Lin Wood Is a Democrat Troll GOP voters must ignore his crazy advice to sit out January’s Senate runoff. David Catron

Attorney Lin Wood appeared at an Atlanta press conference Wednesday wearing a red MAGA hat while imploring Georgia Republicans to do the dumbest thing they could possibly do in the state’s upcoming Senate election. He told them to boycott the January 5 runoff in which incumbent GOP Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler will face far-left challengers Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock. Wood’s advice is far worse than bad counsel. If Georgia Republicans follow Wood’s advice, the Democrats will gain majority control of the U.S. Senate, establish one-party rule in Washington, and begin destroying everything President Trump has accomplished.

This is why the president himself is traveling to Georgia to hold a rally on behalf of Sens. Perdue and Loeffler. It is why he has come out against the crazy boycott Wood has called for. Last Friday he tweeted, “No, the 2020 election was a total scam … but we must get out and help David and Kelly, two GREAT people. Otherwise we are playing right into the hands of some very sick people. I will be in Georgia on Saturday!” Moreover, as Fox reports, “Vice President Mike Pence is heading back to Georgia to rally in support of Republican Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler.” Why, then, is Lin Wood encouraging Republicans to do something so self-destructive? He’s a Democrat troll. As Breitbart points out:

Wood has long backed Democrats for federal office and especially for Georgia offices. Donations to Democrat Party politicians from Wood over a decade plus total more than $40,000, and span from as far back as 2004…. Wood has donated thousands and thousands of dollars to top Democrats like former President Barack Obama, who he gave $2,300 to in 2008…. In 2014, he donated $5,000 to state Sen. Jason Carter — a Democrat candidate for governor of Georgia.… In 2017, Wood gave a whopping $12,600 to Georgia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Evans.

Full Video: Trump Legal Team Presents Voter Fraud Evidence to Nevada Judge

A judge in Nevada has set a Dec. 3 evidentiary hearing for Republicans who allege widespread voter fraud, which is being presented by President Donald Trump’s campaign lawyer.

Up to 15 witnesses may be deposed in the case, First Judicial District Court Judge James Russell said.

The hearing is scheduled to start at 1:30 p.m. PT (4:30 p.m. ET) and end at 4:30 p.m. PT (7:30 p.m. ET) NTD and The Epoch Times will livestream the full hearing.

Video from Election Night in Georgia Shows Suitcases of Ballots Being Pulled Out from Under a Table After Poll Watchers Were Sent Home By Debra Heine

Video footage from Fulton County, Georgia on Election night, shows suitcases filled with ballots being pulled out from under a table after supervisors had told poll workers to go home for the night. According to the video, four women stayed behind to keep counting votes.

The blockbuster surveillance video was presented during a hearing before the Georgia State Senate committee, where Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, presented his case to Georgia lawmakers.

Jacki Pick, an attorney assisting Trump’s legal team, said the highly suspicious activity took place at State Farm Arena, where absentee ballots and Military ballots were tabulated.

“We have the tape from first thing in the morning all the way to the close of the polls,” she said, adding that two Republican field organizers had been sent here to be observers.

“At no time,” she noted, “were they permitted to observe in any meaningful way.” Pick explained that the GOP observers were roped off all day with the media.

According to their affidavits, a poll worker—a woman with blond braids—announced at about 10:00 p.m. that they were done for the night and everyone needed to leave.  The GOP observers said in their affidavits that they were told counting would resume at 8:30 in the morning.

Pick said that after the press and poll watchers cleared out, four remaining election workers remained behind and continued counting and tabulating “well into the night.”

“They will continue counting, unobserved, unsupervised, not in public view—as your statute requires—until about 1:00 in the morning,” Pick said.

She explained that the reason they know the counting went on until 1:00 a.m. is because the GOP observers went to the tabulation center after they were forced to leave, and were told by a news crew that the counting had actually continued.

Cleaning Up the Mess of Our Electoral System Regardless of what the corrupt incompetents at the RNC do–or more likely, don’t do—we should begin lawfare to dismantle the electoral systems the Left has put in place. By Ned Ryun

For those of us who are sane responsible citizens with some modicum of moral and ethical standards, it is time to admit that our electoral system is a complete and utter mess. 

What has transpired since November 3 does not take place in serious, advanced societies. It’s what takes place in countries teetering on the edge of becoming banana republics, in which elections are more an opioid for the masses than they are a means to the end of self-government. Our elections now seem designed to give people the impression that their voices and votes matter when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

We should understand that currently the United States is most assuredly outside the norm when it comes to election integrity. Canada, and for that matter, most of Europe and other developed nations around the world have put measures in place to ensure that their leaders are elected in free and fair elections. If we are smart and still a self-respecting people, we will take the next four years to do the same. 

