The Morning Briefing: Andrew Cuomo Reminds Us That He’s the Worst Ever By Stephen Kruiser


Andrew Cuomo — Fredo the Elder — crawled out of the cave where he spends his days pulling wings off of flies and smelts participation trophies for his handling of the pandemic in his state to remind us that he is perhaps the worst governor in America.

I only said “perhaps” because who knows what Gavin Newsom will do this week?

Of all of the strange drama that has played out since the Wuhan Chinese Bat Flu descended upon this great land perhaps none has been stranger than the random amnesia that Andrew Cuomo has been exhibiting before our eyes. This piece of work racked up a massive body count in record time because he so mishandled the early days of the pandemic. He’s made countless blunders in the months since then but is still convinced that he’s the Boy Wonder of pandemic state executives.

One thing you have to give Cuomo — he’s consistently the worse at dealing with the plague. At present, Cuomo is utterly cocking up his state’s vaccine administration plan.

Stacey wrote a post yesterday chronicling Cuomo’s incompetence:

More recently, he has led what might be the most botched vaccine rollout in the country. Originally he had set strict rules about who would have priority to receive the vaccine, and threatened to levy fines of up to $1 million if a healthcare provider gave it outside of his specified hierarchy. When doses, which have a short shelf life, expired, they were thrown in the trash.

Meanwhile, businesses are dying in the state, especially in New York City. As of August, the New York Times reported that up to one-third of the state’s small businesses were closing for good. In-person schooling has been an on-and-off affair thanks to the teachers’ unions insisting on a ridiculous 3% positivity rate to trigger closings. By way of example, Georgia’s students have been in school with a statewide test positivity rate of 25%, and Florida schools have stayed open with a positivity rate of nearly 13%.

What’s particularly galling is that Cuomo has been patting himself on the back throughout all of his monumental failure.

Media: Israel Must Be Denigrated for Its World-Beating Vaccination Programme by Richard Kemp

The same negative policy [by the press and many purported human rights groups] extends to other major benefits that Israel has brought to the world, including scientific innovation, medical technology and life-saving intelligence. It goes against editorial agendas to report on the Jewish state in a positive light unless they can somehow twist a good story to turn it bad.

Under the Oslo Accords between Israel and the Palestinians in the 1990s, which created the Palestinian Authority (PA), it alone and not Israel, is responsible for their health care, including vaccinations. Nearly 150 UN members recognise “Palestine” as a state, yet these media and human rights bodies, displaying deplorably predictable bias, cannot bring themselves to allow it agency.

Contradicting allegations of a racist or “apartheid” policy, Israel has been vaccinating its Arab citizens since the programme began. Given some reluctance to be vaccinated among these communities, the Israeli government, in conjunction with Arab community leaders, have been making concerted efforts to encourage them, including a visit by Prime Minister Netanyahu to two Arab towns in the last few days for this purpose.

The same approach can be seen over the Abraham Accords of 2020, historic achievements in a hitherto elusive peace between Israel and the Arabs. These have often been received with callous cynicism in the media as well as among veteran peace processors, whose own prescriptions have repeatedly failed.

[Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu is the driving force behind the Abraham Accords, whose origins date back to his speech to a joint session of Congress in 2015, when he made a stand against Iran’s nuclear ambitions. Netanyahu’s solitary stance was seized on by Arab leaders, who began to realise they had common cause with the State of Israel, which could lead to a brighter future for them than one encumbered with unnecessary animosity.

Prejudice against the Jewish state is so intense in the Western media that praiseworthy actions guaranteed to hit the headlines if attributable to any other country are frequently ignored, diminished or denigrated when it comes to Israel. When there is a disaster anywhere in the world, for example, Israel is often the first, or among the first, to offer assistance and send in relief workers. Most recently, last month the Israel Defence Forces dispatched a team to Honduras following the devastation of category 4 hurricanes Eta and Iota which left thousands homeless.

US Defenses Against Chinese Cyber Offenses by Shoshana Bryen

[M]uch of the world is organizing to roadblock China’s march to dominance in 5G telecommunications. That is, to get China’s spying out of our system – although we are far from done, there is a lot of 2020 to build on in 2021.

Early in 2020, Huawei announced it had 91 commercial 5G contracts outside of China, including 47 in Europe and 20 in Asia.

China’s goal was threefold: to broaden its capabilities in domestic spying, to broaden its worldwide ability to steal Western technology — and, in particular, to infiltrate Western defense capabilities

Beijing inserted itself, often illegally, into American research institutions. And inserted spyware – hardware and software – into computers made in China and exported to the West. In the case of Super Micro Computers, providing services to Amazon, investigators discovered that extra microchips were implanted on boards in Chinese factories by operatives of the People’s Liberation Army.

