Twofaced US trade policy erodes Atlantic alliance by David Goldman

EU’s new investment pact with China calls Trump’s bluff on a tech war that gives cover to US side deals with Chinese companies

The US is peeved about EU’s new investment pact with China.

European distrust of American motives was behind EU leaders’ signing last week of a Comprehensive Agreement on Investment with China over the urgent objections of the Donald Trump administration and Joe Biden’s transition team.

Washington’s restrictions on trade and investment with China, Europeans believe, provide pretexts for dodgy deals that favor US companies at the expense of competitors on the other side of the Atlantic.

The Trump administration of course has long been in a trade war with Beijing, and there have been numerous news reports that Biden’s advisers had let European officials know they hoped for a delay that would give the new administration time to chime in before finalization of the pact.

Matt Pottinger, deputy national security adviser to Trump, issued a statement saying, “Leaders in both US political parties and across the US government are perplexed and stunned that the EU is moving towards a new investment treaty right on the eve of a new US administration.”

Lockdown Proponent Bill Gates Quietly Funding Plan To Dim The Sun’s Rays By Tyler Durden
A project conducted by Harvard University scientists and funded largely by Microsoft founder Bill Gates to test sun-dimming technology to cool global warming is quietly moving forward in Sweden.

We know what you’re thinking – this can’t be real… but it is.

Reuters reports that the Harvard project “plans to test out a controversial theory that global warming can be stopped by spraying particles into the atmosphere that would reflect the sun’s rays.”

In Sweden, plans to fly a test balloon next year are already underway.

The test balloon will not release any particles into the atmosphere, but “could be a step towards an experiment, perhaps in the autumn of 2021 or spring of 2022.”

Those experiments may see “up to 2 kg of non-toxic calcium carbonate dust” released into the atmosphere.

Bill Gates is living proof that just because you once did something very smart to make your mark on the world, it doesn’t necessarily make you a smart person.

Having the gall to play God by dimming the sun’s rays and thinking it won’t lead to drastic and unpredictable problems makes that case rather obvious.

Tom Fitton: If Republicans Back Hawley’s Electoral College Objection, Trump Will Be Made Lawful Winner

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton explains Sen. Josh Hawley’s argument to object to the Electoral College results to host Gregg Jarrett on FBN Wednesday: “Not only did [Pennsylvania] count the votes late, in my view, but they counted votes they shouldn’t have counted under their own state law and in violation of the constitution. So these electors that have been certified for Joe Biden are invalid, Ithink the argument could be made, and should be rejected, and President Trump is the lawful winner based on that analysis. This is a straightforward analysis, and this is why the left has been so desperate to avoid the debate, because it’s a simple argument, and they could lose it.”

Causation Of Climate Change, And The Scientific Method Francis Menton

Let’s have yet another go at trying to apply the scientific method to the subject of causation of climate change. This is just basic logic, and not that complicated. We can do it.

As simple and basic as this is, you will shortly see that the agglomeration of all of the world’s leading “climate scientists” can’t figure it out. They are completely lost and befuddled. Check me and see if I’m wrong.

The proposition we are addressing is the one for which you see a constant drumbeat of advocacy. It runs something like, “the climate is changing, and we are the cause.” OK, nobody denies that the climate is changing; but how about the “we are the cause” part? What is the proof?

Let’s apply the scientific method. We start with the basic maxim that “correlation does not prove causation.” Instead, causation is established by disproof of all relevant alternative (“null”) hypotheses.

Everybody knows how this works from drug testing. We can’t prove that drug A cures disease X by administering drug A a thousand times and observing that disease X almost always goes away. Disease X might have gone away for other reasons, or on its own. Even if we administer drug A a million times, and disease X almost always goes away, we have only proved correlation, not causation. To prove causation, we must disprove the null hypothesis by testing drug A against a placebo. The placebo represents the null hypothesis that something else (call it “natural factors”) is curing disease X. When drug A is significantly more effective at curing disease X than the placebo, then we have disproved the null hypothesis, and established, at least provisionally, the effectiveness of drug A.

Back to climate change. The hypothesis is “humans are causing significant climate change.” An appropriate null hypothesis would be “observed climate change can be fully explained by some combination of natural factors.” How might you test this?

