Dominion spokesman: Mike Lindell ‘is begging to be sued’

OAN Report: Mathematician Says Biden Election Win A Statistical Impossibility
Psaki Dodges Question About Laid-Off Pipeline Workers, Green Jobs
Hunter Biden: The fix is in!

Sheriff Warns ‘Americans Will Not Be Safe’ Under Biden’s Immigration Policies

Biden Stabs Us All in the Back, Removes Terrorist Designation from Group Whose Motto Means ‘Death to America’
Biden COVID advisors call for long-term lockdowns, masking
Corona Cash: Financial Disclosures Reveal Biden Surgeon General Made Millions off Pandemic ‘Consulting’
W.H.O.’s Wuhan Probe, a Year After China Admitted to Destroying Evidence, Yields No Leads
NYT Columnist: Sure, China’s Committing Genocide, But at Least They Don’t Have Conspiracy Theories
Pope Francis (Again) Skips China in Litany of Global Injustices
Bill Gates and Neo-Feudalism: A Closer Look at Farmer Bill
Hackers try to contaminate Tampa, Florida town’s water supply
Biden’s drive to war in the Middle East\

Nikky Haley: Biden ‘snubbing Israel’ while ‘cozying up to enemies like Iran’
Why can those on the left never see their own antisemitism?

South Africa suspends Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine rollout after researchers report ‘minimal’ protection against variant
‘Disgrace!’ No border virus checks as South Africa traveller goes unchallenged – EXCLUSIVE

Global Health Officials Back AstraZeneca Vaccine After South Africa Study Rings Alarm

Global Warming Alarmists Keep Letting Their Masks Slip, Reveal Their True Motivations

Give the green shirts long enough and they will reveal their true intentions. This happened most recently when a Massachusetts official said “we have to break” the will of the average person to cut greenhouse gas emissions. It’s another in a long line of admissions made by the climatistas – thank you, Steven Hayward, for adding that descriptive term to our lexicon – that inadvertently exposes their authoritarian urges.

Ranting last month before the Vermont Climate Council, David Ismay, Massachusetts Republican Gov. Charlie Baker’s undersecretary for climate change, said that “60% of our emissions come from residential heating and passenger vehicles,” produced by people on “the street” and seniors on fixed incomes. 

“There is no bad guy left,” he continued, “at least in Massachusetts, to point the finger at, turn the screws on, and break their will so they stop emitting. That’s you, we have to break your will.”

He then added “I can’t even say that publicly.” Which itself says a lot.

Baker appeared to be unhappy with the comments and indicated that Ismay was going to get what we hope, but cannot assume, will be a stern a lecture from another administration official. But no one can, as lawyers like to say, unring that bell. Ismay’s comments are out there, and they disclose more than the alarmists want known.

China Is Creating a New Master Race by Gordon G. Chang

“U.S. intelligence shows that China has conducted human testing on members of the People’s Liberation Army in hope of developing soldiers with biologically enhanced capabilities,” wrote then Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, in a December 3 Wall Street Journal op-ed titled “China Is National Security Threat No. 1.”

All these Chinese moves are meant to obtain “biological dominance.” “There are,” as Ratcliffe noted, “no ethical boundaries to Beijing’s pursuit of power.”

The experiment evoked the eugenics program of the Third Reich to create a “master race.”

Shenzhen’s He [Jenkui], after an international uproar caused by news of his dangerous and unethical work, was fined and jailed for “illegally carrying out human embryo gene-editing,” but in the Communist Party’s near-total surveillance state he obviously had state backing for his experiments…. Beijing’s prosecution of He, therefore, looks like an attempt to cool down the furor and prevent the international scientific community from further inquiry into China’s activities.

“What is most disturbing about these endeavors is that China has gleaned access to CRISPR and advanced genetic and biotech research, thanks to their relationship with the United States and other advanced Western nations. American research labs, biotech investors, and scientists have all striven to do research and business in China’s budding biotech arena… because the ethical standards for research… are so low.” — Brandon Weichert, author of The Weichert Report and Winning Space, interview with Gatestone Institute, February 2021.

Bing Su, a Chinese geneticist at the state-run Kunming Institute of Zoology, recently inserted the human MCPH1 gene, which develops the brain, into a monkey. The insertion could make that animal’s intelligence more human than that of lower primates. Su’s next experiment is inserting into monkeys the SRGAP2C gene, related to human intelligence, and the FOXP2 gene, connected to language skills.

