Peter Navarro releases 36-page report alleging election fraud ‘more than sufficient’ to swing victory to Trump by Andrew Mark Miller,

Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Peter Navarro published a lengthy report Thursday outlining several examples of voting irregularities that are “more than sufficient” to swing the outcome of the election in President Trump’s favor.

The 36-page report “assesses the fairness and integrity of the 2020 Presidential Election by examining six dimensions of alleged election irregularities across six key battleground states” and concludes that “patterns of election irregularities … are so consistent across the six battleground states that they suggest a coordinated strategy to, if not steal the election, strategically game the election process in such a way as to … unfairly tilt the playing field in favor of the Biden-Harris ticket.”

The six dimensions of voting irregularities in the report include: outright voter fraud, ballot mishandling, contestable process fouls, equal protection clause violations, voting machine irregularities, and significant statistical anomalies.

All six of those voting issues were present in at least two key states, according to the report, and a total of six battleground states experienced multiple examples of the other dimensions.


Here’s What Was Discovered About Dominion Machines Used in a Swing State


Fraud Analyst Finds Average of 2 to 3 Percent Shift for Biden in Counties That Used Dominion


Dominion Audit: Ballot Error Rate Was At Least 85,000 Times Higher Than FEC Allows


Did China Help Biden Win? DNI John Ratcliffe Confirms “There Was Foreign Election Interference by China, Iran, Russia in November”


Media saves Joe Biden – just as they saved Barack Obama


China exploiting mobile networks to spy on American cellphones: report


Inside China’s audacious global propaganda campaign


Corporate Media Awfully Quiet on News of Fraudulent Dominion Voting Systems Results


2020 Election Fraud is CCP ‘Assassin’s Mace’: Patrick Byrne



No jab, no job: Businesses call for right to sack workers who refuse COVID vaccine

Mo Brooks: ‘Trump Won the Electoral College’ — I Can Be a Part of the ‘Surrender Caucus’ or I Can Fight for Our Country by Jeff Poor

Monday during an appearance on FBN’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight,” Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) vowed not to go down without a fight despite states having certified Electoral College results earlier in the day, which paved the way for Joe Biden to become the President-elect.

Brooks told host Lou Dobbs about his effort to challenge the Electoral College, which has happened as recently as 2017 after Donald Trump won the presidential election.

“Well, it’s happened many times in the past,” Brooks said. “Apparently, some folks have not done their history. By way of example, the Democrats in the House tried it in 2017 when they tried to strike Alabama’s votes for Donald Trump. Georgia, the same way, the House Democrats tried to strike it. Barbara Boxer tried to strike Ohio for George Bush back in 2005, so this is not unusual. The law is very clear, the House of Representatives in combination with the United States Senate has the lawful authority to accept or reject Electoral College vote submissions from states that have such flawed election systems that they’re not worthy of our trust.”

And in this instance, with what has happened nationally, I’m quite confident that if we only counted lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens, Donald Trump won the Electoral College, and we should not be counting illegal votes and putting in an illegitimate President of the United States.” he continued.

The Alabama Republican congressman also pledged not to be a part of what he deemed the “surrender caucus” with the GOP, adding that he needs a U.S. Senator to join his challenge to the Electoral College for it to be successful.

Americans can save the American election system By Rick Hayes

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee chaired by Republican Senator Ron Johnson recently held a hearing on the evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

Trump’s lead attorney investigating voter fraud in Wisconsin, James Troupis, testified that the frustration his team faced was that the courts not only refused to hear the evidence, but were following the Biden campaign directive that election fraud, as a subject, was not be discussed.  Nevertheless, the former judge stated that his team found 200,000 invalid votes that were inappropriately counted.  Currently, Biden leads Trump by 20,000 votes in Wisconsin. 

Trump lawyer for Nevada’s election fraud investigation, Jesse Binnall, testified that through a detailed examination of voting records, his team found 42,000 people who voted more than once, 19,000 people who voted who did not live in Nevada, 8,000 people who voted not having an existing address, and 4,000 non-citizens who voted.  The lead counsel stated that the investigation team uncovered over 130,000 instances of clear voter fraud.  Currently, Biden leads Trump by 12,000 votes in Nevada.

Democrat ranking member Senator Gary Peters told the committee that hearing the witnesses’ testimony was a “destructive exercise that has no place in the U.S. Senate.”  Along with stating that he has seen no evidence of voter fraud, he said the entire matter was a source of Russian disinformation.

Listening to the comments of Senator Peters as well as other Democrat committee members, one inescapable fact must be seared into the minds of all Americans: Democrats and leftists are incapable of seeing the evidence of voter fraud pertaining to the 2020 presidential election. 

