If you’re bewildered by the breakneck pace of “change” since the inauguration of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., on Jan. 20, you’re not alone.
Average Americans have been puzzled and, in many cases, chagrined by the flurry of executive orders, ukases, policy prescriptions, social proscriptions, vengeful rollbacks, and other government meddling in the lives of our citizens. Conservatives, meanwhile, understand that all this activity has one overarching purpose: to punish the bad Orange Man and the country that voted for him. And make sure he never happens again.
To that end, the string of top-down bossiness has been designed to look, and be, punitive. Every major Donald Trump initiative or accomplishment must be negated and anathematized. His supporters who unwisely marched on the Capitol on Jan. 6—what did they hope to accomplish?—shouldn’t just be deplored but hunted down by the FBI for “sedition”; there’s even a tip line for junior Stasis-in-training to rat out their friends and neighbors.
Woke hall monitors must screech like Donald Sutherland at the end of the 1978 version “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” whenever they see a constitutionally free and unmasked citizen daring to appear in public without a slave muzzle.
Meanwhile, “white supremacy” (which is just a leftist term for Western civilization) and rampant “bigotry” (disagreement over political processes and objectives) must be hunted down and eradicated, civil rights suspended, and core provisions of the Bill of Rights overthrown, including all or parts of the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and 10th amendments. It’s a mad scramble for a Year Zero to rival those of the French and Bolshevik revolutions—the dawn of a new age of tyranny masquerading as compassion.
Never Again