Facts Matter : Election Raffles Exposed By Roman Balmakov


After several weeks of investigating, we have uncovered a cash-for-votes scheme that was being played out across multiple states.

In Facebook posts that have now been deleted, The Nevada Native Vote Project put up photos—on Election Day—of smiling voters holding up $25 gift cards after handing over their ballots.

How Trump Gets Justice for Election Irregularities by Adam Mill


If the Election Day shenanigans amount to a clear subversion of the results, Trump has a path to a remedy through the state legislatures of the relevant states.

“Just nonsense,” CNN quoted an anonymous former senior U.S. intelligence official responding to Donald Trump’s “baseless” allegation that Obama had candidate Trump’s “wires tapped” during the 2016 presidential campaign. A more careful look at the CNN article revealed hints of the truth peeking through from behind the carefully worded denials. 

Kevin Lewis, a spokesman for Obama “denied” Trump’s allegation, stating, “no White House official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the Department of Justice . . . neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen.” 

Now we know that the Department of Justice was indeed surveilling the Trump campaign with the knowledge of President Obama. Did Obama ever “order” it? Probably not in so many words. But the substance of what Trump said in that fateful March 2017 tweet was true.

Trump gets things wrong. He exaggerates. He makes mistakes. But it’s wrong to characterize him as an out-and-out liar. When you unwrap his sometimes inartful declarations, you usually find a kernel of nuanced truth behind the bombast. Nobody cares when Biden lies because the lies follow the tide of the elite’s approved narrative. Trump is hated precisely because he sometimes correctly challenges official “truths.” He upsets the doublespeak and says the quiet part out loud.

Evidence supports Sidney Powell’s claim about global election fraud By Andrea Widburg


For the last two weeks, Sidney Powell was telling everyone that she could prove that our election was decided abroad by bad actors. Tuesday’s news seemed to confirm those claims. A retired military analyst testified in Arizona that the U.S. has captured the information that was sent overseas. Also, a November 25 declaration from an active duty military analyst was made public today, which says that, within five days of the election, the analyst was able to connect dominonvotingsystems.com, which is Dominion’s proprietary URL, to Belgrade, Iran, China – and Barack Obama.

I’ve been enjoying a delightful email conversation with Nick Chase, who’s written some deservedly lauded articles helping readers to understand how the voting machines could be used to send victory to Joe Biden. (See here, here, here, here, and here.) One of the things Nick explained to me is how information travels across the internet. I’m going to share his words with you because you’ll need them to understand how important this next bit of news is:

On the Internet, information is delivered in “packets” of bytes, each of which has header information identifying the sender and the intended recipient. When the recipient receives the packet, it verifies the packet and returns to the sender a message saying the packet was received correctly. This traffic passes through “routers” which are similar to the wireless router you might have at home, only on an industrial scale. The network routers also have switching software to determine which is the “most efficient” (fastest) route on the Internet to transmit the packets, as the Internet is a redundant system designed with many routers, paths and switches so it will continue to operate in case part of it goes down.

Barack Obama’s Visceral Dislike of Israel, the Jewish State, Revealed in his Latest Book By Rabbi Aryeh Spero


Though we have not over the years accused Barack Obama of anti-Semitism, we did feel even prior to his election in 2008 that Obama was uncomfortable with the idea of Jewish sovereignty, as well as Jewish rights in and of themselves, disconnected from intersectionality.

In his recent book, Promised Land, it is crystal clear that Obama is uncomfortable, perhaps even hostile to a specific Jewish state in the Land of Israel and used his tenure as president to undermine the proud and glorious history of Zionism. He spent excessive zeal and capital to reshape American and world policy so as to establish the Palestinian Arab narrative as the only legitimate political outlook and forum.

Had his book been written by someone else, many would have easily characterized the author’s anti-Zionism and non-regard for the right of the Jewish people to possess and control their land as bordering on anti-Semitism. As with many in the anti-Zionist movement, Obama grants credibility to all salutary comments for the Palestinian Arabs, portraying them as innocent victims in a Martin Luther King-like struggle, while caricaturing Israel and her Jewish inhabitants as oppressors.

Obama never seems shaken by the reality of Israelis bombarded in their kindergartens and homes by Palestinian Arab missiles. He refuses to acknowledge the restraint undertaken by Israelis against her attackers. He fails to recognize the enormous concessions that Israeli prime ministers offered, almost foolishly, to Palestinian Arab representatives in Israel’s quest to find peace. He is unmoved by the massive return of beleaguered Jews in pogrom-filled Europe that rebirthed the Land of Israel; a revived and resurrected land that provided opportunity for Muslims from other enclaves to find work, health, and civil rights absent in their own countries. He is guilty of revisionist history and indifferent to the Jews’ ancient and historical linkage to this land. To him, it seems, the region only came into being with the advent of the newly formed P.L.O.

