The Trump Impeachment Is Deeply Flawed, but He Deserves Conviction

By Andrew C. McCarthy

Congressional Democrats politicized the legitimate case for removing the president. Censure is now the best option.

In Defense of Liz Cheney

By The Editors

The Wyoming Republican undertook a stunning act of political courage last week.

Why Is Israel Doing Better Than Everyone Else in COVID Vaccinations? By Joel M. Zinberg


Eleven years ago, Dan Senor and Saul Singer dubbed Israel the “Start Up Nation” for its disproportionately large number of technology start-ups and NASDAQ stock listings. Make way for the Vaccination Nation.

Israel leads the world in COVID-19 vaccinations. It has already vaccinated nearly a quarter of its population, including 75 percent of the population most at risk, people over age 60. It has administered 24.5 doses per 100 persons, nearly double the next-best country (the United Arab Emirates) and about 8 times as many people per capita as in the U.S. and the U.K. Israel’s per capita vaccination rate is 24 times that of the normally efficient Germans and 50 times better than the world average. Only three other countries in the world — the U.S., China, and the U.K. — have administered more vaccines.

Why is Israel doing so much better than anyone else? Israel’s small size simplifies logistics. But there are other factors.

First, unlike American states, which have administered only about a third of the doses they have received, Israeli made sure it was ready to use its supply. Officials set up large vaccination centers and mobile units in advance. They reached out to minority groups, such as the ultra-Orthodox and Arab citizens, ahead of the roll-out to encourage vaccine uptake. Israel started vaccinations in mid-December and by the end of the month was vaccinating more than 150,000 people a day.

Second, Israel secured a large supply from Pfizer by promising to provide comprehensive safety and effectiveness data. Israel has a nationwide, computerized health database that can provide anonymized outcomes for all citizens, letting Pfizer use the country of nearly nine million as a real-time laboratory. In return, Pfizer has pledged to provide enough doses to vaccinate every Israeli over 16 by the end of March. In addition, Israel was the first country outside of North America to approve the Moderna vaccine and has purchased six million doses. Israel also paid premium prices — a wise investment in ending the economic devastation occasioned by pandemic lockdowns.

What Should We Submit To? Harold F. Callahan


Ministers, “watchmen on … the wall of liberty,” according to Franklin Cole, editor of “They Preached Liberty,” were among America’s greatest revolutionary influences. The most influential was Boston Congregationalist minister, Jonathan Mayhew.

Declaration of Independence signer Robert Treat Paine called Mayhew America’s “Father of Civil and Religious Liberty.” Especially important was his Jan. 30, 1750, address, which was widely printed and read. Given for the centennial of Charles I’s execution, Mayhew argued that obedience was not due oppressive governments, because such tyranny violated the divinely-instituted purpose of government to benefit the people. And if rebellion against Charles I for eviscerating British liberty was justifiable, the same arguments applied to the American loss of liberty under George III.

As we commemorate Mayhew’s birth, reconsider his argument for our liberty, which is safe only when we recognize its fundamental importance, an argument so important John Adams called it “the spark that ignited the American Revolution.”

Such as really performed the duty of magistrates would be enemies only to the evil actions of men … But how is this an argument that we must honor and submit to … such as are not a common blessing, but a common curse, to society … If magistrates are unrighteous … the main end of civil government will be frustrated. And what reason is there for submitting to that government, which does by no means answer the design of government? 

Biden’s COVID-19 ‘Rescue’ Plan Is Based On 5 Big Lies


Joe Biden went on prime time this week to promote his COVID-19 plans. For a guy who promises to be honest with the public, he’s off to a terrible start. Since mainstream media fact-checkers are now on their four-year vacation, we’ll set the record straight on several key claims he made.

1) “You will see it very clearly if you examine what the twin crises of pandemic and this sinking economy have laid bare.”

Sinking economy? Where has Biden been for the past six months? As the Bureau of Economic Analysis has already reported, the economy grew at a stunning 33.4% in the third quarter of this year – well above anyone’s expectations. The Atlanta Fed’s GDPNow pegs growth in the fourth quarter at a very strong 7.4%. (The last time GDP grew that much in a quarter was during the Reagan boom.) Unemployment, which was supposed to be close to 10% now, according to mainstream economists, is down to 6.7%. What’s more, as of November, 17 states had unemployment levels at 5% or lower. That’s not to say we are out of the woods, but the idea that the economy is “sinking” is a figment of Biden’s imagination. Either that, or he’s purposely misleading the country to justify another $1.9 trillion in stimulus spending.

Over the weekend, a Biden aid claimed the economy was “spiraling downward.”

