Attorney General Bill Barr reportedly knew about the Hunter Biden tax probes for months but kept them under wraps before the election Sonam Sheth

Attorney General William Barr knew about two criminal investigations into Hunter Biden’s financial dealings for months before the US general election but kept them from the public, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.
The news is a remarkable twist in Barr’s tenure as President Donald Trump’s attorney general, during which he repeatedly took steps to benefit the president and feed into his conspiracy theories.
According to The Journal, Barr knew about the Biden tax investigations since at least the spring but tried to keep them under wraps in accordance with Justice Department rules meant to keep prosecutors from taking overt investigative steps that could affect the outcome of an election.
The Journal’s report is likely to infuriate Trump, who has been frustrated with Barr in recent months and came close to firing him on several occasions before aides talked the president out of it.

Attorney General William Barr knew for months about two investigations into Hunter Biden’s financial activity but worked to shield them from the public, The Wall Street Journal reported late Thursday.

The news is a remarkable twist in Barr’s tenure as President Donald Trump’s attorney general, during which time he repeatedly took steps to aid the president and feed into his talking points about the Russia investigation, the Obama administration, and the 2020 election.

PEN America Mocks 1st Amendment with Obama Gala By Jack Cashill

On Saturday, I received an email from Stephen Fee, the Communications Director for PEN America, alerting me to a virtual gala celebration on December 8 to honor Barack Obama with its 2020 Voice of Influence Award.

Among other topics, Obama will share with the PEN audience how “disinformation — and media outlets willing to spread it — are an immediate threat to democracy.” PEN’s mission, so they tell us, is “to protect free expression in the United States and worldwide.”

Is this a hoax? Obama deserved the Nobel Peace Prize more than he deserves this award. A report released by the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) in October 2013 showed that only in Bizarro World would Obama merit such an honor.

In the way of background, a group of foreign journalists founded the CPJ in 1981 to protect their colleagues around the world from harassment by authoritarian governments. The CPJ is not exactly part of the much-bruited “right-wing noise machine.” Au contraire!

Over the years the CPJ board of directors has included any number of liberal luminaries, among them Christiane Amanpour, Gwen Ifill, Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather, Clarence Page, and even serious leftists like Victor Navasky, longtime editor of the Nation. The principal author of the report was Leonard Downie, Jr., former executive editor of the Washington Post. In the opening paragraph of the report, Downie sliced right to the heart of the issue:

In the Obama administration’s Washington, government officials are increasingly afraid to talk to the press. Those suspected of discussing with reporters anything that the government has classified as secret are subject to investigation, including lie-detector tests and scrutiny of their telephone and e-mail records. An “Insider Threat Program” being implemented in every government department requires all federal employees to help prevent unauthorized disclosures of information by monitoring the behavior of their colleagues.

Nobody’s trying to ‘overturn’ the election. We’re CORRECTING fraudulent Carl Durrek

What happens when you combine gaslighting with begging the question? You get the ludicrous framing by Democrats and mainstream media that somehow President Trump and his allies are trying to “overturn” an election that is righteously being challenged.

The memo came down from the prince of darkness that everyone in media, Big Tech, and the Democratic Party are supposed to frame challenges to election results as attempts to “overturn” the election. This is ludicrous and disingenuous, especially when we consider the likelihood that this election was plagued by rampant voter fraud on a massive scale.

There’s a reason they’re using that word. “Overturned” is, in its very nature, a violent and often unwanted action. A car can get “overturned” in an accident. But it’s also an important word because it insinuates the election results are already determined and the perceived winner, former Vice President Joe Biden, has his name already etched onto a plaque in the Oval Office.

First and foremost, this is gaslighting. They know that tens of millions of Americans do not believe the election was fair or that the results are finalized, but they want us to believe that we’re the crazy ones for not denouncing thousands of sworn affidavits. They want us to believe our eyes are lying to us when we see clear voter fraud in videos that have been shown as evidence before state legislature hearings. Most importantly, they want us to believe that it’s a widely accepted fact that Joe Biden won the election fair and square and if we don’t, we’re delusional. It’s gaslighting in its purest form.

