Simplest Source of Voter Fraud Is Baked Into the System In a rank, raw democracy, where might makes right, and almost every vote is a lien against someone’s private property; voter fraud by default is a big deal. By Ilana Mercer

Back in 2016, when broadcaster Lars Larson attempted to find out whether one Arcan Cetin was a citizen of the United States, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency told him, essentially, “Sorry, our obligation is to protect this migrant’s privacy.”  

“Who,” you ask, “is Mr. Cetin”? Cetin is a contributor to the phenomenon I term “murder-by-Muslim-immigrant.” He murdered five innocents, north of Seattle. 

Arcan Cetin voted, reports Larson. But nobody at ICE was willing to tell a good citizen like our broadcaster if Cetin voted legally or not. 

As it turned out, a sigh of relief was in order. The stellar Cetin, who, like most Muslim immigrants, voted Democrat, violated the Sixth Commandment five times, but, thank God, did not appear to have violated the commandment against voter fraud. Rumor has it that the murderer had been awarded citizenship, although it’s impossible to ascertain. 

The point is you can rest assured voter fraud is as rampant in the United States as it is in any banana republic—and not only because Americans are barred from checking whether a Muslim murderer is a fellow citizen. But, rather, because the progressive, globalist Left has fought down-and-dirty to bar any proof of citizenship at the time of voting. 

Yes, the law requires, in my state, as in most of these United States, that you be a citizen, as well as a resident of the state in which you’re voting. But you don’t have to provide proof of citizenship when voting.

Outrage Erupts at Antisemitism Panel Featuring Noted Antisemites

Outrage erupted on Twitter over the weekend after the far-left anti-Israel group Jewish Voice for Peace announced it will be co-sponsoring a panel on antisemitism featuring panelists who oppose the existence of Israel.

Denying that right is considered antisemitism under the working definition adopted by the US State Department and many nations and institutions around the world.

The panel, billed as “Dismantling Antisemitism, Winning Justice,” claims in the event description that, “Antisemitism is used to manufacture division and fear. While anyone can fuel it, antisemitism always benefits the politicians who rely on division and fear for their power.”

“We will explore how to fight back against antisemitism and against those that seek to wield charges of antisemitism to undermine progressive movements for justice,” it states.

Claims that Jews collaborate with the powerful to harm the underprivileged and enhance their power are extremely old, and were widely used to justify the brutal 19th century pogroms in eastern Europe.

Appearing on the panel will be Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who supports a “one-state solution” in which Israel is replaced by an Arab state; Peter Beinart, the only Jewish panelist, who has openly rejected the existence of Israel in its current form; Marc Lamont Hill, who has publicly recited the  slogan “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”; and Barbara Ransby, an academic who supports the antisemitic BDS movement.

J Street uses a pro-terrorist EU bureaucrat to malign Jewish neighborhood Contstruction in a Jewish neighborhood in southern Jerusalem is a part of the villified ‘settlement movement’ according to J Street.Op-ed. Moshe Phillips

J Street, in a mid-November email appeal, quoted an unnamed “top EU diplomat” in its tirade against an Israeli government call for bids for new homes in a nearly 30 year-old Jerusalem neighborhood, Givat Hamatos, where Ethiopian Jewish and Russian immigrants live.

What’s worse than J Street’s vitriol against the construction of Jewish homes, is that the name of the EU functionary was left off of J Street’s rant, probably intentionally, because he is an anti-Israel extremist who earlier this year gave outright support for terrorists. According to Israel’s Foreign Ministry, he stated that Palestinian Arabs affiliated with blacklisted groups remain eligible to participate in projects funded by the EU.

J Street is the controversial Washington, D.C., based Jewish pressure group that, judging by its actions, seems to have been created specifically, and almost exclusively, to lobby for an independent Palestinian state. J Street maintains, as a central theme, that Jews do not have a right to live wherever they choose and must be transferred out of their homes and neighborhoods in wide swaths of Judea-Samaria where Israeli citizens have lived for nearly fifty years.

