Sidney Powell: Trump Could Trigger 2018 Executive Order on Foreign Election Interference


Lawyer Sidney Powell asserted that due to alleged foreign interference in the Nov. 3 election, “it’s more than sufficient to trigger” President Donald Trump’s executive order on foreign interference issued in 2018.

In September 2018, Trump signed an executive order that says “not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies), shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election.”

Powell told The Epoch Times she believes that due to that executive order, it can give Trump “all kinds of power … to do everything from seize assets to freeze things, demand the impoundment of the machines,” referring to voting machines.

“Under the emergency powers, he could even appoint a special prosecutor to look into this, which is exactly what needs to happen,” Powell said. “Every machine, every voting machine in the country should be impounded right now. There’s frankly more than enough criminal probable cause to justify that, for anybody who’s willing to address the law and the facts purely on the basis of truth and not politics, or corporate greed, or global wealth.”

For the past month, some, including Arizona’s Maricopa County GOP Chairwoman Linda Brickman, as well as Powell, have alleged that Dominion Voting Systems’ machines allowed for votes to be switched from Trump to Democrat candidate Joe Biden. Dominion has pushed back, saying that it’s not possible to change votes, while asserting it has no ties to foreign governments and doesn’t allow its employees to engage in vote-tabulation efforts.

Powell noted that Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe has only a few days left until he is to prepare his report to the president, according to the September 2018 executive order. It’s not clear when—or if—Ratcliffe will issue the report, as no public confirmation has been given so far. Little mention has been made of the executive order since it was issued more than two years ago.

China: Great Britain’s Biggest Long-Term Threat by Judith Bergman

The UK’s new MI5 director, Ken McCallum, said that countries such as China and Russia were no longer focused just on traditional espionage activities, such as stealing government secrets, but also on targeting Britain’s economy, infrastructure, and academic research, while seeking to undermine its democracy.

China’s ambassador to the UK, Liu Xiaoming, later denied threatening the UK by making still another threat: “We make no threats, we threaten nobody. We just let you know the consequences. If you do not want to be our partners and our friends, you want to treat China as a hostile country, you will pay the price. That means you will lose the benefits of treating China as a friend.”

Meanwhile, Huawei’s plans to build a research center in Cambridgeshire are going ahead.

“[China’s] implementation strategy is to target elites in the West so that they either welcome China’s dominance or accede to its inevitability, rendering resistance futile”. — Clive Hamilton and Mareike Ohlberg, Hidden Hand: Exposing How the Chinese Communist Party is Reshaping the World.

In the UK, according to Hamilton and Ohlberg, the CCP has managed to “groom” British power elites to support Chinese interests, especially through the networking group the “48 Group Club”…. The group features members such as former ministers, including former Prime Minister Tony Blair and former Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, five former British ambassadors to China, leading business people, directors of large cultural institutions and professors, as well as a number of highly ranked CCP officials, including several former Chinese ambassadors to the UK.

Much of Chinese influence on British campuses is done through the CCP’s Confucius Institutes, of which there are at least 29 in the UK, according to a February 2019 report on the topic by the Conservative Party Human Rights Commission.

“If the question is which state will be shaping our world across the next decade providing big opportunities and big challenges for the UK, the answer is China,” Britain’s new MI5 Director Ken McCallum recently told journalists. He added that Russia is currently “providing bursts of bad weather, while China is changing the climate”. McCallum said that countries such as China and Russia were no longer focused just on traditional espionage activities, such as stealing government secrets, but also on targeting Britain’s economy, infrastructure and academic research, while seeking to undermine its democracy.

Two wrongs By Donald Finley

Donald N. Finley is a retired U.S. Air Force Colonel.

Much has already been written about the Supreme Court’s refusal to hear the Texas suit.  The sharpest legal minds in the country can’t agree on whether Texas has ‘standing,’ which isn’t much of a surprise since disagreement seems to be what we now do best.  I say it’s a very good thing because it shows where everyone stands, and rather than wondering who’s on your side and who’s opposed, disagreement shines light on everyone, so you know what you’re up against.

