Is Israel an ally? Biden’s administration is unclear on that one By Andrea Widburg

Israel has been America’s staunch ally going back to the Cold War. Additionally, as a friendly nation that has been genocidally besieged by the anti-American, anti-Semitic bullies in its neighborhood, America felt the good guy’s responsibility to help Israel protect herself. Beginning in 1979 with the Iranian Revolution, Israel and America also shared a common enemy: radical Islam. But none of that matters to Joe Biden, who’s long been hostile to Israel and is following Obama’s delusional effort to make nice with Iran.

Biden has never liked Israel. Moreover, he shares Obama’s dislike for Netanyahu, something demonstrated by his refusing to talk to Netanyahu since entering office.

With Jews who are Democrats showing decreasing support for Israel, that made the campaign easier for Biden. Democrats, rather than supporting the Abraham Accords, which are causing peace to break out across the Middle East, resented the fact that Trump was able to broker the accords by circumventing the totalitarian and genocidal Palestinians, rather than pandering to them.

As the election drew near, confident that Democrat Jews’ loathing for Trump overrode any residual love for Israel, Biden became more openly hostile to Israel. In August, the Washington Post summed up Biden’s Israel policy as a morally muscular opposition to Trump’s unwavering support for Israel and the peace deals he was making by ignoring the Palestinians, who have proven themselves incapable of self-governance in both Gaza and the West Bank:

“The new UAE-Israel announcement does not just normalize bilateral relations between the two countries, which have existed barely under the table for many years,” wrote Khaled Elgindy, a senior fellow at the Middle East Institute. “For Palestinians, it also helps to normalize (if not actually reward) Israel’s occupation.”

Post-Trump world of censorship and canceling is chugging along in Canada, too By Robert Stewart

Recently, Jagmeet Singh, a friend of Black Lives Matter agitator Shaun King and leader of Canada’s far-left party, pushed out an online petition over Twitter demanding that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau declare Proud Boys Canada a “white supremacist terrorist” organization. The call came immediately after U.S. Proud Boys members were apparently found involved in the Capitol Building mêlée that led to House Democrats impeaching President Trump a second time.  

Although it’s not supposed to be the Twitter followers of Singh’s New Democratic Party who decide who is and isn’t a threat to our national security, Singh’s bit of Two Minutes Hate did exactly what was intended: it pushed last week Canada’s version of Homeland Security to label the group an official “terrorist organization.”  Proud Boys Canada is now apparently in the same category as the Islamic State.  

It’s difficult to see the move as anything but pointless.  It also drips with hypocrisy as well as alarmist, diversionary politics. 

While the Perry Ellis shirt-wearing and fighting-prone Proud Boys certainly aren’t my cup of tea, the group denies being an organizational force behind the Capitol Building siege.  Further, as far as I’ve read about them, the group’s membership is apparently open to all comers (of any race) and always has been.  Moreover, I’ve never heard either its current leader (Enrique Tarrio, non-white) or its founder (Gavin McInnes, married to a non-white woman) state that any racial group is superior or deserves to rule supreme over others — a requirement, it would seem, for a group open to everyone. 

Biden’s Pentagon ‘review’ falls short to deter communist Chinese By Robert L. Maginnis

On Wednesday, President Joe Biden visited the Pentagon to launch a review of how the U.S. military is postured to deter China in the Pacific.  Given the president’s statements concerning China, it is clear he doesn’t understand the existential threat posed by our Chinese enemy.

Mr. Biden totally misses Beijing’s threat because his “review” falls terribly short of the mark.  His worldview is naïve and shortsighted, and he fails to recognize that the Communist Chinese truly intend to conquer the world.  Indeed, Beijing seeks to destroy America — every aspect of our country and, by association, Western civilization.  We need to review and then act upon all aspects of our relations with that totalitarian regime or risk our future: trade, military, technology, cyber, ideological, media, geopolitical, and more.

