Do Democrats really want unity? By Jonathan Turley


“Everyone in Washington, including many in Republican leadership, were a bit too eager to begin the Biden administration and to end Trump’s. However, it should be a cautionary tale, too. Democrats are moving aggressively to muscle through an ambitious agenda in Congress that may raise serious constitutional questions and cause even greater political divisions.

After noon, the real President Biden set to work on a host of executive orders. In the first two days, Biden signed almost three dozen new executive orders, ranging from stopping deportations of undocumented persons to extending a freeze on student loan payments, from mandating mask-wearing to guaranteeing access by transgender children to bathrooms and sports. Some of these executive orders, if implemented directly, could be challenged in court. However, Trump and other modern presidents have increasingly used such orders to set new priorities and policies.

What is happening on Capitol Hill is far more concerning. Democratic leaders are pushing Biden to act unilaterally, as did President Obama when faced with a divided Congress. Obama actually used his State of the Union address to declare his intent to circumvent the legislative branch after it refused to pass his legislation in areas such as the environment and immigration.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and other Democrats have called on Biden to simply cancel student debt up to $50,000 per student, wiping out billions in debt and potential federal revenue. That is a major unilateral decision when the national debt is approaching $28 trillion — one done without debate or deliberation. (In fairness, students are being crushed by such debt during the pandemic and, more importantly, Congress previously gave broad authority to the Education secretary over debt management.)

Other calls for sweeping new decisions, from immigration to wealth distribution, are more concerning. Democrats insist they won both houses and the White House and, as President Obama once said, “elections have consequences.” However, this election was not an overwhelming victory or endorsement. Rather, it shows a country divided virtually down the middle. While voters clearly rejected Trump and his controversial leadership, they voted widely for Republicans down the ticket. The House saw a significant loss of Democratic seats and has one of the slimmest majorities in modern history. The Senate is divided literally in half, and a majority is only possible with Vice President Harris voting to break ties on the floor.

Clearly, voters did not support the agenda of the far left, and many seem to have preferred divided government. Yet, many on the left do not want to wait for a broader mandate to implement sweeping changes. They are pushing for the District of Columbia to be made a state, likely adding a two-vote majority for Democrats in the Senate. Even more worrisome is the push to end the filibuster. Many Democrats are calling for Schumer to end that long-standing protection of minority rights in the Senate. Schumer has refused to guarantee that he will protect the filibuster tradition, even though he demanded that it be preserved during years of Republican Senate control.

In both chambers, Democrats are calling for the possible expulsion of fellow members who voted to challenge electoral votes before the Jan. 6 riot in the Capitol. I opposed that electoral-vote challenge — but it was not “sedition” or “insurrection” to vote for it. Federal law expressly allows for such challenges, and Democrats have mounted challenges in past elections. These calls demonstrate a crisis of leadership which remains a political powder keg. We have seen extreme violence on both the left and the right for four years, from Portland to Washington itself. The Inauguration occurred surrounded by 25,000 national guard troops, due to the Jan. 6 riot by the extreme right, and it was followed by rioting in various cities by the extreme left.

Joe Biden, B.S. Artist Biden’s bromides, bombast, B.S., and deeds will escalate and exacerbate our nation’s uncivil war. By Thaddeus G. McCotter


During all Biden’s calls for “unity,” the Left has advocated canceling, censoring, “deprogramming” and purging tens of millions of Republicans, populists, and conservatives. This is not a new development.

In collusion with its corporate state media and weaponized federal bureaucrat cohorts, the Left’s political attack upon dissenting fellow citizens was underway well before the Capitol riot, which is now being used as the modern equivalent of the old post-Civil War political tactic of “waving the bloody shirt.”

While the Left disingenuously claims there were no calls for unity in the last four years, former President Trump (starting with his inaugural address) and many other center-right voices issued #TheResistance many invitations for unity. They rebuffed every overture.

Consequently, the center-right could only hope the Left would put the country ahead of ideology, knowing all the while the chances of that were slim to none. This was despite the fact that at no time did #TheResistance’s constitutional rights come under government attack, quite unlike what happened to many of the political opponents (including journalists) of the Obama Administration. Now the Left is viciously accelerating its governmental, corporate, and state media attacks to ensure Republicans, populists, and conservatives are eradicated from American public life.

In his schizophrenic inaugural speech, Biden both labeled America as a great nation and systemically racist. This is logically impossible. A great nation cannot be systemically racist. It can only be evil. Moreover, Biden branded more than 74 million Americans as racist and simultaneously called for unity. Again, this is nonsensical. No decent person wishes to unite with racists or other such immoral reprobates.

So, which of his own B.S. does Biden believe? His professed love of country and unity that he spews for the consumption of the state press, independents, and former conservative NeverTrumpers? Or, for the consumption of the Left, his professed belief our nation is systemically racist and how evil conservatives and populists must be deplatformed, deprogrammed, disenfranchised, and destroyed?

