Major Twist in US Capitol Storming Might Have Gutted the Democrats’ Narrative on Trump Impeachment Matt Vespa

How Could Trump ‘Incite’ a Pre-Planned Attack?

President Trump was impeached yesterday by a mostly party-line vote. Ten House Republicans did cross the picket line to back the Democratic Party’s unhealthy fetish with impeaching this president. They did it using the Ukrainian quid pro quo sham which was pretty much was an offshoot of the wider Russian collusion hoax. Both were tied to a similar narrative. Both had next to nothing in terms of hard evidence. Now, with this riot that erupted on Capitol Hill last week, we’re back to this urge to remove Trump days before he’s set to leave office. 

The chaos occurred on January 6 when Congress was certifying the 2020 Electoral College results. Pro-Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol. Five people died. It renewed an impeachment push from Democrats. More Republicans were going to back it. In the Senate, Mitch McConnell reportedly is not all that upset over the move and did not rule out convicting the president. Did Trump mean to urge his supporters to storm the Hill? No. But it doesn’t take much after a contentious election with mountains of voter fraud allegations and years of populist rage to create a situation for things to boil over.

Liz Cheney suffers impeachment vote blowback at home: ‘Couldn’t win a primary today for dog catcher’

By S.A. Miller – The Washington Times –

Rep. Liz Cheney’s vote to impeach President Trump put her political future in jeopardy back home in Wyoming, revealed a state GOP official.

Doubts quickly surfaced about her viability in the 2022 GOP primary after she announced her support of impeachment and then led nine other House Republicans on Wednesday in voting to impeach Mr. Trump for inciting the deadly Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

“She couldn’t win a primary today for dog catcher,” said Martin Kimmet, chairman of the Republican Party in Park County, Wyoming.

Ms. Cheney, the No. 3 House Republican leader and the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, went from a rising star into a political nosedive virtually overnight.

It’s Not Censorship, It’s a Coordinated Effort A time to strengthen families and communities Lee Smith

Big Tech, social media, and the press used the violence on Capitol Hill on Jan. 6 as a pretext to purge their platforms of conservative figures and Republican officials, most notably President Donald Trump. Amazon, Apple, and Google conspired to deplatform Parler, regarded as a conservative, or free-speech, alternative to Twitter.

Critics of the sweeping actions argue, rightly, that censorship violates not only First Amendment freedoms but also the spirit of the law protecting internet service providers from liability.

But this isn’t censorship. Rather, it’s part of the strategic logic of mass conflict. The leadership of the political, corporate, and cultural establishment that today rules America shut down the communications of those against whom they are waging war.

The moves fully expose the architecture of the American oligarchy—Big Tech is a Democratic Party-funding mechanism and part of its operational arm, with social media and the prestige press serving as information-warfare platforms disseminating propaganda and blocking information damaging to the regime. For instance, Simon and Schuster canceled Sen. Josh Hawley’s book with the timely title of “The Tyranny of Big Tech,” claiming that Hawley played a dangerous role in events at the Capitol.

Jan. 6 was indeed a big deal, but not for the reasons the regime gives publicly. From its perspective, what Hawley did was much more dangerous when he officially questioned the integrity of the 2020 vote, i.e., the regime’s legitimacy.

In fact, the communication lockdowns began long before the election. Most famously, social media blocked allegations of Biden family corruption and financial ties to Chinese Communist Party proxies. Given Big Tech’s relationship with the CCP, concerns that a foreign power played a role in the decisions made by tech executives to silence Trump, Beijing’s most outspoken and still most powerful critic, can hardly be dismissed. In any case, the corruption of the American regime is now a matter of record, and that’s why its vanguard moved so quickly after the events of Jan. 6.

They were spooked.

Graham Releases Transcripts from Russia Probe, FISA Abuse Investigation Katie Pavlich

 Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham has released eleven transcripts of interviews conducted during his investigation of the origins of Crossfire Hurricane and FISA abuse. “As chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I have decided to release all transcripts of depositions involving the committee’s oversight of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. We have released as much material as possible, but some classified material has still been withheld.

I appreciate all those who participated in the depositions and their candor. They have charted a path to allow us to reform the system,” Graham released in a statement. “I believe that Crossfire Hurricane was one of the most incompetent and corrupt investigations in the history of the FBI and DOJ.” “The FISA court was lied to. Exculpatory information was withheld on those being investigated. The investigators, with some notable exceptions, were incredibly biased and used the powers of law enforcement for political purposes.

The subjects of the investigation had their lives turned upside down. It is my hope that counterintelligence investigations will be reined in and this never happens again in America,” he continued. “I hope that the media will look closely at what happened and examine these documents, but I am not holding my breath…I will be pursuing reforms of counterintelligence investigations and warrant applications, and hope that my Democratic and Republican colleagues can find common ground on these matters. I also hope and expect that FBI Director Wray will continue the reforms he has started.



Convict and Disqualify Trump By Dan McLaughlin

For the health of the Republican Party — and the nation — it is the right and just thing to do.

