Rand Paul pushes back against Stephanopoulos narrative By Andrea Widburg


Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) appeared on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos.  The latter tried to bully Paul into accepting the Democrat narrative that Joe Biden, a corrupt, debauched old man who periodically emerged from the basement to “campaign” for president, won more votes than any candidate in presidential history, including Obama, the first sort of Black president, and Hillary, the first genetically female presidential candidate.  Sen. Paul not only refused to be bullied, but he pushed back, exposing to viewers the fact that Stephanopoulos is not a journalist but is, instead, a Democrat party activist.

Stephanopoulos entered politics early, working for Michael Dukakis’s 1988 presidential campaign when Stephanopoulos was in his mid-20s.  In 1992, he was back again working for Bill Clinton’s campaign, making his name as a spokesman for Clinton both during and after the election.  Beginning in 1996, Stephanopoulos left the White House for ABC, and he’s been there ever since.

Although technically a “journalist,” Stephanopoulos is famously partisan, routinely serving as an attack dog for the Democrat party.  He certainly showed that side of himself in the interview with Sen. Paul.

What Stephanopoulos hadn’t counted on is that Paul has an advantage compared to many of the elected officials, bureaucrats, and assorted famous people whom Stephanopoulos bullies…er, interviews on his show.  Paul is a principled man.  His values do not change depending on where he sees an advantage to himself.  That gives him a moral clarity that makes it impossible to bully him, as Stephanopoulos discovered to his cost.

In the clip that’s making the rounds on the internet, Stephanopoulos opened by demanding that Paul recite the current leftist catechism, which is that Slow Joe, AKA Basement Biden, won the election fair and square: “Ah, Sen. Paul.  Let me begin with a threshold question for you.  This election was not stolen.  Do you accept that fact?”

Rupert Murdoch rails against ‘awful woke orthodoxy’ while accepting award By Dominick Mastrangelo


Media mogul Rupert Murdoch blasted so-called cancel culture and a “woke orthodoxy” that he described as “awful” and suggested was a threat to the free exchange of ideas in the U.S. and around the world.

“For those of us in the media, there’s a real challenge to confront: a wave of censorship that seeks to silence conversation, to stifle debate, to ultimately stop individuals and societies from realizing their potential,” Murdoch, the executive chairman of News Corp., said in recorded remarks while receiving an award from the Australia Day Foundation, according to The New York Times.

“This rigidly enforced conformity, aided and abetted by so-called social media, is a straitjacket on sensibility,” Murdoch added. “Too many people have fought too hard in too many places for freedom of speech to be suppressed by this awful woke orthodoxy.”

Video of the remarks was also posted on the website of the Herald Sun, an Australian newspaper owned by Murdoch, whose media ownership includes Fox News and the New York Post.

Many GOP lawmakers and media commentators on the right have decried “cancel culture,” calling it a concerted effort by those on the left to suppress opposing viewpoints.

Cancel culture comes for the moderates By Andrew Koppelman


The increasing tendency to interpret obviously sarcastic metaphors of violence as if they were real threats makes me want to kill somebody. Am I in trouble because I wrote that? That would be silly, wouldn’t it?   

If you read that sentence as an actual call for violence, you are at best a careless reader. It’s an obviously insincere, satirical claim about my state of mind. It doesn’t call for anyone to do anything. Does it mean that I’m threatening someone? Who? 

The pressure to cancel people because they have violated vague and unpredictable norms has claimed its latest victim in Will Wilkinson, who was vice president for research at the Niskanen Center, a libertarian think tank, and who (tenuously) remains a New York Times contributing opinion writer. His firing is particularly depressing, because Niskanen has been one of the most useful sources of independent, contrarian policy analysis. It was started by Cato Institute refugees who were disaffected with the Institute’s dishonest climate change denial. They thought, correctly, that libertarianism properly understood does not allow businesses to harm others, as the fossil fuel industry does. For Niskanen to join the cancellation bandwagon is a major disappointment.