6-Person Team Briefed Hundreds of State Senators on Election Irregularities


A six-person team that included Rudy Giuliani and Peter Navarro on Saturday briefed hundreds of state lawmakers on evidence of election irregularities.

The Zoom meeting included hundreds of legislators across Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, Navarro, the White House director of trade and manufacturing policy, said during an appearance on Fox News.

“These legislators, they’re hot, they’re angry, they want action,” Navarro said. “We gave them the receipts. We explained exactly how the Democrat Party, as a matter of strategy, stole this election from Donald J. Trump.”

According to Got Freedom?, a nonprofit election integrity watchdog, the meeting included an address by President Donald Trump. Nearly 300 legislators heard from the president, Navarro, and Trump’s lawyer, Giuliani.

John Eastman and John Lott were also part of the briefing. Eastman represented Texas in the now-dismissed interstate challenge to the outcome of the election. Lott, a senior adviser for research and statistics for the Department of Justice, authored a recently released report on election theft.

Legislators were briefed on evidence of alleged voter, ballot, and election fraud, which can be viewed on a webpage hosted by Got Freedom?

“This information should serve as an important resource for state legislators as they make calls for state legislatures to meet to investigate the election and consider decertifying their state election results,” Phill Kline, who heads the Thomas More Foundation’s Amistad Project and who hosted the call on behalf of of the group, said in a statement.

Biggest Horse-Race Fixer of All Time Says Democrats Stole Election. Here’s How. Wayne Allyn Root

I am the only nationally syndicated conservative talk radio host in America who spent his prior career as a professional gambler and “the King of Vegas Sports Gambling” (as the media dubbed me). But don’t take my word for it. Next time you’re in Vegas, look for my 180-pound granite star on Las Vegas Boulevard in front of Paris Las Vegas Hotel & Casino.

So, no other conservative media personality has friends like I do. In addition to many of the top GOP politicians and the president of the United States, my list of buddies includes some “only in Vegas” characters such as “Richie.” Richie is a professional gambler and a convicted horse-race fixer.

Back in the day, Richie may have been the greatest and most prolific horse-race fixer in history. He fixed over 1,000 horse races in 11 years at every racetrack in California, bribing over 100 jockeys. Eventually, he was convicted and served time in prison.

That was 25 years ago. Today, Richie is one of the good guys and a respected member of his community, as well as a noted philanthropist. But Richie still has his street smarts — something no one in Washington, D.C., has. For over 50 years, he witnessed the smartest and sharpest scammers and cheaters in the gambling world. No one can spot a scam like Richie. My buddy has a Ph.D. in the Art of the Steal.

Richie watched and studied the 2020 presidential election. He calls it “the greatest scam and steal in world history.” He says anyone who denies this election was stolen is a criminal who was in on the scam; a bribed politician or bureaucrat who benefits from the scam; or a complete naive moron.

Hawley: When Millions Of Americans Have Concerns About Election Integrity, We’re Supposed To Sit Down And Shut Up?

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) appeared on FOX News on Wednesday night after announcing his plan to object to the certification of Electoral College results. Hawley says by objecting, his actions will force his colleagues in the Senate to go on record. Former CIA Director John Brennan criticized Hawley on Twitter today, calling him the “Most Craven, Unprincipled, & Corrupt Senator.”

“I don’t recall hearing the Democrats make any such outrageous claims when they were the ones who are objecting during the Electoral College certification in 2004 and 2016,” Hawley said.

“Democrats have done this for years in order to raise concerns about election integrity,” he added.

“Now, when Republicans, 74 million Americans have concerns about election integrity, we’re supposed to just sit down and shut up? I mean, somebody has to stand up here. You have got 74 million Americans who feel disenfranchised, who feel like their vote doesn’t matter,” Hawley said.

As COVID admissions surge, states conflating patients hospitalized ‘due to’ and ‘with’ virus Numbers of incidental infections could form significant percentage of total hospitalizations.

States throughout the U.S. are failing to distinguish between patients hospitalized because of COVID-19 and patients who merely test positive for the disease while being hospitalized for other reasons.

Hospitalizations have for months been viewed as one of the critical indicators of the coronavirus pandemic: Countries worldwide have relied heavily on the number of patients sent to hospitals because of the virus as a way of measuring how severe a region or a nation’s outbreak really is. 

