Johns Hopkins Study Saying COVID-19 Has ‘Relatively No Effect on Deaths’ in U.S. Deleted After Publication By Matt Margolis

Conventional wisdom is that COVID-19 has caused thousands of deaths in the United States and nearly 1.5 million worldwide. This perception has been directly challenged by a study published by Johns Hopkins University on November 22.

Genevieve Briand, assistant program director of the Applied Economics master’s degree program at Johns Hopkins University, critically analyzed the impact that COVID-19 had on U.S. deaths. According to Briand, the impact of COVID-19 on deaths in the United States can be fully understood by comparing it to the number of total deaths in the country.

According to the study, “in contrast to most people’s assumptions, the number of deaths by COVID-19 is not alarming. In fact, it has relatively no effect on deaths in the United States.”

Wait, what?  Really?

That’s what it says.  And, it should come as no surprise that the study was deleted within days.

Luckily, a back-up copy remains on The Wayback Machine, and we can still read the study.

EU: New Pact on Migration and Asylum by Judith Bergman

The question at the core of the internal EU conflict over migration in Europe is not practical but political: whether the EU should take any migrants at all. On that question, the European Commission and the Central and Eastern European countries could not be further apart.

The proposed system invariably gives rise to multiple questions about the practical viability of the proposed system. Will frontline states become efficient at screening migrants? Will the planned increased border control work? How, exactly, are widespread, years-long people-smuggling and human trafficking by gangs who profit immensely from it, going to be stopped?

“The big gamble is that you are betting on all members states each living up to their part of the responsibility…. it only takes a few states not living up [to] their commitments and then the entire system breaks down.” — Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen, professor of migration and refugee law at the University of Copenhagen,, October 8, 2020.

“[W]e must ensure that the external borders of the EU and the Schengen Area remain perfectly sealed along all sections… Though it appears under a different name in the European Commission’s new package of proposals on migration and asylum, the migrant quota is still there, and Hungary opposes it, along with Poland and the Czech Republic.” — Zoltan Kovacs, Hungary’s Secretary of State for International Communication and Relations.

The European Commission has proposed a new Pact on Migration and Asylum for the European Union in the hope that it will solve the deep-seated political crisis that the issue of migration continues to pose in the EU.

Dominion software manipulated votes — 289K in Michigan, 96K in Georgia, lawsuits claim By Alex Swoyer

Lawyers working to prove President Trump’s claims of widespread voter fraud said more than 1.5 million ballots were manipulated in three states — enough to change the outcome of the Nov. 3 election.

Lawyers working to prove President Trump’s claims of widespread voter fraud said more than 1.5 million ballots were manipulated in three states — enough to change the outcome of the Nov. 3 election.

Sidney Powell, who is not on the president’s legal team but is filing pro-Trump lawsuits, sued officials in Michigan on Wednesday alleging Dominion Voting Systems software switched tens of thousands of votes for Mr. Trump to presumptive President-elect Joseph R. Biden.

The software manipulation, according to the complaint, was coupled with other fraud such as backdating absentee ballots.

“While this complaint, and the eyewitness and expert testimony incorporated herein, identify with specificity sufficient ballots required to overturn and reverse the election results, the entire process is so riddled with fraud, illegality, and statistical impossibility that this court, and Michigan’s voters, courts, and legislators, cannot rely on, or certify, any numbers resulting from this election,” said the 75-page lawsuit.

Hundreds of pages of exhibits were attached to the complaint, including affidavits from expert witnesses.

The crux of their claim in Michigan is there’s “incontrovertible physical evidence” that the security of the voting machines was jeopardized by the software being connected to the internet, which the lawyers say violated federal election law.

The lawsuit claims the software was developed by individuals with ties to the late Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez and has been used to fix elections in other countries.

Dominion Voting Systems, which has a corporate lineage that is linked to Chavez, provided vote-counting software to about two dozen states including Michigan and Georgia.

The Michigan lawsuit points to an expert witness, Russell Ramsland Jr., who said Dominion “is responsible for “the injection or fabrication, of 289,866 illegal votes in Michigan, that must be disregarded.”

Joe Biden and the ‘Strolling Bones’ Charles Hurt

They’re the Rolling Stones without the roadies. Or the great music. Or any music, actually.

The Strolling Bones reunion tour.

John Kerry and Joe Biden are getting the band back together again.

Collectively, they have been getting things wrong in Washington for nearly 100 years. Literally, two of the dumbest people on earth … but they do love to hear themselves speak!

Droning on and on and on.

Two ridiculous men for which Washington was designed. Neither could run the shoe department at Macy’s — meaning they are more incompetent that Al Bundy.