The EU bureaucrat who opposes Jewish homes in Givat Hamatos in southern Jerusalem, and who was quoted by J Street, is a German named Sven Kühn von Burgsdorff.

Von Burgsdorff previously was the head of the EU’s delegation to South Sudan and in a May 8, 2020 JTA article, he was identified as heading the “EU mission to the West Bank and Gaza Strip.”

The Times of Israel news website reported on May 7, 2020 that an Israeli Foreign Ministry official stated that the letter by “von Burgsdorff, constituted a ‘violation of all our agreements with the European Union’.”

From Sir With Love Lord Black of Crossharbour touts “important and successful president” Joe Biden. Lloyd Billingsley

““Conrad Black is a fool,” wrote John Joyce in a comment on the Biden piece. “An erudite and exceptionally well spoken fool. But still a fool.”

“There is a pathway to significant success for a President Biden,” writes Conrad Black at the outset of “Biden’s Shot at Success,” in the November 20 American Greatness, with a photo of Biden fronting an “Office of the President Elect” sign. Black closes out with the prospect of an “important and successful” president Biden. What comes in between will be of great interest to Americans in general and Trump voters in particular. 

In recent months, Joe Biden has proclaimed his dedication to “truth over facts” and claimed that he was running for the U.S. Senate. Unsure of his location at any given time, Biden tells African Americans they “ain’t black” if they fail to support him. He claimed he went to Delaware State but didn’t, and so forth. Joe Biden is less accurate than a broken clock, but consider the appraisal by Conrad Black. 

“In his most impressive remark in the presidential debates, Biden said that in policy terms, ‘I am the party.’” Other impressive debate remarks go missing, but Black recalls that Biden “has been on all sides of almost every issue.” No word of Robert Gates’ observation that Biden has been on the “wrong” side  of almost every foreign policy issue for the past four decades.

According to Lord Black, Biden “is not a true believer in the radical leftist program,” which has “absolutely no chance” of being adopted by Congress. And since there is “no practical likelihood” of a second term, Biden will have to work with Congress. Joe Biden “may rank as the least charismatic figure” elected to the White House “but he has his strengths” and is “generally well liked by all those who worked with him in the Senate and the Obama administration and he certainly knows better than any president since Lyndon Johnson how to work out bipartisan legislative compromises.”

Federal Judge Dismisses Trump Campaign Lawsuit to Delay Certification in Pennsylvania, Campaign to Appeal By Melanie Sun

A federal judge has dismissed a Trump campaign lawsuit seeking to delay result certification in Pennsylvania over allegations that the state’s election process violated the Constitution because of differing standards of verification and transparency for mail-in versus in-person voters.

Judge Matthew W. Brann in his opinion released Saturday night described the case as “strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations.”

Brann, a nominee of former President Barack Obama, said that given the case was asking him to effectively dismiss votes, the Trump campaign should have come to court “armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption.”

He said because the case was “haphazardly stitched together,” he had “no authority to take away the right to vote of even a single person.”

The judge added, “Among the grounds that could justify a denial of leave to amend are undue delay, bad faith, dilatory motive, prejudice, and futility.”

Trump’s lawyer and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani in a response to the dismissal thanked Brann for his quick decision in the case, while expressing disappointment that the Trump campaign’s lawyers had not been granted an opportunity to present their evidence at a hearing.

Giuliani said that Brann’s decision would now “help us in our strategy to get expeditiously to the U.S. Supreme Court.”