Perhaps we laypeople don’t understand the legal jargon about ‘standing,’ or why Texas and eighteen other states and the President of the United States aren’t allowed to show their collective injury inflicted by the four cheating states.  Perhaps the Supreme Court Justices didn’t understand the interest Texas had in other states’ election conduct was not its own; it was all of our interests.  Perhaps the legal precedents just didn’t fit right, and this case would have taken some courage, creativity, and consequences.  Perhaps it was just too much hard work for an upcoming holiday season. 

I’m not a lawyer, but I’m not blind, either.  “Judicially cognizable interest”?  That means about as much to me as talk about the internet would have meant to Thomas Jefferson.  Why does a ‘first ever’ event have to be judicially cognizable? 

Throughout our history, and perhaps all of world history, there has never before been as massive a fraud perpetrated on a free people as this.  Despite what Fox News says, these are not unfounded accusations.  In fact, that fraudulent acts changed the outcome of the election is indisputable.  Oh, it’s disputed, but it’s still indisputable in any factual or logically cognizable way.  If that seems cognitively dissonant, welcome to our world, where the MSM and the Democrat party say there’s no evidence of election fraud, and the Trump campaign’s allegations are baseless and unfounded.

Andrew Cuomo receives the Ted Kennedy award By J. Marsolo

Cuomo is a worthy successor to Teddy the Swimmer.

Governor Andrew Cuomo, the would-be dictator of New York state, who shut down schools, restaurants, churches, and many businesses,  was awarded and accepted the 2020 Edward M. Kennedy award thusly:

“I am honored to receive the 2020 Edward M. Kennedy Institute Award for Inspired Leadership. I learned about humanity, leadership and putting people first from the great Senator Ted Kennedy.”

Cuomo is a worthy successor to Teddy the Swimmer, who left Mary Jo Kopechne to die in submerged car that he drove into a pond. Teddy, who according to Cuomo, put people first, put Mary Joe Kopechne second as he swam away to meet with his handlers to lie and spin about leaving Ms. Kopechne to die.

Cuomo placed approximately 6,300 people infected with the China virus in nursing homes thereby infecting elderly patients. Over 6,400 residents of the nursing homes died from the China virus.  Cuomo, following the leadership and humanity he learned from Teddy, blamed the deaths on infected health care workers at the nursing homes.

Cuomo further showed his leadership and humanity when he denied that he ordered the nursing homes to take the infected patients:

“New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said that nursing homes “never needed” to accept Covid-positive patients from hospitals in the state due to a shortage of hospital beds.”

Illegal ballots can be quickly and scientifically identified By John M. Contino VIDEO

In the video below, Kevin Freeman interviews technology expert Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, who explains how, with access to the physical ballots and the digital ballots in their native, unencrypted format, his team can process millions of ballots per day and determine conclusively which ballots are illegitimate. 

Pulitzer points out that by law, we the people own both the paper ballots and the scanned copies of ballots for 22 months after the election. He maintains that the Trump legal teams have been requesting the wrong evidence, that we only need access to audit the ballots on very simple visual terms.

For example, every mailed-out ballot was folded by machines and blown into envelopes. Pulitzer describes how machines can detect the forensic evidence left by a crease due to what he calls a kinematic fold, so that fake ballots that were fed into counting machines from never folded sheets can be flagged.

Legitimate ballots can be checked for upper-level encoding — that is, the standards by which the election council determines how the ballot is to be printed. As part of these standards, all ballots contain hidden codes not visible to the naked eye which identify the printer from which they were printed.

An overview of the latest election fraud information By Andrea Widburg

Rather than writing myriad posts about updated election fraud information, this post provides an overview. With the Supreme Court becoming an increasingly slender reed on which to rely, the information below in the new front in the battle against election fraud.