Unity Watch: Sorry President Biden, the Honeymoon Is Over Before It Even Started By Stacey Lennox

Most of the time, a new president gets at least a short honeymoon period. President Joe Biden is not so lucky. His approval is already underwater at -2 in Rasmussen’s Daily Presidential Tracking Poll. Usually, the country settles down after the election and gives the nation’s new leader the benefit of the doubt. Even President Trump entered the Oval Office with a +2 approval rating, which increased through the end of January 2017. President Obama went in at +8 in 2008.

It was a whirlwind of activity for President Biden in his first 72 hours. He signed an executive order to allow biological men and boys to enter women’s spaces and compete with them directly in employment, education, and sports. With the stroke of the pen, he killed the Keystone XL pipeline and even reversed President  Trump’s prohibition on the Chinese Communist Party’s involvement in the U.S. power grid.

The world is also getting more dangerous with alarming speed. China has breached Taiwan’s Air Defense Zone with multiple bombers and fighter jets. We have seen continuing riots in Portland and now one in Bellingham, Washington. Biden ended the so-called “Muslim Ban,” which actually restricted travel from several countries that provide material support for terror or don’t have the ability to vet their citizens. And ISIS just claimed responsibility for an attack inside Baghdad.

The last three days have been like drinking from a firehose as the Biden administration works to erase everything since 2016 as quickly as possible. While there is no way to find out how Americans feel about the full range of issues, Rasmussen has polled a few.

Sixty percent of Americans are expecting fuel prices to rise under President Biden. A rise in crude oil prices is already increasing costs at the pump in Texas, and they will likely trend up nationwide. While this increase will hit personal finances, rising energy prices will also make American manufacturing less competitive globally. The trend will worsen when Biden increases the amount of environmental regulation. The same poll shows that 51% of likely voters oppose Biden’s decision to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline. This number includes 58% of non-affiliated voters and more than three out of four GOP voters.

Tulsi Gabbard: Domestic-Terrorism Bill Is ‘a Targeting of Almost Half of the Country’ By Brittany Bernstein


“When you have people like former CIA Director John Brennan openly talking about how he’s spoken with or heard from appointees and nominees in the Biden administration who are already starting to look across our country for these types of movements similar to the insurgencies they’ve seen overseas, that in his words, he says make up this unholy alliance of religious extremists, racists, bigots, he lists a few others and at the end, even libertarians.”

She said her concern lies in how officials will define the characteristics they are searching for in potential threats.

“What characteristics are we looking for as we are building this profile of a potential extremist, what are we talking about? Religious extremists, are we talking about Christians, evangelical Christians, what is a religious extremist? Is it somebody who is pro-life? Where do you take this?” Gabbard said.

She said the proposed legislation could create “a very dangerous undermining of our civil liberties, our freedoms in our Constitution, and a targeting of almost half of the country.”

“You start looking at obviously, have to be a white person, obviously likely male, libertarians, anyone who loves freedom, liberty, maybe has an American flag outside their house, or people who, you know, attended a Trump rally,” Gabbard said.

Biden: ‘Nothing We Can Do’ to Change Trajectory of COVID-19 Pandemic in Next Months By Zachary Stieber

The U.S. government can’t do anything to change the trajectory of the COVID-19 pandemic in the coming months, President Joe Biden claimed on Friday.

“There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months,” Biden said during a speech at the White House.

COVID-19 is the disease caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, a novel coronavirus. The disease has contributed to the deaths of some 400,000 Americans in the past year, according to federal health data.

Biden’s remark prompted criticism. “Haven’t we been told for months that restrictions and mandates were necessary to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months?” former Rep. Justin Amash (L-Mich.) wrote in a tweet.

Who ordered the National Guard troops stuffed into the icy underground parking garage? By Monica Showalter

Following the strange inauguration of Joe Biden, some 25,000 to 65,000 National Guard troops brought in to guard the Capitol were in for a string of insults.  First, their loyalty was questioned.  Then their professionalism was questioned.  And with no clear purpose for so many of them to protect the Capitol, it was clear they were being used for photo op props, not the service they were sworn to.  They found themselves there not to chase off rioters, but to bolster Democrats in their political purpose of smearing Republicans as insurgents. 

The final insult came when someone ordered them to get lost from the Capitol.  Like discarded props, or no longer welcome valets, more than a thousand were ordered into an icy underground parking garage to stay out of sight, out of mind.  They had no heat, just one bathroom for 5,000 personnel, and only one outlet.  They had no internet and no beds, forcing them to sleep on hard ground in 38-degree cold.  COVID was present, making the harsh conditions a potential superspreader event.

Upstairs the beautiful people in monochrome colors, heat, fancy bathrooms, and tons of snacks carried on as usual.  It’s good to be the elite.

