Insanity Wrap #114: Transgender Propaganda Claims Straight Is Hate By Stephen Green

Insanity Wrap needs to know: When is it wrong for straight men to want to date actual women?

Answer: When they’re married to some other actual woman, and that’s about it — no matter what today’s woke propaganda insists.

Before we get to the sordid details, a quick preview of today’s Wrap.

WHO is happy to be a wholly-owned subsidiary of the CCP
Julia Louis-Dreyfus is even more entitled than her Veep character
You’re gonna need a bigger Newspeak dictionary

And so much more.

Shall we begin?

“Straight is hate” is what “morality” requires us to believe now, that men who don’t want to date men are filled with hate.

Insanity Wrap is so old that we remember back when the Left said that what people do in their own bedrooms is their own business.

Be straight. Be gay. Be whatever it is you are to the best extent you can manage, and find happiness by being in accordance with what you are.

But if your brain is so divorced from your own chromosomes that you have to play dress-up or either chemically or surgically alter your body in order to find some simulacrum of happiness, then at least have the decency not to demand that the rest of the world play along.

Also: Seek help, not political power.

Insanity Wrap really is trying to help, and has nothing but the deepest sympathies for anyone with this condition.

Bill Gates Had a Plan to Stop Global Warming—Until Science Got in the Way By Stacey Lennox

For some reason, the corporate media and global foundations believe Bill Gates has the answer for everything. They listen to him talk about epidemiology and vaccines. I am not sure becoming a billionaire by stealing someone else’s operating system and requiring outside help to build it makes you an expert in either of these areas, especially after you’ve put out a product as bad as Windows Vista.

But that is not all. In addition to yammering about COVID-19 and how we need to change the world as a result of a pandemic that was less than the Chinese Communist Party would have us believe, now Gates believes he can block out the sun—to save the world from global warming, of course. Is there nothing he can’t do? According  to Reuters:

Harvard University scientists plan to fly a test balloon above Sweden next year to help advance research into dimming sunlight to cool the Earth, alarming environmentalists opposed to solar geoengineering.

Open-air research into spraying tiny, sun-reflecting particles into the stratosphere, to offset global warming, has been stalled for years by controversies – including that it could discourage needed cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.

In a small step, the Swedish Space Corporation agreed this week to help Harvard researchers launch a balloon near the Arctic town of Kiruna next June. It would carry a gondola with 600 kg of scientific equipment 20 km (12 miles) high.

The Harvard Project is called the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPex). To most of us, it sounds like a project that will severely tick off the stratosphere. And opponents of the project fear it will. They fear these projects will lead to attempts to engineer climate with artificial sunshade. The sunshade would essentially consist of blowing a bunch of dust into the stratosphere.

Joe Biden Had Another Sad Gaffe Today Beth Baumann

Throughout the course of his run for president, Joe Biden has been full of gaffes. He has managed to “forget” important information, like what office he was running for, who his wife and sister are, what day Super Tuesday falls on, and the name of the Chinese President, Xi Jingping. 

It should come as no surprise that Biden had another gaffe when on Tuesday he referred to Kamala Harris as “president-elect.” He made the comments during a press conference after Harris received the first dose of the Wuhan coronavirus vaccine. Yes, it is the same vaccine that she said she would never receive while President Donald Trump was in office.

We all knew Harris was going to be running the show. Joe is too far gone to run the country. That is why he spent the majority of the campaign hidden in his basement. It is why Kamala was the face of the campaign, at least on the ground. And that is why, in theory, most people are referring to Biden as a figurehead. Kamala will be running the show.

Plus, who could forget that Harris herself referred to their administration as the “Harris administration” not too long ago?

Anti-Trump Conservatives – An Army of Envious Dwarfs Their problem isn’t philosophical, but psychological. Don Feder

Rank-and-file conservatives have embraced Donald Trump. But even after four years, and everything he’s done for America, a hard core of leaders and intellectuals remains stridently anti-Trump. Their problem isn’t philosophical but psychological.

Speaking on CNN on December 23, former National Security Advisor John Bolton said The Donald was “never fit to be president.” Did he reach that conclusion before or after Trump fired him?

