A Day of Hypocrisy How soon will Democrats cancel Martin Luther King Jr. for calling for a color-blind America? Daniel Greenfield


The University of Oregon celebrated Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday, but four years ago it came within a hair of canceling him for being politically incorrect on his previous birthday.

The offending issue had been King’s speech at the Lincoln Memorial, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” Putting character ahead of race has long since become unfashionable among a radical leftist movement obsessed with identity politics.

Today children are indoctrinated with critical race theory in kindergarten. Four-year-olds who barely have any concept of race are told that they must divide each other by color, and to feel proud or guilty of their race. They must forget character and think only about skin color.

That’s how the Democrats who claim to celebrate King and his legacy have tainted his dream.

Around the 57th anniversary of King’s speech, Al Sharpton, an illiterate bigot at the center of a racist riot, and a powerful kingmaker whose golden ring every single Democrat presidential candidate bows to kiss, held his own 2020 rally at the Lincoln Memorial. Sharpton’s most famous quote has a somewhat different message than that of Martin Luther King Jr.

Mutant Social Growths Revisited Never underestimate the fathomless depravity of the American Left. Lloyd Billingsley


“With such an addled China-compliant politician in charge, Americans might wonder if entire “classes” of people such as deplorables, Christians, and elderly people of pallor might be targeted for violence. For leftist Democrats, these are the equivalent of those mutant social growths that need to be uprooted if society is to progress in a socialist direction.”

“China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man. I mean, you know, they’re not bad folks, folks. But guess what? They’re not competition for us.” Long before Joe Biden’s 2019 proclamation, American leftists engaged in a competition for best defender of genocidal Communist dictators.

“One must not make a god of Stalin, he was too valuable for that” wrote Anna Louise Strong in her 1935 I Change Worlds. Stalin was then busy collectivizing agriculture, and the independent farmers known as kulaks stood in the way. Stalin decreed it was time to abolish the kulaks “as a class,” and his planned famine, covered up by Walter Duranty of the New York Times, claimed more than a million lives.

“Stalin had merely authorized what farmhands were already instinctively doing,” wrote Strong, who later moved on to Communist China and defended Mao Zedong. After a life “extolling the virtues of Communism,” as the New York Times reported, Strong died in Beijing on March 30, 1970.  Two years later, when Mao’s Cultural Revolution was still going on, American socialists Janet Goldwasser and husband Stuart Dowty took a trip to China.

The result was Huan-Ying: Journey Through Workers’ China, published in 1975. “We wrote it to combat misinformation,” Goldwasser explained in 2019, “China had a different way of setting priorities in terms of healthcare and working conditions, so we intended to get information to readers who weren’t able to visit themselves.” Stuart Dowty showed up in China: People-Questions, published by the National Council of Churches (NCC) in 1975, while the Great Helmsman was still in power.

What Biden’s Immigration Policies Would Do To America America’s adversaries can’t wait for this massive betrayal. Michael Cutler


Not unlike Donald Trump, during the Presidential campaign, Joe Biden turned immigration into a major issue.  However, unlike President Trump who promised to secure our nation’s borders against illegal entry and ramp up immigration law enforcement to protect innocent people from  criminal aliens and international terrorists, Joe Biden has promised to do the polar opposite within the first 100 days of taking office- but no one is questioning why he would do this or how this would be beneficial to America or Americans.

On January 16, 2021 the American Thinker published an important article, Joe Biden’s big amnesty plan stuns even the open-borders activists for its ‘boldness’ and ‘ambition’ that addressed many of the reasons why Biden’s plan to provide lawful status and pathways to citizenship for what has been estimated to be a  population of 11 million illegal aliens.

As disconcerting as all of the issues raised in the American Thinker article are, the article fails to make several other points that must be considered.

First of all, the number of 11 million is far, far smaller than would be the actual number of aliens who would benefit from such a massive amnesty program.

Look at What He’s Done And You’ll Agree – You’re Going to Miss Trump When He’s Gone By Victoria Taft


Democrat history-spinners will want to put an asterisk on Donald Trump’s presidency because of the frightening Capitol Building attack, which we learned almost immediately was pre-planned and would have been carried out regardless of what the president said on January 6th.

But if they do, they’ll get history wrong.

If there are any asterisks assigned, the venerated arc of justice will deposit one in the middle of Nancy Pelosi’s forehead. The Speaker, understandably outraged by the attack on the Capitol Building, instead of collecting the facts, rushed to judgment and blamed the president of the United States for fomenting a riot with a speech he was still delivering as the assault on the Capitol began.