But in Washington? They are titans! Geniuses! Two of the most respected foreign policy minds of their generation!

To be fair, Joe Biden and John Kerry do provide value. It can be confusing if somebody is only mildly stupid. Because someone who is mildly stupid will occasionally be right about something. Like a blind squirrel.

But John Kerry and Joe Biden are, literally, wrong about everything all of the time. They are not even broken clocks that are right twice a day.

It’s Happening: Pennsylvania State Legislature Files Resolution — DISPUTES STATEWIDE 2020 ELECTION RESULTS By Jim Hoft

It is clear the Pennsylvania 2020 election was wrought with fraud and criminal conduct.
President Trump led by nearly 700,000 votes on election night.
Democrats dumped hundreds of thousands of votes to steal the state from the Trump Campaign.

On Wednesday the Pennsylvania state legislature held a hearing on the 2020 election issues and irregularities.

One witness described the huge “spikes” in Pennsylvania during the hearing and the crowd gasped.


: Of the 600K votes added during curious “spikes” in PA, how many went to Biden? Witness: “I think our figures were about 570-some-odd-thousand.” “And how much for Trump? Witness: “I think it was a little over 3,200.”

Can States Legalize Stealing Federal Elections? Daniel Greenfield

A question raised by today’s decision out of Pennsylvania. The decision largely rests on the judge’s contention that Pennsylvania’s election law fails to ban all sorts of abuses, including excluding poll watchers and illegal ballots, and federal courts have nothing to say about this. Now, obviously, the decision would look very differently if the shoe were on the other foot, in no small part because the Democrats can always claim disproportionate impact on minority voters. Some of the cases this time around by Republicans have emphasized minority plaintiffs, but realistically speaking this particular gambit is copyrighted by the plantation party.

Obviously this was a step in larger strategy, but the problem is very real. Consider Bush v. Gore. Having to invoke equal protection in federal court cases involving federal elections is absurd. It’s also a very weak reed for protecting the integrity of a political system from abuses both blatant and subtle.

The Pennsylvania argument is that the state can perpetrate its choice of abuses that federal courts shouldn’t be able to remedy (and this is while the Democrats insist on the need to continue monitoring the voting setups of southern states), the complainants have to prove standing, damages, and a remedy that is equivalent to the damages. In other words, you can’t challenge the actual election unless you have enough plaintiffs to change the results. That’s not something that a campaign can realistically come up with a few weeks after the election when the difference is high enough.

If states illegally making up election law on the fly is treated as a state issue, and it can’t move forward within the state because, as in Pennsylvania, its judiciary is hopelessly partisan and corrupt, and federal judges refuse to touch it because it’s a state issue, then our political system is little better than a banana republic.

Leftists Fomented Attempts To Have State Electors Vote Against Trump In 2016 By Jordan Davidson

In 2016, leftists and the mainstream media lobbied for people to protest President Donald Trump’s election by having state electors vote against him.

Among those who called for electors to potentially vote against their state’s popular vote numbers included corporate media journalists and contributors such as Chris Hayes, EJ Dionne, Paul Krugman, Peter Beinart, activists, Harvard professors, former Democrat staffers, and other elites, all of whom openly expressed their disdain for a Trump presidency.

Journalist Michael Tracey documented the now-hypocritical takes from media gatekeepers in 2016 on Twitter and in a Medium post. Their reasons ranged from Trump was incapable and under-qualified for the job all the way up to simply accusing him of being an illegitimate president.

Some took it even further than snarky tweets, writing op-eds for The Atlantic, The Washington Post, and other publications arguing for similar outcomes which were quickly amplified by other typical liberal media counterparts such as MSNBC’s Joy Reid and the New York Times’ Jonathan Weisman.

Carter Page Sues DOJ, FBI, James Comey, And Others Behind Crossfire Hurricane FISA Abuse By Margot Cleveland

In an eight-count complaint filed Friday in the D.C. District Court, Carter Page seeks damages of no less than $75 million from the U.S. government, the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigations, and individuals responsible for obtaining four illegal Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act orders against Page.

Page’s 59-page complaint lists as defendants a veritable “Who’s Who” of the SpyGate scandal, including former FBI Director James Comey, Assistant Director Andrew McCabe, and the disgraced team of Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. Also singled out were Kevin Clinessmith, who earlier this year pleaded guilty to falsifying an email to hide Page’s past service as a source to the CIA, and FBI Agents Joe Pientka, Stephen Somma, and Brian Auten, with additional defendants identified merely as John Doe 1 – 10 and Jane Doe 1 – 10.

