Michigan House Chairman Tells Dominion CEO to Appear or Be Subpoenaed By Zachary Stieber


A Michigan lawmaker leading the investigation into the 2020 election threatened Dominion Voting Systems CEO with a subpoena if he doesn’t appear before his committee voluntarily.

State Rep. Matt Hall, a Republican who chairs the Michigan House Oversight Committee, said in a Dec. 7 letter obtained by The Epoch Times that he sent a missive last month asking Dominion CEO John Poulos to testify before the committee.

“I have not received an answer to my request. I am writing again to request your appearance before the House Oversight Committee so that we can further investigate Dominion’s role in the election,” Hall wrote to Poulos in the new letter.

The representative said there have been a number of claims and accusations regarding Dominion’s software and the results of the election and that Poulos could help lawmakers and voters better understand the election software.

If Poulos cannot make it in person, testimony via Zoom would serve.

“If Dominion chooses to ignore this second request to come before the committee I am prepared to seek legislative subpoena power to compel your appearance before the House Oversight Committee,” Hall wrote. “I am hopeful that it would not come to this.”

Dominion didn’t respond to a request for comment.

Trump Can’t Allow Democrats to Enjoy One Minute of Biden ‘Victory’ By Stephen Kruiser


The Trump Georgia rally that we discussed in yesterday’s Briefing got me thinking a lot about not just this past election, but the 2022 midterms and the 2024 presidential contest. Normally I try to not to think too far ahead when it comes to these things because they go on long enough anyway. After the arduous year and campaign we were all subjected to it would be nice to not think about politics at all, but hey, I’ve got work to do here.

As I have written on a couple of occasions, I think the Republicans are in a fantastic position here, despite the royal screwing in the presidential contest. The party is set up to have a monumentally epic run at taking over the House in two years. And the Jill Biden Edith Wilson 2.0 presidency has a real good shot at being a one-term affair. Seriously, you look at what a train wreck Biden is right now and think about all of the behind-the-scenes fighting that will be going on to control him and there is a lot to look forward to here from the opposition.

President Trump is running out of legal options to contest the election but there is still a lot of fight left in his legal team. They continue to put up a united front and vow to uncover every spurious ballot cast. I don’t pretend to know anything about election law so I haven’t weighed in on that a lot.

I do know optics, however. The Democrats and their flying monkeys in the media are still rending their garments over the fact that Trump and the faithful will not go quietly into Inauguration Day, which you all know I’m a fan of. Watching them flail throughout what should be their extended moment of triumph is rather delightful. I didn’t used to be this mean-spirited about politics but after what they did for the last for years I find myself a bit bereft of any charitable feelings for the Dems.

The Feminist’s Gambit: A Skeptical Take on Netflix’s ‘The Queen’s Gambit’ By David Solway


At one time Chess was the reigning passion of my life, amounting almost to an obsession. I regularly visited the chess clubs in Old Montreal and played scrappy games with strangers on linoleum “boards” with chintzy plastic pieces. In time I acquired an extensive library of chess books and fell in love with opening theory, which I studied assiduously. I had a chess table built for me, bought a set of lovely hand-carved rosewood pieces, set about analyzing the games of the masters, and played as often as I could with friends, students and chess buffs. 

Soon it seemed I was doing little else. Montreal had become a mecca for chess tournaments, provincial, interzonal and international, which I devotedly attended. It was at the Tournament of Stars, sponsored by Quebec’s major French newspaper La Presse, that I met grandmaster Robert Hübner, then ranked sixth in the world. We became close friends over the years. Robert would visit me in Montreal and twice he spent summers with my family on the Greek island of Alonissos, where he would prepare for various international matches. As a friendly test and on a whim, I once asked Robert to set up the pieces as they were on the 18th move in the 27th game of the Alekhine-Capablanca 1927 World Championship match in Buenos Aires. It took him only a few seconds to reproduce the formation. 

By that time chess had become the center of my life. Though I never played in formal competitions, Robert assigned me a hypothetical rating of 1700, which falls into the FIDE Class B category. Eventually I came to understand chess as one of the great metaphors for life and published a book of poems, Chess Pieces, in which each chess piece, the various rules and the major opening gambits, stood allegorically for some aspect of human relationships.