Indeed, as I explained on PJ Media, the president said nothing that could be construed as inciting a riot.  And it bears noting that hundreds of thousands of the people at the Save America rally were not incited by the president to riot that day.

But Pelosi – citing the Constitution as her guide – recklessly rushed the House of Representatives into an impeachment that set a poisonous precedent for impeaching future presidents based on their constitutionally protected words rather than actual impeachable activities.

Donald Trump won’t get a gold star for comportment, manners, and speaking off-the-cuff, but the accomplishments of the 45th president are far more than smack-talk and bluster. Indeed, Trump can hold his head up and compare his accomplishments to any president, certainly of recent times.

This is a short list of his accomplishments. Get ready.

About China’s Booming* GDP *Good data mask dangerous imbalances that are growing worse.


The economic data Beijing released Monday seems to suggest that China has met expectations that it would be the only major economy to grow in 2020. China being China, there’s much more—and less—to the story.

The top-line data make China a rare good news story in the pandemic year. Inflation-adjusted GDP growth hit 6.5% in the last three months of the year, making it 2.3% for 2020. This contrasts with the rest of the world, where social distancing and lockdowns have triggered some of the worst contractions on record and raise the specter of long and difficult recoveries.

Some of Beijing’s cheerleaders want you to believe this is mainly because the Chinese government acted so aggressively to suppress the pandemic. That story sits uneasily alongside Beijing’s slow-rolling of early information about Covid-19 when more information sharing might have helped other countries.

Beijing adopted particularly aggressive lockdowns once it did act, sealing off entire cities and even now locking down apartment buildings or neighborhoods at a moment’s notice to suppress outbreaks. To the extent anyone can trust Beijing’s data about virus spread, it appears to have Covid mostly under control.

Navalny’s Arrest and the West More than rhetorical protests will be needed to get Putin’s attention.


Russian authorities detained opposition leader Alexei Navalny upon his return to Moscow over the weekend, five months after he survived an assassination attempt in Siberia. His personal courage is as notable as Vladimir Putin’s fear of his appeal.

Mr. Navalny, Mr. Putin’s most effective domestic critic, fell into a coma in August after being poisoned with a chemical nerve-agent of the Novichok group. Last month Mr. Navalny and investigative outlet Bellingcat presented compelling evidence tying the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) to the poisoning.

The dissident spent several months convalescing in Berlin, and he could have remained safe outside Russia. But he returned aware that the country’s penitentiary service recently had accused him of fraud and parole violations. On Monday a court ordered that he be held for 30 days, but given Russia’s lawlessness he could remain behind bars for years.

“I know that the criminal cases against me are fabricated,” he said shortly before being taken into custody. He has since called for mass protests. “I’m not afraid of anything and call on you not to fear anything.”

Mr. Putin and his cronies certainly fear him. Mr. Navalny built a national following by exposing high-level corruption, and this isn’t the first time he’s been arrested on dubious charges. Thousands waited to greet him but his flight was diverted to another airport.

Don’t Call Biden’s Plan ‘Stimulus’ — It’s Just Another Keynesian Fantasy


Joe Biden’s promised stimulus is meant to boost an economy devastated by the Democrats’ national shutdown by handing out more checks and imposing a $15 national minimum wage. Sorry, it won’t work.

“We must act now, and we must act decisively,” Biden said.

Sounds good, but do we really? What he and Congress have proposed is an incoherent mess that will do the precise opposite of what he says it will. Even worse, it’s premised on the long-discredited idea that the government can stimulate the economy by spending more.

From false premises come bad policies that will hurt many low-income people and possibly end the Trump recovery now under way. And, make no mistake, Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus plan unveiled late last week contained a panoply of bad policies.

In a recent piece, the Foundation for Economic Education listed the bill’s main provisions:

An additional $1,400 in “stimulus” checks sent to most Americans, raising the recently passed $600 payouts to $2,000.
Renewal and increase of the expanded unemployment benefits that extend payouts to many new classes of workers through September 2021. Biden’s proposal would add $400 a week in federal payouts on top of existing state-level benefits.
Expansion of the child tax credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit.
An increase in food stamp benefits.
A nationwide $15 minimum wage.
Extension of the federal government’s eviction moratorium.
$350 billion for local, state, and tribal governments.
$160 billion for vaccine distribution and other COVID-19 health measures.
Paid leave for millions of workers, much of which would be funded by taxpayers.

“It is $1.9 trillion, and it’s basically the Bernie Sanders wish list of spending on massive blue state bailouts,” including “$100 billion for schools, even though schools have been shut down for the last year,” said former Trump economic adviser Steve Moore.