Here’s what happened. After the inauguration, some conservative writers complained that although Biden called for unity, he proposed policies that Republicans could never agree to. “‘Aha! Biden proposes policies I dislike. HIS CALL FOR UNITY IS A LIE!!!’ is all the forlorn conservative mind can seem to muster. Sad,” tweeted Wilkinson.  

Soon after, he followed up with the line that got him fired: “If Biden really wanted unity, he’d lynch Mike Pence.” 

Five examples of media’s sycophancy for Biden on inauguration week By Joe Concha ****


Coverage of presidential inauguration week underperformed already-low expectations, with the usual measured accolades and sober analysis for the incoming president mostly sidelined for fawning praise and outright activism.

The overall theme centered on the premise that President Biden is in essence the second coming of George Washington, who, according to popular lore, vowed never to tell a lie. Anchors and pundits returned to this theme again and again with Biden, who famously dropped out of his first presidential run due to a plagiarism scandal.

Biden also claimed multiple times – including once during last year’s presidential campaign – to have been arrested or jailed when he attempted to see Nelson Mandela in South Africa at the height of Apartheid. After being fact-checked, Biden “clarified” his remarks instead of apologizing, saying he was merely “stopped.” The 78-year-old also told a Black audience in 2012 that then-GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney wanted to “put y’all back in chains,” without any evidence, as many in the media chuckled over the outrageous comment. 

Space limitations make it impossible to share all the examples witnessed this week, so here are the top five examples of the media’s slobbering sycophancy: 

The U.S. Government Shouldn’t Send Communist China Americans’ DNA And Health Info By Ben Weingarten


The Biden administration must take serious steps to ensure China ceases its exploitation of the COVID-19 crisis in ways that threaten our national security.

Some two decades ahead of schedule, on Jan. 12, the Trump administration declassified its Indo-Pacific Strategic Framework, a document outlining its national security strategy regarding Asia. The document is critical, and the timing of its declassification was telling.

As National Security Advisor Robert C. O’Brien noted in a statement announcing its release, the framework “has provided overarching strategic guidance for implementing the 2017 National Security Strategy within the world’s most populous and economically dynamic region.”

By making the document public just before Inauguration Day — as with its other recent actions and revelations regarding Communist China — the outgoing Trump administration delivered a message to its would-be soft-on-China successor: Do not deviate from the course we have charted in countering our most formidable adversary. A return to appeasement becomes more difficult when the extent of the Chinese Communist Party’s malignant endeavors are laid bare, and the American people can see that there has been a robust plan for confronting it.

Progress Subverted by Bureaucracy

The Trump administration has taken yeoman efforts to implement this strategy, for which America has benefited immeasurably while effectuating a sea change across the federal government in thought and action concerning China. It appears, however, that pockets of resistance remain. Indeed, even the most determined of administrations with the best of strategies can find their plans at times subverted by an obstinate permanent bureaucracy.

Determined Wreckers Scott McKay See note please


President Herbert Hoover was an eminently decent man, destroyed by a recession not of his making….not an abject bum like Jimmy Carter….rsk

Last week at my site, just after an inauguration speech Chris Wallace and the rest of the frauds and sycophants in the mainstream media applauded solely because membership in the D.C. cocktail club required it, I posted a historical perspective. It sifted the 20th- and 21st-century presidents into four categories: Positive Change Agents, Competent Managers, Determined Wreckers, and Abject Bums.

Feel free to check out the post to see where President Trump landed. But you won’t find Joe Biden slotted in any of the categories. Not yet.

Biden has a record, of course, and his ideological professions, talent level, and mental acuity are known knowns. That he isn’t a candidate for the first two categories is quite obvious.

But is he an Abject Bum, or a Determined Wrecker?

It isn’t that the answer is complicated. It’s that there are two answers. We can see this pretty easily from checking the things spewing out of Biden’s mouth against the executive orders micturating from his presidential pen.

Biden prattles on about unity and recovery, and he almost seems sincere about it. In fact, if he wasn’t so clearly a man incapable of honesty one might even believe he seeks unity rather than obedience.

