Parents at Elite NYC School Push Back Against Faculty’s Antiracist Demands

Parents whose children attend an elite, private New York City prep school are pushing back against the faculty’s litany of antiracist demands, which would force students to learn critical race theory.

In an open letter to the Dalton School community, a group of parents expressed “loving concern” over the school’s “abandonment” of liberal-arts education in favor of an “anti-racist curriculum.” They asked Dalton to suspend newly developed lessons rooted in critical race theory, return to former curriculum standards, and hire an independent ombudsman to conduct a survey among students, parents, and alumni about the school’s antiracist measures.

“Love of learning and teaching is now being abandoned in favor of an ‘anti-racist curriculum,'” the parents wrote. “Every class this year has had an obsessive focus on race and identity, ‘racist cop’ reenactments in science, ‘de-centering whiteness’ in art class, learning about white supremacy and sexuality in health class. Wildly age-inappropriate, many of these classes feel more akin to a Zoom corporate sensitivity training than to Dalton’s intellectually engaging curriculum.”

Months of racial unrest sparked last year by Black Lives Matter led dozens of schools, particularly expensive, private institutions, to weave lessons in critical race theory—the notion that laws and society in the United States are inherently racist—into school curricula.

Biden Admin Will Have to Thread Needle as it Resumes Palestinian Aid Congress warns resumption in aid could violate American law Adam Kredo

The Biden administration will have to walk a fine line when it resumes U.S. aid to the Palestinians due to an American law that blocks funding until they end a policy known as “pay to slay,” in which Western aid money is used to care for imprisoned terrorists and their families.

Republican lawmakers say a resumption in U.S. aid to the Palestinians could violate the Taylor Force Act, which mandates the Palestinian government stop using Western aid dollars to pay terrorists and their families. Congressional leaders told the Washington Free Beacon they will be closely watching the administration to ensure it does not violate U.S. law. The State Department maintains any resumption in aid will be done in compliance with the law, which does include exemptions for humanitarian assistance.

The Biden administration’s decision sets up an early showdown between the State Department and Congress over the future of U.S. foreign policy regarding the Palestinians and their continued support for terrorism. The Free Beacon first reported in October that the Palestinian government has continued paying terrorists despite the passage three years ago of the Taylor Force Act, according to findings that were published in a non-public State Department report sent to Congress.

“The resumption of any U.S foreign assistance that indirectly funds the Palestinian Authority’s pay-for-slay terrorist program would violate U.S. law, betray our Israeli partners, and put Americans living in or visiting Israel in harm’s way,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) told the Free Beacon.

House GOP Calls on UPenn to Turn Over Records on Biden Center and China Funding Alana Goodman

Top Republicans on three House investigative committees are demanding that the University of Pennsylvania release funding records on the school’s Penn Biden Center, a policy institute launched by President Joe Biden in 2017.

In a letter sent Thursday to University of Pennsylvania president Amy Gutmann, the lawmakers also asked for records related to the recent surge in donations to the university from China as well as information on any contracts and agreements between Penn and the Chinese government.

The university has received over $72 million from China since the Penn Biden Center opened—up from $21 million in the same time frame prior—prompting questions from watchdog groups and lawmakers about whether the uptick had any relation to the center.

“Understanding whether the University of Pennsylvania’s Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement (Biden Center) received funds from China or other adversarial nations at the behest of the Biden family or future Biden Administration officials will shed light on the depth and breadth of the potential improper influence these nations enjoy over the Biden family,” said the letter from House Committee on Oversight and Reform ranking member James Comer (R., Ky.), House Committee on the Judiciary ranking member Jim Jordan (R., Ohio), and the House Committee on Education and Labor ranking member Virginia Foxx (R., N.C.).

The lawmakers also said they are concerned about China’s efforts to influence U.S. academics. The Penn Biden Center, which was run by Biden’s secretary of state Antony Blinken and employed other Biden aides, has declined to disclose details about its funding.

Leftists Want ‘The Next Ted Cruz Or Josh Hawley’ Exiled From Name-Brand Universities By Evita Duffy

The American gentry seeks to squash conservatism, the free speech ethos of the university system, and intellectual diversity in our country.

