Will Democrats’ Election-Reform Push Backfire on the Dark-Money Left? Jack Fowler


Democrats dominate dark-money spending and always have.

T here’s more projection in Washington than in a chain of movie theaters. An excellent example of this is the Left’s relentless attack on “dark money,” cast as a distinctly conservative poison polluting American politics. So goes the hooey.

Just what it is, how much of it there is, who gets the bulk of the dark dough, and whether there is an approaching day of ruing for Democrats and their cash-flush “philanthropy” sidekicks, such as Arabella Advisors and the Tides Foundation — the Left’s superlative hypocrisy on the issue is matched by that of a supportive, echo-chamber media — are questions prompted by the legislation deemed so important, so vital and urgent, it gets the distinction of being numbered H.R. 1. The bill’s formal title is the “For the People Act of 2021” (we might suggest the “For the People Who Are Not Conservatives Act”), and it is sponsored by John Sarbanes (D., Md.). The Senate version’s sponsor is Jeff Merkley, the Oregon Democrat to the left of whom is the Pacific Ocean.

The legislation states that its mission is “to expand Americans’ access to the ballot box, reduce the influence of big money in politics, strengthen ethics rules for public servants, and implement other anti-corruption measures for the purpose of fortifying our democracy, and for other purposes.”

Yes, and unicorns are real.

The bill is a massive thing, and it should be, given its insatiable appetite. H.R. 1 intends to dictate and channel campaign spending (that pesky free-speech right); to essentially federalize elections by undermining the rights of individual states’ voters to set voter qualification, registration, and identity standards; and to stymie citizens’ right to ensure, in their localities, the integrity of elections and registration rolls (the non-cemetery ones). That’s among other things. (The Heritage Foundation provides an excellent analysis of this bill’s predecessor, introduced in the prior 116th Congress.)

Adam Schiff Reportedly Lobbying Gov. Gavin Newsom To Be California Attorney General By Gabe Kaminsky


Axios reports Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., is in the process of lobbying Gov. Gavin Newsom and those around him to represent California as its attorney general. The current AG, Xavier Becerra, is President Joe Biden’s nominee to serve as U.S. secretary of Health and Human Services. With Becerra probable to be confirmed by a majority Democratic Senate, Schiff sees a clear opening to a step possibly towards even higher offices..

Schiff has been a lead instigator of numerous destabilizing hoaxes and information operations during the Trump years, most notably Spygate and numerous lies related to constructing and protecting it. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has reportedly given her approval for Schiff to seek out the AG position.

Schiff was notably a primary Democratic leader in the Trump-Russia investigation. This is an opportunity that would well-position him to run for 87-year-old Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s, D-Calif., seat in 2024. Having gained much-televised fame from these proceedings, many suspect that his abject willingness to lie has pushed his career into an upward trajectory among Democrats in California.

Hunter Biden Clinches Deal With Simon & Schuster After It Nuked Sen. Josh Hawley’s Book  By Gabe Kaminsky


President Joe Biden’s son Hunter, who previously worked on the board of Burisma under the Obama administration for reasons still unclear, is set to release a tell-all memoir titled “Beautiful Things” on April 6 through Simon & Schuster.

This comes on the heels of the same publisher previously dropping Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley’s “The Tyranny of Big Tech” book deal after the Capitol breach in early January. “As a publisher … we cannot support Senator Hawley after his role in what became a dangerous threat to our democracy and freedom,” the publisher said. Today, what evidently earns someone a platform to share their story is quite an arbitrary process, based on wild partisanship.

Hunter Biden’s book was acquired by Gallery Books in the fall of 2019 and will reportedly detail the paternity suit from 28-year-old Arkansas woman Lunden Alexis Roberts, who petitioned in court for Hunter to provide health care and financial support for his alleged son. The book will primarily discuss Hunter’s drug abuse problems through the years, however.

Hunter entered rehab in 2003 and headed to Tijuana, Mexico, in 2014 for treatment using psychoactive alkaloid drugs illegal in the United States. The Biden son was notably discharged from the Navy Reserve in June 2013, after testing positive for cocaine in a routine drug test. His struggles with addiction continued for several years, and he was found with a crack pipe in a rental car in 2016.

“In his harrowing and compulsively readable memoir, Hunter Biden proves again that anybody — even the son of a United States President — can take a ride on the pink horse down nightmare alley,” acclaimed author Stephen King wrote in a blurb on the cover.