President Trump went on the offensive against state legislatures contemplating certifying votes despite significant evidence of fraud:

Negative votes. This video explains election anomalies that could occur only if there was large-scale data manipulation:

There’s a simple way to prove mail-in ballot fraud. Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, who invented the platform for QR readers, contends that he can determine in a day whether millions of mail-in ballots are fraudulent. Here’s the video, followed by my effort to simplify what he said:

Pulitzer says his system will scan mandatorily saved ballot images and actual ballots to find clues that the ballots were not mailed out to voters or filled in and returned by voters. Ballots that have been mailed have creases from being placed in envelopes. Ballots that ran off of printers and copy machines, rather than have humans enter their voting preferences, will lack the imprints of the human hand filling in the bubbles. 

There’s already evidence strongly suggesting that, in Georgia, significant numbers of ballots used for the recount were so pristine they never passed through the Post Office or through voters’ hands:

Equating Zionism With White Supremacy in the Age of Trump The newest thrust in the campus tactical assault against Israel. Richard L. Cravatts

Nazifying ideological opponents is a tactic that campus anti-Israel groups and individuals have long used as part of the ongoing cognitive war against Israel, in which Zionism is racism, Israelis are the new Nazis, Gaza is equivalent to the Warsaw Ghetto, Israel is committing genocide against the guiltless Palestinians (a “Holocaust in the Holy Land,” as one student event called it), and the Star of David of the Israeli flag is regularly manipulated to incorporate a swastika.

This intellectually destructive behavior is nothing new for these anti-Israel activists; what is new is that they made a tactical pivot after the election of Donald Trump, choosing to join the chorus of shrill voices accusing the White House, conservatives, Republicans, and even white people in general of being a new incarnation of racists, fascists, and white supremacists, emboldened and given influence by the Trump administration’s alleged racist and xenophobic ideology.

This newest thrust in their tactical assault against Israel, using the hysteria about a phantom alt-right infecting government and academia to justify a more aggressive bludgeoning of the Jewish state, means that Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and other radical campus groups and individuals have felt no compunction at all in increasing the tenor and intensity of their tactical assault on Israel and using the current political climate to reinforce a new slur—white supremacy—against it.

Some of that tactical poison flows to campuses through The U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR), a coalition of hundreds of organizations that “is ‘at the very heart’ of the global Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement’s efforts to isolate Israel in the U.S,” and which provides resources for radical student groups such as SJP. “Since Trump came to power, we have seen a very open alliance between Zionists and white supremacists,” the organization’s website announces definitively. “This alliance becomes all the clearer when we look at the shared histories and values of the United States and Israel,” since “Both the United States and Israel are European settler colonial states built on the exclusionary ideology of white supremacy,” and “Zionism and the US empire, both manifestations of white supremacy, collaborate closely to achieve shared goals.”

Apparently, this toxic view has taken hold on university campuses. At the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign’s SJP chapter, for example, this hateful ideology was on full display when, in a September 2017 Facebook post, the group announced that since “there is no room for fascists, white supremacists, or Zionists at UIUC,” they had organized a rally called “Smashing Fascism: Radical Resistance Against White Supremacy.” It would hopefully occur to any sentient being that characterizing Zionists as keeping company with or in fact being fascists and white supremacists is not only a historically grotesque notion, it would also seem to be self-contradictory.

Supreme Court of Kangaroos Compromised by the Left, can we ever trust the high court again? Matthew Vadum

President Donald Trump’s truly historic accomplishment of getting three Supreme Court justices confirmed so far hasn’t been enough to guarantee his election grievances get the high-profile official judicial airing they so richly deserve.

The justices are sworn to be impartial in the execution of their duty, but they are not blind. They got the message when Democrats threatened to pack the Supreme Court FDR-style. They saw the shock troops of the radical Left, Antifa and Black Lives Matter, burn down cities and lash out violently at Trump supporters.

The justices are human, after all.

“The Left is much better at making your life miserable when you anger them,” Curt Levey, president of the Committee for Justice, told this writer previously.

That the highest court in the land is now so paralyzed by fear of the Left that in Texas v. Pennsylvania, decided Dec. 11, it couldn’t even bring itself to hold a public hearing to discuss the issues involved, brings to mind a memorable phrase spoken by fictional African dictator Andre Baptiste, whose less-than-perfect grasp of English syntax was highlighted in the 2005 action movie, Lord of War.