There is no doubt that Beijing’s ultimate goal is to have the Middle Kingdom sitting atop the entire world.   Yes, Chinese President Xi Jinping and his communist puppets are worse than past dictators and on steroids. 

China’s Xi is a modern-day wannabe emperor, and he has taken steps to prepare China for global dominance through every means available — the Belt & Road Initiative and rapidly growing the world’s largest military, among others, and soon China will be the world’s largest economy. 

Meanwhile, the U.S. response to this threat is too little, too late.  Back at the Pentagon, Mr. Biden with Vice President Kamala Harris at his side called for a posture review to help “chart a strong path forward on China related matters.”

Dan Crenshaw has created a handy-dandy list of conservative principles By Andrea Widburg *****

This is the kind of thing that conservatives should print up and carry around with them for throw-down challenges against leftists.

I’ve long admired Rep Dan Crenshaw (R. Tex.) for the knack he has to clearly state conservative principles – and his willingness to speak out constantly about those principles. One of Trump’s problems was his inability to articulate principles. His practical instincts were good but he – along with way too many Republican politicians – allowed Democrats to win the war of words. On Friday, Crenshaw again used gift in this area with a Twitter thread that lists 22 core conservative principles that we need to fight for in this lunatic Democrat era.

Crenshaw went down in my estimation last month when he attacked Trump over the events at Capitol Hill (an attack at odds with the facts) and when he pushed back against ousting Liz Cheney from her leadership position in the House after she voted in favor of impeaching President Trump. Both of those stands looked remarkably like pandering to the Bush crowd and the Democrats. I strongly disagreed with them then and I still do now.

On Friday, though, Crenshaw published a Twitter thread (which I’m presenting below as a straight text list) that deserves respect. In it, he simply and clearly articulates principles that are the antithesis of the madness the Biden administration and the rest of the Democrat party crew are imposing on our nation:

The Conservative Guide to the Culture Wars (in no particular order):

How Equality Lost to ‘Equity’ Civil-rights advocates abandon the old ideal for the new term, which ‘has no meaning’ and promises no progress but makes it easy to impute bigotry, says Shelby Steele. By Tunku Varadarajan


“Yet Mr. Steele also sees “more and more blacks” pushing back against “the tribalism of race” as it collides with the “reality of freedom.” He views the Black Lives Matter movement as a desperate attempt to salvage tribalism. For all his indignation, Mr. Steele foresees a better future. “Millions of black individuals, living their lives as individuals, will take us beyond tribes and into true American citizenship. Many blacks are thriving already. Their children will do even better.”

Mr. Steele, 75, is a longstanding conservative commentator on race in America and a senior fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. We speak over Zoom a week after President Biden signed an Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equity, intended to address “entrenched disparities in our laws and public policies, and in our public and private institutions.” In his remarks at the signing, Mr. Biden seemed to suggest that his is a project aimed at reshaping American governance. “We need to make the issue of racial equity not just an issue for any one department of government,” the president said. “It has to be the business of the whole of government.”

I can almost hear Mr. Steele growl in his study in Monterey, Calif., as I read these words aloud. “This equity is a term that has no meaning,” he says, “but it’s one that gives blacks power and leverage in American life. We can throw it around at any time, and wherever it lands, it carries this stigma that somebody’s a bigot.” Its message is that there’s “inequality that needs to be addressed, to be paid off. So if you hear me using the word ‘equity,’ I’m shaking you down.”

Equity in this “new sense,” Mr. Steele says, can be understood only as “a strategy.” The president is promising to “fix America morally, and aligning himself with the strategy of black people to gain power by focusing on victimization. He’s saying, ‘America must tackle that problem and create programs that help minorities achieve equity’—whatever that may be.”

The idea of equality has been eclipsed, Mr. Steele says, in part because “it was a little too specific” and bore the baggage of the old civil-rights movement. “We fought for equality 60 years ago,” he says. It was a struggle that brought his black father and white mother together. (They married in 1944. All of her siblings abandoned her, “and never came back.”) “We won the civil-rights legislation in the ’60s,” Mr. Steele says, “and the term ‘equality’ is exhausted now. And it’s lost much of its mystique—because you can measure it.”