As the year ended, 26 of 27 EU member countries had joined the Clean Network initiative, along with 180 telecom companies and such important tech players as Israel, Japan, Australia, Singapore, Canada, New Zealand, India – and Taiwan, which is building a 5 nanometer chip production facility in Arizona. Partners in South America include Brazil, Ecuador, and the Dominican Republic.

Tucker Carlson’s frightening summation of what’s happening in America By Andrea Widburg

On Monday’s Fox News, Tucker Carlson spelled out what America’s corporate overlords are doing in America. Essentially, they are “de-personing” anyone who dares to question what happened in America on November 3-8 or who even supports Trump. In a world run on computers, they are unplugging everyone who does not tow their party line.

I will not link to the video on YouTube because that site is one of the major tech monopolists silencing all who dissent from their political beliefs. I also can’t embed Fox videos here. However, you can see Tucker’s entire monologue here.

The usually ebullient Tucker is manifestly upset, even angry at what’s happening in America. As we all must now, to protect ourselves, he opens by stating that his show immediately and repeatedly denounced the violence at the Capitol (true) because his show is completely opposed to political violence and supports law and order.

He then castigated the new selective enforcement of laws, which means they’re not laws or justice at all. They are merely tyrannical whims. What’s happening now is collective punishment, attacking Americans who had nothing to do with events at the Capitol.

One after another, Tucker details the corporate attacks on people who dared attend or listen to the Trump rally – people who had nothing to do with what happened at the Capitol. (We here at American Thinker also condemn strongly the small number of people who engaged in violent and manifestly illegal activity. We believe absolutely in the Constitution and the rule of law. That doesn’t mean, though, that we don’t believe that there were Antifa and other provocateurs in D.C. intentionally inflaming people and inducing them to act illegally.)

Terror U: Who is Suppressing Academic Freedom in Palestinian Universities? Terrorism against Israel is not only promoted within the university walls; it is celebrated publicly. Richard L. Cravatts

In January of 2019, the Academic Freedom Committee of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA) wrote a letter to Benyamin Netanyahu, prime minister of Israel, and several other ministers and officials. In that condemnatory letter, MESA, an organization that has been obsessively and chronically anti-Israel, chastened Israel, with the purpose of the complaint “. . . to urge a halt to the Israeli army and security forces conducting arbitrary arrests at and incursions into Palestinian universities, assaulting students, faculty, and staff and obstructing the education of thousands of students.” 

Of specific concern to MESA was the 2018 arrest of Yehya Rabie, the President of Birzeit University’s Student Council by the IDF and a similar arrest of Omar al-Kiswani, the previous President of Birzeit University’s Student Council. “While the Israeli army accused Rabie and al-Kiswani of ‘suspected involvement in terror activity,’” the letter flippantly stated, “both men remain in detention without trial. These arbitrary arrests and detentions without trial are not the exception but the rule” and such arrests, it was claimed, “follow a pattern of Israeli forces’ aggression on Palestinian campuses.” 

For an organization of coddled, safely-ensconced professors in American universities it is easy, of course, to castigate Israel for its behavior in insuring the safety of its citizenry, particularly since in discussing the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, MESA has reliably expected no rational or reasonable behavior from the perennially-oppressed Palestinians and has singularly blamed Israel for its alleged brute treatment of the Palestinians, including these specific arrests which, it contended, “follow a pattern of Israeli forces’ aggression on Palestinian campuses,” and the “attacks, assaults, and detentions described above are grave violations of basic rights to education and academic freedom.”

Video: Peter Collier on Vietnam and the Rise of the New Left A decade of transformation for America and the seeds of our current crisis.

Peter Collier, the late author of Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About the Sixties and collaborator with David Horowitz on many books, gives a brilliant lecture at Hillsdale College in this video on the 1960s, a decade of transformation in American politics and culture, and a much-neglected history of what’s behind our current crisis: the Vietnam War and the rise of the New Left. Check it out .

Veni Vidi Vichy How to view the incoming one-party oligarchy in Washington. Lloyd Billingsley

President Trump has promised an orderly transition for January 20 but that event obliges no one to accept the incoming administration as legitimate. For all but the willfully blind, Democrat operatives stole the election and on January 6 Mike Pence nixed the last prospect for an official recount. That has led many to wonder how they should perceive the duo slated to take power. France’s World War II Vichy regime provides some helpful parallels.

That regime emerged from the Franco-German Armistice of June 22, 1940, and made France the puppet state of Nazi Germany. In the case of Biden-Harris the dominate power is China, one of the most murderous regimes in history. During Mao’s Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution, the Communist regime killed scores of millions, far surpassing Stalin and Hitler.

At Tiananmen Square in 1989 the Chinese people stood up for freedom and human rights. As American politicians looked the other way, betrayed the people, and pushed for China’s inclusion in the World Trade Organization. That was supposed to make the regime more liberal, but it only became more repressive, and China quickly exploited the United States for its own advantage. 