Biden inaugural rehearsal rescheduled, Amtrak trip canceled over security concerns: report
Joe Biden Inauguration Featuring Choral Group, The Resistance Revival Chorus, That Smeared Conservatives as ‘Fascists’ 
Tucker Carlson: The latest ‘national crisis’ and the coming crackdown
House Dems who accused colleagues of aiding Capitol rioters have yet to provide any evidence
President Trump Declassifies Russia Collusion Documents — Coming as Soon as Friday

Beginning to Look Like It’s Time to Invent Another Internet

Twitter Permanently Bans Trump; Why Do Hillary Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Harry Reid Get a Pass?
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Project Veritas Video Shows Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Saying Censorship Is Not ‘Going Away Anytime Soon
AOC and other progressives have a new goal: Silence the press

PolitiFact Lies, Fake News Denies, and BLM Thrives
Arrest in Capitol siege – anarchist!

Capitol Hill “Coup” Antagonist Is Radical Climate Change Activist.
Another Violent Leftist Arrested at US Capitol Protest: Registered Democrat and 34-Year-Old Son of a New York Judge

Microsoft helping create COVID-19 vaccination ‘passport’

In Final Act, Trump Admin To Present ‘Bombshell’ Findings Blaming Wuhan Lab For COVID-19, WHO Cover-Up

China Locks Down 22 Million, More Than Double Last Year
13 people suffer facial paralysis after coronavirus vaccine – report

23 Dead In Norway After Taking COVID Vaccine

Pompeo: Four Years of Success in US-Israel Ties, Unprecedented Achievements Under Trump Administration

Netanyahu Warns Biden: Entering Iran Deal Would be Nuclear ‘Nightmare’, Spark Arms Race

With Middle East on edge, miscalculation could trigger conflagration

Time to Fight A party is what people say it is and the people who say what it is run and win primaries, show up at conventions, and run for precinct chair. No more whining. Time for work. By Ned Ryun

If you had any doubts about how much the swamp hates, loathes, fears, and despises Donald Trump, the fact that it has impeached him twice in roughly 13 months should remove all doubt. Mind you, neither of the impeachments has anything to do with facts. Both were about power and who wields it. 

Neither had anything to do with the Constitution or the republic or the betterment of the American people. Oh, no. This was the deeply corrupt D.C. system we have let run rampant for far too long, flexing its muscle, giving the middle finger to the American working class and taxpayer, who, of course, funds the system that funds the swamp. It was a warning shot to the American working class and taxpayers to mind their betters: anyone who champions their cause will be dealt with in like manner. 

This was entirely about setting the bar—warning any other American, any outsider who seeks even to try to restore the American republic or challenge the administrative state and ruling class—that there will be massive personal and financial costs for such activity.

The latest impeachment should also put to rest the farce that somehow Democrats and Biden desire unity. Spare me!

Part of the justification for the latest abuse of the impeachment process was the talk of Trump being like Osama bin Laden and that his supporters are “domestic terrorists.” This should have made it very clear that the Democrats’ idea of unity is submission and conformity to their radical ideas, not compromise or a return to sanity and reason. They want nothing to do with unity, and you’d better get that memo straight in your head: there will be no dissent. Once the “highest form of patriotism, dissent is now terrorism.

Scholastic Pushes a False Racial Narrative to Elementary School Children By Matt Muns

Scholastic seeks to connect emotively with our children and change the way they think about the United States and the ideals, principles, and freedoms it was founded upon.

What do George Floyd, Thanksgiving, and the Civil War all have in common? The publicly traded Scholastic Corporation has made a conscious decision to weave them into a twisted account of American History (their label) portraying our country as systemically racist, fundamentally flawed, and essentially evil. Articles written in their weekly Scholastic News Review are mandatory classroom reading and discussion for our children—6 million in total from first through sixth grade across the country, according to Scholastic.

During back-to-school week in August, these 6 million mostly elementary-age students were welcomed back with an article titled “Demanding Justice,” with the subheading: “Protests spread across the United States after a Black man is killed by police.”

The opening article paragraphs are misleading and disturbing:

Hundreds of thousands of Americans are demanding an end to the long history of racism and police brutality against Black people in the U.S. He (George Floyd) died after being pinned to the ground by a white police officer. The officer had pressed his knee into Floyd’s neck for more than 8 minutes. Floyd repeatedly said he couldn’t breathe.

Biden’s proposed Iran deal will fail By Anony Mee

C’mon man! When was the last time you successfully stuffed a genie back into the bottle? Or convinced a conman to complete the kitchen remodel after you fully paid him upfront? Iran already has gotten just about everything it wanted from this agreement, and the United States almost nothing. It’s fourth and 85 yards with 12 seconds left in the game, and the kicker went out with a twisted knee in the third quarter. Enough metaphors there, I think, to get the point across.

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) limited Iran’s enrichment of uranium to a mere 3.67%. They are almost up to 20% which means that about 80% of the work required to enrich to 90% is done. Iran could have weapons-grade uranium on hand in a matter of weeks.