The Times Is Changing, Badly Editors and managers at a great newspaper gather around Twitter to find out what they think. Holman Jenkins Jr.

Untenable was the principle enunciated last week by the New York Times in a kerfuffle over a distinguished reporter who was expelled for uttering the N-word in an innocent discussion of the N-word. Happily for the next victim but not the latest one, the paper has belatedly seen the error of its ways.

Donald G. McNeil Jr. “has done much good reporting over four decades,” said management even as it escorted him out the door. Executive Editor Dean Baquet had previously declined to fire Mr. McNeil over the two-year-old incident, saying it was clear the term hadn’t been uttered in a “hateful or malicious” way.

But that was before a tsunami of intolerance from the forces of tolerance inside the paper. Mr. Baquet announced last week that Mr. McNeil would be leaving after all because “we do not tolerate racist language regardless of intent.” Oops, it was universally pointed out that the Times then would have to fire itself. A Factiva search shows the paper using the word 1,271 times as far back as 1969 and as recently as a week ago, as it must in covering the world. The new standard, “a threat to our journalism,” was “a deadline mistake and I regret it,” Mr. Baquet admitted on Thursday.

What a mess. I don’t know Mr. Baquet. By all accounts, he’s a fine person and a good reporter, but you know what he’s behaving like here—he’s behaving like somebody who knows he can’t trust his own boss to back him in any decision unpopular with the woke mob.

Impeachment snoozer: What kind of trial is this? By Monica Showalter

For Democrats, their impeachment and trial of President Trump is a bust.

All their their pious — “democracy is an extremely rare and fragile and precarious and transitory thing” flapdoodle — and hopes for a grande finale Getting Trump … isn’t drawing an audience. It’s a dud. A re-run. And almost nobody’s watching.

Voice of America, citing Nielsen, noted how bad it was, citing the House-side 3-million viewer fiasco:

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Senate’s impeachment trial of President Donald Trump couldn’t have higher stakes, but as an historic two-week-long televised event, it has been something of a ratings bust.

The third impeachment trial in the history of the United States Senate hasn’t come close to toppling viewership records, according to the Nielsen rating agency.

So far, the live coverage of President Trump’s Senate impeachment hearings has garnered fewer television viewers than the audiences that tuned in to see other historic congressional hearings, including appearances by James Comey, Brett Kavanaugh, Michael Cohen and Robert Mueller.

The Senate trial isn’t much better. Day one drew 12 million viewers, with the bulk concentrated on left-wing CNN and MSNBC. Fox News roped in just 1.4 million. 

In contrast, James Comey in 2017 drew 19.5 million viewers. Brett Kavanaugh in 2018 packed in 21 million. A non-entity, Michael Cohen, in 2019 got 13.8 million watchers.

These guys? 12 million at best. For sure it’s a bust. Even Joe Biden is trying to distance himself from this bloviating crap, claiming: “I have a job.”

One CNN Reporter Cannot Let Go of Donald Trump Matt Vespa

They just cannot let him go. They can’t. The liberal media remains addicted to Donald Trump like crack cocaine, and there’s nothing to suggest that this will subside. The 2020 election is long over. Joe Biden is now president—but they cannot let this guy ride into the sunset. Trump is now banned on Facebook and Twitter so maybe more reporters are more willing to write Trump-based stories, but this is moot now. Trump is no longer president, but for some folks at CNN especially, they can’t let him go. It’s getting creepy. They had a slip-up that was rather unfortunate about the Trump impeachment trial. And now, CNN’s Jim Acosta just had to let us know that Trump went golfing yesterday.

Trump is a private citizen. He’s no longer president. He’s in Florida. Yeah, why not go golfing. it piggybacks on another Trump story The New York Times doled out about how he was sicker than originally reported when he contracted COVID last year:

President Donald J. Trump was sicker with Covid-19 in October than publicly acknowledged at the time, with extremely depressed blood oxygen levels at one point and a lung problem associated with pneumonia caused by the coronavirus, according to four people familiar with his condition.