An article titled “Instructing Insurrections: How UChicago Can Avoid Creating the Next Ted Cruz” was published on Sunday in “The Chicago Maroon,” a nearly 130-year-old left-wing student newspaper at the University of Chicago.

Replete with obnoxious Ivy League elitism, the article reads like an instruction guide on how to undermine the university’s renowned “Chicago Principles,” which guarantee free speech and open discourse on campus, and how to gaslight conservative students in the classroom. It is also a direct attack on the “Chicago Thinker,” an opposing conservative student newspaper I co-founded this summer, which is the solo voice on campus deviating from its woke orthodoxy.

“We’ve seen the consequences of elevating hateful rhetoric—we have seen it now in the highest echelons of power,” writes student author Kelly Hui. “It begins in our classrooms,” where the Ivy-educated Cruzes and Josh Hawleys “are given the tools they need to acquire and keep power, even if it means promoting fascism and white nationalism.”

“The next Ted Cruz could be walking through the quad right now,” warns Hui. “The future Josh Hawley might be playing devil’s advocate in your [sociology] class. We can prevent such radicalization by reexamining the Chicago principles and prioritizing safety over absolute free speech.”

How Equity Will Destroy America Equity and equal opportunity are fundamentally incompatible.By David Marcus

Back in 2019, as the race for the Democratic nomination for president was shaping up, the field was heralded as the most diverse in history. But when the dust settled, it was the old white guy who had once palled around with segregationists who came away with the prize. The Joe Biden administration is making up for his paleness now by making race and identity the grand unifying principle of its approach to everything. If they succeed, the results will be a disaster.

The administration has identified four emergencies facing the nation that it seeks to prioritize. One is racism itself; the other three are COVID-19, the economy, and climate change. In all of these areas, Biden has promised to keep a laser focus on equity. It is important to realize that equity is not equality. The latter concerns itself with opportunities, the former with outcomes.

How do we know this? It’s right there in Biden’s executive order on equity. The order states, “Affirmatively advancing equity, civil rights, racial justice, and equal opportunity is the responsibility of the whole of our Government.” It is telling that equal opportunity comes last and that equity comes first. Equity basically means that it is the job of the government to make sure that little or no disparities exist when comparing the outcomes of different demographic groups. It is an insane and dangerous fallacy.

Setting aside the notion that our government (and we ourselves) should be treating people as individuals, not as representatives of their demographic groups, there is a deeper problem with equity. This is that different demographic groups on average prioritize different things. Broadly speaking, a big reason why Asian students outperform white students is that their parents look at education in very different ways.

The ‘After Trump’ Era Begins By Victor Davis Hanson

Pfizer had hinted that a vaccine could be ready in late October. Then, mysteriously, it wasn’t. Then, stranger still, it appeared — a few days after Election Day.

Suddenly, after Joe Biden’s inauguration, Illinois, Michigan, and other blue states eased some of their lockdown restrictions to get their economies back on track despite little change in COVID-19 rates.

During the Trump Age, the president was supposedly responsible for every death from COVID-19. Now, the media report that career scientists and health administrators in the federal government, especially at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, were largely to blame for past slow testing, and were tardy and lax in apprising the nation of the infectious threat.

The Biden campaign’s widely reported promises of a new, superior COVID-19 plan turned out to be more of the same old, same old from the Trump Age.

Biden did mandate the wearing of masks on all federal property. But he then immediately undermined his own order during his first few hours on the job by going mask-less during a photo op at the Lincoln Memorial.

Stranger still, during his first few hours in office, President Biden announced, “There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months.”

NY undercounted nursing home deaths by thousands, AG says By Marina Villeneuve Bernard Ccondon and Matt Sedensky

New York may have undercounted COVID-19 deaths among nursing home residents by thousands, the state attorney general charged in a report Thursday that dealt a blow to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s oft-repeated claims that his state is doing better than others in protecting its most vulnerable.

The 76-page report found an undercount of more than 50%, backing up the findings of an Associated Press investigation last year that focused on the fact that New York is one of the only states in the nation that count residents who died on nursing home property and not those who later died in hospitals.

Such an undercount would mean the state’s current official tally of 8,711 nursing home deaths to the virus is actually more than 13,000, boosting New York from No. 6 to highest in the nation.

