Courage vs. Covid 2020: The Age of UnReason, the Year of Fear. Jack Kerwick

The present year is the Year of Fear. It is the year of raw, wildly irrational fear. 

For sure, the inexhaustible fear-mongering on the part of opportunistic political partisans in the Government-Media-Industrial-Complex has exacerbated, exponentially exacerbated, the fears of tens and tens of millions of Americans. Yet the elites have not, strictly speaking, caused this fear.

They have only revealed it for all of the world to see.

To put this in terms with which most of us have long been familiar, the transformation of a cold virus into an existential crisis legitimizing the indefinite revocation of the United States Constitution and the reduction of the Land of the Free to an internment camp—and one in which its prisoners seem only all too happy to observe “Social Distancing” protocols while cowering behind their masks—has proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that most people really are ridden with fear.    

Fear is universal. It is at once necessary and desirable—as long as it is oriented toward objects that warrant its attention. 

In other words, when the fear is reasonable, when it is proportionate to the danger posed, it is fulfilling its natural function. 

Trudeau’s China Syndrome PM invites China’s army for “cold weather training” in Canada – while China holds Canadians captive. Lloyd Billingsley

December 10 marked two years since China’s Communist regime seized Canadians Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor.  “These two Canadians are an absolute priority for our government,” Canadian foreign minister Francois-Philippe Champagne told reporters, “and we will continue to work tirelessly to secure their immediate release and to stand up for them as a government and as Canadians.” According to another story that broke last week, the government’s true priority is to ignore the captives and stand up for China.

Secret government documents obtained by Rebel News reveal that the Trudeau government invited the People’s Liberation Army to conduct a “winter survival training exercise” at the Canadian Armed Forces base at Petawawa, Ontario. Defense chief Jonathan Vance canceled the training when China kidnapped Kovrig and Spavor. That came days after Canada detained Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou, sought in the United States for fraud.

The government documents name Meng Wenzhou, but not Kovrig and Spavor, who show up only as “consular cases,” with no reference to their status as hostages. The biggest revelation was the cooperation between the Trudeau government and the People’s Liberation Army of Communist China.

“That cold-weather warfare you are referring to is just one of 18 different joint projects the Canadian armed forces had with the People’s Liberation Army in 2019 alone, Rebel News founder Ezra Levant told Tucker Carlson of Fox News. “Canada is training one- and two-star Chinese generals in our war colleges, training lieutenants and majors, commanders. We’re sending Canadians over to China, we’re bringing Chinese — I think they are not just soldiers, I think they’re spies, as well, and I don’t know a single person in this country knew about it.”

COVID stats demonstrate that very little COVID is transmitted through bars and restaurants By Jack Hellner

When will the media and government officials show the actual scientific data, instead of just repeating the talking points, that they base all their strict mitigation and lockdown decisions on science? It’s clearly a lie. The answer is ‘never’ because neither facts nor science have mattered for a long time.

All that matters to this bunch is power over the people. Taking freedom and prosperity away is what power-hungry politicians and bureaucrats do.

On COVID, and its lockdowns, shutting down gyms, hair-cutters, bars, and restaurants, they’re particularly dishonest. Look:

What New York’s Contract Data Show:

Schools are safe, but living rooms less so during the pandemic. 

The vast majority of coronavirus cases in New York are spread by contact in living rooms and social gatherings, according to contact tracing data released on Friday by Gov. Andrew Cuomo. 

The data made public by New York officials offers one of the more specific glimpses into how COVID-19 is transmitted in the state.

Europe Confronts Second Wave of Coronavirus by Soeren Kern

On December 11, Germany recorded 29,875 new coronavirus cases, a one-day record, according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) for infectious diseases.

Economists are warning that the second coronavirus lockdown has increased the risk of another recession in Europe’s largest economy.

“After the coronavirus crisis, Germany will look different: Now many companies, such as car factories, suppliers, steelworks and mechanical engineering companies will be closed forever. Even if the country is unlocked again, companies that are gone cannot start up again. Consumers and entrepreneurs are unsettled. This is poison for the economy and jobs.” — Tichys Einblick, German blog, December 1, 2020

In Sweden, which has stood out for its “no lockdown” approach to the coronavirus pandemic, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven imposed the toughest restrictions yet after a spike in the number of infected people filling intensive care units. He said that the “unprecedented” response was needed if Sweden is to “curb transmission.”

