Looking Through an Adversary’s Eyes: A KGB Agent’s Prophecy Jean Chen


The Prophecy of a KGB Agent

I came across a YouTube video of a 1985 interview of Yuri Bezmenov, a KGB agent who defected to the West in 1970. The interview is about the Soviet Union’s strategy to subvert the United States. It is eye-opening and I wish to share a quote here first:

“Marxism-Leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least three generations of American students, without being challenged or counter-balanced by the basic values of Americanism and American patriotism … The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already … Most of it is done by Americans to Americans thanks to lack of moral standards.

As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures. Even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camp he will refuse to believe it until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When the military boot crashes him, then he will understand, but not before that. That’s the tragic of the situation of demoralization.”

It is scary to watch the video. (More video here and here.) What Mr. Bezmenov described 35 years ago is unfolding in front of our very eyes. To me, what is most alarming is that the demoralization is mostly “done by Americans to Americans due to lack of moral standards.” Actually, as Bezmenov pointed out, “for the last 25 years, actually it’s over-fulfilled because the demoralization now reaches such areas where previously not even Comrade Andropov [KGB leader during 1967–1982] and all his experts would even dream of such a tremendous success.”

ISRAEL Memo to President Biden: Please Don’t Mess Up the Abraham Accords Memo to President Biden: Please Don’t Mess Up the Abraham Accords by Bret Stephens



In November 2013, I participated in an interview at the Wall Street Journal with Alwaleed bin Talal, a Saudi prince of legendary riches and blunt, if sometimes unsavory, views.

To New Yorkers with long memories, Alwaleed was the man who, after September 11, 2001, had sought to donate $10 million to the city, along with the suggestion that the U.S. government “adopt a more balanced stance toward the Palestinian cause.” (Then-mayor Rudy Giuliani returned the check.) To the Journal, he was a major shareholder in News Corporation, the paper’s parent company. Getting a meeting with the editorial board, of which I was then a member, was not a problem.

It turned out to be an exceptionally interesting interview. Three months earlier, Barack Obama had surrendered his red line in Syria, refusing to make good on his prior threats of military action in response to Bashar al-Assad’s use of chemical weapons. Instead, Obama seized on a Russian proposal to have Assad voluntarily relinquish his declared arsenal—a proposal that proved remarkably easy to violate while heralding a new era of American fecklessness in the Middle East.

“The U.S. has to have a foreign policy,” Alwaleed said that day. “Well-defined, well-structured. You don’t have it right now, unfortunately. It’s just complete chaos. Confusion. No policy. I mean, we feel it. We sense it.”

As dismayed as Alwaleed was by Obama’s climbdown in Syria, he was even more alarmed by Obama’s turn toward Iran, in the form of an interim nuclear deal that would later become the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA. The prince warned that Iran’s supposedly moderate leaders were not to be trusted, and that the only policy that could work was to “put maximum pressure now on the United States not to succumb to the president of Iran’s soft talk.” He also hinted that Saudi Arabia had a nuclear option thanks to an “arrangement with Pakistan.”

And then Alwaleed dropped a little bomb of his own. “For the first time,” he said, “Saudi Arabian interests and Israel’s are almost parallel. It’s incredible.”

That a prominent Saudi prince was willing to say it on the record, in the pages of a leading U.S. daily and in impolitic defiance of an American president, proved how right he was.

Why Dems and the Media Demonize All Republicans Miranda Devine


There’s a reason why blameless Republicans and Trump voters are being tarred with the same brush as the Capitol rioters. 

It’s not enough just to arrest and prosecute actual lawbreakers who smashed their way into the Capitol. 

No, anyone who supported the president, voted for him or worked for his administration now has to be hunted down and purged. 

They’re losing their jobs, having their insurance canceled, their book contracts and recording deals torn up. They are being banned from flying or banking or speaking on social media. 

A petition at Harvard University even demands Trump staffers have their degrees revoked. 

A feverish mood is afoot, evoking the spirit of McCarthyism and the Salem witch trials, in which irrationality and hysteria point fingers at the innocent. 

But it is not just an emotional overreaction to the frightening events of Jan. 6. 

It is a deliberate tactic designed to intimidate conservatives and silence their protests when the Biden administration radically remakes the country, as it has promised to do from Day One. 

Democrats and their allies in corporate America are preemptively taking out the opposition because they know that their prescriptions don’t work and are opposed by the majority of Americans. 