Those executive orders, on the other hand, which represent the most violent lurch to the left in the first week of a presidential administration in U.S. history, don’t reflect an Abject Bum administration.

Jimmy Carter was an Abject Bum. So was Herbert Hoover. This is not that, as bum-ish as Biden certainly appears to be.

This is the work of Determined Wreckers, with Biden as their puppet.

Government Waste Thrives in Darkness By Thomas W. Smith


In the last 20 years, our country’s national debt has exploded. In 2001, when George W. Bush took office, the national debt was $5.8 trillion. It took around 225 years — booms, busts, depressions, wars, etc. — to amass that much national debt. In just eight years, Bush and a compliant Congress doubled the number to $11.7 trillion. In Barack Obama’s two terms, another $8.6 trillion was added. During the past four years, Donald Trump and Congress fought many battles, but not over this: In that time, America’s future was mortgaged to the tune of another $6.7 trillion. Today, the national debt is around $27 trillion, a four-fold increase in the last two decades. That doesn’t count unfunded mandates. And there is no end in sight. 

Whenever human beings gather to accomplish a task, any task, without strong and effective oversight, a natural evolution takes place. Whether it be in business, academia, philanthropy, or government, every activity morphs from the original goal to self-aggrandizement. In government, this process is particularly toxic. There are no profits, let alone a profit motive. No concern with productivity. No incentive to turn off the proverbial lights. No measure of success. No motivation to end counterproductive activities. 

Add to this mix the influence of public employee unions. Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry Truman were opposed to them for reasons that long ago became apparent. The goal of all unions is self-preservation – just as management’s is to maximize profits. But public employee unions add two other noxious elements to the mix: (1) defending job incompetence and (2) heavy-handed involvement in the electoral process in a search for pliant politicians who can help them achieve their objectives by spending ever more of the public’s money.

Now, out of the blue, the experts-for-hire have a new scheme to justify continued fiscal irresponsibility: modern monetary theory. It holds that so long as interest rates are lower than inflation rates, politicians can spend away. That is not a theory. It is idle wordplay, and the victim of such sophistry is the American taxpayer — and future generations of American taxpayers.

New Evidence Implicates FBI Higher-Ups in Dishonesty of Anti-Trump Lawyer By Paul Sperry

For the past year, defenders of the FBI have consistently downplayed the significance of an FBI staff lawyer falsifying evidence in the government’s investigation into Donald Trump’s relationship with Russia. They argue Kevin Clinesmith’s crime of altering a CIA document to obscure the fact that former Trump campaign aide Carter Page worked for U.S., not Russian, intelligence was a rare lapse in judgment by an overworked bureaucrat. It was not, his apologists say, part of any broader conspiracy to conceal exculpatory information from surveillance court judges, who never learned of Page’s history with the CIA before approving FBI warrants to wiretap him as a suspected Russian agent.
Kevin Clinesmith, above, in a whimsical Facebook photo: As part of his deal for a guilty plea, he agreed to talk about the FBI’s withholding from the spy court critical details attesting to Carter Page’s loyalty.

But such explanations are challenged by new revelations from court papers filed in the case, which some civil libertarians call the most egregious violation and abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) since it was enacted more than 40 years ago.

The little-noticed documents, which include never-before-seen exhibits, were submitted by Special Counsel John Durham and lawyers for Page, who has been granted time to address the court as a victim when it sentences Clinesmith Jan. 29 as part of a plea agreement. Page and his attorneys argue that the FBI obtained his electronic communications, both written and oral, based on fraudulent warrants in violation of his Fourth Amendment rights. He is suing Clinesmith and the FBI for $75 million in damages.

The court filings reveal, among other things, that Clinesmith knew much earlier than has been reported about Page’s cooperation with the U.S. government, and was not alone in knowing that he had provided information on the Russians to the CIA — or in covering up that knowledge.