Donald Trump Was America’s Whistleblower-In-Chief He exposed endemic corruption in the DC cesspool. Michael Cutler

Candidate Donald Trump promised that if he was elected President he would “Drain the swamp.”

(The term “Swamp” to describe the pervasively corrupt District of Columbia should be replaced by “Cesspool.”  Swamps are natural elements of our planet’s ecosystem and are home to many forms of plant and animal life and are, therefore essential to our environment.  Cesspools however, are entirely artificial, filled with fetid rotting feces and detritus and there is nothing good to be found in cesspools!)

While most politicians portray themselves as “outsiders” who will clean house when elected, in reality with few exceptions, they are an integral part of the corrupt political system, Trump was not only a true “outsider” but had sufficient wealth so that he was not beholden to the lobbyists and other corruptors of the political system who use campaign contributions to get the best government money can buy (them).

The Orwellian terms “Lobbyists” and “Campaign contributors” should be replaced by far more honest terms: “Corruptors” and “Bribers.”

Trump’s brash and unconventional approach to politics and campaigning rankled many but also attracted the attention of tens of millions of angry and frustrated disenfranchised Americans who knew that the system was not working for them.

John Kerry Emitted 302 Tons of CO2 to Save the Planet Sometimes you have to destroy the environment to save the environment.Daniel Greenfield

In his last year in office, Secretary of State John Kerry was touting the fact that he had traveled over 1.06 million miles and spent some 96 days in the air in the course of 3 years. The archived State Department site tallies Kerry’s total record at 1,417,576 miles and 126 days in the air.

Kerry spent more time flying in 3 years than the average American would in 50 years.

When the Air Force Boeing 757 which ferried Kerry around the world broke down for the fourth time, the media and the foreign policy establishment treated it as some sort of accomplishment.

That might have amounted to something if the ketchup gigolo had done anything in that time except jet around the world to give speeches about the importance of not jetting around the world. Kerry kept racking up miles by flying to Morocco to address the 22nd UN Climate Change Conference, to Indonesia to deliver a speech denouncing unbelievers in global warming, and to Paris to warn that the earth was about to be destroyed if people didn’t stop living like him.

Kerry’s flights would have powered all the appliances in 50 American homes for a year.

“It’s the only choice for somebody like me who is traveling the world to win this battle,” Kerry recently retorted when a reporter asked him about flying his private jet to Iceland to receive an environmental award. Environmentalists don’t fly coach or even first class. They jet set.

1689 or 1776? The Enlightenment Era did begin in 1689 and America is the quintessential Enlightenment nation, but 1776 is still the right choice for America’s founding year. By Robert Curry

K. S. Bruce has written a thoughtful and informed commentary urging America to adopt the “1689 Project” in place of the 1619 Project. 

As you probably already know, the 1619 Project is an ugly attempt by the Left to persuade the uninformed that America was founded as a slave nation and is still today a systemically racist one. Bruce proposes 1689 instead because that year marks the beginning of the Enlightenment Era. The year 1689 misses the target, however, as surely as 1619 does. The Enlightenment Era did begin in 1689 and America is the quintessential Enlightenment nation, but 1776 is still the right choice for America’s founding year—which means President Trump’s 1776 Advisory Commission picked the correct year for its report to the nation. 

Because the Enlightenment Era began in Britain, 1689 marks the beginning of the British Enlightenment—but the American Enlightenment was a far cry from the British Enlightenment, and by 1776 the differences were deep and wide. 1689 might be a good pick for the year the British should rally around, but let’s leave that decision to them. 

Enlightenment thinking spread from Britain, but its fate was very different wherever it traveled. The French Enlightenment took a significantly different direction than the British one, and the American Enlightenment took yet another direction from both the British and the French. Voltaire in France was as different from John Locke in England as Thomas Jefferson was from either one of them.

Bruce notes a key distinction between the British Enlightenment and the American Enlightenment in this way:

Locke’s own writings described “life, liberty and the pursuit of property,” which the American Framers adapted to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

COVID-19 Relief Bill Stalled Over Payments to Illegal Aliens By Stephen Green

A trillion or two dollars in the COVID-19 relief bill has been stalled by Senate Democrats insisting on payments to illegal aliens, while millions of Americans remain unnecessarily unemployed and hopeless.