April 4, 1968 · Memphis, Tennessee

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a Baptist minister, was the major architect of the Civil Rights Movement. He led and inspired non-violent campaigns which led to legislation to right the terrible wrong of injustice and segregation. He won the Nobel peace prize. He was assassinated as he prepared to lead a demonstration in Memphis. He was a great American and patriot whose words echo in these troubled days.  Rsk

Solving the Vaccine Crisis by Betsy McCaughey

http://Solving the Vaccine Crisis by Betsy McCaughey

Doctors are warning that as the virus becomes more infectious, even a trip to the supermarket with a mask is risky.

Vaccine supply is not the problem…. The problem is that state and local authorities are bungling vaccine distribution.

Every evening, Governor Andrew Cuomo sends out a blast e-mail blaming the vaccine chaos in New York on inadequate supply from the federal government. It is a lie. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show New York is delivering only 37% of its vaccine supply into people’s arms.

All this is proof that the states are failing miserably. It is time for a federal emergency mass vaccination program staged at malls, arenas and other public sites.

On Friday, President-elect Joe Biden announced his plan to improve vaccination rates. It is modest. He promised 100 million shots in the first hundred days of his term. That will not do the job. It is barely half of what is needed.

For the last week, members of Congress did not see fit to spend even one minute tackling the life-threatening virus terrorizing the rest of us.

Americans are desperate to get vaccinated against COVID. Deaths are soaring, and new strains of the virus, including the UK strain and a newly discovered US strain reported for the first time last week, are reported to be even more contagious. Doctors are warning that as the virus becomes more infectious, even a trip to the supermarket with a mask is risky. Survival hinges on getting vaccinated.

Yet only a third of the vaccine doses shipped to the states by the federal government are actually making it into people’s arms. The public hears they may have to wait months. That is unacceptable.

Vaccine supply is not the problem. The US already has 400 million doses in total of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines in the pipeline, enough to vaccinate 200 million people. (Both vaccines require a two-shot regimen.) In addition, this week, Johnson & Johnson announced it will be ready to seek FDA authorization for its vaccine by March. Initial results from its clinical trials indicate the same 90% plus efficacy as the Moderna and Pfizer products and with only one shot.

Iran-Backed Militia Offers Help to U.S. ‘Liberation Movements’ American leftists and jihadists find common cause—once again. By Robert Spencer


Abu Ali al-Askari, military commander of the Hezbollah Brigades (Kata’ib Hezbollah), an Iran-backed Shi’ite militia operating in Iraq, announced Wednesday that “the advisors of the Islamic resistance” were ready to train “the liberation movements” within the United States. It’s an offer that some in the United States might take seriously.

Al-Askari wrote: “In the name of [Allah] Almighty, the security advisors of the Islamic resistance stand ready to offer counsel and direct and indirect training to liberation movements within the Non-United States of America, with special locations being secured for that purpose.” His offer comes in the wake of several indications that leftists and Islamic supremacists are already making common cause. 

The nationwide riots over the murder of George Floyd last summer provided new insight into the unholy alliance between the two groups. Zahra Billoo, executive director of the San Francisco Bay Area office of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-SFBA), recently tweeted: “Non-Black POC, first and second-generation immigrant Muslims friends in particular, what are you doing today to support #BlackLivesMatter?” Imraan Siddiqi of CAIR-Arizona tweeted out a video of a hijab-wearing Muslim woman kicking a tear gas canister toward police with the approving comment, “Drop-kick that tear-gas canister, sister.”

Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, rioters were so upset over Floyd’s death that they spray-painted “Free Palestine” on the wall of a synagogue. And in New York City, a Muslim housing attorney is in legal trouble for tossing a Molotov cocktail into the backseat of an NYPD cruiser during the Floyd riots. She is also a committed activist for the Palestinian jihad, having published agitprop spreading false claims of Palestinian victimhood. 

Despite the hot water Urooj Rahman finds herself in now, however, she has a bright future as an ideological leader of both the Left and the Islamic jihad. In an interview before her attack, she enunciated the common goal of both movements: “This s–t won’t ever stop unless we f—kin’ take it all down.

Why Was Parler Censored by Its Competitors? By Charlie Martin 


I’ve been a big fan of Medium, although I’ve learned quickly that there are certain “publications” — essentially sub-blogs — that it’s best to avoid. Today I saw a piece published two days ago, The Moderation War Is Coming to Spotify, Substack, and Clubhouse, that addressed how Parler was censored and destroyed by Apple, Google, Twitter, Facebook, and Amazon, and then warned that Parler won’t be the last.

