Sen. Cramer: Trump Campaign Legal Efforts ‘Appropriate,’ Can’t Ignore Signed Affidavits By Zachary Stieber

The election-related litigation launched by President Donald Trump’s campaign is not an attack on democracy but appropriately following processes outlined in the Constitution, Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) said Sunday.

“These are processes that are in our Constitution, in our laws, and they’re not just appropriate, but they’re really an obligation, frankly, to the millions of Americans that President Trump is a reflection of. I know, you know, a lot of people like to think that we’re the reflection of him. He’s the reflection of millions of people that want to see him fight this to the end,” Cramer said during an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

“I think everyone ought to calm down a little bit. I don’t see this as an attack on our democracy. I mean, we spent four years listening to news shows and liberals discrediting, trying to discredit the Trump administration to the point of spying on him by the last administration. Forty million dollars spent on an independent counsel that started with no evidence and ended proving that there was no evidence. And then, of course, this crazy impeachment. So, I think what we’re experiencing now, everyone ought to just relax and let it play out in the legal way. We’ll be just fine,” he added.

Media outlets and some lawmakers, primarily Democrats, have tried pressuring Trump into conceding to challenger Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, even as Trump’s campaign and others battle in court to contest results in key battleground states, asserting Trump actually won some states where Biden is ahead.

The Epoch Times is not declaring a winner in the presidential race until the litigation plays out.

Trump’s campaign has alleged election fraud. Some of the lawsuits include affidavits from poll workers and observers attesting under the penalty of perjury to witnessed fraud.

Cooperate with China or World War 3: Kissinger by Gordon G. Chang

[I]n a little over 14 minutes Kissinger managed to totally misinterpret Chinese history, support Beijing’s most important foreign policy goal, and give deeply misguided advice to Joe Biden. Kissinger has evidently learned nothing from years of dangerous Chinese behavior, which is partly the result of his policy formulations.

China’s troubled past, in short, is an excuse. What, after all, is it in history that justifies present-day Chinese aggression against India, Bhutan and Nepal, or its designs on Tajikistan, the Philippines and Malaysia? Moreover, what justification is there for the Communist Party’s declaration of a “people’s war” on the United States in May of last year?

Xi Jinping, the one man in China’s system, is now propagating the audacious concept of tianxia, that “all under heaven” owe allegiance to Beijing.

There are, unfortunately, some points in history when dialogue makes matters worse because hardline leaders perceive others’ desire to talk as a sign of weakness.

What is the best indication that Kissinger is wrong? Beijing at the moment is waging a concerted propaganda campaign to push his views as widely as possible. When your enemy wants you to do something, it is almost always not in your interest.

“I would think we need first of all a dialogue with the Chinese leadership in which we are defining what we’re attempting to prevent and in which the two leaders agree that whatever other conflicts they have they will not resort to military conflict,” Henry Kissinger told Bloomberg News Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait on November 16 at the Bloomberg New Economy Forum. “Unless there is some basis for some cooperative action, the world will slide into a catastrophe comparable to World War I.”

Of course no one wants war of any type with China, but in a little over 14 minutes Kissinger managed to totally misinterpret Chinese history, support Beijing’s most important foreign policy goal, and give deeply misguided advice to Joe Biden. Kissinger has evidently learned nothing from years of dangerous Chinese behavior, which is partly the result of his policy formulations.

Fighting Words It’s a war. David Horowitz

By now it should be obvious – even to conservatives – that we are in a war. It is a conflict that began nearly fifty years ago when the street revolutionaries of the Sixties joined the Democrat Party. Their immediate goal was to help the Communist enemy win the war in Vietnam, but they stayed to expand their influence in the Democrat Party and create the radical force that confronts us today. The war that today’s Democrats are engaged in reflects the values and methods of those radicals. It is a war against us – against individual freedom, against America’s constitutional order, and against the capitalist engine of our prosperity.

