Israel’s Normalization with Four Muslim Nations The good news – and the bad. Raymond Ibrahim

As long as the Jewish state maintains the upper hand—and has the will to survive—its existential enemies will be forced to comply.

Israel recently signed agreements establishing relations with four Muslim nations: the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco.

Both good and bad news surround this development.

The bad news is bland and predictable: a permanent peace between Israel and its Muslim neighbors is, according to Islamic law, or sharia, impossible: any land that was once part of Dar al-Islam—that is, any land that was ever conquered by Muslims for any length of time—is always part of Islam and must be recovered by any means necessary—preferably jihad.

As it happens, the territory consisting of the modern state of Israel was conquered by Muslims in the year 637; from then until the creation of Israel in 1948—minus some two centuries of Crusader presence—it was part of the Muslim world.

To quote Dr. Ali al-Qaradaghi, a renowned Sharia expert and secretary-general of the International Union of Muslim Scholars: “There is a consensus among Muslims, in the past and present, that if an Islamic land is occupied, then its inhabitants must declare jihad until it is liberated from the occupiers.”

81 election fraud cases brought to courts, 30 active cases

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions has put together a comprehensive list of all of the court cases on election fraud brought forward in recent months.

The group found there have been a total of 81 cases filed in Pennsylvania, Nevada, New Jersey, Montana, Minnesota, Michigan, Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, New Mexico, North Carolina, Iowa, Colorado, Texas, New York, Ohio and Washington D.C.

Many of those that are still active were filed in the battleground states, where county totals were decided by just a handful of votes.

The case brought by the President’s campaign against the Secretary of Pennsylvania entered it’s third round as the petitioner pushed for the state Supreme Court to consolidate and reconsider former rulings regarding the counting of thousands of ballots that were improperly cast, but counted anyway.

The Nevada Republican Central Committee v. Clark County was filed in October and called for election officials to make voter records public as vote by mail processes led to a number of issues in the days following the election. In November, a judge ruled the county must reveal the number of ballots that were flagged due to signature issues, including signatures that were missing or unmatched.

While a majority of the lawsuits were brought forth by the President and his team, pockets of voters from across the country became their own advocates, filing lawsuits against election officials and state leaders all on their own.

One such group of voters in Georgia, many of whom doubled as poll tabulators and electors, filed suit detailing numerous instances of voting irregularities. A hearing was held in early January where the petitioners had the chance to bring their concerns forward.

“It is clear from the video that the people’s business in this very important process that we all hold so dear in this democracy, called elections, a one man one vote, was conducted in secrecy, not in the open,” Bob Cheeley, attorney for the petitioner stated.

Meanwhile in Arizona, two groups, “Mi Familia Vota” and “Arizona Coalition for Change” sued Secretary of State Katie Hobbs.

The Most Important Question About the 2020 Election Is it really a “lie” or a “conspiracy theory” to wonder about the integrity of the election? Dennis Prager

Since the day after the 2020 presidential election, I have said I am agnostic with regard to whether the election was honestly or dishonestly decided.

The primary reasons for my agnosticism are the usual ones:

The anomalies:

In 132 years, no president has received more votes in his run for reelection and lost. Yet Donald Trump received 10 million more votes in 2020 than in 2016 — and lost.

Trump won 18 of the 19 counties both Democrats and Republicans regard as the “bellwether” counties that virtually always go with the outcome of presidential elections. Yet he lost.

He won four bellwether states — Florida, Ohio, Iowa and North Carolina. Yet he lost.

Republicans held onto all the House seats they were defending and gained another 13 seats. Yet, Trump lost.

Add the following to the anomalies:

Unprecedented efforts were made in some states to change election laws.

Biden’s Gifts for Illegal Aliens Welcome to the open-borders president. Joseph Klein

President Joe Biden is the illegal aliens’ best friend. He is asking Congress to provide a pathway to citizenship for the more than 11 million illegal aliens presently living in the United States. And to make the illegal aliens feel better about themselves, Biden is seeking a change in U.S. immigration laws to replace the phrase “illegal alien” with “noncitizen” to describe them.