Does that mean that the evidence isn’t clear enough?  No.  Does that mean there isn’t enough evidence to overturn the election?  No!

The above statement proposes that because of the deep hatred for Trump and his “America first” policies, Democrats and leftists have become psychologically blinded to all presented evidence.  In their minds, it cannot and will not exist. 

Hail Joe Biden, Commander in Cheat Geoffrey Luck

The Australian media overall, and the ABC in particular, have disgraced themselves in their reporting of the US presidential election. Instead of reporting facts, or even asking questions, all the media has been contemptibly content in a rush to anoint Joe Biden as ‘president-elect’ when a more accurate appropriate term would have been “president-apparent.”

Instead of reporting that President Trump was challenging the outcome as a result of fraud, then following the steps he intended to take to substantiate his claim, reporters and commentators all rushed to delegitimise him by inserting “unproven”, “unsubstantiated” or “without evidence” into every article. In the case of US-based Associated Press, whose copy flows through to our own AAP, those qualifications appear to be official ‘ house style’, as newsrooms know the edicts and admonitions issued by senior editors and chief subs. How, now, will these disgraced scribblers cope with an independent scientific analysis that has determined the Dominion Voting machines in one Michigan country not only produced false results, but were actually designed to defraud.

That is sensational headline stuff, surely?

On Monday, December 14 (US time), the Allied Security Operations Group (ASOG) of Texas released its preliminary forensics report into the voting in Antrim County, Michigan, on behalf of a civil complainant, Bill Bailey. State Supreme Court Chief Justice Kevin Eisenheimer last week issued an order granting Bailey permission for an examination of the 22 Dominion tabulators used in the county’s election. Bailey was seeking an explanation for why thousands of votes for Trump had “flipped” to Biden – suspicious in a known Republican county.

A team of seven analysts from ASOG spent eight hours on December 6 examining the voting machines. The Group describes itself as professional with backgrounds in defence, the Secret Service, Homeland Security and the CIA. The signatory to the report, Russell Ramsland, has a political science degree and worked with NASA and the MIT.  The investigation, running to 23 pages, concludes:

The Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create system fraud and influence election results. The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication with no oversight, no transparency and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud. Based on  our study, we conclude that the Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan. We further conclude that the results of Antrim County should not have been certified.

Islam and the French Soul R.J. Smith

In search of narratives that have defined the West of the twenty-first century, a renewed emphasis on the nation-state and Islamic terrorism are the two that immediately come to mind. The latter found starkest expression in the Twin Tower attacks of 2001, the former in the decision of the British people to leave the European Union and of the American people to elect Donald Trump in 2016.

France has been touched by a resurgence of nationalism. The question in French presidential politics today is not which two candidates will make the second and final round, but who will compete against Marine Le Pen and thus be handed the keys to the Elysée. But Islamic terrorism has touched France more acutely than any other Western nation, to the extent that Le Pen’s inevitable loss can no longer be counted upon.

Since the beginning of the last decade, France has witnessed an unending train of terrorist attacks, each seeming to trump the last in depravity and devastation. These include the murder of three paratroopers, a rabbi and three young schoolchildren in 2012, the Charlie Hebdo and kosher supermarket sieges in January 2015, the November attacks of the same year which resulted in the death of 131, the lorry attack on the Nice promenade which killed eighty-six and the Strasbourg Christmas market attack in 2018.

In the last month alone, a twenty-five-year-old Pakistani refugee stabbed four people—seriously injuring two others—outside the former offices of Charlie Hebdo after the magazine reprinted the Mohammed cartoon which led to the first attack on the publication in 2015. Last week, an eighteen-year-old Chechen, also a refugee, beheaded a history teacher, Samuel Paty, who had shown his students the same cartoon in a class on freedom of expression.

With many Republicans accepting a fraudulent election, we now see who has the will to fight for America by JD Rucker
When the dust settles on the dawn of a second term for President Trump, we must remember who abandoned him—and America—in an effort to preserve their own careers.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is urging GOP Senators to accept Joe Biden as their next President. Newsmax has taken to calling Joe Biden the “President-Elect.” Many “conservative” news outlets have failed to expose blatant voter fraud while trying to salvage their credibility by ripping on Joe Biden’s fictional cabinet picks.

And it is fiction, folks. Joe Biden is not the President-Elect. His so-called “appointees” and “nominees” are nothing more then hypothetical bureaucrats in the event that they can maintain the illusion of an election victory until January 20th.

It’s unfortunate that we have to continue to hammer home the reality that this election is far from settled, that there are multiple avenues through which a righteous outcome can be realized before it truly is too late. It’s hard enough fighting mainstream media, Big Tech, and Democrat lies. It’s a whole different can of worms when conservatives tuck tail and start going along to get along.