Democrat radicals know what they want and where they are going. As a result, they are tactically and organizationally years ahead of patriotic Americans who are only beginning to realize they are in a war. The Democrats’ plan to steal the 2020 election was hatched many years ago when Democrats launched their first attacks on Voter I.D.s, and then every effort to secure the integrity of the electoral system. Those attacks metastasized into an all-out assault on Election Day itself with early- and late-voting grace periods, and a flood of 92 million mail-in ballots, hundreds of thousands of which were delivered in the middle of the night to be counted behind the backs of Republican observers after Election Day had passed.

The result of these efforts is that Election Day no longer really exists as a day when the votes are cast and counted. This is a fact that offers generous opportunities for the election saboteurs to do their work. Those saboteurs’ opportunities were greatly enhanced this year with the installation in battle ground states of voting machines specifically designed to calculate how many votes were required to steal an election and then to switch ballots already cast and deliver them to the chosen party. Mail-in ballots were indispensable to the realization of this plan.

“Burn It Down” Activists in Seattle want to abolish police, prisons, and courts. Christopher F. Rufo

American cities are entering a period of chaos. Protests and riots have dominated headlines, but beneath the surface, activists are launching an unprecedented campaign to overthrow the traditional justice system and replace it with a new model based on a radical conception of social justice.

In Seattle, where this campaign may be most advanced, activists have crafted a narrative about police brutality, mass incarceration, and punitive justice that leads to a natural sequence of solutions: “abolish the police,” “divest from prisons,” and “defund the courts.” Over the past three decades, the city’s radical-progressives have seized control of municipal government—with the notable exception of the criminal-justice system, which they see as the final obstacle to total control. If they can dismantle it, activists believe, they can bring about their transformation of society.

The city’s political establishment has joined the campaign to “deconstruct justice.” Since the outbreak of the George Floyd–related protests starting in late May, elected officials in Seattle and King County have announced their intentions to defund the Seattle Police Department, permanently close the county’s largest jail, and gut the municipal court system. They believe that, when the oppression of the justice system is lifted, a new society can be shaped through criminal diversion, psychotherapy, and harm reduction.

The theoretical underpinnings of this movement can be traced back to the academic currents of “critical race theory,” long pervasive in university humanities departments, which holds that all legal structures—and society generally—can be understood as a function of embedded racism. The law is shot through with white supremacy, critical race theorists believe, which must be rigorously identified and dismantled if true justice is to be achieved. In recent years, critical race theory has expanded beyond the academy and become a force in progressive politics.

Why Did Donald Trump Cut Sidney Powell From His Legal Team? By Tyler O’Neil

On Sunday, President Donald Trump’s lawyers former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis released a statement distancing themselves from Sidney Powell, the lawyer who represents former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. Powell had promoted a conspiracy theory involving voter machines switching votes from Trump to Joe Biden. She appears to have grown more unhinged, recently attacking Gov. Brian Kemp (R-Ga.) and even Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.), who faces a runoff election against Raphael Warnock.

“Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own,” Giuliani and Ellis insisted. “She is not a member of the Trump Legal Team. She is also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity.”

Earlier this week, however, Powell appeared with Giuliani and Ellis in a Trump legal team press conference. The president listed her as part of his legal team.

Yet Powell appears to have taken the announcement in stride. “I agree with the statement today. I will represent #WeThePeople and seek the Truth,” she said in a statement. “I intend to expose all the fraud and let the chips fall where they may. We will not allow the foundations of this great Republic to be destroyed by abject fraud or our votes for President Trump and other Republicans to be stolen by foreign interests or anyone else.”

Powell had made headlines in recent weeks for promoting a vibrant conspiracy theory about Dominion Voting Systems. She claimed that Dominion machines were switching votes from Trump to Biden, based on Smartmatic software somehow engineered by Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez to switch election results. Powell promised she would “release the kraken” of evidence, but refused to present evidence when reporters asked.