Whistleblowers: Postal Service labeled Trump mail ‘Undeliverable,’ 388,000 ballots backdated, ‘disappear’ by Paul Bedard


Several whistleblowers on Tuesday cast new uncertainty on the 2020 election process, claiming up to 288,000 ballots disappeared, another 100,000 were improperly backdated, and mail promoting President Trump was junked while mail for Joe Biden was delivered.

In the most extraordinary report, a U.S. Postal Service contractor said his trailer full of 144,000-288,000 completed mail-in ballots, which he drove between New York and Pennsylvania, disappeared after he delivered it to a Lancaster, Pennsylvania, depot.

Another claimed that ballots were backdated by postal workers, and in Traverse City, Michigan, Trump campaign mail was put in bins labeled “Undeliverable Bulk Business Mail” while the same type of mail for Joe Biden was ordered to be delivered on time.

And a third raised new issues about the integrity of Dominion voting machines.

The claims were unveiled by the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, which has mounted an independent investigation of voting and voter registration in several key battleground states. It recently made headlines by revealing that the FBI has requested the findings of its Voter Integrity Project.

Fragile and Unsustainable Lies by Robert E. Wright *****


Many times throughout history, policymakers have doubled down on their own mistakes, refusing to believe that they were wrong or hoping that somehow doing the wrong thing twice or thrice would somehow make things right. Then it all came crashing down at once and the rulers lost their minds, and sometimes their necks or heads.

Economic, governance, and social systems often rely on each other in ways not readily discerned by narrow technocrats. When one crumbles, the others fall in rapid succession while all the putative experts express surprise. Look at the way that the U.S.S.R, one of the world’s two “super” powers, fell apart in the late 1980s when it lost enough feathers from its peacock tail in Afghanistan that its lies about the superiority of its command economy became obvious even to its own systematically deluded subjects.

When NPR proved inadequate to prevent Americans from seeing the few feathers left in America’s peacock tail, as evidenced by the surprise victory of Trump and his MAGA messaging in 2016, mass media joined forces with various “progressive” elements to create a propaganda machine that puts the old clunky Soviet state media to shame. 

Precisely because it is ostensibly private and domestic, America’s mass media, tarnished as its reputation is becoming, retains more credibility than any state-run media ever possessed. Many pundits have noted how 2020 resembles 1984, except the propaganda so far has come from a political resistance movement backed by parts of the government (FBI, CDC) rather than “the” state per se. 

The phalanx of private media and sundry have convinced tens of millions of Americans that: 

we are better off imposing lockdowns that cause far more harm than the virus itself (and sundry cognates, like the virus is super serious and novel, spreads easily via asymptomatic people, yet is stopped by irrational policies like curfews, as if people won’t simply start drinking earlier!); 
the current president is somehow illegitimate (Russian election interference, Ukrainian quid pro quo); 
nation-altering Constitutional reforms are necessary (de facto elimination of the electoral college, creation of additional states, SCOTUS enlargement); 
calling all people of Euroamerican descent racist isn’t itself racist;
a virus can differentiate between good protests (pro-BLM and pro-Biden) and bad ones (anti-lockdown and pro-Trump);
the American people chose a candidate who essentially did not campaign or set forth a coherent policy platform over one who, for all his faults, was president when the economy finally palpably improved and made enough progress in the Middle East to be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.

Covid Misclassification: What Do the Data Suggest? Gilbert G. Berdine, M.D


According to Worldometer, U.S. deaths from Covid-19 were 272,254 as of 11/29/2020. What are “deaths from Covid-19?” One definition would be deaths where Covid-19 was the primary cause. An example would be a patient who has a positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test for the virus responsible for Covid-19 and a clinical picture of hypoxemia, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates on imaging, no obvious other cause, such as influenza or congestive heart failure (CHF), and who dies from progressive acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).

 Another definition would be deaths where Covid-19 was a contributing cause but not necessarily the primary disease. An example would be a patient with diabetes or end-stage renal disease who develops an upper respiratory infection URI, has a positive PCR test, never recovers from the URI, deteriorates over many weeks to months and eventually dies. 

In this case the underlying cause of death was the diabetes or end-stage renal disease weakening the host defenses and the Covid-19 was the precipitating cause of acute illness and eventual death. Another definition would be a patient who dies, has a positive PCR test, but the Covid-19 clearly had nothing to do with the death. An example would be a trauma victim who had no respiratory symptoms prior to trauma and coincidentally has a positive PCR test. 