2) “Moody’s, an independent Wall Street firm, said my approach will create more than 18 million good-paying jobs.”

It is true that Moody’s economist Mark Zandi claimed in a report that Biden’s economic plan would create millions of jobs. But as we noted in this space earlier, Zandi is a partisan with a poor track record.

 It was the same Mark Zandi who predicted that if Trump won the election in 2016, he’d cause “a lot of lost jobs, higher unemployment, higher interest rates, lower stock prices.”

Parler’s Website Back Online With a Message From Its CEO By Jack Phillips


Parler’s website suddenly appeared online on Jan. 17 with a message from its CEO, John Matze, who said, “Hello world, is this thing on?”

The message suggests Parler was able to find another hosting service, coming about a week after Amazon Web Services booted the social media website from its services, taking the site down. It came as Parler—billed as a “free speech” platform—was seeing an unprecedented surge in users as prominent conservatives, among others, were being banned from Twitter, Facebook, and other platforms.

Matze also issued a temporary status update.

“Now seems like the right time to remind you all—both lovers and haters—why we started this platform,” Matze wrote. “We believe privacy is paramount and free speech essential, especially on social media. Our aim has always been to provide a nonpartisan public square where individuals can enjoy and exercise their rights to both. We will resolve any challenge before us and plan to welcome all of you back soon. We will not let civil discourse perish!”

Amazon Web Services’ rationale behind jettisoning Parler was due to a lack of moderation, and came in the backdrop of the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riots. Parler, in a court filing, citing text messages between Matze and an Amazon representative, claimed Amazon was primarily concerned with whether President Donald Trump would migrate to Parler after his Twitter account was banned last week.

Everyone talks about RINOS, but what about DINOS? By David Isaac


RINOs (Republicans In Name Only).  It’s a popular pejorative for those members of the Grand Old Party who govern and legislate like Democrats.  But why don’t we hear about DINOs?  It’s surprising, given that the designation includes just about all of them.

How do you define a “democrat”?  Is it someone who believes in free and fair elections, in liberal ideals of tolerance and the free exchange of ideas, in the importance of compromise?  Today’s Democrats have shown little sympathy with any of the above.

Cancel culture is totally alien to the American tradition.  It comes right out of Mao’s tradition.  Yet Democrats have been silent as it rips through American society.  They applauded Twitter’s ban of President Trump, based on a Kafkaesque reading of two of his tweets.  Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) praised the ban as analogous to the capture of Saddam Hussein.

Nor have we heard a peep as Big Tech shut down Twitter challenger Parler.  The Democrats’ most influential and radical members, like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), are talking about “reining in” the media, which spread “disinformation and misinformation.”  Who is to discern fact from fiction?  Comrade AOC, we expect.

Neither have Democrats shown themselves to be fans of free and fair elections.  Not only couldn’t they come to grips with Donald Trump’s 2016 victory, smearing it with fabulist claims of Russian collusion, they seem bent on ensuring that no Republican wins again.

They don’t want to compromise with their opponents; they want to smash them.

That one-party rule is the Democrats’ fondest wish is evidenced by House Resolution 1, a bill they introduced in 2019 dedicated to “election reform.”



All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force. 

— attributed to George Orwell–

By rights, by laws, by elections, by facts, by courts, by states, by both houses of Congress, we should on this Sunday before Inauguration Day be practically tired of winning. We should be almost past the initial waves of giddiness and relief that should have carried us through the shank of 2020 as we congratulated ourselves and our neighbors on the glorious fact that on November 3, American voted themselves “Trump country,” re-electing the president in a historic landslide.

This was not just a landslide for Donald Trump and the American people; it was an even greater landslide against the criminal gangs leading the Deep State from the depths of the Swamp; the same anti-democratic forces that waged their dirty war on Trump and the voters who sent him to Washington for the past five years. Trump’s triumph proved not only that he had forged a unique bond with supporters of his America First agenda, but that not even round-the-clock brain-washing by Big Tech & Media could break it; that not even unceasing plots and operations against Donald J. Trump could break him. On November 3, 2020, the rolling coup d’etat by globalists against the America First president was once and for all shattered into smithereens by a Deplorable Nation.

It was an epic victory. Remember that.

Then came the big steal. Five swing states suspended vote-counting in the middle of the night — unthinkable, unprecendented — and the media declared Biden-Harris the winners to the silence = complicity approval of every political, government, legal, religious, and cultural institution that should have clamored for free and fair elections for all. Two long hard months of choking, suffocating psyops by the Deep State followed to undo that landslide for Trump — “baseless claims of voter fraud” is still the mantra —  and destroy all legal and political efforts to unmask the thieves and reclaim the prize. The courts of this land played deaf and dumb; none of the dismissals by judges on “standing” and the like were based on reviews of the evidence (see no evidence, hear no evidence …). By contrast, and I am grateful for this, state legislatures did not lie down and play dead but held hearings and considered hundreds of sworn affidavits and testimonies claiming widespread lawlessness and multivarious kinds of fraud in the country’s elections. 