Several officials within his tightly compartmentalized chain-of-command — including former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe, his counselor Lisa Page and counterintelligence chief Peter Strzok — learned of Page’s role with the CIA before they first sought to wiretap him during the 2016 presidential campaign. The CIA had confirmed his role two months earlier in an August 2016 memo it sent to the FBI. And Page’s status as a CIA contact had been documented in the FBI’s own electronic files going back to 2009.

Yet they all withheld this critical information attesting to Page’s loyalty from the spy court.
John Durham: Since Clinesmith pleaded guilty, the prosecutor has narrowed his focus to the Crossfire Hurricane team, which included top FBI officials who worked closely with Clinesmith on the Page wiretaps.
United States Attorney’s Office, District of Connecticut/

Many of them shared a strong bias against Trump. A registered Democrat, Clinesmith sent a number of anti-Trump political messages over the FBI’s computer system after Trump won in 2016. He said he was “just devastated” and lamented “the systematic disassembly of the progress we made over the last 8 years. ACA [Affordable Care Act] is gone. Who knows if the rhetoric about deporting people, walls, and crap is true. I honestly feel like there is going to be a lot more gun issues, too, the crazies won finally. This is the tea party on steroids. … We have to fight this again. Also Pence is stupid.”

Weeks later, the Trump investigator added, “Viva le resistance,” signaling he planned to join the Left’s resistance movement against Trump.

Clinesmith’s views were safe within his chain of command. As Trump gained in the polls in August 2016, Strzok promised a worried Page “we’ll stop” him from becoming president, according to their text messages. A week later, during a meeting in McCabe’s office, Strzok and Page discussed devising an “insurance policy” in the event Trump won. “OMG I am so depressed,” Strzok wrote to Page after Trump’s election victory. “I don’t know if I can eat. I am very nauseous,” Page replied.

Since last summer, when Clinesmith pleaded guilty, Durham has narrowed his investigation to focus on the activities of the so-called Crossfire Hurricane team, which included top FBI officials who worked closely with Clinesmith on the Page wiretaps, and on whether the FBI launched the entire investigation of the Trump campaign without legal predication, according to former Attorney General William Barr. As part of his plea deal, Clinesmith agreed to “be personally debriefed” about “FISA matters and any information he possesses.”
Timeline: Repeatedly Ignoring Evidence Carter Page No Traitor Paul Sperry, RCI

Former FBI officials say it’s unlikely Clinesmith would have operated on his own without higher-ups knowing about his June 2017 misrepresentations about Page’s prior work for the CIA.

They note that the criminal suppression of that exculpatory information occurred during a supercharged atmosphere at FBI headquarters. Just weeks earlier, President Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey, and Comey’s deputy was secretly discussing desperate measures to strike back at the president, including covertly recording him in the Oval Office and removing him from power under the 25th Amendment. Keeping one of Trump’s advisers under surveillance became a bureau priority.
Andrew McCabe, former FBI Deputy Director: He could be in Durham’s crosshairs after Kevin Clinesmith’s plea agreement.

Some observers speculate that McCabe is a key target in Durham’s ongoing investigation, which was initially based in Connecticut, where Durham serves as U.S. attorney, but is now operating primarily out of Washington.

They point out that McCabe hand-picked Clinesmith, barely in his 30s, for his investigative team and gave him unusual authority over the highly sensitive case, compartmentalizing him within his office and making him the point man on all four FISA warrant requests. Clinesmith was involved from the start, and McCabe gave his efforts to surveil Page a high-level push through the Justice Department, where it initially met with resistance from skeptical lawyers who asked questions about Page’s prior relationship with the CIA.