Some say they fear a constitutional crisis. To those people, I say, “Look around.” THIS is a constitutional crisis. The very foundation of our republic is under attack from forces foreign and domestic. They have usurped the rule of law and our sovereignty as a nation by interfering in the proper and fair process through which we determine not just our president, but also our other representatives at every level. Any patriot who allows this travesty to reach its diabolical conclusion without giving every single ounce of effort imaginable to stop it is complicit. They have sworn an oath to defend the Constitution and they have failed.

What Is To Be Done? We have to face reality and fight the good fight effectively on the terrain on which we now find ourselves. Ordinary politics are essentially over. By Christopher Roach

Over the course of several decades, the managerial ruling class has taken over. Republicans and Democrats each had their share of formal power, but the Left proceeded apace, regardless of who was technically in command, slowly capturing universities, large corporations, the media, and government bureaucracies. It now has power that is largely immune from elections.

My last essay explained why there has been so little resistance to a ruling class that has cruelly tightened the screws during the coronavirus pandemic and likely stolen a national election. As explained in that piece, economic insecurity and social isolation are the key structural foundations of the managerial class’ power. Insecurity and isolation are obstacles to an effective resistance by what is left of Middle America. 

In the comments section, some said, roughly, “OK, you explain why. But what should we do?” This is a reasonable question. Much of what follows is personal and economic, as the power of the system is personal and economic. 

To the extent political activity can succeed, it must be intertwined with these economic and personal reforms. Any purely political efforts should be local and issue-specific, rather than channeling our energies into a doomed bid for national power. 

Economic Independence

As so much of the system depends upon individuals’ embeddedness within it, separating oneself from that system is a large part of the answer. This requires a radical program of individual self-improvement. 

Various habits render one fragile and insecure, not least debt. Thus, avoiding debt and getting out of debt has to be one of the bedrock habits of any dissident. This is particularly true for young people, who are sold a siren song of credentials funded by student loans, when state colleges, learning a trade, or investing money in a business would earn a larger return.

Iran’s Plan to Topple Arab Leaders by Khaled Abu Toameh

Hamas’s call on Moroccans to revolt against their leaders contradicts its own declared policy that it does not intervene in the internal affairs of the Arab countries. “Hamas does not meddle in the internal affairs of Arab and Muslim countries,” said senior Hamas official Salah Bardaweel. If true, why is Hamas denouncing Morocco’s decision to establish relations with Israel?

Showing Hamas’s hypocrisy out in the sunlight, Hamas maintains continuous communication with Egypt, the first Arab country to sign a peace treaty with Israel. Just last week, Egyptian intelligence officials again visited the Gaza Strip….

Hamas would not dare to fire one rocket or bullet toward Egypt. Evidently, Hamas leaders know that the moment they attack Egypt, they and the entire Gaza Strip would pay a heavy price, most likely by having a huge military offensive launched against the Islamist movement.

These Arabs say that they hope to see the new US administration endorse a tough policy toward Iran and not send a message of weakness to the mullahs. Any attempt to appease Iran or ease the sanctions on it will only embolden the mullahs and increase their appetite to instigate coups to overthrow various Arab countries.

Iran’s Islamist proxies in the Arab world have resurfaced to condemn last week’s normalization agreement between Israel and Morocco just as they did with similar accords reached in the past few months with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan.

As usual, the Islamists and their patrons in Tehran, who seek the elimination of Israel, are using texts from the Koran and sayings attributed to the prophet Mohammed to justify their opposition to the normalization of relations between Arabs and Israel.

After the Israel-Morocco deal, however, the Islamists have stepped up their campaign of incitement against Arabs who want to make peace with Israel.

The President Should Sign the Bill Outlawing Female Genital Mutilation By Wesley J. Smith

A rare worthwhile bipartisan bill has passed Congress that will outlaw female genital mutilation as a matter of federal law. From HR 6100, The STOP FGM Act of 2020”:

“(a) Except as provided in subsection (b), whoever, in any circumstance described in subsection (d), knowingly—

“(1) performs, attempts to perform, or conspires to perform female genital mutilation on another person who has not attained the age of 18 years;

“(2) being the parent, guardian, or caretaker of a person who has not attained the age of 18 years facilitates or consents to the female genital mutilation of such person; or

“(3) transports a person who has not attained the age of 18 years for the purpose of the performance of female genital mutilation on such person,

shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.”

A word about religious freedom and FGM. The bill provides:

It shall not be a defense to a prosecution under this section that female genital mutilation is required as a matter of religion, custom, tradition, ritual, or standard practice.

That is right and good.