Are there no incorruptible Democrats? By Patricia McCarthy

It should be obvious to all Americans that the left orchestrated and pulled off the theft of the 2020 election.  The plan had most likely been in the works for years, which is why Nancy Pelosi was so sure that “even if Trump won on election night, Biden would be inaugurated in January.”  The fix has been in for a long time which is why Biden could claim to have” built the most extensive vote fraud organization in history.”  That was probably a slip of his tangled tongue, but he spoke the truth.  

Over the past two weeks we have all heard a great deal about the many ways the Democrats cheated in the mostly corrupt Democrat-run cities like Philadelphia and Detroit, Pittsburgh, too and certain counties in Wisconsin and Georgia. How did they do it?  Let us count the ways.  

Some of the Democrat bosses took it upon themselves to change the rules without going to their legislatures.  They dropped the signature matching requirement on all absentee ballots.  Millions of votes were cast via false absentee ballots so that when the people whose names they had used came to vote; they were told they could not as they had already voted when they had not.  They were then given provisional ballots which are often not counted at all.  

Millions of dead people voted.  And most deceitful of all was the vote machines built and designed by Dominion (now based in Toronto) which use software designed in Venezuela to ensure the re-election of Hugo Chavez over and over, and then Maduro, both communists of the worst order.   The machines can be programmed to flip votes by any percentage chosen by those in charge of the cheating.  And flip them they did, by the tens of thousands.

As most people know by now, President Trump was way ahead in each of the states in question on election night, so much so that they simply stopped counting.  Their algorithm had been based on an underestimation of the number of votes Trump would receive so they had to regroup.  They quickly and illegally began creating fake votes with ballots marked only for Biden, no down-ballot candidates marked.  Whistleblowers have come forward to tell of operatives running those ballots through the machines three times!  Republican observers were forced out of counting centers, corralled where they could not possibly observe the ballot counting.  This happened in all of the states that now stand accused of vote fraud.

Making sense of the news about Sidney Powell By Andrea Widburg

You already know that Trump’s legal team announced that Sidney Powell is not a team member. The brief statement leaves unanswered the most important question: “Why?” Absent solid information, speculation leads us either to “This is the beginning of the end” or “This is all part of the plan” – and I’m leaning to the latter.

Events happened with head-spinning speed. On Thursday, Trump’s legal team held a press conference. Rudy Giuliani talked about traditional voter fraud (cemetery voters, faked ballots, etc.); Sidney Powell talked about corrupt, or corruptible, election software, a familiar topic to the State of Texas NPR, and MSNBC; and Jenna Ellis reminded the press that the conference was not an evidentiary hearing but was, instead, an opening statement.

For over a week, Powell has been making the media rounds, asserting that the system used in several states — Dominion Software, running on Smartmatic machines – originated in Venezuela when Hugo Chavez wanted a system that could cleanly swing elections his way. She spoke about votes being counted abroad, software changes, and vote manipulation over the internet.

While her numbers were breathtaking (Trump “had at least 80 million votes”), Powell’s stated facts tracked available information: Smartmatic came out of Venezuela; in 2007, Smartmatic announced that it was selling its Sequoia Voting Systems to Dominion; the chairman of Smartmatic’s board is a George Soros crony; the system is easily hackable; Georgia’s system was vulnerable; and the data coming out of the swing states shows anomalies that cannot occur naturally. (You can see all the known evidence here.) These facts made Powell’s contentions sound credible.

The Inauthenticity Behind Black Lives Matter Insisting on the prevalence of ‘systemic racism’ is a way of defending a victim-focused racial identity.

Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina gave a remarkable speech at this year’s Republican National Convention. Yes, here was a black man at a GOP event, so there was a whiff of identity politics. When we see color these days, we expect ideology to follow. But Mr. Scott’s charisma that night was simply that he spoke as a person, not a spokesperson for his color.

Burgess Owens, Herschel Walker, Daniel Cameron and several others did the same. It was a parade of individuals. And in their speeches the human being stepped out from behind the identity, telling personal stories that reached for human connections with the American people—this rather than the usual posturing for leverage with tales of grievance. So they were all fresh and compelling.