Moreover, McCabe was the FBI official who signed the FISA application tainted by Clinesmith’s crime. It was McCabe who certified that the controversial June 2017 application to renew the wiretap on Page was accurate, even though it omitted what the CIA had told Clinesmith and others at the FBI — that Page had been acting on behalf of the U.S. government in engaging with certain Russians. The application Clinesmith and McCabe shepherded through misled the court by citing his contacts with those Russians as evidence he was working on behalf of Moscow, not Washington, and a key reason the FBI claimed it was suspicious of him.
Chris Swecker, former assistant FBI director: “It’s unlikely Clinesmith would have been so brazen if he didn’t know he had protection from above. … It makes perfect sense from Clinesmith’s guilty plea that McCabe is in legal jeopardy.”
Miller & Martin

“It’s a very brazen move doctoring email from another agency; it’s unlikely Clinesmith would have been so brazen if he didn’t know he had protection from above,” said former FBI Assistant Director Chris Swecker, who served in the FBI’s legal counsel division for two years and is familiar with the role of attorneys like Clinesmith in such national security investigations. “It makes perfect sense from Clinesmith’s guilty plea that McCabe is in legal jeopardy.”

Added Swecker, “It was my belief that McCabe skated on the false statements indictment because Durham had bigger and better things to run against him.”

Prosecutors last year abandoned efforts to pursue criminal charges against McCabe for repeatedly lying to federal investigators about his role in leaking sensitive information to the media during the 2016 election. McCabe was fired in 2018 and now works as a paid CNN commentator.

Attempts to contact McCabe through his attorney were unsuccessful. But in recent Senate testimony, he said he would not have signed off on the Carter Page warrant had he known it contained inaccurate information. Asked if he shared blame for the fraudulent application, he said, “I think that we are all responsible for the work that went into that FISA.”
The top of the initial FBI application to spy on Carter Page, with the misleading word “verified.”

In August, Clinesmith pleaded guilty to a single felony count of intentionally making a false statement by doctoring a CIA email to make it appear Page had not assisted the agency. He added the words “not a ‘source’” to the document.
Carter Page: Covering up the Trump aide’s help to the U.S. government could have been driven by Clinesmith’s “strong political views and/or personal dislike” of President Trump, the prosecutor’s sentencing memo reads.

A CIA liaison had clearly told Clinesmith, who helped agents apply for FISA warrants, that Page was in fact a source and had provided the agency information on Russian spies for several years. Clinesmith knew this inconvenient fact would have undermined the FBI’s rationale for a wiretap — if it were disclosed to the FISA court. So Clinesmith conveyed the altered email along to an FBI agent, convincing him Page was not a source for the CIA. This agent, in turn, swore out a warrant falsely portraying Page as a possible Russian agent.

In a motion recommending Clinesmith serve as much as six months in prison, Durham asserted the six-year FBI veteran knew the email he forged would be used to support the issuance of a June 2017 FISA warrant to continue eavesdropping on Page, an American citizen, as part of the FBI’s investigation into whether Trump associates were coordinating campaign activities with Russia, code-named “Crossfire Hurricane.” The FBI accused Page, a former Navy officer, of masterminding a “conspiracy of cooperation” between the campaign and the Kremlin. Special Counsel Robert Mueller later found no such conspiracy and never charged Page with a crime.
Robert Mueller: Found no “conspiracy of cooperation” between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin and never charged Carter Page with a crime.
AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File

Durham strongly suggested Clinesmith — a registered Democrat who sent anti-Trump rants to FBI colleagues after Trump won the 2016 election — had political motivations for suppressing information about the Trump aide’s innocence.

“It is plausible that his strong political views and/or personal dislike of the current president made him more willing to engage in the fraudulent and unethical conduct to which he has pled guilty,” Durham wrote in the sentencing motion.

Clinesmith insists he never intended to deceive anyone.

While he admits altering the email in June 2017 as the FBI was preparing another application to spy on Page, Clinesmith maintains that he was confused about Page’s status as a source and that “exhaustion” from working on the high-tempo Mueller investigation led him to take a regrettable “shortcut,” according to a motion for leniency he and his lawyers filed with the sentencing judge. Mueller had taken over the Crossfire Hurricane case a month earlier.

Clinesmith further argued in his motion that his misconduct was an “isolated incident” in an otherwise ethical career at the bureau. But court exhibits filed by Page reveal Clinesmith also withheld knowledge of Page’s longstanding relationship with the CIA from an earlier warrant.