The German government has reimposed strict lockdown measures in an effort to reverse a spike in Covid-19 infections. Beginning on December 16, all non-essential shops and businesses, as well as all schools and daycare centers, will be closed until at least January 10.

The new restrictions, which were agreed upon after talks between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the leaders of Germany’s 16 federal states, come after less intrusive lockdown measures that began on November 2 failed to significantly bring down the number of infections.

On December 11, Germany recorded 29,875 new coronavirus cases, a one-day record, according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) for infectious diseases. Germany’s intensive care unit capacity — the most important measure of a health system’s ability to deal with the pandemic — is at a critical level, with only 5% to 10% of intensive care beds available in some parts of the country, according to the Association of Critical Care and Emergency Medicine (DIVI).

Is America’s Fourth Estate (Free Press) in Foreclosure? by Leni Friedman Valenta with Jiri Valenta

The modern meaning [of the fourth estate]… refers to the press as a fourth and free power — as even a “watchdog” — over the executive, legislative and judicial branches of our government. Today, however, it is the watchdog that needs watching.

It was all right for the New York Times, as its editor-in-chief, Dean Baquet, admitted, to have “built our newsroom” around the fake Russia Hoax for two years, but substantiated facts concerning the Biden family’s influence peddling were apparently “not fit to print.”

So far, still to be answered, is the question: If elections can ignore legalities with impunity, how, going forward, can there be trustworthy elections?

The “fourth estate” refers to freedom of the press. The term may have first been used by the philosopher-statesman Edmund Burke, who in 1787 highlighted the press as free and apart from the other three British “estates” — clergy, royalty and commoners.

The modern meaning, however, refers to the press as a fourth and free power — as even a “watchdog” — over the executive, legislative and judicial branches of our government. Today, however, it is the watchdog that needs watching.

The foundation on which the United States is built, freedom of speech and freedom of the press, is enshrined in the First Amendment to the US Constitution:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Before our eyes, however, this freedom is being distorted, strangled and withheld.

Here’s What Was Discovered About Dominion Machines Used in a Swing State Beth Baumann

Judge Kevin Elsenheimer of the 13th Circuit Court on Monday ordered a “forensic imaging” of the Dominion Voting Systems machines and software used in Antrim County, Michigan, where 6,000 votes for President Trump were incorrectly attributed to former Vice President Joe Biden. The Michigan Secretary of State stated the error took place because of “human error” not a software “glitch.”

The order was made after Antrim County resident William Bailey filed a lawsuit challenging the integrity of the election results. Specifically, he brought up concerns about how county election officials originally reported their unofficial results. The focus of the election results weren’t on the outcome of the presidential contest but rather on a local proposal to allow a marijuana dispensary in town, the Detroit Free Press reported.

Earlier this month Allied Security Operations Group (ASOG) in Dallas inspected the election equipment. Originally the report wasn’t going to be made public without receiving approval from the judge first. Elsenheimer came back and said a report can be released as long as the software’s coding are redacted. In the newly-released report, ASOG stated Dominion’s software has a 68 percent chance of errors.

“The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is of 1 in 250,000 ballots (.0008%). We observed an error rate of 68.05%. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity,” the report states. “The results of the Antrim County 2020 election are not certifiable. This is a result of machine and/or software error, not human error.”

“It is critical to understand that the Dominion system classifies ballots into two categories, 1) normal ballots and 2) adjudicated ballots. Ballots sent to adjudication can be altered by administrators, and adjudication files can be moved between different Results Tally and Reporting (RTR) terminals with no audit trail of which administrator actually adjudicates (i.e. votes) the ballot batch,” the report states.

Michigan Legislative Committees Slap Multiple Cities with Election-Related Subpoenas Beth Baumann

The Michigan Legislature’s House and Senate oversight committees on Tuesday voted to subpoena election materials from Detroit and its suburb, Livonia. 

The cities have been instructed to turn over all hard drives, communications with poll workers, absentee counting boards and any other election-related materials. 

The joint committee is also interested in reviewing documentation about voting machines, including when they were purchased, what previous elections the machines were used in, and the accuracy tests that were conducted on the machines. 

Detroit and Livonia were asked to turn over policies relating to the Wuhan coronavirus, including instructions given to poll workers and the rules guiding ballot challengers. 

From Just the News:

A Nov. 28 order memo from the State Bureau of Elections had followed the same protocol as prior elections and ordered the deletion by November 30 of “E-Pollbook laptops and flash drives … unless a petition for recount has been filed and the recount has not been completed, a post-election audit is planned but has not yet been completed, or the deletion of the data has been stayed by an order of the court or the Secretary of State.”