Do these Republicans foretell a new racial order in America? Clearly they have pushed their way through an old racial order, as have—it could be argued—many black Trump voters in the recent election. I believe there is in fact a new racial order slowly and tenuously emerging, and that we blacks are swimming through rough seas to reach it. But to better see the new, it is necessary to know the old.

The old began in what might be called America’s Great Confession. In passing the 1964 Civil Rights Act, America effectively confessed to a long and terrible collusion with the evil of racism. (President Kennedy was the first president to acknowledge that civil rights was a “moral issue.”) This triggered nothing less than a crisis of moral authority that threatened the very legitimacy of American democracy.

A Time of Chaos Upon Chaos Atop Chaos Victor Davis Hanson

There are a series of battles to come in January 2021, in 2022, and in 2024 that will be definitive, if the chaos of 2020 does not become even more chaotic.

America will weather its current hysterias. 

But the tensions and furor are reminiscent of the last generations of the Roman Republic. In its last century, Romans began to adjudicate politics by obsequious partisan town criers (their version of our media), mass demonstrations, and freelance street gangs. Looters, arsonists, and demonstrators did pretty much as they pleased in the streets of Rome without fear of legal consequences.

In our time, the media has now vanished—kaput, no more, ended. 

Within a few hours, it goes from a Ministry-of-Truth love session with Joe Biden to a steaming verbal assault on the president’s press secretary—without a shred of awareness how ridiculous they appear in their passive-aggressive schizophrenia. The only constant is that reporters unapologetically seem to jettison their principles and professionalism to calibrate what they say and do by whose politics they support. They would prefer to be entirely discredited under a Biden presidency than be real journalists during a Trump Administration.

The current unspoken subtext of the media-progressive party fusion line is the following: It would be a felonious crime should conservatives now dare to disrupt a transition in the manner that the Left did in 2016. They should not dare to sue about voting machines in key states as did the Clinton surrogate Jill Stein. They would never attempt, in 2016 fashion, to sabotage the Electoral College voting by appealing to constitutionally appointed electors, or surveille top Biden campaign and transition officials and coordinate such monitoring inside the Trump Oval Office. 

Something Rotten in Pennsylvania Julie Kelly

Americans deserve to know whether the most consequential state in the most consequential presidential race in modern history handled everything on the up-and-up. Right now, it seems they didn’t.

An October 29 story in the Philadelphia Inquirer reported that election officials in several Pennsylvania counties were debating how to alert voters that their mail-in ballot might not meet state requirements. “Officials across Pennsylvania are trying to help voters fix mail ballots that would otherwise be disqualified because of technical mistakes in completing them, creating a patchwork of policies around how—or even whether—people are notified and given a chance to make their votes count,” reporter Jonathan Lai explained. Some jurisdictions were contacting voters directly; one county, according to the paper, sent the “flawed” ballots back to the voters.

But there was a much bigger story behind Lai’s article: Election officials clearly violated the law by inspecting mail-in ballots before November 3. According to Pennsylvania’s election rules, county election boards were required to “safely keep the ballots in sealed or locked containers” until pre-canvassing legally began at 7 a.m. on Election Day.

Not only were an unknown number of mail-in ballots mishandled by election workers days before the official start date, election observers were not present at the premature inspections. 

The state’s election code clearly states: 

[T]he county board of elections shall meet no earlier than seven o’clock A.M. on election day to pre-canvass all ballots received prior to the meeting. A county board of elections shall provide at least forty-eight hours’ notice of a pre-canvass meeting by publicly posting a notice of a pre-canvass meeting on its publicly accessible Internet website. One authorized representative of each candidate in an election and one representative from each political party shall be permitted to remain in the room in which the absentee ballots and mail-in ballots are pre-canvassed.

Roughy 2.5 million Pennsylanians voted absentee in the general election; nearly 2 million of those votes were cast for Joe Biden. One analysis found rejection rates for  Pennsylvania mail-in ballots was 30 times lower this year compared to 2016.