In early April 2017, as Page was being trashed in the media as a traitor following FBI leaks that he was under investigation, he had a lawyer reach out to Clinesmith and inform him that Page had assisted the U.S. government against the Kremlin for many years and couldn’t possibly be a Russian agent.

“Page was not simply an abstract FISA target for Clinesmith,” Page’s attorneys argue in a recent court filing. “Page had interacted directly with Clinesmith several months before Clinesmith altered the email at issue.”
Carter Page is suing for $75 million over FBI abuses. Among those named is Stephen Somma.
U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia

A month earlier, Page had personally told the FBI agent handling his case, Stephen Somma, that he was not a Russian agent and had previously assisted the FBI and the CIA in their Russian counterintelligence missions. He explained this to Somma during what Page’s legal team calls several “ambush interviews” the agent conducted of Page in March 2017, as he and Clinesmith began preparing a third application to spy on him. Somma was singled out by the Justice Department inspector general as “primarily responsible for some of the most significant errors and omissions” in the Page wiretap applications and referred for disciplinary review — a fact Clinesmith’s lawyers make a point of noting in their motion for leniency in an attempt to shift blame to Somma.

In his April 2017 communications with Clinesmith, Page’s then-lawyer Adam Burke also pleaded with Clinesmith to help publicly clear Page’s name in order to stop death threats he was receiving after media stories depicted him as being under investigation for treason. Instead of agreeing to help, Clinesmith issued a tacit threat: According to the same court filing, the FBI lawyer advised Burke to keep his client quiet and not defend himself in the media.

‘Clinesmith Chose to Lie’

The FBI attorney even misled Burke by telling him Page was not the subject of investigation and was just a “witness” — even though Clinesmith was aware that Page had been under FBI investigation since August 2016 and under FBI surveillance since October 2016.

Just two months later, Clinesmith intercepted and altered a CIA email that verified what Page had told him directly. He knew that disclosing this exculpatory information would expose the material omission in the previous warrants and require going before the FISA judges and correcting them. “Faced with this choice, Clinesmith chose to lie,” the court filing asserted.
Peter Strzok: The FBI counterintelligence chief was in the loop.
AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

But Clinesmith didn’t act alone. Durham suggests others played a role in deceiving the FISA court.

The special prosecutor makes a point of noting in court records that in addition to Clinesmith, the CIA had provided “certain members” of the Crossfire Hurricane team a detailed memo verifying that Page was acting on behalf of the CIA and had cooperated with the U.S. government on numerous occasions.

Delivered on Aug. 17, 2016, as the FBI was opening investigations into Page and three other Trump campaign officials and discussing the first application for a FISA warrant on Page, the CIA memo stated that Page had been approved for “operational contact” from 2008 to 2013 and described Page’s interactions with Russian intelligence officers, including some cited nefariously in the FISA applications. It further informed Crossfire investigators that Page briefed the CIA about these contacts, and the CIA determined that Page was “candid” in his reporting.

The information was highly relevant to the FISA application the team was preparing and went directly to the issue of Page’s loyalty. His lengthy history as a CIA-handled source undercut the premise that he was a Russian agent. If it were disclosed, it would dramatically weaken the grounds for wiretapping Page as a national security threat. In fact, it would hurt the predication for the FBI’s entire Russia “collusion” investigation, which hinged on Page’s contacts with Russians.
Lisa Page: McCabe’s legal counselor was in the loop too.
AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

The memo was entered in the FBI’s system of record known as “Sentinel,” and everybody on the Crossfire team had access to it — including Strzok and McCabe’s legal counsel Page — and yet nobody told the FISA court about it. (Text messages and emails reveal that Strzok and Page were directly involved in the FISA process and worked closely with Clinesmith.)

Instead, they provided inaccurate information to the FISA court that failed to disclose the extent and nature of Page’s prior relationship with the CIA. As a result, the FBI got away with monitoring Page for more than a year, starting in October 2016.

Swecker, a former prosecutor, said the entire Crossfire Hurricane team, not just Clinesmith, had a vested interest in concealing their target’s relationship with the CIA.