By any standard, Trump is our most successful conservative president:

Revived a moribund economy – check. Made America energy-independent – check. Defended our southern border – check. Cut taxes and regulations – check. Appointed constitutionalist judges (including three Supreme Court justices) – check. Moved our embassy to Jerusalem — check. Promoted the right-to-life at every opportunity – check. Put America first in foreign policy and trade – check.

Without a hard-driving, take-charge businessman at 1600, Operation Warp-Speed would have been Operation Don’t-Exceed-The-Speed-Limit. Money for a COVID vaccine would have been balanced by funding for the Kennedy Center and gender studies in Pakistan.

So what’s their problem with POTUS? Character, they tell us. He’s crude, bombastic and arrogant — unlike all of the humble souls who’ve succeeded at politics.

In terms of its leadership, we are a movement of jealous dwarfs.

Goldwater (never the brightest bulb in the pack) was so envious of Ronald Reagan that he supported the senior Bush – a Republican swamp creature — over the Gipper for the Republican nomination in 1980. That’s how he repaid the man who gave him the only memorable moment of his otherwise lackluster ’64 campaign – the televised address, “A Time for Choosing.”

What a Stalin Quote About Rigging Elections Reveals About the 2020 Election How the media tried to suppress a quote about Stalin using the media to rig elections. Daniel Greenfield

As Republicans began pushing back against the rigged election, a quote about voting from Joseph Stalin began circulating on social media. “The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything,” is how variations of it went.

As soon as the quote went viral, the media’s fact checkers tried to suppress it.

USA Today’s fact checker rated it as false, claiming that Stalin had never said it based on speaking with two history professors at Vanderbilt University who vowed that they never heard of it. One of the professors, who serves as the Director of Undergraduate Russian and East European Studies, ranted that it was, “an example of American right-wing paranoia, active manipulation of public opinion, or outright and fascism”. Truly a quote worthy of Stalin.

But had the ‘fact checker’ and the professors just checked Oxford’s Essential Quotations, they would have found it. You don’t need a PhD or a fact checker title: just a modicum of integrity.

Politifact was more ambitious about humiliating itself by contacting the Stalin Digital Archive with the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History. The quote wouldn’t be there because it comes from Stalin’s former secretary, Boris Bazhanov, who fled the USSR and wrote a memoir exposing the crimes and corruption of the Soviet regime. Asking the Russian State Archive for that quote is like asking the cosa nostra to fact check a mafia informant’s recollections.

The men who were party to that conversation were the ‘Troika’ of Central Committee leaders, Kamenev, Zinoviev, and Stalin, who temporarily governed the USSR after Lenin. Since Stalin had Kamenev and Zinoviev killed, his secretary was one of the few to hear him say it.

2020: The Year in European Islam Executive summary: things aren’t getting better. Bruce Bawer

This year the biggest story in Western Europe, as around the world, was the Chinese virus and lockdown. Yet the issue of Islam didn’t go away. More cars and churches went up in flames. Muslims continued to expand no-go zones, to engage in gang violence, to bash Jews and gays, to rape infidel women and “groom” infidel girls, to collect hefty welfare payments from supine governments, and to accrue political power that they use to push for Islamization in a range of cultural spheres. While Jews fled Europe to escape Muslim harassment, Muslims kept pouring in, and people smuggling was arguably more of a problem than ever.

Forced marriages and honor killings persisted. In a year when a record number of non-Muslim women across the Western world woke up and decided that they weren’t women after all, and perhaps weren’t even men either, but belonged rather to one of scores of newly minted gender categories, countless Muslim women in Western European sharia enclaves, who enjoyed no such flexibility, remained under the heel of the same rigid system of patriarchal oppression that had characterized Islam for centuries, and received no support whatsoever from the media darlings on the gender barricades.

Criticism of Islam, already verboten in newspapers, plays, you name it, became even more radioactive, with a UK publisher canceling a book – itself not about Islam – simply because its author had tweeted an inconvenient truth about the prophet Muhammed. In January, a previously unknown French teenager, Mila O., slammed Islam on Instagram and joined the ever-growing club of the instantly notorious whose members are forced underground and obliged to live with bodyguards 24/7 (even as cowardly politicians and commentators malign them).

