Is the Wisdom of Homer Immune to Cancel Culture? By Victor Davis Hanson

Amid the current hysteria of toppling statues and renaming things, we keep mindlessly expanding the cancel culture.

We are now seeing efforts to ban classics of Western and American literature. These hallowed texts are suddenly being declared racist or sexist by preening moralists.

Or, as one Massachusetts high school teacher recently boasted on social media, “Very proud to say we got the Odyssey removed from the curriculum this year!”


Over 20 years ago, John Heath and I co-authored “Who Killed Homer?” We warned that faddish postmodernist race, class and gender theories — coupled with narrow academic specialization — was killing the formal discipline of classics in universities.

We worried that without custodians, the appeal of the great literature of Greece and Rome might wane in high schools as well. And it apparently has.

But why should we still read classics such as Homer’s “Odyssey” in the first place?

Classics teach us about the great challenges of the human experience — growing up, learning from adversity, never giving up, and tragically accepting that we are often at the mercy of forces larger than ourselves. All of these trials are themes of “Odyssey.”

Sometimes, Odysseus needs more than brains and brawn — like luck and divine help. How does the old Odysseus, after 10 years of wandering to get home to Ithaca, differ from his younger heroic self on the battlefield at Troy? What old skills and what new ones allow him to defeat the human and inhuman forces of the universe that try to stop his return home?

Great Western literature also questions, or even undermines, the very landscape it creates. Why is Athena, the tough female god, so much more astute than male Olympians like the touchy braggart Poseidon?

How does a supposedly docile, wifely Penelope outsmart the purportedly best and brightest male suitors on Ithaca?

Democrats Go Full Radical Nutjob, Win Anyway By Stephen Green

Democrat Raphael Warnock Wins Georgia Runoff

Well, that was a punch to the throat.

Every party has its share of crazies. Sometimes, one or two even get elected to the House of Representatives.

Insanity Wrap has long been of the opinion that local voters send crazies to Congress for the sole reason that they’ll do less damage there in Washington than they would back at home. At the very least, they’re farther away.

But Warnock just got himself elected to the Senate, which still sometimes has the audacity to bill itself as the world’s most august and deliberative legislative assembly.

That ancient — aged, really — legislative body will now make a spot for a Castro-loving, police-defunding, military-disparaging, allegedly wife-abusing student of an anti-white racist.

A radical nutjob, if we may borrow a phrase.

It’s no longer possible to attempt to pretend to deny that “radical nutjob” is about the best the Democrats have to offer as alleged President-elect Joe Asterisk is set to enter the Oval Office long after he entered senescence.

This is who they vote for. This is who they are.

As we write this, Democrats are just a few thousand Fulton County votes, real or conjured, away from control of the Senate.

We’ve been here before, but at least Barack Obama was smooth and smart enough to somewhat tamp down the crazies. Only because it served his Red-Diaper Baby agenda, but still.

Now the crazies are out in force and no longer held in check by Obama’s faux moderation.

Hunker down, kids — it’s going to be a long four years.

2021 Miracle—Media Finally Finds a Mob It Doesn’t Like By Stephen Kruiser


I thought things might be a little boisterous in Washington yesterday but I was not prepared for the Third-World circus that greeted me when I checked my various news feeds. By the time I first became aware of the situation, it had been going on for a while already. 

Let me be clear about this up front: I in no way condone what went on. Riots are riots. I’m not some mainstream media hack who prevaricates when writing about civil unrest in order to cover for people I might think are on the right side of things. Once you go full mob rule, I don’t care who you voted for, you’re an idiot and you’re on the wrong side.

In fact, I am sick to death of people and their stupid feelings. If you can’t express your displeasure without breaking a window you’re not fit to be out in public. I’m sorry your mommy didn’t hug you enough and Ms. Johnson gave you a “C” in health class when you were in middle school. Grow up.