Science Betrayed The propaganda infecting K–12 science curricula, especially on the environment, won’t go away.Shepard Barbash


It is a sad irony that the teaching of science in American schools is so unscientific. In a more rational world, children would learn about nature and a mode of inquiry—the scientific method—that would awaken them to the awe, fascination, and surprise that the universe should inspire. Instead, the chronic problems afflicting K–12 education and the growing politicization of science have pushed us ever further from that ideal.

Science has been misused and poorly taught for centuries. Capitalists in the United Kingdom espoused eugenics, Soviet Communists embraced Lysenkoism, and theists around the world credit the theory of Intelligent Design. The most enduring betrayal of science in the classroom today is biased teaching about the environment. Whereas eugenics was fueled by fear among the rich that the poor would overwhelm them, the fallacies of green education emanate from fear on the left that fossil-fuel companies and capitalism are ruining the planet. This fear has suffused curricula since the 1970s with an ever-growing list of alarms: pesticides, smog, water pollution, forest fires, species extinction, overpopulation, famine, rain forest destruction, natural resource scarcity, ozone depletion, acid rain, and the great absorbing panic of our time: global warming.

The choice and treatment of these topics reflect a worldview that teachers absorb early in their training. The mission of education, they’re told, is not to teach knowledge but to seek justice and make the world a better place. Their task is to show students that we are destroying the environment and to empower them to help save it, primarily through government action.

Finally, a Republican leader declares war on Big Tech By Liz Peek *******


A Republican leader has decided to take on Big Tech. It’s high time. While other Republican legislators complain and pontificate about Twitter, Facebook and Google’s interference in our elections and censoring of conservative voices, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has declared war on the tech giants. 

DeSantis is proposing legislation that asks the Florida state legislature to impose stiff fines – up to $100,000 per day – on tech companies that “deplatform” political candidates running for office in his state. Candidates like, for instance, Donald Trump.

Calling the tech giants “enforcers of preferred narratives” whose interests are “not in the public interest,” DeSantis, a Republican, wants to “ensure the protection of the people and their rights.” His proposed bill would allow individuals and the Florida attorney general to sue firms that violate newly established safeguards against privacy violations and censorship.   

DeSantis also suggested that other activities, such as colluding to ban people or companies from payment platforms or from cloud services, could also be outlawed.

Presuming that the popular governor can get his measure passed by the Republican-controlled state legislature, it could become a template for the other 23 GOP-led states. It could, in effect, be the beginning of a revolt against the unacceptable dominance and manipulation of our nation’s discourse by Big Tech.  

It’s a start.

Bill de Blasio Seven Year Report Card As New York City Mayor Francis Menton


On January 1, 2021, our progressive true-believer mayor, Bill de Blasio, began his eighth year in office. Since he is limited to two terms under current law, this will be his last year, unless something changes. Now that another crowd of progressive true-believers has just swept to power in Washington, it seems like an appropriate time to look at how the seven years of super-progressive government have served us in New York.

Recall that when de Blasio became Mayor in January 2014, he followed 20 years of at least nominally Republican mayors, Rudy Giuliani (1994-2001) and Mike Bloomberg (2002-2013). Those 20 years saw dramatic improvements in New York City’s fortunes, including reductions in crime (the murder rate, for example, fell by over 80%), and resumption of a healthy rate of population increase after previous declines. Would the progressive de Blasio instead bring about some kind of immediate disaster and collapse?

For better or worse, that’s not really how it works with bad progressive public policy. Instead of immediate disaster and collapse, what we see is gradual but steady decline, particularly when compared to other jurisdictions that follow policies of, for example, lower taxing and spending and disciplined law enforcement. Thus, in a post on November 4, 2013 — the day before the Election Day on which de Blasio was elected — I made this prediction:

The good news is that even the worst left-wing policies do not lead to immediate economic collapse, but rather to slow gradual decline. It took decades of Rockefeller/Wagner/Lindsay overtaxing and overspending before New York City lost 10% of its population in the 1970s. . . .

So on to an overview of de Blasio’s “accomplishments.”

The Thirty Tyrants The deal that the American elite chose to make with China has a precedent in the history of Athens and Sparta By Lee Smith


In Chapter 5 of The Prince, Niccolo Machiavelli describes three options for how a conquering power might best treat those it has defeated in war. The first is to ruin them; the second is to rule directly; the third is to create “therein a state of the few which might keep it friendly to you.”