Lockdowns Are Serial Killers. End them Now. By David Solway ****

We are constantly told by our political leaders and the compliant media that a pandemic lockdown is absolutely necessary if we are ever to defeat the COVID virus. Mask mandates, quarantine camps, self-isolating, limited sociability, the stoking of public fear and panic, the shuttering of businesses and the attendant cratering of the economy have become, once again, the false solution to a politically ginned-up crisis — déjà vu all over again. The trouble is: none of this works, none of this is necessary. Texas Tech professor Gilbert Berdine sums up: “After taking the unprecedented economic depression into account, history will likely judge these lockdowns to be the greatest policy error of this generation.”

information is beautiful via

Psychiatrist Mark McDonald writes: “Not only have Americans become afraid, they have become infected by … a pandemic of hysteria … a delusional psychosis. A delusion is a fixed false belief contrary to reality. Americans today believe that we must keep our businesses closed, that we must keep our children at home, that we must wear masks over our faces and isolate ourselves from human beings in order to keep us alive. That is false. That is a lie. And it is killing us. It is killing us physically, mentally, socially, psychologically, it is killing our country, and it must stop.”

There is no doubt that the lockdown is “killing” every country and destroying the urban hub of cultural life and economic activity wherever it has been imposed. Consider London, for example, a great and historic metropolis which has become a virtual ghost town, communally dead, everywhere shops and businesses closed that will never re-open again, a harbinger of massive financial collapse. London has fallen. And many cities and nations in the West will follow suit. Take a look at New York, Chicago and L.A.

Powerful confirmation of the absurdity and harmfulness of the lockdowns comes from the recently circulated Great Barrington Declaration, prepared and signed by eminent physicians and epidemiologists, which arrives at the following conclusion:

Dominion Voting Systems ‘Lawyers Up,’ Abruptly Backs Out of PA State House Fact-Finding Hearing By Debra Heine

Dominion Voting Systems Thursday night abruptly backed out of attending a fact-finding hearing that was set for Friday morning with the Pennsylvania House State Government Committee.

At a press conference Friday morning, State Govt Committee Chair Seth Grove said the 1.3. million Pennsylvanians who used Dominion’s voting machines have been “hung out to dry and slapped in their faces.”

Pennsylvania lawmakers had scheduled the hearing with the voting machine manufacturer “to help identify and correct any irregularities in the election process,” according to the House Republican Caucus.

“It is vitally important voters have faith in the machines they use to cast their ballots. On the heels of Gov. Tom Wolf unilaterally decertifying every voting machine in the Commonwealth, we need to know whether these new machines met expectations, whether they are reliable and whether they are not subject to interference,” said Rep. Grove (R-York).

Dominion had initially agreed to attend the hearing, before it “abruptly canceled,”  Grove said.

“I was impressed at what appeared to be the willingness that Dominion Voting Systems to address accusations and it would have put 1.3. million Pennsylvanians who used their machines at ease—including myself, thinking that Dominion was willing to publicly back up their product which PA taxpayers invested millions to purchase” he noted during the presser. “Unfortunately, last evening, Dominion Voting Systems lawyered up, and backed out of their commitment to the people of Pennsylvania to provide their input in a public format.”

The Green End Game Runs Through Biden Joel Kotkin

Environmentalist policies are likely to produce is an increasingly static and hierarchical society. But we may not have to choose between a better economy and a better environment.

With the election of Joe Biden, the environmental movement has now established suzerainty over global economics. Gone is not only the troublesome Donald Trump but also the Canadian skeptic Steven Harper. Outside of those dismissed as far-Right, there is virtually no serious debate about how to address climate change in the United States or Western Europe outside the parameters suggested by mainstream green groups.

In reality, though, few electorates anywhere are ready for extreme policies such as the Green New Deal, which, as its widely acknowledged architect, Saikat Chakrabarti, has acknowledged, is really a redder, more openly anti-capitalist version of the Great Depression-era original.

Yet getting hysterical about the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a waste of emotional energy. The environmental movement’s real power derives from those who occupy “the commanding heights” of our society—at the corporate, media, and academic realms. Though arguably not holding views as economically ludicrous as AOC’s, mainstream corporate greens are far more likely to successfully impose their version of environmental justice on the rest of us.