Questioning the Diversity Delusion on Race-Obsessed Campuses The Balkanization of college campuses. Richard L. Cravatts


When he wryly observed that “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act,” Orwell may well have had academia in mind, where challenging prevailing ideology can have a calamitous effect on one’s reputation and career—something especially true of faculty.

In 1978, the significant Regents of the University of California v. Bakke case brought the term “diversity” into the lexicon of higher education  Although the Court found that the medical school at the University of California at Davis had used an unconstitutional quota system in denying Alan Bakke admission, Justice Lewis Powell made his now-famous observation that, notwithstanding the inherent defect of such a quota system, universities could likely enhance the quality of their enrollments by striving to create a “diverse student body” engaging in “a robust exchange of ideas,” and that there was “a compelling state interest” in trying to achieve such a goal and in promoting the inclusion of historically underrepresented groups on campus.

Rather than helping students adapt to the real diversity of society outside the campus walls, however, the campaign to increase diversity has served to create balkanized campuses where victims of the moment segregate themselves into distinct and inward-looking racial and cultural groups—exactly the opposite intention of the university diversocrats and their bloated fiefdoms with which they promote this theology of victimization, racial justice, and inclusion.

Coupled with the exclusion of all but liberal thought is the darker side of diversity: as victim groups become aware of their supposed classification as ‘authentic’ victims, they are prone to contradict the stated goal of diversity by limiting real dialogue and interchange between opposing points of view. Thus, while diversity proponents adamantly defend free speech in order to promulgate their own world views, they frequently move to stifle the alternate opinions of those with different opinions—through calls for censorship, threats of censure, and arcane speech codes—and exempt themselves from having to live by the suppressive rules they create for others.

The Media Stole the 2020 Election Before a Single Vote Was Cast The impact of the media’s mass manipulation. Don Feder


The media stole the 2020 presidential election, plain and simple. They did it over the course of four years by creating a caricature of Donald Trump and convincing voters that to save the country and the planet, his defeat was imperative.

They persuaded millions of voters that the president who had turned the economy into a job-creating engine, made us energy independent, secured the borders, transformed an activist judiciary, and returned sanity to American foreign policy, was a monster — a racist megalomaniac, an enemy of the environment, a bungling foreign-policy loner, and an anti-science know-nothing.

I’ve been following media coverage of campaigns since Goldwater. I worked in a newsroom for 19 years. In terms of bias, I thought I’d seen it all. I was wrong. Media assaults on Trump were wall-to-wall bias, 24/7, bias on steroids.

A survey by the Media Research Center found that between June 1 and July 31, coverage of Trump by the networks was 95% negative, while coverage of Biden was 67% positive.

The mainstream media had lies for all occasions. There was Trump the bigot (who supposedly praised neo-Confederates and inflamed racial tensions), Trump the Russian agent, Trump who refused to take the Coronavirus seriously (who called it a hoax) while 260,000 died, and Trump who refused to provide relief to the unemployed and businesses going under to punish Democrat cities and states.

All were lies, but (following Goebel’s much-quoted adage), accepted as truth by a segment of the electorate which otherwise would have been sympathetic to the Republican cause this year.

A Visit to Dubai Shows the Enduring Power of President Trump’s Peacemaking Shillman Fellows open a new front in the fight against terror and BDS on campuses. Daniel Greenfield


While the Biden campaign was announcing a slate of radicals sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood to stack its foreign policy desk if it ever takes over the government, a very different sort of trip was underway in the middle east that clarified how wrong and dangerous they were.

In an event that would have been inconceivable under Barack Obama, the Shillman Fellows of Reservists on Duty, an organization founded by Israeli military veterans that tours college campuses to speak about the realities of fighting terrorism, were on their way to Dubai.

Dubai, as part of the United Arab Emirates, had formerly banned Israeli travelers, but was now welcoming them in as part of the Abraham Accords overseen by the Trump administration.

Amit Deri, the executive director of Reservists on Duty, who had served in command and combat positions, and is a major in the Israeli reserves, had been searching for a way to push back against the hatred he was seeing from the BDS movement. Now, even as support for BDS hate is growing in America and Europe, Amit and his fellow Reservists on Duty were on their way to one of the countries that had been boycotting the Jewish State for generations.

Reservists on Duty had been set up with the generous support of Dr. Robert Shillman to fight the good fight on college campuses, but now its Shillman Fellows were bound to where few Israelis had gone before in a flight that would have been impossible before President Trump.