The first thing I noticed while scanning the news was that virtually every conservative commenting on the situation was condemning the violence. Immediately. That stood in stark contrast to high-ranking Democrats and their flying monkeys in the mainstream media spending all last summer telling us that things were peaceful while we were staring at burning buildings.

President Trump: “You Are The People Who Built This Nation. You’re Not The People That Tore Down Our Nation.” Daniel Greenfield

Speaking to a massive crowd near the White House at the “Save America” rally, President Trump vowed to keep on fighting.

Telling gathered patriots and supporters in Presidents Park on the Ellipse that he was not about to concede, the president passionately told supporters, “Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore. And that’s what this is all about.”

“You’re stronger, you’re smarter, you’ve got more going than anybody and they try and demean everybody having to do with us. And you’re the real people. You are the people who built this nation. You’re not the people that tore down our nation,” he told them.

While the media has largely buried coverage of the Save America rally and the crowd size, aerial shots appear to show a huge crowd filling all of the Ellipse. The message here is that the challenges to the rigged election are not going away.

Democrats Were For Riots Before They Were Against Them Why is broken glass on Capitol Hill so much more precious than the broken glass in Kenosha? Daniel Greenfield

In 2018, the media was writing up glowing stories about the hundreds of Women’s March members who were engaging in “direct action” to disrupt the Senate’s Kavanaugh hearings.

Hundreds of members from the radical leftist group had invaded the hearings and were arrested. Their travel expenses and bail for the disruptions were covered by the Women’s March. Radicals from the March and other leftist groups blocked hallways, shouted down Senate members, and draped protest banners from balconies. Democrats cheered them on.

When a leftist mob assailed the Supreme Court, pounding on the doors, MSNBC called it an “extraordinary moment” and praised the crowd, “besieging the Supreme Court” and “confronting senators”.

“If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them,” Rep. Maxine Waters had urged earlier that year.

Later, the Democrat House member told MSNBC, “They’re going to absolutely harass them”.

In 2020, Black Lives Matter rioters vandalized the Lincoln Memorial and the WW2 Memorial, along with statues of Gandhi, General Kosciuszko, and Andrew Jackson. The racist thugs marched through the city starting fires, including at a historic church, and tried to besiege the White House. Attempts by federal law enforcement to fight BLM terrorism were falsely denounced as a brutal attack on “peaceful protesters”, and as “militarism” and “fascism”.

Trump Acknowledges ‘Orderly Transition of Power’ to Occur after Biden Victory Certified By Zachary Evans

Congress certified the Electoral College results early on Thursday morning, after a pro-Trump mob overran the Capitol building and forced lawmakers to evacuate the premises.

Shortly following the certification, President Trump released a statement affirming that he would transfer power to Joe Biden on Inauguration Day.

“Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th,” Trump said, adding that he would “continue our fight to ensure that only legal votes were counted.”

Trump has refused to concede defeat to Joe Biden in the general election, alleging Democrats “stole” the election via widespread voter fraud. Republican lawmakers from the House and Senate agreed to voice objections to state electoral results; however, earlier in the day Trump incited a crowd of thousands of supporters to demonstrate on Capitol hill.

The demonstration quickly devolved into a riot as the mob overwhelmed police, broke into the Capitol building, and forced lawmakers to evacuate. By the time the riot finished, 14 Washington, D.C., police officers were injured and one demonstrator was shot and killed. Lawmakers subsequently insisted on returning to the Capitol to continue the certification of the Electoral College votes.

Following the riots on Capitol Hill, several senators withdrew their objections to certification of the election results in Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, and Wisconsin. However, earlier on Wednesday night, objections to the results in Arizona and Pennsylvania were sustained.


‘It Must Have Been Stolen’

By Dan McLaughlin

Debunking a myth.

The GOP’s Avoidable Defeat in Georgia

By The Editors 13 hours ago
The loss of the Republican Senate would not have happened without the character flaws that have always been the principal drawback to Trump’s leadership.

Michael Brendan Dougherty

Trump Did This

The Man Who Lost Georgia

By Isaac Schorr 11 hours ago
The truth is that this loss, much like his own last November 3, is on Donald Trump.