As news spreads in 2000 that the Supreme Court had shut down the ballot-counting in disputed Florida, handing the presidency to George W. Bush, Baptiste indignantly tells his American arms supplier: “Have you seen the news? They accuse me of rigging elections, but after this in your Florida with your Supreme Court of kangaroos, now the U.S. must shut up forever.”

Unlike the new ruling, the decision in Bush v. Gore, or actually Gore v. Bush, was justified. That presidential election was only resolved when the Supreme Court found that the recount standards used at different locations in Florida were so wildly divergent that they violated voters’ equal-protection rights under the Fourteenth Amendment.

The Serbian Connection To Biden, Soros, the CIA – and electoral fraud. Joseph Hippolito

When Sidney Powell spoke to conservative radio host Howie Carr on Nov. 20, she included Serbia among four countries she accused of interfering with the Nov. 3 Presidential election.

Four days earlier, a former member of Serbia’s parliament published stunning evidence to support Powell’s assertion.

Srjdan Nogo not only showed how Serbia manipulated vote totals. He exposed the connections between the highest officials in the Serbian government, Serbian leaders in technology and telecommunications, George Soros, former Vice President Joe Biden, the CIA and other government agencies in the United States.

Among the figures Nogo mentions in his articles for the website Srbin Info is retired Gen. David Petraeus, who commanded American troops in Afghanistan, then served as President Barack Obama’s CIA director for 15 months before John Brennan replaced him in 2012.

In a separate tweet Nov. 29, Nogo confirmed that the United States military seized CIA computer servers in Frankfurt, Germany.

Nogo, 39, was a member of Serbia’s National Assembly from 2016-19 and sat on three committees as a member of the opposition. He belonged to the Dveri Party, which Wikipedia described as nationalist and populist, and has his own Serbian-language website.

Founded in 2012, Srbin Info features daily domestic and international news as “one of the most read Cyrillic internet sites in Serbia,” said Wikipedia’s Serbian page. That page added Srbin Info “promotes patriotism (and) close relations between Serbia and Russia” while being “extremely critical of NATO, the European Union, globalism, the strong influence of the United States and general Euro-Atlantic integration.”

In his Nov. 16 article, Nogo wrote that Serbian tech specialists working for Dominion Voting Systems — which has an office in Belgrade, Serbia’s capital — wrote the software for Dominion’s voting machines. That software included an algorithm that would reduce President Donald Trump’s votes “as a function of percentage of Republicans in a precinct,” Nogo wrote.

BOMBSHELL: Leaked List of 2 Million Chinese Communist Party Members Shows How Vulnerable the West Is By Stacey Lennox

Sky News reported a list of nearly two million members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) who are operating worldwide and in dozens of companies based in the United States and other Western nations. According to the report, the list was compiled in 2016 by Chinese dissidents who extracted the data from a Shanghai server.

In mid-September, the data was leaked to a newly formed international group called the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC). This is a group of 150 legislators whose mission is stated on their website:

IPAC’s mission is to foster deeper collaboration between like-minded legislators. Its principal work is to monitor relevant developments, to assist legislators to construct appropriate and coordinated responses, and to help craft a proactive and strategic approach on issues related to the People’s Republic of China.

IPAC provided the data to four independent media outlets for verification. It is believed to be the first leak of its kind and gives a detailed look at how the party operates under Chairman Xi Jinping. The data shows that party members are embedded in some of the world’s largest companies and inside government agencies.

“Communist party branches have been set up inside western companies, allowing the infiltration of those companies by CCP members – who, if called on, are answerable directly to the communist party, to the Chairman, the president himself,” she said. “Along with the personal identifying details of 1.95 million communist party members, mostly from Shanghai, there are also the details of 79,000 communist party branches, many of them inside companies”.

One of the media outlets that investigated the list was the Daily Mail. They published additional details on their findings and report:

Loyal members of the Chinese Communist Party are working in British consulates, universities and for some of the UK’s leading companies, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.