The CDC Has Released a New Study About Double Masking…But There’s a Catch Katie Pavlich

The Center’s for Disease Control has released a new study after conducting an experiment in a lab on double-masked mannequins or dummies. (HUH???!!!!)

“New data released from CDC today underscored the importance of wearing  a mask correctly and making sure it fits closely and snuggly over your nose and mouth. In this new study researchers used experiments in the laboratory, not the real world, to access different strategies to improve the different fits of masks impacts a mask’s ability to block aerosolized particles emitted during a simulated cough as well as to reduce exposure to aerosol particles emitted during simulating breathing. The size of the aerosol particles in the experiment were designed to mimic the respiratory droplet particles most important for person-to-person transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19,” CDC Director Rochelle Walensky released in a video statement. 

“I want to be clear that these new scientific data released today do not change the specific recommendations on who should wear a mask and when they should wear one. But they do provide new information on why wearing a well fitting mask is important,” she added. 

Where’s the Outrage? Biden Fires 56 Trump-Appointed U.S. Attorneys By Rick Moran

In what most of the media is characterizing as “a routine” event, Joe Biden has asked 56 U.S. attorneys appointed by Donald Trump to resign.

Indeed, it used to be a routine announcement. It’s part of the transition and shouldn’t draw any scrutiny. In with the new, out with the old, farewell, and good luck.

Except when Trump did it in 2016, you’d think it was the end of democracy. This was the headline story on the MSNBC website after Trump asked for the resignations on March 13, 2017.

Trump sparks new controversy with U.S. Attorney dismissals. Ten years after the last Republican White House had a U.S. Attorney scandal, Donald Trump has one of his own.

What “scandal”? The U.S. attorney for New York, Preet Bharara, threw a tantrum because he says Trump promised he could stay. He refused to resign and was promptly fired. The media blew this tantrum into a clash between the executive branch and the judicial branch.

But when Biden does it, it’s “routine.”

Who believes the WHO? The Biden administration apparently — and nobody else Amber Athey

So, according to the World Health Organization‘s latest findings, it is most likely that the COVID-19 virus jumped from an animal to a human. It is unlikely that the pathogen spread due to a leak from a lab in Wuhan. The WHO did not rule out the possibility of a lab leak entirely, but made clear they would not investigate that thread any further.

The WHO, of course, has proven itself to be far from trustworthy on matters related to China and the coronavirus. The international organization last January repeated a false claim from Chinese authorities that there was no evidence of ‘human-to-human transmission’ of COVID-19. The WHO initially praised China’s totalitarian lockdown measures for containing the virus, only to later say that they do not advocate lockdowns as the primary form of controlling the spread.

There are other reasons to be skeptical of the WHO’s investigation as well. China was able to delay the start of the investigation by several weeks, indicating they still intended to be less than transparent with the WHO team of investigators. The Wall Street Journal reported that the WHO team intended to build on previous reports by Chinese officials rather than mount its own independent investigation, and would not focus on the possibility that the virus escaped from a lab:

‘Given that Chinese authorities have been slow to release information, penalized scientists and doctors who shared clinical and genomic details of the novel coronavirus, and have since demonstrated a keen interest in controlling the narrative of how the virus emerged, this is not a promising foundation for WHO’s investigation.’

China has most recently been pushing the claim that new COVID-19 outbreaks in the country are tied to the import of frozen food products.

Democratic Impeachment of Trump Puts His 74 Million Voters on Trial . By John Kass

In their second impeachment of the man who is now no longer president, the Democrats fixed Donald Trump’s orange political head upon their rattle.

They waved it before a deeply divided nation and pronounced him a demon. On one level, it reminds me of the Native American sorcerer in the movie “Black Robe,” who castigates his rival as a michimindo, a demon.

On another, it fills me with foreboding. Not for Trump. I don’t care about Trump or the posturing of Republicans or Democrats. But I do care about our republic. And I see terrible pain ahead of us.

As Democrats shake the orange rattle, emotions and outrage are re-stoked over the disgusting events of Jan. 6 and the deadly attack on the Capitol by several hundred Trump voters, egged on by Trump himself, filled as he was with his absurd fantasies of a stolen election.