Sean Davis: Media And Big Tech Rigged Election By Suppressing Biden Family Crime News By Tristan Justice

Federalist Co-Founder Sean charged big tech and big media of rigging the November election through their conspired suppression of blockbuster stories exposing incriminating information on their preferred presidential candidate, Joe Biden.

“There’s been a lot of talk about election rigging and vote counts and all that, but I think the election rigging that we haven’t given nearly enough attention to was the rigging done by corrupt media and big tech to suppress this story,” Davis said of the Hunter Biden scandals plaguing the Biden administration, which “undoubtedly changed the election… That’s a huge scandal.”

Data from the Media Research Center (MRC) lends credence to Davis’s claim. According to an MRC-commissioned survey conducted in the days following the election, nearly 20 percent of Biden voters interviewed across eight key battleground states, seven of which the former vice president carried, reported they would have changed their decision at the ballot box had the media properly covered several key stories offering more information about Biden.

Davis took particular aim at legacy outlets still ignoring the Hunter scandal even after being forced to offer coverage following a statement from Hunter Biden himself admitting the existence of an FBI investigation that had been reported in October.

“We have a pretty incurious media, especially when it comes to the White House press corps where they’re just simply not even interested in the answers so they don’t even bother asking the questions, so we’re left with other outlets who don’t have the access and the bandwidth that the big ones have,” Davis said. “The other issue is, unlike the Russia investigation… there’s nothing coming out in the government. So when you have Republicans that are being investigated, it’s leaks galore. When it’s Democrats like Hunter Biden and the Biden family and James Biden being investigated, we don’t know anything.”

Mitch, Mitt And Never-Trumpers Have It All Wrong: Trump Should Fight On, Not ‘Move On’

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell created a stir by calling Joe Biden “president-elect” following Monday’s Electoral College vote. Meanwhile, senator and former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney urged President Donald Trump to “move on.” Sorry, but there are still serious issues of fraud related to this election. To abandon the quest for the truth would be a disservice to the American people.

Of course, it’s understandable that people are tired of arguing whether a national election was fraudulent or not. We’d only note that the modern use of voting machines and vote-by-mail that make election fraud far easier is largely a “progressive” project, created to make voting less secure and less transparent, not more.

Even so, and apart from the crucial upcoming U.S. Senate runoff election in Georgia, there’s good reason not to listen to either McConnell or Romney or, for that matter, any of the many “Never-Trumpers” in the GOP who seem eager, anxious even, to get rid of Trump. They want him to fold his tent and walk away.

We can only guess why. But what’s most important now is that we determine the scale and scope of the electoral fraud and whether it truly handed the election to Biden. If so, Trump becomes president.

And, in truth, no matter what the Electoral College said on Monday, if massive fraud is in evidence in the states, the election results cannot stand. And there’s plenty of evidence of that tumbling out by the day.

By now we’ve all heard the stories of vote counts being suspended in the middle of the night, with Trump having a massive lead, only to be continued in the early morning with a shocking and statistically near-impossible number of votes being dumped into the hopper for Biden.

UPDATED: The Tragic Failure of William Barr Roger L. Simon

I used to be a big fan of Attorney General William Barr.Now, as of Dec. 14, 2020, he’s gone, effective Dec. 23, almost a month before the actual end of a Trump administration, assuming that happens.Technically, Barr resigned, accompanied by the usual complimentary letter to the president, but something obviously went wrong in his relationship with Donald Trump.

What was it?

William Barr certainly knew how to talk the talk. His October 2019 speech on religious liberty at the Notre Dame Law School is particularly eloquent and meaningful. If you haven’t heard it, maybe you should as a reminder of the person he could be.

That was the same AG who promised, what seems like decades ago, he would get to the bottom of the reprehensible, treasonous to many, origin of the Trump-Russia investigation, known hereabouts as Spygate.He assigned John Durham, a reputedly hard-nosed U.S. attorney from Connecticut, to uncover the sources of this outrage and bring the miscreants to justice.

Unfortunately, within that promise soon emerged a hint of trouble to come. Barr informed us that higher officials—meaning, of course, President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden—were not in Durham’s brief to investigate, although they had attended a fateful meeting in January 2016 from whence much may have flowed.

Some people were evidently above the law.

As justification for this, Barr made it seem he was trying to put an end to the politicization of the Department of Justice and the FBI—and maybe he was … in his own eyes.