Most of the countries we should emulate—countries like France, Canada, and Germany—begin working from the premise that the more complex the voting system is, the easier it is to hack and manipulate. That is why so many modern nations around the world have outlawed electronic voting machines (EVMs) in favor of good, old-fashioned paper ballots.

In 2009, Germany’s Supreme Court ruled that voting through “EVMs was unconstitutional, holding that transparency is a constitutional right but efficiency is not a constitutionally protected value.” Germany is not the only country to take such measures: the Netherlands, Italy, and about 90 percent of the world don’t use EVMs. Why? Because many agree with the German court: EVMs do not live up to the “constitutional principle of transparency of elections, which requires that voting machines be safeguarded against potential manipulation or error through procedures that are understandable to the average citizen.”

As long as you can keep fighting, fight! By Bonne Bete

Since even my one stalwart for watching conservative content, Fox News, has gone over to the dark side, I mostly get my information these days from reading and a few podcasts.  It’s really all I can do to keep up with the ones I really like, so I barely even miss the TV.  I’ve made myself a Rumble account — MeWe and Parler as well.  But print sources, like American Thinker, keep me the most informed.  I get so much encouragement from some of the articles and blog posts.  This terrible time of uncertainty would be almost unbearable otherwise.  However, the doubt and regret still creep in way more than I want to see. 

Many articles focus on the what-if scenario of a Biden administration, and while I know that we have to at least contemplate that possibility, I think those thoughts should not be what we focus on now.  We all know that the outcome of this election was critical to every single freedom that we hold dear.  We all know this down to our cores, and it is why we are filled with dread at the thought of a Biden presidency and all that comes with it.  Other articles are full of ideas for how to cope with the inevitable and how to maybe even get along.  Well, excuse me, but this is not the time for that! 

This is not something that any freedom-loving American can “get along” with.  We need to fight this with every fiber of our beings until there is nothing left to do.  Pray; donate; encourage others; sign petitions; send letters; and never, ever give up.  As long as Donald Trump has the wherewithal to keep fighting for us, we simply have to fight with him.  None of the niceties or platitudes impresses me at all.  This is war — not a bloody war, at least not yet, but make no mistake about it: it is war.

It’s up to the Supreme Court to hold America together By Terry Paulding

The best outcome for maintaining a constitutional America is for the Supreme Court to make a unanimous finding of fraud that allows it to remedy the current election outcome. Otherwise, the Democrats will succeed with planned, blatant fraud to unseat President Trump, irrevocably destroying the necessary trust Americans must have in their political system.

For mid-20th century Americans, raised on Rawhide, Superman, Perry Mason, Leave it to Beaver, Lassie, morality was clear. Uniformly, these shows had themes that included moral Goodness conquering cold, calculating Evil. The plots were just as black-and-white as our TV sets.

Across burgeoning suburban communities, public schools taught a traditional curriculum of history, English, math, and science, with a dose of physical education, drama, and music. Most importantly, that generation still learned that America’s foundation (although sometimes imperfectly executed) was that citizens had equal opportunity and the liberty to pursue their dreams. Much has changed from those rather idyllic times, but we have to hope that some of the Supreme Court justices, who also hail from that era, will remember what that was like.

In the coming days, these same justices will inevitably be faced with a historic decision. Anyone paying attention (including 30% of Democrat voters) knows that massive voter fraud pushed Biden into the lead. Fraud was the only way Joe Biden, who did not campaign and appeared so de-energized as to be mentally feeble, could win the election.

Mainstream media bias, the tech giants’ censorship and cancelation, and the lies of elected and appointed officials worked together to hide the evidence. These institutions, plus woke leftists in our daily life, have put enormous pressure on Americans not to see the truth and, as importantly, not to speak the truth.

Does a surveillance video prove Georgia election fraud? By Andrea Widburg

Georgia’s Fulton County, the most populous in the state, claimed it needed to stop absentee ballot overnight on November 3-4 because of a burst pipe. That was a lie. There was no burst pipe, and the counting didn’t stop. At a hearing on Thursday, surveillance footage emerged showing that the ballots being secretly counted came from suitcases hidden under a table.

Here’s what seems to have happened: In Fulton County, Georgia, the people who planned to add fake ballots to Biden’s vote count on election night had an overall good plan. First, announce that a burst pipe required everybody to vacate the building until morning and, second, count fake votes.

The planners missed two details. First, they forgot to make sure the government’s documents supported the “burst pipe” narrative. Text messages emerged showing that nothing had burst. Instead, there was a quickly contained slow leak that didn’t even generate a work order.

Second, they forgot that the State Farm Arena, where the counting took place, has surveillance cameras all over. On Wednesday, intrepid volunteers obtained the videos from the surveillance cameras in the room in which the count took place and, by doing so, may have discovered the election fraud smoking gun.