While the year saw no acts of jihadist terror in Europe on the scale of the 2017 Barcelona and Manchester Arena attacks, there were a few somewhat smaller incidents, such as stabbings in Nice on October 29 and a mass shooting in Vienna on November 2 – all of which the media spun with the usual sleight of hand, turning Muslims from perpetrators into victims. On November 13, for example, a contributor to the Guardian named Shada Islam lamented that such acts “put…Muslims back in the spotlight” – as if this were the worst thing about them.

If No Partition (Yet), What’s Plan B? A ‘Shadow’ Trump Presidency Bob Maistros

Yes, by all means, continue the court battles. Step up the investigations.

But understand, rubber band – with the Electoral College’s vote, the Great Reign Robbery of 2020 is a done deal. And the union is essentially dissolved with the corrupt Democratocracy’s brazen withdrawal of America’s core premise: the consent of the governed.

Momentum is growing for the logical next step: a New America Opt-Out potentially led by the 18 states officially on record, in Texas’ Supreme Court case, as declaring the presidency stolen. 

Yet facing facts again: the unavoidable Red-Blue Partition will likely take time – especially given certain, raw intimidation by the Ruling Class, Cancel Culture and media. (“You racists!”)

Meaning a Plan B is needed. The good news: your correspondent is, as always, at the ready – and looking to our United Kingdom cousins for a variation on the concept of the Shadow Cabinet.

Here’s the gist: Donald Trump remains the rightfully elected president. So he should act like it – by forming a private-sector Shadow Presidency designed not just to protect his legacy from Joe Biden’s illegitimate administration, but also to advance his outstanding second-term agenda.

The Shadow Presidency will need a formal structure: perhaps a souped-up version of a 2024 campaign. A think tank ( “Keep America Great Foundation”). Or simply an “Office of President Trump,” a higher-level version of the “Office of Barack and Michelle Obama” established to manage people-to-people communications and appearances.

Biden’s ‘Dark Winter’ Is A Warning About His Economy, Not The Virus

Should President Donald Trump’s election challenges fail to keep Joe Biden out of the White House, it’s a certainty that bleak days will be ahead. We’re staring into the barrel of at least four years of sclerotic economic growth.

Six days after the election, Biden, employing the Democratic Party strategy of sowing fear whenever possible, warned that the country is facing a long night.

“Before the surge in COVID cases we predicted, many predicted, and the deaths rise that we’ve seen in December … we head into a very dark winter ahead,” he said.

He also lamented the “grim” jobs report, which showed “an economy that is stalling.” Employment grew by only 245,000 in November, “well below the 440,000 expected by economists and a sharp drop from the 610,000 reported in October,” CNBC reported.

“We remain in the midst of one of the worst economic and job crises in modern history,” said the man who as vice president oversaw one of the weakest economic recoveries in U.S. history.

Apparently it never occurred to Biden and his handlers that government intervention, not the virus, caused 2020’s downturn. Nor have they even begun to understand that Democrats’ economic policies, filled with steep, punitive taxes, and impossible-to-jump regulatory hurdles, are a slow-motion march of the economic lockdowns that almost instantly paralyzed the economy this year.

The Threat of Authoritarianism in the U.S. is Very Real, and Has Nothing To Do With Trump Glenn Greenwald


Asserting that Donald Trump is a fascist-like dictator threatening the previously sturdy foundations of U.S. democracy has been a virtual requirement over the last four years to obtain entrance to cable news Green Rooms, sinecures as mainstream newspaper columnists, and popularity in faculty lounges. Yet it has proven to be a preposterous farce.

In 2020 alone, Trump had two perfectly crafted opportunities to seize authoritarian power — a global health pandemic and sprawling protests and sustained riots throughout American cities — and yet did virtually nothing to exploit those opportunities. Actual would-be despots such as Hungary’s Viktor Orbán quickly seized on the virus to declare martial law, while even prior U.S. presidents, to say nothing of foreign tyrants, have used the pretext of much less civil unrest than what we saw this summer to deploy the military in the streets to pacify their own citizenry.

