wacky world into which Canada has been led by the trans ideology.

Confronting the Anti-Israel Narrative-Industrial Complex The growing demonization of Israel is not unstoppable. by Lawrence J. Haas

“Israel has become so demonized” in human rights organizations, says Danielle Haas, former senior editor at Human Rights Watch (HRW), that there’s “no space to see Israelis as victims, or to absorb nuance or voices that challenge their orthodoxies. In a conceptual universe where Israel is an occupier-colonizer-apartheid state, it is a priori the aggressor, regardless of the brutal human-rights abuses it suffers.”

Haas (no relation to me) edited HRW’s annual review of human rights around the world from 2010 to 2023. In a blistering piece for the journal SAPIR, she writes that in human rights organizations, “Israel has become their watchword of outrage, the focus of disproportionate attention, and the note to sound for signaling fealty to a human-rights movement that is increasingly hijacked by politics and dominated by groupthink.”

That’s why, she writes, these organizations have been so anodyne in their response to Hamas’ brutality of October 7, so disinterested in the tunnels it has built “beneath children’s beds,” so skeptical of the proven ties between Hamas and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, so eager to parrot false claims of Israeli brutality in response to October 7, and so reluctant to correct the record later.

From their perch as self-appointed human rights arbiters, these groups play a huge role in shaping public views of the Jewish state. Their reports, tweets, and other utterances are echoed at the United Nations and other global bodies, in leading capitals, through media, on campuses, and in Hollywood—all of it contributing to what one might call a “narrative-industrial complex” that sets and reinforces a narrative about Israel that’s driven by ideology, biased in its conclusions, and disproportionate in its focus.

European Conservatives: How Has Fossil Fuel Suppression Worked Out For You? Francis Menton

Throughout the West, the cult of fossil fuel suppression presents itself as an orthodoxy from which no dissent is permitted.

In the U.S., there has been substantial and growing resistance to the enforcement of that orthodoxy, among Republicans in general and particularly from red and energy-producing states. By contrast, in Europe, there has been little push-back. Somewhere along the line, in country after country, the drive for Net Zero carbon emissions got the backing of an effective all-political-party consensus. In a gigantic political miscalculation, many mainstream center-right conservative parties got fully on board. That mistake now looks to destroy several of these parties in the major countries.

From when it was first proposed, Net Zero was something with which no rational right-of-center party should ever have associated itself. Whatever you think about whether carbon emissions from fossil fuels are “warming the planet,” or even causing a “climate crisis,” the proposed solution of building lots of intermittent electricity generation never had any chance of working at reasonable cost. This was always an unproven socialist central-planning scheme that could only succeed in driving up energy costs and impoverishing the population. Such utopian socialist schemes are the business of the left. If center-right political parties have any purpose, it ought to be to stand up against these kinds of schemes, and for the working and middle-class people who stand to be harmed by them.

But that’s not how it has played out. Consider just two of the leading countries, the UK and Germany.

In the UK, the Conservative Party jumped in with both feet to champion the Net Zero agenda. Although the first Climate Act got passed during a Labor government in 2008, in 2019 the Conservatives took the lead to amend that Act to set legally binding targets, and then doubled and tripled down with new targets and mandates. From a January 2023 House of Lords Report:

In 2021, the [Conservative] government set two additional interim targets to run a net zero power system and reduce emissions by 78% by 2035. . . . In the UK, the policy pathway to achieve net zero was launched in the ‘Net zero strategy’, published by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy in October 2021. Some of the key policies include:

ending the sale of new petrol and diesel cars

promoting the use of sustainable aviation fuel

investing in clean electricity and hydrogen production

providing funding for households to switch to low-carbon heating systems

incentivising farmers to use low-carbon farming methods

planning to triple the rate of woodlands creation in England

To the surprise of no one who pays attention, the price of energy for UK consumers has soared.