POLITICO reports that Democrats are “split” as “progressives rage” in their effort to send more borrowed money to illegal aliens.

“Split” might be putting it all too nicely.

Whatever the case, it took two POLITICO infotainment writers, Burgess Everett and Marriane Levine, to come up with this awful paragraph:

An effort to restrict stimulus checks to undocumented immigrants is blowing a hole in Democrats’ unity in the Biden era, after a bloc of Democrats sided with Republicans over their more progressive colleagues last week. The immigration status of those seeking new stimulus payments is shaping up as a major point of contention among Democrats as the House and Senate write their coronavirus relief bills, presaging the tough fights ahead among the party’s tight majorities in Congress on a politically volatile issue.

The effort is to restrict stimulus checks from illegal aliens, not to them, and “undocumented immigrants” isn’t the correct legal terminology.


Manchin pushes Biden to reverse Keystone XL pipeline rejection by Josh Siegel,

Joe Manchin, the most centrist Democrat in a split Senate, is calling on President Biden to reconsider his decision to cancel a permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline.

Manchin, the chairman of the powerful Energy and Natural Resources Committee, asked Biden in a letter on Tuesday that was shared with the Washington Examiner to consider what rejecting the pipeline means for safety, jobs, and energy security.

Biden’s decision, part of a day-one climate change executive order, has drawn backlash from union leaders who endorsed him and some centrist Democrats who say the cancellation will kill thousands of construction jobs.

The Biden administration is facing questions from these traditional allies on how its clean energy and infrastructure spending agenda will create new jobs that can replace lost work in the fossil fuel industry.

Manchin, who represents fossil fuel-intensive West Virginia, has been among the Democrats who have criticized Biden’s move to cancel the 2,000-mile Keystone XL pipeline that would have run from Alberta in western Canada to Texas.

But by going directly to Biden and calling for him to reverse the decision, Manchin is going a step further.

Soldiering on for the Jews and Israel By Ruthie Blum
A new biography reveals the lifelong battles of Australian-Israeli warrior Isi Leibler.

(February 9, 2021 / JNS) Reading a biography about a friend is a mixed experience. On the one hand, the protagonist is familiar. On the other, he’s a complete stranger, whose story unfolds like that of a fictional character being introduced in a novel.

This is the sense of duality that I had while curled up with Lone Voice: The Wars of Isi Leibler, a tome by renowned Australian-Jewish historian Suzanne D. Rutland.

Before meeting Leibler in person 20 years ago, I knew about the human-rights activist from Australia and his long-standing fight on behalf of Soviet Jewry, his tireless battle against global anti-Semitism and his connection to the World Jewish Congress—an organization from which he subsequently resigned as vice president and whose financial corruption he would launch a campaign to expose.

I was also aware that he possessed one of the world’s largest private libraries of Jewish books, certainly the most extensive in Israel. Visions of a dimly lit room covered floor-to-ceiling in volumes of bibles bound in leather and gold, alongside works of the sages and interpretations of the Talmud, came to mind.
Judging by his aptly named “Candidly Speaking” columns in The Jerusalem Post—all brutally honest and hard-hitting—I imagined the man himself to be a daunting, scholarly figure around whom I would do well to watch my intellectual step.

Greta Thunberg admits to being a puppet, is now under investigation for collusion and conspiracy  By Ethan Huff

Climate child Greta Thunberg is the subject of a new criminal investigation after she tweeted a list of her scripted marching orders, apparently accidentally, to her 4.8 million Twitter followers.

It appears as though the 18-year-old global warming activist was trying to tweet an “organic” post in support of the farmers protest in India when she mistakenly shared a document from her handlers outlining tactics for rallying left-wing Twitter users to join the movement.

“These are just some suggested posts, but feel free to tweet your own,” read the first bullet point on the document, which Greta quickly deleted once she realized, apparently, what she had done.

“It’s helpful if you add images or videos to your tweets (some images below),” the document went on to explain. “You can also tag others who can either reshare and/or the potential tags listed above to put pressure on them as well.”

Below these instructions was a series of sample tweets with a “CLICK HERE TO TWEET” button for each one. All Greta had to do, it appears, was click on one and pretend it was her own, and voila: instant support from her drone followers.