What we need is to take a breath and consider the implications of all this.

Trump is gone. Many Americans want to move on. The people are worried about their jobs, whether they can get the vaccine, whether their children’s schools will open.

The Democrats don’t have the votes to convict him. Chief Justice John Roberts is not even presiding, as required by the Constitution for impeachments of sitting presidents. The job should fall to Vice President Kamala Harris as president of the Senate. But the Biden White House doesn’t want her fingerprints on this, lest it backfire, so she steps back to allow Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont to preside.

The Democrats want to keep Trump politically alive for their political reasons. But what are they?

GOP’s Josh Mandel joins race for open Senate seat in Ohio

Mandel, a Marine veteran and former state treasurer, says he will make a third run for the U.S. Senate in Ohio, taking a pro-Trump message in a bid for the seat being vacated by the GOPs Rob Portman. Mandel planned to launch his campaign Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2021, against the backdrop of a second round of impeachment proceedings against the former Republican president. (AP Photo/Tony Dejak, File)

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Republican Josh Mandel, a Marine veteran and former state treasurer, says he will make a third run for the U.S. Senate in Ohio, taking a pro-Trump message in a bid for the seat being vacated by the GOP’s Rob Portman.

Mandel, 43, planned to launch his campaign Wednesday against the backdrop of a second round of impeachment proceedings against the former Republican president.

“This impeachment of President Trump is a complete sham and got my blood boiling to the point where I decided to run for the United States Senate,” Mandel said in an interview. He said he believes charges against Trump are unfounded and the proceeding is unconstitutional.

Mandel was the first statewide official in Ohio to back Trump in 2016 and he raised $500,000 for him in 2020, he said. His campaign will focus on common themes of economic freedom, individual liberty and the “America First” agenda.


John McWhorter, contributing writer at The Atlantic and professor of linguistics at Columbia University, is a member of Persuasion’s Board of Advisors. His new book, The Elect: Neoracists Posing as Antiracists and their Threat to a Progressive America, is being published in serial at It Bears Mentioning.

A new religion is preached across America. It’s nonsense posing as wisdom.

One can divide antiracism into three waves. First Wave Antiracism battled slavery and segregation. Second Wave Antiracism, in the 1970s and 1980s, battled racist attitudes and taught America that being racist was a flaw. Third Wave Antiracism, becoming mainstream in the 2010s, teaches that racism is baked into the structure of society, so whites’ “complicity” in living within it constitutes racism itself, while for black people, grappling with the racism surrounding them is the totality of experience and must condition exquisite sensitivity toward them, including a suspension of standards of achievement and conduct.

Third Wave Antiracist tenets, stated clearly and placed in simple oppositions, translate into nothing whatsoever:

When black people say you have insulted them, apologize with profound sincerity and guilt. But don’t put black people in a position where you expect them to forgive you. They have dealt with too much to be expected to.

Black people are a conglomeration of disparate individuals. “Black culture” is code for “pathological, primitive ghetto people.” But don’t expect black people to assimilate to “white” social norms because black people have a culture of their own.

Silence about racism is violence. But elevate the voices of the oppressed over your own.

You must strive eternally to understand the experiences of black people. But you can never understand what it is to be black, and if you think you do you’re a racist.

President Biden and the Muslim Brotherhood Trap Ambassador (Ret.) Yoram Ettinger

Experienced Counsel

President Biden is about to re embrace the Muslim Brotherhood – in the mold of the Obama/Biden Administration – in defiance of all pro-US Arab countries, which consider the Muslim Brotherhood a clear and present, existential terrorist threat.

President Biden may benefit from the following advice, provided by Sir John Jenkins, a top British specialist on the Muslim Brotherhood, political Islamism and the Middle East, and former Executive Director of the British International Institute for Strategic Studies – Middle East branch: “[The West] should resist the temptation to seek to understand the Muslim Brotherhood through our own cultural or epistemological [knowledge] categories…. [Jenkins cautions against] viewing the world through lenses ground by an exclusivist Western modernity, shaped in the distorting crucible of European nationalism….