Obama attained power by questioning ballots and signatures Mia Cathell

Former President Barack Obama won his first election by throwing all of his opponents off the ballot based on technicalities. In his first race for office—seeking an Illinois state Senate seat in 1996—Obama used the election rules to eliminate his Democratic competition.

Former President Barack Obama won his first election by throwing all of his opponents off the ballot based on technicalities. In his first race for office—seeking an Illinois state Senate seat in 1996—Obama used the election rules to eliminate his Democratic competition.

Obama employed Chicago’s rules to invalidate voting petition signatures. He ultimately disqualified all four Democratic primary rivals and three minor candidates, Wall Street Journal reported.

The action denied each of them a place on the ballot. His move cleared the way for Obama to run unopposed on the Democratic ticket in a heavily Democrat district.

Yes, President Donald Trump’s mild-mannered, lionized predecessor played hardball. The darling of the modern Democratic Party first entered public office not by leveling the playing field, but by clearing his path to victory.

Here Are All The Times Joe Biden Falsely Claimed Stories About Hunter Were Debunked By Jordan Davidson

For months, former Vice President Joe Biden has vehemently denied that any evidence exists that his son, Hunter, was involved in criminal activity or wrongdoing. These denials now look like dishonesty after the Biden-Harris transition team released a statement Wednesday acknowledging that Hunter is indeed under investigation by the Department of Justice for potential tax crimes.

“I learned yesterday for the first time that the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware advised my legal counsel, also yesterday, that they are investigating my tax affairs,” Hunter wrote in the statement.

This news, as Federalist Editor Mollie Hemingway pointed out, is not actually new and was reported before the election, but was purposefully suppressed by gatekeepers like Facebook, Twitter, and corporate media outlets who ignored the reporting on Hunter Biden’s affairs. In October, the New York Post and others reported Biden’s knowledge and potential involvement in his son’s overseas business dealings during his time as vice president. A few weeks later,  investigative reporter James Rosen broke news that the FBI was investigating Hunter for money laundering.

As early as 2019, Biden began to deny that Hunter or anyone else in the Biden family ever did anything wrong, ignoring the concerns of some about Hunter’s affiliation with the Ukrainian energy company “Burisma.”

“Every single, solitary, serious investigation, including your network and others, have looked at this, have said there’s absolutely zero basis to the accusation that I had acted anyway inappropriately or that my son did,” Biden said at a presidential town hall in Iowa.

In an interview with Axios on HBO, Biden seemed appalled that a reporter even dared to ask him about his son’s foreign business and work.

“I mean, come on, this is — (laughs) — you guys are amazing,” Biden responded when the reporter asked him about Hunter’s business dealings.

Play the Game or Be Played Why do we insist the game is rigged? Because it is. And you are a fool, at best, not to see it. By L0m3z

By now, you may have forgotten the story from all the way back in August when various bugmen and D.C. lizard people convened to run a series of “war games” on the upcoming presidential election. Dubbed the Transition Integrity Project, the group of Democratic Party operatives, Bushite neocons, and lawfare swamp creatures warned of a tumultuous Election Night at the end of which neither candidate would concede, followed by a months-long political and legal battle, going all the way to Inauguration Day, that would stress our republic to its breaking point. 

You may have also forgotten that the group was founded by a former Pentagon official and board member of George Soros’ Open Society Institute—don’t read anything into this; just an interesting factoid I thought I’d share.

The highlight of the New York Times’ summary of the group’s “leaked” findings was the third of four potential election scenarios where John Podesta, in his role as Joe Biden, loses the Electoral College but wins the popular vote “closely mirroring the 2016 result,” an affront to the Democrats’ Mandate of Heaven so intolerable that Podesta qua Biden responds by plunging the country into a constitutional crisis in which California, Oregon, and Washington threaten secession until congressional Democrats and state officials, spurred on by the media and grassroots activists, collude to eliminate the Electoral College and retroactively award Biden the presidency via a slate of hand-picked electors. 