According to Politico, who asked a Guardsman what was going on:

“Yesterday dozens of senators and congressmen walked down our lines taking photos, shaking our hands and thanking us for our service. Within 24 hours, they had no further use for us and banished us to the corner of a parking garage. We feel incredibly betrayed,” the Guardsman said.

Dems Spell ‘Unity’ C-A-N-C-E-L . By J. Peder Zane

The Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the crisis Democrats were waiting for, and they are not going to waste it. Those few hours of lawless mayhem became unimpeachable proof that the muddy smears they’d thrown against Donald Trump supporters were all true.

Through the funhouse mirror of hyper-partisanship, that angry mob of thousands became all 74 million Americans who voted for Trump in November. The crowd’s explicit anger over the 2020 election was cast as an implicit push for white supremacy.

Never mind that almost all prominent Republicans and conservatives recoiled from the violence and immediately condemned it, or that one of the main organizers of the rally was a black Arab American. There’s enough scattershot evidence for Democrats and their allies to add “demonstrated violence” to their list of conservative crimes and justify a radical program of repression. While Joe Biden issues calls for unity, many of his allies are waging a scorched earth campaign to silence all who oppose them.

Since the violent attacks, left-leaning tech companies have been given a free hand to quash dissent. On Jan. 8 Twitter permanently suspended President Trump’s account and later purged more than 70,000 accounts it said were affiliated QAnon, whose members subscribe to various conspiracy theories and question the integrity of the government.

That same day it was reported that Facebook removed the #Walkaway Campaign, which featured testimonials from Democrats who had left the party because of its hard-left turn. Facebook deemed this “hateful, threatening, or obscene.” On Jan. 10, Amazon pulled the plug on the libertarian social media platform Parler because a handful of its estimated 2.3 million active users were connected to the violence.

Government is also policing thought. On Jan. 18, the New York Times reported that the Pentagon “is intensifying efforts to identify and combat white supremacy and other far-right extremism in its ranks.” Network news reported that several unnamed National Guardsmen were pulled from the ranks of those protecting the Capitol after the FBI said it discovered fringe political views in their social media footprint or digital communications with friends.

‘Dark Money’ Helped Pave Joe Biden’s Path to the White House Bill Allison

(Bloomberg) — President Joe Biden benefited from a record-breaking amount of donations from anonymous donors to outside groups backing him, meaning the public will never have a full accounting of who helped him win the White House.

Biden’s winning campaign was backed by $145 million in so-called dark money donations, a type of fundraising Democrats have decried for years. Those fundraising streams augmented Biden’s $1.5 billion haul, in itself a record for a challenger to an incumbent president.

That amount of dark money dwarfs the $28.4 million spent on behalf of his rival, former President Donald Trump. And it tops the previous record of $113 million in anonymous donations backing Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney in 2012.

Democrats have said they want to ban dark money as uniquely corrupting, since it allows supporters to quietly back a candidate without scrutiny. Yet in their effort to defeat Trump in 2020, they embraced it.

Nolte: Trump’s Exit Approval Rating Higher than Biden’s Entrance Approval Rating

Rasmussen Reports, one of only about three reputable pollsters out there, found that His Fraudulency Joe Biden’s first ever job approval rating as president is a pathetic 48 percent. Get this…

President Trump’s exit approval rating was 51 percent.


It gets even better…

When President Trump took office in 2017, his first job approval rating in this same poll was 56 percent, which is eight points higher than His Fraudulency’s 48 percent.

Hell, even Barry Obama entered office with a 67 percent approval rating back in ’09.

The more you look at these numbers, the worse they are for Biden.

When President Trump entered office, his disapproval rating was 44 percent. Biden’s disapproval rating is 45 percent.

Stop The Denial Of Reality In Its Tracks By Judi McLeod

Like a drowning man is often wont to do in his panic and desperation trying to drag his rescuer down to a drowning death with him, Democrats are trying to pull all folk living in reality down to the dark deep where they are—in a hopeless state of plausible deniability.

Democrats have been living in a strict denial of reality ever since the day that Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 presidential election to populist Donald Trump.

Not once during the one thousand, four hundred and sixty-one days in the four long years that have passed between 2016 and 2020, have the Democrats ever owned up to the fact that Hillary lost and Trump won.

Visceral, sick hatred of the man they live to hate is unreasonable, deranged and over the top

They couldn’t bring themselves back into the reality of the truth because that would mean their visceral, sick hatred of the man they live to hate is unreasonable, deranged and over the top.

No help of any kind will EVER bring them back into the real world because they will see it forevermore as the world that shunned them.

Instead they spent all of their time spreading hatred wherever they thought it might stick.

Much easier to repeat the slur that “Trump’s a racist!” than to ask questions about why he was being slurred as one.