“Biden Gets China,” headlined the Atlantic in January, 2012. As the White House confirmed, “vice president Joe Biden will take the lead on the administration’s next phase China policy.” On Biden’s watch, China became more repressive at home and aggressive abroad, with little if any pushback from the vice president and his boss. Through son Hunter, Joe Biden is the regime’s biggest pushover.

“If Biden wins,” Trump said last October,  “China will own the United States,” and few politicians are more China-compliant than Joe Biden. As the regime tightened the screws on Hong Kong, in violation of their agreement, Biden proclaimed the Communists were “not bad folks” and “not competition for us.” Harris’ story is somewhat different.

Three Days of Darkness in D.C. I was there. This is my story. Katie Hopkins

“Do you denounce the violence at the Capitol Building?”

Any talking head on radio or TV must now first answer that question in the affirmative before they are allowed to express an opinion. The whole paradigm infers, naturally, that the default position of Trump supporters is to encourage violence. Empirical evidence, of course, tells us the exact opposite. Indeed, the behavior of the MAGA masses at every peaceful rally, every boat parade and every convoy in 2020 is a testament to that reality. The eyewitnesses among the over 500,000 people who gathered at the MAGA rally on the National Mall on January 6 have also related something quite telling: that they actually had absolutely no clue about what went on at the Capitol Building — until they finally got a signal on their phones or went back to their hotels and saw it on the TV.

Listen carefully to one of the eyewitnesses here:


What ACTUALLY happened on the 6 Jan in DC. Please listen

I was also an eyewitness to many things. All bars and restaurants were closed. A curfew was in place. The National Guard was flooding in — and in the chilly darkness Trump supporters had nowhere to go. Even the MAGA loyalists who were gathered on the sidewalks outside hotels downtown were being ushered back inside buildings by Capitol Police.

At my hotel in Chinatown, a MAGA group just inside the foyer held a kind of raging standoff with the police outside the glass front doors, opening them occasionally to vent their frustrations. And their frustrations were not without cause.

The Ultimate Betrayal The Establishment rejects America’s birthright for eternal power. Joseph Hippolito


Congress certified Joe Biden as President in the dead of night Jan. 7 with the rest of Washington, D.C. under curfew and despite massive evidence of electoral fraud in his favor.

Congress thus wrote the latest act of a two-month drama that featured judges in starring roles. Those judges – including Supreme Court justices — arbitrarily used technicalities to deny President Donald Trump the chance to make his legal case as an aggrieved party victimized by fraud.

The only reason — the only reason – for those authorities’ behavior was their own contempt for Trump.

The implications are stunning, and go far beyond any one man or Presidential election. Now, every American — regardless of race, creed, class, gender or any other category — can become a target for the capricious disregard of due process if that American is unpopular with the powers-that-be.

Americans have seen this before. They saw it in Judge Emmet Sullivan’s unprofessional behavior during Gen. Michael Flynn’s trial. They see it now in the lockdowns and mandates issued solely by executive fiat and based on medical quackery, despite scientific evidence showing that masks and social distancing create more harm than good.

But the events of Jan. 6 in Washington drained the last remaining drops of formaldehyde from the nation’s political corpse.

As Congress met to decide Biden’s fate, as Trump rallied thousands of supporters to demand a fair hearing, several protesters breached Capitol security. As a result, Congress had to be recessed and Congressional offices evacuated.

Many entered without resistance because Capitol security — which Congress directly oversees — allowed them to enter. Protesters walked through passages marked by security cords and acted with carte blanche in the empty building.

Capitol Riot Used to Crush ‘The Big Lie’ By Julie Kelly

But the actual “big lie” is that the 2020 election was on the up-and-up and no amount of unpersoning will persuade half the country otherwise. Indeed, it confirms it.

On January 6, the day of the Capitol protest/riot/siege, Rasmussen released a poll that showed only a slight majority of Americans believe Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election fairly. Just 25 percent of Republicans and 52 percent of unaffiliated voters said that Biden’s election was on the square.

The poll’s results largely reflected the mood of the electorate and Republican lawmakers were getting an earful from constituents about congressional inaction. Finally, two months too late, a dozen Senate Republicans concocted a last-ditch plan to “audit” the election results before Inauguration Day, a move backed by most GOP voters and by the president.

It forewarned an ignominious start to the Biden-Harris Administration. Democrats, after suffering unexpected losses in the House and eking out the slimmest majority in the Senate, could hardly claim any sort of mandate with tens of millions of Americans questioning the validity of the national election. A public vetting in Congress, devoid of far-fetched claims peddled by shady operatives, exposing provable evidence of vote fraud, conducted days before the inauguration was the last thing Team Biden and the Democrats wanted.