During the campaign, the Democratic candidates uniformly castigated President Trump for pulling out of the JCPOA. Somehow, they seemed to believe that one-sided adherence to terms ensured the viability of a two-party agreement. Even their platform appears to acknowledge Iran as a reliable partner in world affairs. “Democrats will . . . prioritize nuclear diplomacy, de-escalation, and regional dialogue.” Regional dialogue? Since the rise of the ayatollahs, Iran has managed to take a dump on just about everyone in the neighborhood. Right now too, Iran is a dumpster fire of human rights abuses.

“Democrats . . . believe the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) remains the best means to verifiably cut off all of Iran’s pathways to a nuclear bomb.” Nuclear bombs, in general, require at least 90% enriched fissile material, missiles, launch platforms, and a guidance system, depending on the type of attack envisioned. This past week Iran has been playing with drones that can stand in for both missiles and platforms, and that have remote guidance systems. Today’s oil shipping traffic to Venezuela gives it land-based potential in the Americas, as well as ship-based. If they plan for low-tech delivery of a dirty bomb or an EMP attack, the need for a precise guidance system may be moot, if detonation in a general area is ensured. Let’s be realistic — Iran has too many pathways to a nuclear attack on the United States for the JCPOA to cut them all off.

Our Mounting Orwellian Nightmare By Jeffrey Folks

So we are to imagine that those who objected to Biden’s having stolen the election are responsible for the violence at the Capitol?  And that, going forward, any public official who questions Biden’s win should be removed from office, and that any corporate leader who objects should be fired?  All this when the truth is that Trump in all likelihood won the election.

It is the perfect example of Orwellian speech.  In his classic essay “Politics and the English Language,” Orwell spoke of the condition where “words and meaning have almost parted company.”  If that “almost” is a measure of Orwellian speech, then today’s Democrat leaders are beyond Orwellian.  Their words and meaning have parted company entirely.

As Orwell also stressed, the decline of language is both cause and effect of the decline of politics.  When politicians and media begin speaking nonsense, it is the symptom of an underlying corruption of political thinking.  The idea that the president should be removed from office for having defended the electoral process is truly bizarre, but it has been repeated throughout the liberal media and by most liberal politicians and even by some conservatives.

One might say progressives like Nancy Pelosi have become “unhinged,” but that would let them off the hook.  It would suggest that they don’t quite realize what they are doing.  But what they are doing is the result of crafty political calculation.  They want to tie President Trump with the Capitol violence to the point that he can never run again.  The same political deviousness lies behind suggestions that he should not be in control of the nation’s nuclear arsenal because of his supposed mental instability.

Habibullah Ahmadi Escapes Mandatory Life Sentence for Savage Murder of Anne Widholm Out in less than a decade? Lloyd Billingsley

Last November Habibullah Ahmadi, 24, was found guilty of second-degree murder in the October 8, 2017, beating of Sara Anne Widholm in Windsor, Ontario. The 75-year-old grandmother did not die until December 17, 2018, but according to Dr. Balraj Jhawar, the beating left her in a “worse state than death.” For this heinous crime, a Tuesday hearing revealed,  Habibullah will not receive the worst possible sentence.

“Second-degree murder carries an automatic life sentence,” wrote Trevor Wilhelm in the Windsor Star, but Habibullah Ahmadi would not get a life sentence. Instead the hearing focused on “when Ahmadi should become eligible for parole.” The range is 10 to 25 years, and prosecutor Renee Puskas argued that the convicted murderer “should not become eligible for parole for 14 to 17 years,” at best nearly a decade less than the possible maximum.

The Windsor Star report included no photo of murder victim Anne Widholm and no photo of Habibullah Ahmadi. Indeed, no photo of  the murderer has appeared in any report on the crime and trial. In similar style, no public statement has emerged from “Windsor man” Habibullah Ahmadi or any of his family, friends, fellow students or co-workers in the Canadian city.

According to the Star, Widholm suffered from “injuries” including skull fractures, but in a criminal proceeding these amount to “wounds” inflicted by the hand of another. The victim “fell into a coma,” but had actually been beaten into a coma by Habibullah Ahmadi, 21 at the time of the crime.

“High on marijuana and magic mushrooms,” Wilhelm wrote, “he randomly attacked Widholm” as she walked the trail. This ignored the reality that Ahmadi pleaded guilty and the defense failed to prove that marijuana and magic mushrooms played any role. As justice Bruce Thomas said in November, Ahmadi “had the intention to cause Sara Anne Widholm bodily harm” and was “likely to cause her death, and that he was clearly reckless as to whether death ensued.”

The contention that Habibullah Ahmadi “randomly attacked” the grandmother was at odds Dr. Jhawar, who did his best to keep the 75-year-old alive after she suffered the worst wounds he had ever seen. As Dr. Jhawar told the Windsor Star in 2017, it was “not just another random attack.” On Tuesday, the victim impact statements offered other enlightenment.