Trump Must Pay

By Matthew Continetti 7 hours ago
The men and women who breached the House and Senate chambers were doing it for him.

Unspeakable Sacrilege in the Halls of Congress

By Mario Loyola 7 hours ago
Hallowed ground was violated today by an unspeakable sacrilege that will redound to President Trump’s shame for all time.

Memorandum: How the 2020 Election Could Have Been Stolen A political scientist examines the evidence and concludes that widespread fraud took place. Claes G. Ryn

As a citizen who is also a political scientist, I have tried to do due diligence to assess what happened in the recent election. Who won what and at what level and what does it mean? And what about the charges of vote fraud? People keep asking me what I think, and I decided to write down the conclusions I have reached to date and on what grounds. Because charges of vote fraud have called the outcome of the presidential election into question, I have paid particular attention to them.

This memorandum is not written to persuade. It merely records my findings and reflections. Few people are really open to persuasion in any case—not just on political subjects but on any subject about which they care and on which they have adopted certain views. Diehard partisans for a certain outlook will refuse to have their beliefs questioned, and so will many others. They will be no less dismissive of a document challenging their opinions if it is full of footnotes and appendixes. Such a document will, indeed, make them resist it even more. As for the relatively few people who are truly open-minded, they will not find another person’s observations dispositive. They will, as they should, want to consider the evidence on a contested matter for themselves.

I hope that I am not deceiving myself when I say that I have not reached my conclusions regarding the 2020 election because of partisanship. I am a close student of politics, but have never belonged to a political party. If I have a bias, I suppose it is that of one who is largely alienated from both of the American parties and who believes that both of the presidential candidates in 2020 have major flaws.

Get Ready For The Californication Of America

Joe Biden promised Georgians a $2,000 check if they elected his party’s Senate candidates in the state’s runoff elections, and his bribery worked, with Democrats winning both, handing them control of the White House and Congress again.

But while Biden made the election all about battling COVID-19 and “healing the nation,” that is not what the far left that controls the Democratic Party cares about. It has bigger plans — namely, to turn the nation into a California-style one-party state.

By all rights, the 2020 elections should be a warning to extremists on the left. Biden eked out a victory with extremely narrow – and often questionable – victories in a handful of states after promising voters only that he would be a non-Trumpian nice guy.

Meanwhile, Democrats lost ground in the House, with the edge in their majority dropping from 36 seats to 10. And with the two Georgia wins, Democrats managed only a tie in the Senate, which is now split 50-50. (With Biden in the White House, Democrats can control the Senate because Kamala Harris will serve as the tie-breaking vote.)

Biden keeps talking about the need to “heal” the nation, which seems to fit the precarious position his party is in at the moment. Even if he believes that, his party doesn’t. And Democrats have been clear about the priorities they will pursue should they get control of the White House and Congress again.

No, we’re not talking about things like huge tax hikes or Obamacare, which is what they imposed the last two times they controlled both branches.

The stated goal today is to ensure a permanent Democratic majority so they can finally get their far-left agenda enacted.


At 11 PM on election night, Purdue (R) was ahead by 3 points, 120,000 votes, with 90% of the total vote counted.   Loeffler was ahead by 2 1/2, 100,000 votes.   3 and 2 1/2 points with only 10% left to be counted. 

Just as with the presidential election, only Atlanta had not reported. It was still counting absentee ballots…  mail-in ballots that should have been entered into the election machines immediately when the polls closed at 7.


Atlanta waited to report until all the rest of the state had reported just as on Nov 3.

 At 11 PM, Atlanta announced that it was suspending counting and announced resumption would begin at 8 AM the next morning.


Then, once again as on Nov 3, in the middle of the night, when America was sleeping, Atlanta resumed counting.  Just about all the votes, 170,000 additional  ballots from Atlanta, went to the Democrats.

America will continue to learn what fraud really happened in the 2020 elections for generations to come.  But by then, the bad guys will have done their damage.