His prognosis became so worrisome before he was taken to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center that officials believed he would need to be put on a ventilator, two of the people familiar with his condition said.

Cuomo’s Grim Reaping By Kyle Smith

Andrew Cuomo successfully covered up more than 5,000 deaths tied to nursing homes.

T wo weeks ago, a Democratic attorney general of New York who had enjoyed Andrew Cuomo’s backing released a tentative preliminary report that gingerly suggested the actual death toll from COVID-19 in the state’s nursing homes was “approximately 50 percent” higher than Cuomo’s numbers had all led us to believe.

Experienced Cuomo watchers scoffed: Despite being labeled a “bombshell” in the media, the AG report was obviously soft-pedaling the reality. Attorney General Letitia James is well aware of the potential hazards of incurring Cuomo’s wrath and seemed to be at pains to make the report as bland as possible. It sampled only 10 percent of state nursing homes.

The actual numbers keep rising, and now the estimated death toll from COVID in nursing homes is 62 percent higher than Cuomo was claiming just last month. Cuomo’s disastrous March 25, 2020, order that nursing homes must accept COVID-infected individuals, which was not rescinded until May 10, may have been the single worst policy blunder made by any American official during the pandemic.Making matters worse, Cuomo has worked furiously to cover up the facts for nearly a year. His own aide, Melissa DeRosa, acknowledged as much in a call to state Democratic lawmakers in which she blatantly admitted hiding the truth for fear of political repercussions. “We froze” out of fear that the truth would “be used against us” by federal prosecutors, DeRosa said in the call, whose details were reported by the New York Post, one of the few news outlets that has declined to put on a cheerleader skirt and shake its pom-poms at every Cuomo press conference.

The Icons of the Left Collapse By Jim Geraghty

On the menu today: You would have to look far and wide to find a person more celebrated by progressives and most of the national media in 2020 than Andrew Cuomo. You would have to look far and wide to find a political group more celebrated by progressives and like-minded media in 2020 than the Lincoln Project. And you would have to look far and wide to find a place more celebrated by progressives and like-minded media in 2020 than California. And in the last 24 hours, all three fell from their high pedestals and landed with a hard “thud.”

New York State Admits Cover-up of Virus Deaths among Nursing-Home Residents

If you have been reading National Review for the past year, you have known that Andrew Cuomo was an egomaniacal, blustering, bullying charlatan who made catastrophic errors in judgment but whose reputation was protected by CNN’s prime-time programming and national media who desperately needed a heroic Democratic figure to contrast against President Trump. Over the past eleven months, you read about various details of the contrast between the grand illusion of Cuomo and reality from David Harsanyi, Pradheep Shanker, Kyle Smith, Kathryn Jean Lopez, Mairead McArdle, Zach Evans, Tobias Hoonhout, Brittany Bernstein, The Editors, a bunch of others I’m forgetting, and, ahem, me, multiple times. I would argue no other national publication did more to showcase how New York State’s government kept failing its citizens, with deadly consequences, during this pandemic.

And now we get the cherry on top, as the New York Post reports that the state government deliberately hid the figures on the number of nursing-home residents killed by the coronavirus, because they didn’t want the U.S. Department of Justice investigating them:

Governor Cuomo’s top aide privately apologized to Democratic lawmakers for withholding the state’s nursing-home death toll from COVID-19 — telling them “we froze” out of fear the true numbers would “be used against us” by federal prosecutors, The Post has learned.

The stunning admission of a cover-up was made by Secretary to the Governor Melissa DeRosa during a video conference call with state Democratic leaders in which she said the Cuomo administration had rebuffed a legislative request for the tally in August because “right around the same time, [then-President Donald Trump] turns this into a giant political football,” according to an audio recording of the two-hour-plus meeting.