Though many years have passed, my fascination with the game has never entirely waned. Thus, when Netflix featured the pseudo-biopic The Queen’s Gambit, based on the Walter Tevis novel of that title, which appears to have ignited a chess boom across the country, I couldn’t help binge-watching the career and exploits of chess prodigy Beth Harmon—Tevis’ “tribute to brainy women,” as he told The New York Times. The series (like the book) was quite mesmerizing—a gripping narrative of a young girl surmounting childhood trauma to reach the pinnacle of the chess world, with excellent production values, and snatches of games cloned from the manuals—which many commentators have fulsomely praised. And yet I found myself naggingly dissatisfied with the affair. Too much detracted from the aura of authenticity which the series aspired to.

To begin with, although there have been (and are) amazing women chess players, they were always few in number. This was not because they were held back by the “Patriarchy.” In the Soviet Union, Israel, and other nations, they were coddled and subsidized, but never reached the status of the very top world-class male grandmasters. The closest any woman ever came to winning an Open World Championship was the extraordinary Judit Polgar of Hungary, who finished last of eight participants in the 2005 San Luis Invitational, losing to Veselin Topalov, though she was playing White. 

China honeytrap spy targeted Eric Swalwell as her useful fool By Monica Showalter


Rep. Eric Swalwell is famous for yelling about Russian influence with outrageous claims against President Trump, even calling for a ‘presidential crimes commission,’ but based on a year-long investigation from Axios, he’s the one who has some spy problems, and they ought to be embarrassing at least. He was China’s idea of the perfect fool.

According to a year-long investigation from Axios:

A suspected Chinese intelligence operative developed extensive ties with local and national politicians, including a U.S. congressman, in what U.S. officials believe was a political intelligence operation run by China’s main civilian spy agency between 2011 and 2015, Axios found in a yearlong investigation.


The woman at the center of the operation, a Chinese national named Fang Fang or Christine Fang, targeted up-and-coming local politicians in the Bay Area and across the country who had the potential to make it big on the national stage.

Through campaign fundraising, extensive networking, personal charisma, and romantic or sexual relationships with at least two Midwestern mayors, Fang was able to gain proximity to political power, according to current and former U.S. intelligence officials and one former elected official.
Even though U.S. officials do not believe Fang received or passed on classified information, the case “was a big deal, because there were some really, really sensitive people that were caught up” in the intelligence network, a current senior U.S. intelligence official said.
Private but unclassified information about government officials — such as their habits, preferences, schedules, social networks, and even rumors about them — is a form of political intelligence. Collecting such information is a key part of what foreign intelligence agencies do.

Among the most significant targets of Fang’s efforts was Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.).

That’s So Fauci: Failing Up While Botching Science And Undermining U.S. Allies By Joy Pullmann


Fauci reversed himself on the safety of the COVID vaccines, apologizing for making false statements about U.S. allies’ work with the Trump administration to save countless lives through cutting-edge medical research.

Joe Biden likes Dr. Anthony Fauci’s lockdown advice so much, he has tapped him for chief medical advisor. Biden also plans to keep Fauci on his COVID advisory board despite Democrats spending 2020 insisting President Trump’s COVID guidance, although clearly influenced by Fauci, contradicted science and hurt the nation.

That same day, Fauci reversed himself on the safety of the COVID vaccines being developed, apologizing for making false statements about U.S. allies’ work in partnership with the Trump administration to save countless lives through cutting-edge medical research.

Axios reported: “‘I have a great deal of confidence in what the U.K. does both scientifically and from a regulator standpoint,’ Dr Fauci told the BBC on Thursday after saying earlier in the day that U.K. regulators ‘rushed’ their approval of the vaccine” for COVID from Pfizer-BioNTech. The day before, the United Kingdom had become the first nation to grant emergency approval to one of three reportedly highly effective vaccines that have been developed in conjunction with massive U.S. taxpayer spending and government effort.