­The first four counts of his complaint allege claims under FISA, with one count seeking damages for each of the four FISA court orders the defendants obtained against Page. FISA provides a private right of action to allow “an aggrieved person. . . who has been subjected to an electronic surveillance or about whom information obtained by electronic surveillance of such person has been disclosed,” to sue those responsible.

In addition to stating a civil claim for damages under FISA, Page’s attorneys note in the complaint that FISA makes it a criminal offense to illegally “engage in electronic surveillance under color of law.”  While only the government can prosecute a criminal violation of FISA, the allegation is a stark reminder that other than Clinesmith, no criminal cases have resulted from the illegal targeting of Page and the Trump campaign—at least not yet.

Page’s fifth cause of action alleges a claim under the Federal Tort Claims Act which provides that the United States is liable for civil wrongs “in the same manner and to the same extent as a private individual under like circumstances.” In other words, Page can sue the government and its agents for wrongful conduct, just as he could a private person.

This count seeks damages for the individual defendants who “committed an abuse of process because they acted with an ulterior motive in using the FISA warrant process to accomplish an end unintended and not permitted by law, to wit, to spy on the Trump presidential campaign by unlawfully invading the privacy of Dr. Page without probable cause.” And yes, contrary to the corporate media’s continued denial, the Obama-Biden Administration intended to, and did, spy on the Trump campaign, including by obtaining the illegal FISA orders to surveil Page.

Showdown in Gettysburg 2020 by Julie Kelly

Pennsylvania Republicans showed a level of courage and patriotism woefully lacking in the establishment GOP, which is ready to dispatch Donald Trump and move on with a Biden presidency.

“This is not the United States of America, what happened.”

President Trump, in what might be considered an uncharacteristic understatement, made that remark via cell phone to a Pennsylvania State Senate committee hearing the day before Thanksgiving. The president was referring to emerging evidence that election workers in the Keystone State successfully manipulated hundreds of thousands of ballots to ensure Joe Biden won the state’s 20 electoral votes.

Each day, the public is realizing that the most cherished vestige of America’s disintegrating democracy—the quadrennial national election to choose the next president—has been hijacked by Banana Republic-type thugs. Rules are ignored or simply made up as we go to install the chosen leader. Low-level guerilla operatives dependent on the publicly funded largess of the ruling junta openly and shamelessly flout the law; judges who are in on the fix give their legal imprimatur while state-run media silences any criticism.

This is the sort of stuff American election watchers once condemned as undemocratic. Jimmy Carter, who dedicated his post-presidency to monitoring elections around the world, issued a congratulatory statement to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris just four days after Election Day, presumably uninterested in widespread reports of ballot dumps and wildly changing vote counts in swing states. Last week, the Carter Center noted several “inconsistencies” in Georgia’s election audit, including concerns about the chain of custody and unsupervised ballots, but nonetheless deemed the process “successful.”

What a farce.

Help is on the way to understand Sidney Powell’s Michigan lawsuit By Andrea Widburg

Sidney Powell’s Michigan lawsuit is shorter than the Georgia lawsuit she filed (although I suspect that has do to, in part, with a smaller font and different formatting choices). Nevertheless, it’s every bit as complex, because while Michigan had the same overarching forms of fraud (fraud revolving around paper ballots and their counting and voting machine fraud), the supporting facts are different. Enter Doug Ross, who has a real knack for creating uncomplicated infographics that clearly explain complicated materials.

If you haven’t already seen it, I reproduced here Doug’s infographic about the complaint Sidney Powell filed in Georgia. It’s a lot easier to understand what he did than it is to understand the complaint. As is the case with all complaints, that document is larded with confusing, and often repetitive, language that plaintiffs must include for procedural reasons.

Because Georgia is in the news owing to the all-important runoff for Senate candidates, a lot of people missed the fact that, at the same time she filed the complaint in Georgia, Powell also filed a lawsuit in Michigan. At a fundamental level, the complaint is the same as that in Georgia. That is, both charge that the two states violated voting laws, engaged in massive ballot fraud, and engaged in computer voting machine fraud.

Each state has its unique factual wrinkles. In Michigan, Democrats were extraordinarily aggressive when it came to barring Republicans from observing the mail-in ballot vote counting. Meanwhile, in Georgia, Democrats pretended that the vote-counting venue had suffered a dramatic pipe burst, and locked out observers, only to continue counting.

These unique factual wrinkles matter at an evidentiary level. The complaints have different eyewitnesses and different expert witnesses. If you’ve read the Georgia complaint, that’s not the same as having read the Michigan complaint.