The example Machiavelli gives of the last is the friendly government Sparta established in Athens upon defeating it after 27 years of war in 404 BCE. For the upper caste of an Athenian elite already contemptuous of democracy, the city’s defeat in the Peloponnesian War confirmed that Sparta’s system was preferable. It was a high-spirited military aristocracy ruling over a permanent servant class, the helots, who were periodically slaughtered to condition them to accept their subhuman status. Athenian democracy by contrast gave too much power to the low-born. The pro-Sparta oligarchy used their patrons’ victory to undo the rights of citizens, and settle scores with their domestic rivals, exiling and executing them and confiscating their wealth.

The Athenian government disloyal to Athens’ laws and contemptuous of its traditions was known as the Thirty Tyrants, and understanding its role and function helps explain what is happening in America today.

For my last column I spoke with The New York Times’ Thomas Friedman about an article he wrote more than a decade ago, during the first year of Barack Obama’s presidency. His important piece documents the exact moment when the American elite decided that democracy wasn’t working for them. Blaming the Republican Party for preventing them from running roughshod over the American public, they migrated to the Democratic Party in the hopes of strengthening the relationships that were making them rich.

A trade consultant told Friedman: “The need to compete in a globalized world has forced the meritocracy, the multinational corporate manager, the Eastern financier and the technology entrepreneur to reconsider what the Republican Party has to offer. In principle, they have left the party, leaving behind not a pragmatic coalition but a group of ideological naysayers.”

Hady Amr and other reasons for glee in Ramallah: Ruthie Blum


Hady Amr and other reasons for glee in Ramallah

The new administration in Washington isn’t wasting any time implementing its campaign promises. US President Joe Biden’s picks for key positions reflect the vow to reverse as many of his predecessor’s policies in the shortest amount of time.

One such appointee is Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Israeli and Palestinian Affairs Hady Amr. Amr’s first order of business has been to phone Palestinian officials.
Last weekend, he spoke with Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh and Palestinian Intelligence director Majed Faraj. 

According to Palestinian news outlets, Shtayyeh and Amr discussed moves by former US president Donald Trump that did not sit well with the powers-that-be in Ramallah and Gaza. These included the move of the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the closing of the PLO office in Washington and the severing of financial aid to the PA and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

On Monday, Amr called PA General Authority of Civil Affairs head Hussein al-Sheikh. Following their conversation, Sheikh tweeted: “We discussed bilateral relations, the latest current developments and politics. It was a positive conversation. [We] agreed to continue communication.” 

Citizen Trump by: Diana West


This engraving depicts the 1793 trial of Citizen Louis Capet. He had been stripped of his title, King Louis XVI, by those who presumed to judge him. The image, the event, seems relevant on contemplating the looming impeachment trial of Citizen Trump. After the failure of Congress to pause the counting of Electoral votes to permit due process in the contested states, we may see that President Trump was also stripped of his title by those who now presume to judge him.

Louis’ trial ended infamously in regicide by guillotine. However much baying there is for Trump’s head, such a remedy lies beyond Senate recourse. On conviction of impeachment, the sentence is removal from office. Donald Trump may have won re-election, but he has no office. Such a sentence, then, would seem to be an exercise in futility, only revolutionaries don’t have time for futlity. 

There are two forms of regicide, according to research by Meagan Montanari, author of an interesting essay titled “The Good King: Louis XVI as a Religious Figure and Martyr.”

She writes:

The first type is basically that of a usurper, only wanting to kill the current king so that he can take over the throne for himself. This first type leaves the monarchy in place, never thinking of the possibility of doing away with it.

North Carolina’s Lt. Governor shows how to fight back against a corrupt media By Andrea Widburg


In 2018, Mark Robinson stood up before the city council in Greensboro, North Carolina, and gave an impassioned defense of the Second Amendment. That video went viral and led to him entering politics. Last year, Robinson became North Carolina’s Republican Lieutenant Governor. This year, when a local paper published a cartoon calling the entire North Carolina Republican party a KKK entity, Robinson (who is black) ferociously attacked the newspaper for its dishonesty and ignorance. He needs to give master classes in handling the media.

To get a sense of the man, I recommend that you take the four minutes to watch his defense of the Second Amendment in the face of the Greensboro city council’s plan to ban gun shows from coming to the city. It’s epic:

This man is not a shrinking violet. So, as I said, that speech was the springboard to a successful political career that saw Mark Robinson go from private citizen to North Carolina Lieutenant Governor in just two years.

On Tuesday, WRAL.com published a cartoon that showed the Republican party as the KKK party. The cartoon revolves around the North Carolina Board of Education’s plan to have “inclusive” social studies standards. In a word, the standards are “woke” – they are the usual anti-American stuff about America being a racist, imperialist, destructive, hate-filled, yadda, yadda, yadda country.