In the United States, as in most other countries, one of the chief concerns of the pandemic has been whether or not hospitals have enough capacity to treat surges in COVID patients in addition to more routine procedures and emergency issues. The most recent surge in positive COVID-19 tests, which began in early October, has led to record highs of hospitalized COVID-positive patients.

The COVID Tracking Project, a group of public health experts and journalists who have been collecting COVID-19 data from state health departments since early 2020, currently lists over 125,000 hospitalized COVID patients nationwide, roughly double the earlier peaks seen in the spring and summer. 

Differentiating between ‘with’ and ‘due to’

Hunter Biden’s Guilty Laptop The most charitable reading of the sleazy saga is that Joe Biden, one of the most powerful men in the world, is an incredibly gullible idiot. Peter Van Buren

I read the files on Hunter Biden’s laptop. They paint a sleazy picture of multi-million dollar wire transfers, potential money laundering, and possible tax evasion. They raise serious questions about the judgment and propriety of Jim Biden, the president-elect’s brother, and Joe himself. Call it smoke not fire, but smoke that should not be ignored. The files were supplied to TAC by a known source previously established to have access.

Joe Biden is lucky a coordinated media effort kept Hunter out of the campaign. The FBI has had the laptop since 2019, when they subpoenaed the files in connection with a money laundering investigation. Federal investigators also served a round of subpoenas on December 8, a month after the election, including one for Hunter Biden himself. While the legal thrust of the investigation by the federal prosecutor in Delaware is taxes, the real focus seems to be on Hunter’s Chinese connections. This all comes after the FBI has had over a year to examine some of the same files TAC looked at.

In the final weeks before the election, Hunter’s laptop fell into Republican hands. The story went public in the New York Post, revealing that Hunter Biden introduced his father, then vice president, to a top executive at Ukrainian energy firm Burisma less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company. The meeting is mentioned in a message of appreciation that Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of Burisma, sent Hunter Biden about a year after Hunter himself joined the Burisma board at a salary of $83,000 a month with no obvious work duties past making such introductions.

Nice work if you can get it, and to get it your dad better be vice president.

US: “Not Now One of the World’s Better-Functioning Democracies” by Guy Millière

“As President, I have no higher duty than to defend the laws and the Constitution of the United States. That is why I am determined to protect our election system, which is now under coordinated assault and siege”. — President Donald J. Trump, December 2, 2020.

“The top line here is very simple: [Many people] used a coordinated strategy across six battleground states — you’ve got Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin — a coordinated strategy to stuff the ballot box with mail-in and absentee ballots, and do it in a way where they bend and often break the law…” — Peter Navarro, regarding his report, “An Indecent Exposure,” Newsmax, December 21, 2020.

There are accusations that many politicians in America are not even slightly interested in fair elections or equal justice under law — only about attaining power and keeping it in perpetuity.

“Make no mistake: voter fraud is real. [Many people], the media and the so-called public interest groups on the political Left will tell you otherwise, but they are either lying or totally ignorant. Voter fraud is a threat to the integrity of our elections, the heart of our democracy—and [many people] want to make the problem worse with their new voting laws.” — Former Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich, Newsweek, June 7, 2020.

The evidence gathered is available to be seen. That judges dismissed lawsuits without seeing it does not make it disappear.

Many commentators apparently accept the idea that Biden will soon be president and resign themselves to it. Others apparently have decided that accepting so much lawlessness is unacceptable. It could, they assess, undermine American democracy, fatally erode American institutions, and plummet the country into an authoritarian future, foreign or domestic, and economic ruin.

“Weak-kneed [politicians],” columnist Charlie Eastman wrote, “who choose to wave the white flag instead of fighting to the last man to challenge the fraud that occurred in the 2020 election are committing political suicide”.

November 3, 2020. New York. Midnight. A reporter on television said that election vote counting had been stopped in several states. At this point, President Donald J. Trump seemed in a position to win and easily to have a second term. Commenting a bit later, he said, “We did win,” but added a warning: “We don’t want them to find any ballot at four o clock in the morning”. By morning, everything had changed. Thousands more ballots had appeared. States where Trump had a clear lead displayed different results. Former Vice President Joe Biden appeared to have won.