Normal stuff. Democracy as it was meant to be practiced.

But you do not have to remember this particular story to recall how the stage for a prolonged, bitter election fight was being set by the upper reaches of our political power centers and sense-making institutions far, far in advance. You may instead remember a long-list of eyebrow raising pronouncements by Trump adversaries from throughout the summer, including, as deplorable right-wing conspiracy theorist and intellectual criminal Michael Anton had the impertinence to chronicle at the American Mind, Hillary Clinton imploring Joe Biden not to concede under any circumstances, a flurry of more and less subtle intimations by the flag officer class that the military wasn’t and would not be on the president’s side in an ex-judicial contest for the White House, and the curious emergence into the popular lexicon of the CIA’s favored regime-change tactic, the so-called “color revolution” (which was only brought to our attention to debunk it, of course).

You might also recall certain Democrat swing state officials meeting privately in the week before the election to triage the impending mail-in “vote counting fiasco” (their words), at that exact juncture a prominent DNC media firm invented and astroturfed the term “Red Mirage” to explain how Trump might appear to be the winner on Election Night but over the course of days, weeks, months if need be (after all, it takes an indefinite amount of time to count an indefinite amount of ballots), Biden would eventually take the lead. 

Senate Republicans Can’t Be Bothered With Election Cheating Begging those same voters to keep them in power adds insult to injury. By Julie Kelly

The Republican attorney general of Texas has filed a compelling case that details shocking evidence of election fraud in four swing states that Joe Biden allegedly won last month. The lawsuit, subsequently backed by 19 of Ken Paxton’s Republican counterparts, now sits before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Paxton’s pleading should erase any doubt that election officials—in some cases, unelected bureaucrats with no accountability to voters—in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Georgia usurped the constitutional authority of their respective state legislatures to break the rules and tip the results in favor of Biden.

As I wrote here, “the suit asks the court to declare that the four states ‘administered the 2020 presidential election in violation of the Electors Clause and the Fourteenth Amendment’ and essentially nullify any presidential electors appointed in those states.” Doctored certification envelopes, lax signature verification, illegal distribution of mail-in ballot applications, and absentee votes processed before the legal start date are just a few examples of documented unlawfulness in the four defendant states.

Tens of millions of Trump voters are livid as new evidence of flagrant election abuses are revealed each day. Nearly three-quarters of Republicans do not trust the election’s outcome, according to a poll taken before the Texas filing. During a raucous campaign rally in Georgia last weekend headlined by the president, thousands of Georgians chanted “fight for Trump!” sending a not-so-subtle message to the state’s milquetoast incumbent Republican senators facing a contentious run-off on January 5: It’s time to buck up.

So what, exactly, are Republican senators doing in response to this pervasive outrage? Why, turning on their own supporters, of course—and at the same time begging those same voters to help the GOP keep the Senate.

“I read just a summary of [Paxton’s lawsuit], and I frankly struggle to understand the legal theory,” Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas), told CNN’s Manu Raju. Raju spoke with two dozen Republican senators about the Texas case and whether the president should finally concede. 

Will America Become China’s Vassal? The dire cost of Biden taking the White House. Gary Gindler

On election day, Fox News betrayed President Trump, and this has puzzled many patriots. The confusion vanishes if one assumes that this episode could be just a small part of the process of China’s colonization of America. China has already colonized some countries in the Pacific region, South America, and Africa for all practical purposes. Add to this list the de facto colonization of northern Italy and a large part of Russia in Eastern Siberia. Also, communist China greedily devours real estate and businesses in the United States.

Therefore, the 2020 presidential election should be seen as an integral part of this process.

From this perspective, Trump and Biden symbolize two diametrically opposed approaches to America’s future. If Biden made it clear that he was ready to swear allegiance to the new master, Trump is fighting for America’s economic and political independence. Biden is helped not only by the so-called “Democrats” and numerous anti-Trump Republicans but also by the world socialist movement.