He said Durham is likely squeezing Clinesmith for information on Lisa Page (no relation to Carter Page) to get to McCabe. “He worked with Page and he would know if McCabe was pulling the strings behind the scenes.”

Durham notes in his sentencing motion that “instant messages and emails suggest that the SSA [supervisory special agent Joseph Pientka] and case agent [Somma] may have read those [CIA] documents in the past.” In a Sept. 29, 2016, email, in fact, Somma discussed the contents of the CIA memo with other members of the Crossfire team. There are also text messages between Clinesmith and Strzok discussing Carter Page’s status around the same time.

“It defies credulity that FBI headquarters officials like Peter Strzok could have been unaware of omissions in the FISA application — they would have had to be well up on all the details of the case,” former FBI counterintelligence attorney Mark Wauck said.

Clinesmith claims he doesn’t recall if he read the August memo before assisting the FBI’s efforts to obtain the initial FISA warrant on Page. He also claims he did not have access to it. But Durham argued that, in fact, the document was available to him and others on the Crossfire team “at the Hoover Building.”

‘Lost’ FBI Files

Investigators have tried to learn more about what Crossfire supervisors knew about Page’s status and history and when they knew it, as well as which high-level officials were involved in approving the FISA requests. But the certified original documentation that was generated from the early FISA application process is missing from FBI files. The FBI maintains that the documents were inexplicably “lost” and had to be reconstructed.

Former FBI officials say that the removal or possible destruction of these critical documents in such an important case is highly irregular and raises suspicion that those involved in the FISA scandal may have attempted to cover their tracks. They say it also raises the question of whether the doctoring of evidence in the final FISA application was an isolated incident.

After Trump won the 2016 election in an upset, Clinesmith worried the new Republican president would find out the FBI had monitored his campaign and that fingers would eventually point back to him.

“My goddamned name is all over the legal documents investigating his [Trump’s] staff,” Clinesmith fretted in a Nov. 9, 2016, message to an FBI colleague. “So, who knows if that breaks to him what he [Trump] is going to do?”

Making matters worse, Page’s work for the CIA wasn’t the only government relationship Clinesmith and his Crossfire teammates hid from the FISA court. They also blinded the court to Page’s past cooperation with the FBI itself.

As RealClearInvestigations first reported, the bureau took Page on as a source in 2013 after the CIA vouched for him, and Page helped the FBI put away a Russian agent in 2016. Strzok and Somma were involved in the case. But neither they nor anyone else on the Crossfire team informed the FISA court about their own relationship with Page as a cooperating witness.

“The truth was well known [among investigators that] Carter Page had for years been a trusted source for both the FBI and the CIA,” Wauck said. “It might be one thing for the FBI to somehow misunderstand and misrepresent Page’s relationship with another government agency, but how [do they] explain away such a misrepresentation of his relationship with the FBI itself?”

Despite some media portrayals of him as a low-level attorney, Clinesmith was actually the primary FBI attorney assigned to the Crossfire investigation. He first began working for the FBI in 2013 and rose to assistant general counsel in the national security branch of the FBI’s office of general counsel. In that role, he helped FBI agents and supervisors prepare applications for FISA warrants.

Valuable Witness

In May 2017, he was assigned to Mueller’s team to support investigators there, and even conducted interrogations of suspects. He returned to the FBI in February 2018 shortly after the inspector general provided Mueller with some of his anti-Trump messages. In July 2018, he was suspended, without pay, for some 14 days for sending the improper messages. Then the IG referred him for investigation for altering the CIA document. Clinesmith resigned from the bureau in September 2019 before an internal disciplinary process could be completed.

As a central player in both the FBI and Mueller probes, former FBI investigators say, Clinesmith is a valuable witness for Durham and could implicate officials higher up in the “food chain.”