Unless the Democrats eliminate the filibuster in the Senate, Biden is not likely to get his complete legislative package passed by Congress. “A mass amnesty with no safeguards and no strings attached is a nonstarter,” said Republican Senator Chuck Grassley.

However, Biden decided not to wait for Congress to act. He signed an executive order halting border wall construction. He also signed another executive order reversing the Trump administration’s “remain in Mexico” program for so-called asylum seekers waiting for U.S. hearings on their asylum pleas. “Remain in Mexico,” worked out with the cooperation of the Mexican government, was implemented as a practical solution to a vexing problem. It was designed as an alternative to either detaining the ostensible asylum-seekers in the United States until their amnesty applications could be heard by U.S. immigration judges or releasing them into communities across the country under the infamous “catch and release” policy of prior administrations. Biden’s executive order brings back the “catch and release” policy, endangering the safety of law-abiding Americans.

Open-borders President Joe Biden is creating through such executive orders and his pro-amnesty legislative agenda a super-strong magnet to pull many more illegal migrants into the United States.



“It is not only that we cannot see the forest for the trees; our vision is so low to the ground that we cannot see the trees for the underbrush. The contemporary intent is to attach minds of ivory to feet of clay, strong wills to weak inclinations, and sterling qualities to commonplace attributes. Greatness grates. Or in Johnathan Swift’s terms from Gulliver’s Travels, we need to shrink the Brobdingnagian down to the size of the Lilliputian.

Today, we see this species of libelous truncation carried out by the media, the political echelon and a significant portion of the electorate against Donald Trump, one of the truly great presidents in the national pantheon. Obviously, Trump did not possess the gravity of Lincoln or the folksy humor of Reagan. But presidents should be judged by their deeds.

This was a president who did not accept a salary, whose love of America was undeniable, and who strove might and main to Make America Great Again. He created a prosperous economy, brought jobs and industries back to the homeland, slashed the unemployment rate to its lowest figure in the last fifty years, lifted between 6 and 7 million people off food stamps, oversaw record stock market gains, eliminated strangling business regulations and bureaucratic overreach, gave tax relief for the middle class, cut the capital gains tax, rebuilt the military, renegotiated trade deals in America’s interests, established energy independence, imposed tariffs to protect vital industries, brought high-speed broadband infrastructure to rural America, lowered the price of vehicles, passed the Navigable Waters Protection Rule providing relief to farmers, modernized the Department of Agriculture’s biotechnology sector, brought the Space force into being as the sixth branch of the U.S. Armed Services, and much much more.

The fact that Trump accomplished what he did in four short years despite the veritable barrage of political obstructions, slander, disinformation, fraudulent investigations, frivolous impeachments, media mendacity and mantic contempt—in effect, a campaign orchestrated by a rabid group of ideologues to discredit and literally belittle him—beggars belief.

Trump built towers; his enemies dug trenches.

Only Five Republicans Side with Democrats To Proceed with Impeachment Trial By Matt Margolis

Despite Senator Rand Paul’s point of order arguing that the impeachment trial is unconstitutional, the Senate voted 55-45 not to dismiss the impeachment trial, with five Republicans joining the Democrats. Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Ben Sasse of Nebraska, Mitt Romney of Utah, and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania.

Gabbard Sounds the Alarm: Leftists Are Plotting ‘KGB-Style Surveillance’ of Conservatives By Tyler O’Neil,

On Tuesday, former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) issued another important warning about the Democrats like former CIA Director John Brennan who appear to have seized on the Capitol riot as an excuse to crack down on dissent from the Left’s orthodoxy. Democrats seem to be mulling a new domestic “War on Terror” complete with surveillance of American “insurgents” like… Libertarians.

In a short video posted on Twitter, Gabbard began by condemning the mob that stormed the Capitol but went on to issue an important warning about the budding new “War on Terror.”