But early in the pandemic, Trump was criticized, especially by Democrats, for failing to assert the draconian powers he had, such as commandeering the means of industrial production under the Defense Production Act of 1950, invoked by Truman to force industry to produce materials needed for the Korean War. In March, The Washington Post reported that “Governors, Democrats in Congress and some Senate Republicans have been urging Trump for at least a week to invoke the act, and his potential 2020 opponent, Joe Biden, came out in favor of it, too,” yet “Trump [gave] a variety of reasons for not doing so.” Rejecting demands to exploit a public health pandemic to assert extraordinary powers is not exactly what one expects from a striving dictator.

A similar dynamic prevailed during the sustained protests and riots that erupted after the killing of George Floyd. While conservatives such as Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AK), in his controversial New York Times op-ed, urged the mass deployment of the military to quell the protesters, and while Trump threatened to deploy them if governors failed to pacify the riots, Trump failed to order anything more than a few isolated, symbolic gestures such as having troops use tear gas to clear out protesters from Lafayette Park for his now-notorious walk to a church, provoking harsh criticism from the right, including Fox News, for failing to use more aggressive force to restore order.

Virtually every prediction expressed by those who pushed this doomsday narrative of Trump as a rising dictator — usually with great profit for themselves — never materialized. While Trump radically escalated bombing campaigns he inherited from Bush and Obama, he started no new wars. When his policies were declared by courts to be unconstitutional, he either revised them to comport with judicial requirements (as in the case of his “Muslim ban”) or withdrew them (as in the case of diverting Pentagon funds to build his wall). No journalists were jailed for criticizing or reporting negatively on Trump, let alone killed, as was endlessly predicted and sometimes even implied. Bashing Trump was far more likely to yield best-selling books, social media stardom and new contracts as cable news “analysts” than interment in gulags or state reprisals. There were no Proud Boy insurrections or right-wing militias waging civil war in U.S. cities. Boastful and bizarre tweets aside, Trump’s administration was far more a continuation of the U.S. political tradition than a radical departure from it.

The hysterical Trump-as-despot script was all melodrama, a ploy for profits and ratings, and, most of all, a potent instrument to distract from the neoliberal ideology that gave rise to Trump in the first place by causing so much wreckage. Positing Trump as a grand aberration from U.S. politics and as the prime author of America’s woes — rather than what he was: a perfectly predictable extension of U.S politics and a symptom of preexisting pathologies — enabled those who have so much blood and economic destruction on their hands not only to evade responsibility for what they did, but to rehabilitate themselves as the guardians of freedom and prosperity and, ultimately, catapult themselves back into power. As of January 20, that is exactly where they will reside.

Stacey Abrams’s Sister Refuses to Recuse from Voter Fraud Case, Blocks Purge By Brittany Bernstein

Two counties in Georgia will be required to undo a decision that removed more than 4,000 voters from the rolls before the January 5 U.S. Senate runoff elections, a federal judge ruled Monday.

Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner, the sister of former gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, found that the counties seemed to have improperly relied on unverified change-of-address data to invalidate the more than 4,000 registrations in Muscogee County and 150 registrations from Ben Hill County.

President-elect Joe Biden won Muscogee County in November, while President Trump carried Ben Hill County, according to Politico.

Majority Forward, a group led by Democratic Party attorney Marc Elias, filed the suit in response to a challenge to the voter registrations on December 14 after a local voter found that the registrations seemed to match U.S. Postal Service change-of-address records. The voter, Ralph Russell, said he believed that signified that the voters had moved out of Georgia, though Democrats argued that the postal data is not an adequate indicator that a voter has given up their local residence.

“I believe that each of the individuals named … as a result of registering their name and change of address to a location outside of Muscogee County, removed to another state with the intention of making the new state their residence,” Russell told the county board. “Thus, each individual has lost their residence in Muscogee County, and consequently, each individual is ineligible to vote in Muscogee County.”