A Finer Shade of Green



Israeli scientists reverse aging process. In the first trial on humans, Israeli scientists have shown hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) can reduce two key biological hallmarks of aging – telomere length shortening and accumulation of senescent cells. These factors lower the risk of cancer, dementia, Alzheimer’s and much more.–telomere-shortening-and-senescent-cells-accumulation–with-hyperbaric-oxygen-therapy-hbot-301176053.html

Gene editing to prevent cancers. (TY Janglo) Scientists at Tel Aviv University have used CRISPR gene editing in the lab to treat some of the most aggressive of cancers. They improved Glioblastoma (brain cancer) survival rates by 30%, but for metastatic (secondary) ovarian cancer, survival was increased by a huge 80%.

A Prophet for predicting cancer treatment. Israel’s Oncohost (reported here previously) presented the results of its latest proteomic (proteins) cancer study to the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer’s (SITC). Oncohost’s PROphet host response profiling platform can predict the best therapy to use for specific cancer patients.

Hands-free diagnostics. Two Israeli companies OutSense and Olive Diagnostics have developed innovative devices that remove the embarrassing and potentially unhygienic procedure of collecting urine and fecal samples for disease diagnosis. Their real-time passive diagnostic sensors can be fixed to any toilet.

Partnership to get fast medical advice. Israel’s K Health (reported here previously) has partnered with the Mayo Clinic to improve and accelerate deployment of K Health’s virtual therapy models. K Health enables people to receive comprehensive medical insights and immediate treatment in their homes.,7340,L-3873713,00.html

Vaccine connections. Mikael Dolsten, Chief Scientist of Covid-19 vaccine front-runner Pfizer, studied at Israel’s Weizmann Institute during his doctoral studies. (Pfizer’s CEO is also Jewish.) Meanwhile, Israeli Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks of top Covid-19 vaccine prospect Moderna, has just received a Ben Gurion Award.

34 lives saved in one month. Israeli NGO Ezer Mizion’s bone marrow database enabled 34 life-saving stem cell transplants in October. The transplants took place across the USA, plus in Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and of course Israel.  Thousands of new donors join every month.

Are The American Media Legitimizing Terror Attacks in France? by Giulio Meotti

“In certain districts and on the internet, groups… are teaching hatred of the republic to our children, calling on them to disregard its laws. That is what I called ‘separatism’ …. If you do not believe me, read the social media postings of hatred… that resulted in Paty’s death. Visit the districts where small girls aged three or four are wearing a full veil, separated from boys, and, from a very young age, separated from the rest of society, raised in hatred of France’s values”. — French President Emmanuel Macron, Financial Times, November 1, 2020

“I am for the respect of cultures, civilizations, but I am not going to change my law because it is shocking elsewhere”. – French President Emmanuel Macron,

According to a US journalist, Thomas Chatterton Williams, “‘knife attack’ as a description of beheading is so euphemistic that it is in fact a form of violence against language itself”.

It seems that the Anglo-Saxon media live in a world deaf to reality and based on imaginary victimization; they see racism where there is none, and they do not even know what to name it when it appears in the French streets to behead a professor.

It is apparently, however, out of the fear of being called a “racist” – not even of being murdered like Samuel Paty — that they choose self-censorship. Not to appear as cowards, they call it “respect”…. Are the American media, one wonders, expecting any reciprocity?

It is no coincidence that, in the name of “diversity”, the American media in the last year have hunted and bullied journalists such as James Bennett and Bari Weiss, who resigned as New York Times editors.

The Financial Times has never understood France grappling with extremist Muslim terrorism and the country’s battle for freedom of expression. After the Charlie Hebdo massacre in 2015, Tony Barber wrote in the Financial Times that the massacred journalists and cartoonists had been “stupid”. The article was then edited.

It recently happened again. The British newspaper removed an article on French President Emmanuel Macron’s anti-Islamist policies. The article, “Macron’s war on Islamic separatism only divides France further”, by Mehreen Khan, appeared in the online version of the newspaper and was then also removed. The piece argued that after two beheadings in Yvelines and Nice, Macron would need six million Muslims in the country to eradicate violent extremism, but that instead, he chose to feed “moral panic”. Clearly, the article postulated, if there are Islamist attacks in France, it must be because its president has been looking for them.

Macron himself thought of attempting to educate the Financial Times.