“In the United States, there is such a considerable amount of tension of pushing back on the credibility, on the safety and on the efficacy that if we in the United States had done it as quickly as the U.K. did — and that’s no judgement on the way the U.K. did it — …there likely would have been pushback,” Fauci word-saladed in his apology over the “misunderstanding” he created by criticizing the United Kingdom’s efforts to end the pandemic faster.

“If you go quickly and you do it superficially, people are not going to want to get vaccinated,” Fauci told Fox News. “We have the gold standard of a regulatory approach with the FDA.”

Police Reports Detail Warnock’s Obstruction in 2002 Child Abuse Probe That Led to His Arrest By Brittany Bernstein


Reverend Raphael Warnock, the Democratic U.S. Senate candidate in Georgia, repeatedly obstructed a 2002 police investigation into child abuse at a church-affiliated summer camp, according to a new report.

Maryland State Police reports obtained by the Washington Free Beacon detailed Warnock’s attempts to interfere with interviews and to discourage counselors from speaking with police during an investigation of physical abuse at Camp Farthest Out. At the time, Warnock served as senior pastor at Douglas Memorial Community Church, which ran the summer camp.

Warnock, who now faces a tight runoff race against Republican Kelly Loeffler on January 5, interrupted police interviews of counselors on July 31, 2002, according to the report.

“This investigator informed [camp administrators] that if the counselors requested that an attorney be present that was their right, however, no one else could [invoke] their rights to an attorney on their behalf,” the report reads.

The Free Beacon reports that the names in the documents are redacted, but match closely with newspaper articles about the incident, which ultimately led to Warnock’s arrest. The state attorney later dropped the charges.

At the time The Baltimore Sun reported that Warnock and a colleague were “accused in court documents of trying to prevent a state trooper of interviewing counselors at Camp Farthest Out” and that the ministers “interrupted a police interview of a counselor.” 

Our Brave New Biden World By Victor Davis Hanson


In which the past is rewritten and the present is molded to burnish the commander in chief.

A merica traditionally has not reinvented reality after an election, although prior presidential winners have often tried, as in the fashion of our politics. But the new powers of social media, Silicon Valley, and a woke media have made reality-changing now a reality.

Suddenly Antifa and BLM have all but disappeared from their heroic barricades. Where and why did they go? Did they ever really exist?

Mysteriously, a week or two before the election, the flood of violence in our major cities began downsizing to a tiny trickle. How strange that former angry throngs are now in nearly suspended animation. Are all those black kneepads, helmets, and umbrellas now in closets? Are all those whiny Pajama Boys on the barricades back teaching in their Zoom classrooms, or taking their college Zoom classes in their parents’ basements?

What changed? What in the world convinced committed revolutionaries to cease their long march to revolutionary justice?

Did COVID-19 suddenly remind them that shouting in the faces of others, mocking social distancing, marching in tight phalanxes, shunning hand cleansers and mass mask-wearing were dangerous — although such activities had apparently been safe and even good for civic health while protesting a few weeks before? Was newly found social responsibility the reason that the looting, arson, destruction, and defacement went into hiatus?

Is the calm — along with the 90–95 percent “turnout” in the major swing-state cities — the bargaining chips by which the Left claims responsibility for the Biden “win”?

‘Exceptionally disturbing’: Forensic exam shows Dominion machine switching votes? ‘Extreme likelihood of massive voter fraud’ By Joe Kovacs


STORY UPDATED Dec. 7, 2020 at 9:25 p.m. ET: This story has been updated to include more context that the claims of the forensic tests of Dominion Voting Systems machines in Ware County, Georgia, are being denied by some election officials, including the county’s own elections supervisor.

Alarm bells regarding the presidential election are now sounding in Georgia, where a U.S. congressman says a forensic test of Dominion Voting Systems machines revealed votes for President Donald Trump were being switched to votes for Democrat Joe Biden, although the claim is denied by some election officials.

On Friday, U.S. Rep. Jody Hice, R-Ga., tweeted out the results of the test, saying: “Yesterday we learned a forensics examination of a Ware County, GA #DominionVotingSystems machine found votes were switched from @realDonaldTrump to @JoeBiden. This is one machine in one county in one state. Did this happen elsewhere? We need to know! EXAMINE ALL THE MACHINES!”