Benjamin Gitlow, ex-Communist Eileen F. Toplansky ******


As the enemies of America are bent on shredding our Constitutional guarantees, it is important to note the courage of a once devout communist who, at great risk to himself, made a principled stand against Communism.

Benjamin Gitlow was one of the most committed American communists who rose to power.  Yet, as his son recounts in the introduction to his father’s 1948 book titled The Whole of Their Lives, Gitlow “was one of the few leaders in the early years of the American Communist party who recognized the threat to the aspirations of man that communism presents, and who rejected its oppressive discipline.”  This book recounts the experiences of those who had once embraced communism and now had the moral courage to recognize the “betrayal of human values which is inherent in communism.”

In 1929 at the Moscow meeting of the Communist International Gitlow refused to accept the dictates of Stalin and announced he would oppose Stalin’s orders to the American Communist Party.   From then on, Gitlow became an avid anti-communist.

Max Eastman who wrote the Foreword to the book asserts that:

“Our civilization is in peril because so many eager and uncritical minds, beguiled by the communist ideal, instead of being trained in virtue, are trained to renounce all moral standards in the service of their ideal.  Those consecrating themselves to communism must not only cast out truth, mercy, justice, and personal honor, but undergo a sickening discipline in lies, cruelty, crime and self abasement.”

Almost 75 years later and America is faced with the radical Leftwing “critical theory, which is a demonic and toxic ideology that basically destroys everything around itself.”

Consequently, “[w]hat we’re seeing in America right now is the rise of Communism—plain and simple. If you study history, you can see many parallels of communist regimes that have risen up throughout history to what is happening right here in the United States of America, right now today.” Examples abound:

On One Big Issue Americans Unite: Press Has Failed By Ira Stoll


Concerned about deep political divisions ripping apart the United States? Relax — there’s at least one issue on which there’s an emerging consensus across the political spectrum.

That is that the press has failed.

President Trump, in his remarks on January 6 before a mob of his supporters disrupted Congress, said, “We don’t have a free and fair press. Our media is not free. It’s not fair. It suppresses thought. It suppresses speech, and it’s become the enemy of the people. It’s become the enemy of the people. It’s the biggest problem we have in this country.”

It was not just Trump and the Republicans expressing this view. President Obama, in a statement on “today’s violence at the Capitol,” said, “for two months now, a political party and its accompanying media ecosystem has too often been unwilling to tell their followers the truth — that this was not a particularly close election and that President-Elect Biden will be inaugurated on January 20.”The Senate Democratic leader, Chuck Schumer, returning to the Senate floor after the disruption, denounced what he called “a demagogic president, the people who enable him, the captive media that parrots his lies.”

Nikole Hannah-Jones, the Pulitzer-Prize-winning reporter for the New York Times Magazine, tweeted, “Trump placed open white nationalists all throughout his admin from the beginning and we — mainstream media, polite society — normalized that and we should all be absolutely appalled.” She named one “mainstream media” outlet in particular: “MSNBC was running Trump’s speeches in full and giving platform to disinformation trolls from Trump Administration almost his entire presidency.”

What apartheid? When B’Tselem director Hagai El-Ad, who is Jewish, decides that I, my Arab family, and my Arab friends are all living under an apartheid regime, he and his organizations are basically telling us they see us as second-class citizens. By Yoseph Haddad


Last week, I woke up one morning in my Nazareth home and was astonished to discover I was living under a racist apartheid regime whose only purpose is “the promotion and perpetuation of the superiority of one group of people – the Jews.” I rubbed my eyes, read the story in greater depth, and calmed down as soon as I realized the reports were based on yet another report by the left-wing NGO B’Tselem.

The problem is that this report has spread like wildfire around the world, and the propaganda is working. B’Tselem, which presents itself as a human-rights organization, is in fact known as an organization with a clear political stance that is in contrast to Israel’s position. As it turns out, people have no boundaries. How dare they say that I, an Arab Israeli who served along with Jewish soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces and managed hundreds of Jewish employees, live under an apartheid regime?

How can anyone say our society is living under an apartheid regime when among us you will find doctors, judges, and even lawmakers? How can you say Samer Haj-Yehia lives in an apartheid regime when he is the head of the biggest bank in Israel? B’Tselem has already broken the record for hypocrisy, but to compare Israel to an apartheid regime for its racial laws is not only a distorted lie but an insult to all those South Africans who actually lived through apartheid. It is contempt for and cynical exploitation of the concept.