Bye, Bye, Miss American Pie David Solway


We live in troubling times. The American election is over but the popular belief that it was fraudulently engineered shows no sign of abating. The evidence that a vast conspiracy has occurred, particularly in several swing states, is convincing for a significant portion of the electorate, and the complicity of a censoring media apparatus is undoubted. Even reputable conservative thinkers and writers, while deploring the current state of political events, seem to take cover by speaking ill of Trump, or repeating Democratic Party talking points, or doing their best to waffle the issues. Republican congressmen and women justify their pusillanimity and backstabbing, currying favor with their nominal adversaries and, as political commentator Grant Brown says, feeding their allies on the right to the crocodiles on the left. Perfidy seems to have become fashionable. In consequence, the political Left appears to have triumphed across the board.

People have trouble grasping the enormity of what has happened. The idea is almost too big for the mind to contain: a political class that has betrayed its country; a Supreme Court that effectively accepted and thus contributed to an unprecedented catastrophe by refusing to hear a suit filed by Texas and 17 other states alleging election law tampering; an education system that bears a disquieting resemblance to the German academy of the 1930s; a “free press” that is not a free press but a state propaganda network; a dedicated and effective president who has been discredited and attacked, including through incitement of political violence against him and his family; organizations like the Trump Accountability Project and the Lincoln Project compiling a “database of all Republicans who worked for President Donald Trump with the aim of ensuring they never land jobs in the private sector,” a measure associated with Fascist and Communist dictatorships; and a nation demonstrably in the throes of destabilizing turmoil. The historical context has been described by Morris Berman in The Twilight of American Culture as a “growing climate of apathy, cynicism and corruption [which] might be collectively termed ‘internal barbarism.’”

Justice Department knew there was no Russia collusion by spring of 2017 Rowan Scarborough


The top Justice Department official in early 2017 overseeing the FBI‘s Russia probe testified he was briefed as many as six times on its status and was told there was no evidence of Trump campaign collusion, a newly released transcript shows.

The testimony of Dana J. Boente is significant because during this time the FBI took major steps to expand the probe.

And President Trump in May ended up firing then-FBI Director James Comey, a stunning move that led to the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller and two years of a White House under constant criminal scrutiny.

“There was no ‘there’ there,” said Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Republican, who released Mr. Boente‘s June 22 closed testimony. “The investigation was pushed when it should have been stopped and the only logical explanation is that the investigators wanted an outcome because of their bias.”

Mr. Boente‘s unique position in the new Trump administration was this: Newly confirmed Attorney General Jeff Sessions recuse himself from the Russia probe, codenamed “Crossfire Hurricane” by the FBI. He had spoken to the Russian ambassador while a senator from Alabama.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein would not win Senate confirmation until late April.

That left Mr. Boente as acting deputy and in charge of Crossfire Hurricane in February, March and April. He asked to be briefed.

“I felt that it was important to know something about it,” said Mr. Boente, according to a transcript. “I don’t know if and when I was told that. I think—I recall being told at some point, maybe not February, between February and April, because thankfully my involvement ended in April, that there was no evidence of collusion with the Trump campaign.”

During this time, the FBI was ramping up the probe.



Psst; Don’t let the door hit you on the way out…..rsk

It took a MAGA-draped mob storming the U.S. Capitol and five deaths for a handful of Republicans in Congress finally to have the courage to stand up to Donald Trump. Ten GOP House members joined all their Democratic colleagues to impeach Wednesday, making Trump the only president ever to be twice impeached. Rep. Liz Cheney, the third-ranking Republican leader in the House, explained her vote: “The President of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack. Everything that followed was his doing. None of this would have happened without the President. The President could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence. He did not. There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution.”

But Trump’s actions last week were just the worst in a series of actions that have defiled the office. This man is the most corrupt, dishonest, and anti-democratic politician in our history. But for much of the last four years, the Republican Party leadership remained silent. Most said nothing during the past two months as Trump spewed daily lies about how the 2020 election had been “stolen” from him. Many elected officials stood with him on rally platforms as he whipped up crowds with fabricated tales of hundreds of thousands of votes cast by dead people, illegal immigrants, felons, and out of state voters, and claimed votes for him were magically switched by machine algorithms or simply discarded or shredded by renegade poll workers.   …..BLAH, BLAH, BLAH