“There’s a lot he could tell Durham’s investigators, if he’s properly motivated to do so,” Wauck said. “Durham’s job is to provide Clinesmith with the proper motivation.”
James Boasberg: The judge deciding Clinesmith’s sentence is an Obama appointee.
Diego M. Radzinschi/ALM via AP

In exchange for his cooperation, Clinesmith has been free on a personal recognizance bond since August, though his travel has been restricted to Washington, D.C., Maryland, Virginia, Ohio, Michigan and West Virginia. He is not allowed to go outside the U.S. and must provide Durham’s office an itinerary before traveling to other states. He also must check in with supervisors weekly.

Clinesmith’s lawyers argue he is not a dirty cop and should be spared a prison sentence, especially since he and his wife are expecting their first child. They’ve asked the judge to also waive any monetary penalty, claiming he can’t afford one because he “has been unemployed for over a year and is barely getting by financially.”

The statute Clinesmith violated calls for a maximum five-year prison term and fines of up to $250,000. In lieu of such punishments, his legal team suggests the judge sentence him to probation and community service. But some FBI veterans insist Clinesmith should do jail time to deter others from attempting similar corrupt acts and abuses of the government’s secret FISA surveillance program.

“No lawyer who engaged in this type of conduct and confessed to what he did — as Clinesmith did do — should get away with less than a serious jail sentence,” Wauck said — “even if he cooperated [with prosecutors].”

Prosecutors are seeking a reduced term of as much as six months due to the fact he is a first-time offender. The judge deciding Clinesmith’s fate, U.S. District Judge James “Jeb” Boasberg, was appointed to the D.C. bench by President Obama. Boasberg also oversees the FISA court.

Government watchdog groups see a pattern of criminal misconduct at the FBI extending beyond Clinesmith.

“Hopefully, this is just the first of many prosecutions by U.S. Attorney John Durham of those who abused their powers and committed criminal acts in initiating the Russia collusion probe,” National Legal and Policy Center Chairman Peter Flaherty said.

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Taking Stock of a Most Violent Year Some blamed the mayhem on the pandemic, but persistent cop-bashing emboldened criminals. By Heather Mac Donald


The year 2020 likely saw the largest percentage increase in homicides in American history. Murder was up nearly 37% in a sample of 57 large and medium-size cities. Based on preliminary estimates, at least 2,000 more Americans, most of them black, were killed in 2020 than in 2019. Mainstream media and many politicians claim the pandemic caused this bloodbath, but the chronology doesn’t support that assertion. And now the criminal-justice policies supported by President Biden promise to exacerbate the current crime wave, while ignoring its actual causes.

The local murder increases in 2020 were startling: 95% in Milwaukee, 78% in Louisville, Ky., 74% in Seattle, 72% in Minneapolis, 62% in New Orleans, and 58% in Atlanta, according to data compiled by crime analyst Jeff Asher. Dozens of children, overwhelmingly black, were killed in drive-by shootings. They were slain in their beds, living rooms and strollers. They were struck down at barbecues, in their yards, in malls, in their parents’ cars, and at birthday parties. Fifty-five children were killed in Chicago in 2020, 17 in St. Louis, and 11 in Philadelphia. In South Los Angeles alone, 40 children were shot, some non-lethally, through September.

Why this mayhem? The St. Louis Post-Dispatch expresses the conventional wisdom: because of the “economic, civic and interpersonal stress” from the coronavirus pandemic. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot blamed pandemic-related “frustration, anger . . . trauma and mental health challenges.” But crime fell during the first months of the pandemic shutdowns, both in the U.S. and globally. Only at the end of May did that trend reverse itself, and only in the U.S., thanks to a surge in drive-by shootings.

Eighteen people were murdered in Chicago on May 31—the city’s most violent day in six decades, according to University of Utah law professor Paul Cassell. Other American cities saw similar spikes in mayhem, all tied to the street violence unleashed by the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25. The political and media response to Floyd’s death amplified the existing narrative that policing was lethally racist. The ensuing riots received little condemnation from Democratic leaders and a weak response from the criminal-justice system.


Snarky Celebs Give Melania a Hateful Sendoff Her heinous crime was to be married to the man who exposed the fathomless depths of leftist hate and hypocrisy. Mark Tapson


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