The given reason, of course, was that people were saying violent things on Parler and all the bien-pensants are, of course, shocked, shocked that this was “permitted.”

It might be different if the double standard weren’t so glaring. As Amazon was canceling Parler’s hosting — in apparent violation of their contract — they were selling “Kill All Republicans” tee-shirts, and it turns out that while Twitter and Facebook were canceling Parler, the actual mob was coordinating on Twitter and Facebook.Amazon sells “Kill All Republicans” shirts while censoring Parler.

Last year, before the election, Twitter and Facebook suppressed a mainstream newspaper for publishing the Hunter Biden story, as well as suspending hundreds of individuals’ accounts. Twitter eventually said it was a mistake weeks later and restored the New York Post account, and after the election, we found that the “Russian disinformation” story was a lie. But the damage was done and the story that might’ve turned the election went basically unpublicized, which Joe Concha at The Hill called “a dereliction of duty.”

Left-Wing Organizer Charged in U.S. Capitol Riot Is John Earle Sullivan just one of many radical mob-inciters? Matthew Vadum


“Will we ever learn the complete story about what went down on January 6? Don’t count on the Trump-hating mainstream media to dig deep.”

The charging of a young man associated with Antifa and Black Lives Matter with cheerleading the mob violence at the United States Capitol that disrupted and delayed the recent congressional certification of the presidential election, raises disturbing questions about radical leftist involvement in the unrest.

Does this mean that the civil disturbance on Capitol Hill January 6, executed by people carrying pro-Trump paraphernalia, was some kind of a so-called false flag operation?

More investigation is needed but it wouldn’t be the first time Democrats have stirred up crowds in an effort to provoke violence for political purposes.

Thanks to the fine work of James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, we know from undercover videos that Hillary Clinton operatives Robert Creamer and Scott Foval sent agents provocateur into campaign rallies for Donald Trump in 2016. Their agents baited and harassed Trump rally attendees until they fought back with their fists while the cameras were rolling. The idea was to help cement the leftist media fantasy that Trump supporters were all lowlife knuckle-dragging fascist thugs.

“It doesn’t matter what the friggin’ legal and ethics people say, we need to win this motherfucker.” Foval adds in one video, “we’re starting anarchy here.”

Democrats Outsource Political Repression to Corporate Monopolies Those rights that the government can’t take from you, Google, Amazon, and Facebook will. Daniel Greenfield


The repression will be televised. It will go better with Coke, it will promise to clear up your bad breath and make your toilet shine. It will be in the cloud, it will be digitized and monetized.

It will have a trademark, a brand, and it will be outsourced to the private sector.

Democrats love public-private partnerships and they outsourced political repression to the private sector. The Constitution has inconvenient things to say about freedom of speech and so the Democrat government of elected and unelected officials outsourced the problem of censoring and suppressing speech to the handful of Big Tech monopolies of the internet.

That same old document written by old white dead men, not to mention centuries of jurisprudence and tradition, prevents the government from kicking down your door in the middle of the night for wrongthink. But nothing keeps corporations from firing you for wrongthink, for being related to someone who committed wrongthink, or for insufficient political correctness.

The public-private partnership between big government and big monopolies is based on Democrats and corporations doing the dirty work of repressing each other’s opponents.

Corporations can’t write regulations that suppress competition from upstart rivals, and so the government steps in and keeps the marketplace under the control of a few cartels. And the government can’t censor, deplatform, fire, bankrupt, and bar its political opponents from speaking, flying, and doing business. But the monopolies it’s been partnering with can and do.

Senate Prepares for Star Chamber Trial of Donald Trump Why it’s Unconstitutional.Joseph Klein


The U.S. Senate is preparing to put Donald Trump on trial after he has already left office at the end of his term and has become a private citizen once again. If the Senate proceeds with this star chamber proceeding, it will be acting in a blatantly unconstitutional manner.

Trump was impeached while still serving as president, on the grounds of alleged “incitement of insurrection.” The charge flowed from the mob attack on the Capitol building on January 6th, which followed Trump’s speech at a peaceful “Save America” rally at the Ellipse near the White House. However, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi did not immediately send the article of impeachment to the Senate, which is necessary to trigger the Senate to proceed with the trial. In any event, the Senate has been on recess and is not returning until January 19th. The Senate is not planning to take up Trump’s trial until he is already out of office and the Democrats assume control of the Senate.

To begin with, there is no merit to the insurrection incitement charge against Trump. In his January 6th speech, the centerpiece of the House’s impeachment article, Trump said to the rally attendees: “We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” (Emphasis added)