The current leading force of palace intrigues in China is Xi Jinping’s group of supporters of Soviet methods: “Xi Jinping belongs to the faction long forgotten in China, which at one time was aligned with the Soviet Union and Joseph Stalin.” When this group came to power, a wave of repressions swept across China, like two drops of water similar to Stalin’s repressions of the 30s and 40s. China’s economic policy is generally reminiscent of the Soviet one. For example, foreign companies’ penetration into Chinese markets is only possible if joint ventures with China are established, and all the know-how is transferred to the Chinese side.

Donald Trump, of course, is fighting for the presidency. Nevertheless, for Trump, the presidency is only part of a more significant challenge. Trump seeks not only to win these elections but to destroy once and for all the leftist movements in general. Obviously, it includes China and the so-called “Democrats.” That is a much more important goal, and it looks like Trump would prevail. What if Trump loses? In this case, all his actions will be aimed at ensuring that by the next electoral cycle – in 2022 – no one in his or her right mind would even think to vote for (D)ecadence.

Lowering the Barr Has the DOJ become the pro bono law firm of the Deep State? Lloyd Billingsley

“We have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” said Joe Biden on October 24, and duly confirmed on November 3. With Trump holding a lead in critical states, the voting suddenly stopped and harvested ballots came pouring in for Biden. Mail ballots had been handled by a postal union that endorsed Joe Biden, a clear conflict of interest. No identification required, ballots backdated, poll workers shielded from observation, and so forth. Plenty to see here, but not for Attorney General William Barr.

“To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election,” Barr said in a December 1 interview. Voters had a right to wonder if the nation’s highest law enforcement official had taken a look at voting by illegal aliens, a crime punishable by one year in prison, deportation and inadmissibility. Even so, in California, voting by illegals is already inherent in the system.

When illegals get driver’s licenses, the DMV automatically registers them to vote, and by 2018 the “motor voter” program added one million “new” voters to the rolls. In March, Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered mail ballots sent to every registered voter in California, which includes all the illegals registered by the DMV. Secretary of state Alex Padilla, who opposed a federal probe of voter fraud after the 2016 election, won’t say how many illegals voted in 2018 and 2020. If Barr made any effort to uncover the extent of this crime, nothing has come to light. On other fronts, the attorney general has been busy.

Also on December 1, Barr appointed U.S. Attorney John Durham as special counsel to investigate the origins of the Russia probe. Durham has been investigating the matter since 2019 and to date has only brought a single charge against FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith for altering a document. High-profile players such as James Comey and Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, Bruce Ohr and others have escaped prosecution. By kicking the probe down the road, Barr effectively kills it off. That should come as no surprise, given Barr’s history of defending deadly government operations against American civilians.

Hezbollah’s Great Diversion by Khaled Abu Toameh

Many Lebanese are demanding answers to role of the Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorist organization in the port “massacre.” They are also demanding an end to Iran’s occupation of Lebanon.

Although the Lebanese government has set up a commission of inquiry into the port explosion, many Lebanese are wondering why the results have not been published yet. They are convinced that the Lebanese government is afraid to point the finger of blame at Hezbollah.

“Hezbollah trusts the judiciary it controls with its weapons.” — Nizar Salloum, Lebanon, Twitter, December 7, 2020.

The UN is not going to provide relief or answers to the families of the victims of the Lebanon explosion because its members are busy passing resolutions day and night against Israel.

The only step left for the Lebanese is to revolt against the terrorist organization that has turned their country into a military and political base for the mullahs in Tehran.

More than four months have passed since the huge explosion at the port of the Lebanese capital of Beirut, and many Lebanese are demanding answers to role of the Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorist organization in the port “massacre.” They are also demanding an end to Iran’s occupation of Lebanon.

On August 4, a large amount of ammonium nitrate stored at the Beirut port exploded, causing at least 204 deaths, 6,500 injuries, and $15 billion in property damage. An estimated 300,000 people were left homeless.