The matter caught the attention of popular radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh on Monday, who explained, “They fed an equal number of votes for both Trump and Biden into the software, and it turns out an equal number of votes for Trump and Biden was spat out of the machine as a 26% lead for Biden.”

He called it “an exceptionally disturbing piece of evidence showing the extreme likelihood of massive voter fraud through Dominion Voting Systems.”

The immoral inversion of victim and perpetrator Ruthie Blum


Dozens of demonstrators gathered on Saturday night at the entrance to the southern Israeli city of Arad to express solidarity with their friend and neighbor, Aryeh Schiff.

Schiff, 70, was arrested the previous week for killing 36-year-old Bedouin Muhammad el-Atrash, who had broken into Schiff’s car and was driving off when Schiff and his wife awoke to the noise. Schiff promptly drew a pistol and fired twice in the direction of the vehicle.

The first thing he did when he realized that the thief had been hit was to call the police and an ambulance. EMTs who arrived on the scene evacuated el-Atrash to the Soroka Medical Center in Beersheva, where he was pronounced dead from a bullet wound to the head.

Meanwhile, Schiff fully cooperated with police, acknowledging in his initial interrogation that he had not fired a warning shot in the air. He claimed, however, that he had aimed at the wheels of the car, not the driver.
“All my life, I will have to live with the fact that I killed a person unintentionally,” Schiff told the Beersheva Magistrate’s Court last Tuesday. “My grief is deep for taking a person’s life. … [W]hen I shot, I had no intention of killing him. I am very sorry for the tragic event. I have already received my punishment.”
When the court ruled to release him on house arrest for the duration of the investigation, police and prosecutors appealed. They claimed that video footage of the incident told a different story—one showing that Schiff had purposely pointed his pistol at the driver.

Chanukah Guide for the Perplexed 2020 Ambassador (Ret.) Yoram Ettinger

Historical context.  Chanukah, the holiday of light, is narrated in the four Books of the Maccabees, The Scroll of Antiochus and The Wars of the Jews. The Greek Empire was split into Greece-Seleucid/Syria-Ptolemaic/Egypt following the death of Alexander the Great (323 BCE), who held Judaism in high esteem. In 175 BCE, the Seleucid/Syrian Emperor Antiochus (IV) Epiphanies claimed the Land of Israel, and suspected that the Jews were allies of his Ptolemaic/Egyptian enemy.  Therefore, he aimed to exterminate Judaism and convert Jews to Hellenism. In 169 BCE he devastated Jerusalem, massacred Jews and prohibited the practice of Judaism.

A 166/7 BCE rebellion was led by members of the Hasmonean (Maccabee) family, which included Mattityahu, the priest, and his five sons, Yochanan, Judah, Shimon, Yonatan and Eleazar, who established Jewish independence until 37 BCE.

The success of the Maccabees on the battlefield was consistent with the reputation of Jews as superb warriors, who were frequently hired as mercenaries by Egypt, Syria, Rome and other global and regional powers.

When ordered by Emperor Antiochus (Book of Maccabees A: 15:33) to end the “occupation” of Jerusalem, Jaffa, Gaza, Gezer and Akron, Shimon the Maccabee responded: “We have not occupied a foreign land…. We have liberated the land of our forefathers from foreign occupation.”

Chanukah according to David Ben Gurion, Israel’s Founding Father and first Prime Minister, a modern-day Maccabee: “The struggle of the Maccabees was one of the most dramatic clashes of civilizations in human history, not merely a political-military struggle against foreign oppression…. Unlike many peoples, the meager Jewish people did not assimilate.  The Jewish people prevailed, won, sustained and enhanced their independence and unique civilization…. It was the spirit of the people, rather than the failed spirit of the establishment, which enabled the Hasmoneans to overcome one of the most magnificent spiritual, political and military challenges in Jewish history….” (Uniqueness and Destiny, pp 20-22, David Ben Gurion, IDF Publishing, 1953).