In the video below, at a hearing about election fraud in Georgia on Thursday, a volunteer narrates the video showing surveillance footage of the same room from four different angles:

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp Calls For Signature Audit of Ballots Following Release of Bombshell ‘Ballot-Stuffing’ Video By Debra Heine

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp called on Sec. of State State Brad Raffensperger to conduct a signature audit after a bombshell video unveiled by President Trump’s legal team on Thursday showed what appeared to be a ballot-stuffing operation in Fulton County on Election night.

The surveillance video shows crooked election workers at the State Farm Arena in Fulton County pulling suitcases filled with ballots out from under a table after poll observers had been sent home.

During a hearing in the Georgia State Senate, Jacki Pick, an attorney assisting Trump’s legal team, presented the shocking video showing four female election workers counting the ballots after the room had been cleared.

“I called early on for a signature audit,” Kemp told Fox News host Laura Ingraham Thursday night. “Obviously, the Secretary of State, per the laws and the Constitution, would have to order that. He has not done that. I think it should be done,” he added.

The governor told Ingraham that he supports the president’s legal efforts in the state.

“Especially with what we saw today, it raises more questions. There needs to be more transparency on that,” he said.

“I think in the next 24 hours hopefully we’ll see a lot more from the hearings that the legislature had today and we’ll be able to look and see what the next steps are,” Kemp said.

David Shafer, the Chairman of the Georgia Republican Party, said the party has supported the governor in his “repeated calls for an audit of the absentee signature verification process.”

David Petraeus: Perfect Avatar for America’s Corrupt Ruling Class By Michael Anton

General David Petraeus, for many years (decades?) lauded as the greatest and most successful soldier of his generation, just insulted, in terms paradoxically both implicit and vicious, the men who made both his military renown and his post-military success and wealth possible.

“The most significant terrorist threat in the United States is not actually from Islamist extremists, it’s from right-wing terrorists in our own country,” he recently said to a gathering of elites.

This assertion, in a sense, is unremarkable given that it has become a common ruling-class talking point. It’s a lie, of course. Your own senses tell you so. When was the last time you even heard of a “right-wing” terror attack, much less one that actually inflicted mass casualties? 

Sure, the ruling class and its propaganda arm tell you that they happen all the time, but they’re lying. They don’t lie merely by predicting waves of rightist violence that never materialize—though they do predict that, often. 

Remember all those “warnings” of right-wing terror that would rock America in the event of a Trump loss? Allegedly violent Trump supporters have an even stronger case than mere loss to be angry, given the fishiness of the election and their belief that it was stolen. And yet none have so much as broken a window, much less committed any acts of terror. The one major demonstration in Washington, D.C. was entirely, not “mostly,” peaceful—that is, until leftist thugs showed up to beat on the marchers. Beatings which the same people who, naturally, never apologized for being wrong about imminent right-wing violence just as naturally never mentioned.

Shut Up and Take It It doesn’t matter how many times the ruling class has misled us, either intentionally or purposely. After all, who are you to complain? By Julie Kelly

“Now we are told that election fraud isn’t real, just another “baseless conspiracy theory” promoted by QAnon and the Bad Orange Man. Despite extensive evidence to the contrary, offered by a handful of Americans still fruitlessly tethered to the U.S. Constitution and a sense of patriotic duty, the ruling class assures us there is nothing to see. Witnesses are harassed, bullied, and mocked for having the wrong hair; any credible claims of law-breaking are met with promises to “get it right next time.”

Shut up and take it.”

Dave Morris was fed up.

As a gainfully-employed television news reporter aired a live segment outside a small café to tell viewers that Morris was keeping his business open despite a government order to close it, the Portage, Michigan restaurant owner confronted him. The Kalamazoo Health Department had issued a warning to Morris on December 1 for allowing indoor dining against the wishes of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer; he was instructed to shut down his business immediately or face a fine imposed by the government.

The local journalist was on the scene, however, to tattle.

“Everyone needs to stand up,” Morris told WWMT-TV reporter Tavarious Haywood on Wednesday. “This isn’t an order . . . this is tyranny. Wake up, stand up, this is America, be free.” (Haywood later tweeted about his own bravery in the face of an “angry business owner” who “interrupted” him.)

Morris, who has owned D&R’s Daily Grind Cafe for 12 years, said he’s lost $100,000 in business this year and is going broke. “I can go down quietly or I can go down making some noise so people understand what’s going on,” he said.

But this is America in the year 2020. People like Morris—or really anyone not empowered with an executive pen or a cable news gig or a sinecure in some public health bureaucracy—are supposed to go down and go down quietly.

Shut up and take it.