“Islamism – to which the Muslim Brotherhood is central – like other totalizing, anti-rational and authoritarian ideologies is a profound ideological challenge to the modern Western conception of the rational state and its foundational principles….”

Engaging or Confronting the Muslim Brotherhood?

Will President Biden’s foreign policy and national security team – led by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, CIA Director William Burns and Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines – heed Sir Jenkins’ counsel?

Opinion: Biden’s dysfunctional human rights policy By David Isaac

The Biden administration has an awfully strange approach to human rights.

President Joe Biden has taken a peculiar approach to human rights. Where he can’t make a difference, he talks big. When he can make a difference, he acts wrongly.

Biden could make a difference with the Palestinians by exacting a price for their misdeeds. Rather than follow Trump’s lead, which would mean continuing to hold back aid until they change their terror-loving ways, Biden’s first move was to announce he’s reinstating it.

In a rhetorical slight of hand, Biden separates the Palestinian leadership from the Palestinian people. U.S. Ambassador Richard Mills in his Jan. 26 speech to the UN Security Council said, “We do not view these steps as a favor to the Palestinian leadership. U.S. assistance benefits millions of ordinary Palestinians…”

Yes, OK, and what’s the delivery address for that aid? Try sending a shipment of aid to “Care of: The Palestinians” and see where it ends up.

Setting aside its support for terror against Jews, (a quick survey of Biden’s team would suggest it’s not going to be of great concern to them) the Palestinian leadership is a human rights horror show against its own people, with torture, arbitrary arrests and the hounding of reporters being the order of the day.

Atlas, Mugged By Joel Zinberg, M.D.

Institutions and journals are coming after Dr. Scott Atlas for the sins of having served in the Trump administration and questioning public-health orthodoxy.

S tanford’s campaign against Dr. Scott Atlas for the sins of working for former president Donald Trump and advocating for balancing the costs and benefits of COVID-19-mitigation measures has taken a new and ugly turn. In September, 105 Stanford medical and health-policy faculty members published an open letter accusing Atlas, their former Stanford medical-school colleague and then White House coronavirus-task-force member, of deliberate misrepresentations of the “established science” surrounding COVID-19 that “will lead to immense avoidable harm.” The letter writers did not cite any publications or statements by Atlas to support their claims. Now two of the letter writers, joined by psychiatrist David Spiegel, a third Stanford colleague who did not sign the original letter, have doubled down. In an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association, they repeat the allegations and suggest that miscreants such as Atlas should be censured by professional medical societies, medical-licensing boards, and universities where they are faculty members. This vendetta has to stop.

Like the earlier letter, the JAMA article provides little evidence of Atlas’s alleged misrepresentations. Indeed, the sole source cited is a New York Times article that misstates Atlas’s positions. Moreover, some of Atlas’s alleged misstatements of science are not misstatements at all. None of this stops the three JAMA authors from insinuating that Atlas is comparable to physicians who promoted eugenics, conducted the racist Tuskegee syphilis experiments, and fraudulently linked vaccines to autism.

The JAMA authors and the Times article they cite claim Atlas questioned the efficacy of mask wearing and social distancing. But that article inaccurately cited an interview with Tucker Carlson of Fox News in which Atlas said people need not wear masks when they are alone but should wear masks if they can’t socially distance around others. Similarly, the Times article cited a different Times piece to claim, as the JAMA authors do, that Atlas pressured the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to change its guidance so that exposed, asymptomatic people would not be tested. But the second article acknowledged “conflicting reports on who was responsible” for the policy change and never suggested it was exclusively Atlas. It reported that Dr. Brett Giroir, the coronavirus-testing director, stated the new guidance was made with input from the CDC director and approved by all the task-force doctors.


In April 2014, in China, a courtroom was convened in Beijing to convict a member of  the resistance group New Citizens Movement .

Xu Zhiyong  was accused and convicted of “inciting a crowd to disturb public order.” His response to the court ?

“This ridiculous judgment cannot hold back the tide of human progress. The haze of the communist dictatorship must eventually lift and the light of freedom, fairness, justice and love will eventually fill China.”