“While we cannot bring back the individuals we lost to this crisis, this report seeks to offer transparency that the public deserves,” Attorney General Letitia James said in a statement.

The report from a fellow Democratic official undercut Cuomo’s frequent argument that the criticism of his handling of the virus in nursing homes was part of a political “blame game,” and it was a vindication for thousands of families who believed their loved ones were being omitted from counts to advance the governor’s image as a pandemic hero.

State lawmakers are pushing to curb governors’ virus powers By David A. Lieb

Irritated by the sweeping use of executive orders during the COVID-19 crisis, state lawmakers around the U.S. are moving to curb the authority of governors and top health officials to impose emergency restrictions such as mask rules and business shutdowns.

The push is underway in such states as Arizona, Michigan, Ohio, Maryland, Kentucky, Indiana and Pennsylvania, where legislators are seeking a constitutional amendment to strip the governor of many of his emergency powers.

Pennsylvania Republican Sen. Wayne Langerholc said the amendment would “make it unequivocally clear that our General Assembly is a co-equal branch … that we are not a monarchy and that our voices matter.”

Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf and some of his counterparts around the country have argued that they need authority to act quickly and decisively against the fast-changing threat.

The coronavirus has killed an estimated 430,000 Americans and is going through its most lethal phase yet, despite the rollout of vaccines, with new and more contagious variants from abroad turning up in the U.S.

Hail to the IDF chief By Ruthie Blum


IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi’s speech at the annual Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) conference on Tuesday aroused the kind of debate among Israeli pundits and politicians that is particularly relevant in the wake of US President Joe Biden’s inauguration this month, and in the lead-up to the March 23 Knesset elections.

In his address, Kochavi conveyed a two-pronged message: that the administration in Washington should not return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in its current form or any updated version of it; and that the Israeli military is preparing for the possibility of an attack on the Islamic Republic’s nuclear facilities.
The way he did this, in part, was to underscore the difference between friend and foe.

“The world power with which we have the strongest ties is the United States,” he stated. “The cooperation [between us] is outstanding, both strategically and operationally. With each passing year, we increase the scope of coordination and achieve the highest level of intimacy. We also have understandings and even operational coordination with Russia – something that can’t be taken for granted – and our coordination and military ties with Egypt and Jordan are only strengthening.”

He then pointed to the Abraham Accords. “The normalization [with Arab countries in the region] creates a counter-wave against our enemies, many of whom…  were already quite isolated, and now are even more so,” he said, adding, that “for the most part, we have considerably minimized [those] enemies’ ability to transfer weapons via air, land and sea, and… funds earmarked for terrorism.”

Here he issued a warning to the regime in Tehran and its proxy groups in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria.

Iran Tests the New Administration . By Seth Cropsey

On 18 January, Iran detained businessman Emad Sharghi, preventing his alleged attempt to “flee” the country.  Sharghi, a dual Iranian-American citizen who works for a UAE-based aviation brokerage firm, has been harassed by Iranian authorities in the past, and was imprisoned previously in 2018.  In November 2020, Sharghi was convicted without a trial of espionage by Abdolqasem Salavati, a controversial Iranian judge who has convicted numerous dissidents.  Salavati is part of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Courts system, a parallel judiciary that handles cases relating to regime security.  Established in 1979, the Revolutionary Courts have overseen numerous domestic purges, acting akin to the Soviet Union’s NKVD-operated secret court system during the 1930s.  Although Sharghi was convicted and sentenced to 10 years in prison in November and arrested in December, he was soon released on bail.

Considering the direct control the regime holds over the Revolutionary Courts system and the mullahs’ record of involvement in U.S. presidential elections, it is likely that high-level decision-makers in the Islamic Republic ordered Sharghi’s arrest.  Moreover, his conviction occurred within a week of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh’s assassination. Fakhrizadeh was an Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps brigadier general and physicist who oversaw Iran’s nuclear program.  Coupled with the assassination of IRGC General Qassem Soleimani in January 2020, Fakhrizadeh’s death demonstrates a significant degree of penetration into Iran’s security system.  Sharghi’s U.S. citizenship and arrest, therefore, is a direct message to the United States, much like Iran’s missile strike against a U.S.-used Iraqi airbase was after the Soleimani killing.