“The mob that stormed the Capitol on January 6 to try to stop Congress from carrying out its constitutional responsibilities were behaving like domestic enemies of our country. But let’s be clear, the John Brennans, Adam Schiffs, and oligarchs in Big Tech who are trying to undermine our constitutionally-protected rights and turn our country into a police state with KGB-style surveillance, are also domestic enemies, and much more powerful, and therefore dangerous, than the mob that stormed the Capitol,” Gabbard declared.

She then played a brief clip of Brennan warning against an “unholy alliance” including “religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, and even Libertarians” that “looks very similar to insurgency movements that we’ve seen overseas.”

Gabbard, a former presidential candidate, ended her clip by calling on President Joe Biden and all members of Congress to condemn Brennan’s remarks, which suggest a threat to Americans’ civil liberties.

CDC Apparently Changed COVID Criteria That Inflated Fatalities 10-Fold (2/2) By Michael Thau

Imagine if President Trump had managed to squeeze out $38 billion to fund a border wall by scaring the bejesus out of Congress with some incredibly alarming stats about illegal alien crime.

Now try to imagine that the mainstream press completely ignored the question of whether those stats might have been ginned up out of thin air precisely to get Congress to turn over all that dough.

Unless you’re on some pretty crazy hallucinogens, you can’t.

Heck, even if every single word of Trump’s story were true, not a week would pass before some New York Times reporter would be all over the news quoting her mentally defective brother-in-law as a “source familiar with the matter” who claims that Trump had not only lied about the criminal propensities of illegal aliens—whom everyone knows are better Americans than you or I and especially Donald Trump could ever hope to be—but that the dreaded Orange Man had also viciously mocked our founding fathers, flag, and Jesus Christ himself along the way.

Yet, somehow, hardly anyone in America is even aware that the CDC managed to get their initial $8 billion budget for 2020 increased by a factor of six to a whopping $46 billion by relentlessly honking the COVID-19 panic-horn. (H/t, RedState reader, Kurt Schulzke.)

Yet Another Trump Impeachment? Sorry, But This One Too Is A Sham

he Democrats are racing ahead with their third effort to impeach former President Donald Trump. Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sent the impeachment articles to the Senate on Tuesday, and the now evenly-split Senate will take it up on Feb. 8. It’s a waste of time and taxpayer money for one simple reason: It’s not even legal.

No, that’s not a mere assertion or our opinion. It’s based on the only document we know that guides how impeachments should take place. It’s called the Constitution.

We still live in a constitutional republic, which means we are bound by its laws. So is Congress.

So here’s what the Constitution says:

When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

So the impeachment now being moved to the Senate is not legal, based on the clear wording and intent of the Constitution.

Meet Joe Biden, The Job Slayer

When running for office, President Joe Biden repeatedly proclaimed that his policies would create 18 million jobs. But on his first day in office, Biden took actions that will put millions out of work.

One of the very first executive actions Biden signed was to kill the Keystone XL pipeline, a project that President Barack Obama had blocked for years, which President Donald Trump finally approved. Biden’s reason? To combat the “climate crisis.” While canceling the pipeline won’t have any impact on global temperatures, it will kill thousands of (mostly union) jobs.

As the plumbers and pipefitters union noted: “The Biden administration has now put thousands of union workers out of work. For the average American family, it means energy costs will go up and communities will no longer see the local investments that come with pipeline construction.”

Some estimates said the pipeline would employ 11,000 American workers in 2021 and create more than $1.6 billion in wages.

The same day, Biden imposed a 60-day moratorium on oil and gas leases on federal lands. The American Petroleum Institute calculates that, if made permanent, Biden’s ban will cost nearly 1 million jobs over the next two years and cut the nation’s economic output a total of $700 billion by 2030. Oh, and it will make the U.S. more dependent on oil imports.

As ABC News reported, Biden’s “moratorium on new oil and natural gas leases and drilling permits is prompting widespread concerns in New Mexico, where spending on education and other public programs hinges on the industry’s success.”