Caucasus: Clash of Imperial Dreams by Amir Taheri

To start with, the mini-victory he [Erdogan] has won against Armenia may have whetted Erdogan’s appetite for further conquests. Pro-Erdogan papers in Turkey are beating the drums about “victory in the Caucasus” as the first time, since the end of the Ottoman Empire, that Turks have managed to “liberate” a chunk of Islamdom from “infidel” rule.

Worse still for Putin, Erdogan has already indicated he wants to involve his Foreign Legion of Jihadis in protecting “Muslim lands”.

By mixing his Muslim Brotherhood jihadism with pan-Turkic themes that recall Enver Pasha, Erdogan hopes to replace the Ataturk narrative with a new narrative of religious nationalism.

It is no accident that he is also sharpening his anti-West rhetoric and tightening ties with the Grey Wolves, a pan-Turkish outfit banned by the European Union as a “terrorist organization.” The “Grey Wolves” dream of a Turkic empire stretching from the Balkans to Central Asia.

As the dust settles after the latest fighting in Transcaucasia we may be witnessing the shaping of a bigger disaster involving more parts of the Western Asian arch of instability spanning from the Caspian Basin to the Mediterranean.

Let’s briefly recall what happened.

Sometime in 2018, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan offered to help his Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliev to reconquer the High Qarabagh enclave captured by neighboring Armenia in the early 1990s, soon after the disintegration of the Soviet Empire. A crash program of training and arming the newly created Azeri army was launched by Ankara, financed by Azerbaijan’s spiraling oil revenues. The fact that the so-called Minsk Trio, the United States, France and Russia, who guaranteed the status quo had lost interest in the whole thing enabled Erdogan to put the new and as yet fragile Azeri republic on a war footing with the help of over 100 Turkish advisers and some 300 Syrian jihadis forming part of a Turkish Foreign Legion.

Waiting for Sidney The pressure to make these allegations disappear is enormous. Where is the evidence? By Roger Kimball

So what is the state of play regarding the 2020 presidential election? There seem to be two main positions. 

One is that Joe Biden won the election, narrowly but with sufficient latitude that any challenge is bootless. A corollary of that contention is that the adults in the room, be they Republicans or Democrats, should get with the program and accede to the Narrative. 

Over the past week or so, I have had many Republican friends—including some sympathetic to President Trump—explain that the fight is essentially over. Some acknowledge the political wisdom of Trump pursuing every legal recourse. Yet the assumption is always the same: the game is lost but, like a transmission from a distant galaxy, the news has not yet reached us. “To preserve our democracy,” both Left and Right say, we will soon need to draw a line under the election of 2020 and declare Joe Biden the winner. 

If you are a Democratic mouthpiece—i.e., if you are a spokesman for the mainstream media—then you think (or at least you say) that Trump’s refusal to concede is “damaging democracy” and isn’t it just the kind of bad behavior you would expect of a man of “bad character” who should never have been president in the first place? Those on the Right, many of them, want or at least are willing to let the “process” play out but in their heart-of-hearts they have already conceded and are calculating how they might turn this unfortunate situation to their advantage. 

The other main position—and let me hasten to acknowledge that it is mine—is that this election was riddled with voter fraud. Nor was it the usual taken-for-granted and (between us sophisticated men of the world) acceptable margin of fraud but a planned and systematic assault on the integrity of our election that overturned a convincing victory for Donald Trump. 

I believe this partly because of the stunning statistical anomalies in the election—I have written about this several times (here, for example, and here). 

Matt Braynard’s data analytics have paid off By Andrea Widburg

Within days of the election, people were hard at work looking at fraud, and Matt Braynard was on the front line, getting information for Trump’s lawyers

Over the course of two days, I introduced American Thinker readers to Matt Braynard. The first time I wrote about him, he’d run a successful GoFundMe campaign to fund research into fraudulent votes. The second time, I reported that GoFundMe had deplatformed him and returned all the pledged money. I can now update you about Matt’s work: He was able to complete his project and it’s paid off in the form of support for Trump’s legal challenges to the election.

Just three days after the election, I wrote about Matt Braynard, who had made a successful GoFundMe pitch for money he planned to use for a sophisticated data analytics program. It would allow him to determine how many “voters” in the contested states were dead people, non-residents, or infrequent voters whose identities were stolen.

Only one day later, I wrote about Matt’s travails with GoFundMe. The platform had kicked him off because it disagreed with the project he sought to fund:

We raised $220k on GoFundMe before we were deleted for “Prohibited Content.” None of the money was disbursed to us.  This is the same platform that raises money for bail for terrorists. Help us out by 2x’ing what you gave before to help make up what we lost.

That’s how the left rolls: It pretends to create a free and open marketplace of ideas and then, when it attains dominance in the market, it silences views with which it disagrees.

Fortunately, Matt was able to obtain crowdsourced funding again through GiveSendGo, a Christian crowdfunding site.

One day later, with money again flowing in, Matt published a video explaining the project he was creating with that money. It’s a fascinating video.

Leftist academics compulsively indoctrinate their students By Andrea Widburg

A Cambridge University professor can’t resist telling students that he thinks a brain parasite is why people voted for Trump.

Leftist college professors leak hatred out of their pores. No matter the subject, they return obsessively to bashing Trump specifically and conservatives generally. Dr. Robert Asher, a Zoology Professor at Trinity Hall, Cambridge (England), and a Huffington Post contributor, is a perfect example. In introducing students to his course, he can’t resist throwing in his belief that a highly-damaging brain parasite is why people vote for Brexit or Trump.

To appreciate what Asher said, you need to know about the Toxoplasma gondii parasite, long recognized for affecting cats. A few years ago, though, researchers realized that it affected humans as well. Even people without cats can get it from contaminated food and water, contaminated utensils, contaminated (unwashed) fruits and vegetables, and infected organ transplants and blood transfusions.

In healthy people, toxoplasmosis feels like a bad flue. In people with weakened immune systems, it can cause seizures and lung problems. Pregnant women can also transfer it to the fetus, which often leads to stillbirths or miscarriages. If the fetuses survive, they can have serious, lifelong health problems such as seizures or liver and spleen damage.

What distinguishes Toxoplasmosis from other parasites is that it can cause severe mental disorders and behavioral problems:

Infection by the parasite Toxoplasma, which affects about 33% of world population, is associated with an increased risk of several mental health disorders, the most strongly with schizophrenia. [snip] The typical symptom associated with toxoplasmosis was anxiety, and the typical toxoplasmosis-associated disorders were autism (OR = 4.78), schizophrenia (OR = 3.33), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (OR = 2.50), obsessive compulsive disorder (OR = 1.86), antisocial personality disorder (OR = 1.63), learning disabilities (OR = 1.59), and anxiety disorder (OR = 1.48). Toxoplasmosis could play a substantial role in the etiopathogenesis of mental health disorders and its association with schizophrenia is the second strongest association, after autism.

When is a perfect oval evidence of vote fraud? By John Keller

Watching a Dominion Voting System sales presentation from 2017, I have to wonder: Could the thieves have outsmarted themselves?

Having sworn off professional sporting events like many of you, I have made what feels like the moribund turn to other pursuits, such as watching a Dominion Voting System Presentation from 2017.  I did this so you don’t have to; unless your Lawrence Welk Betamax of Cissy and Bobby’s greatest hits is fuzzing up, then by all means, take a look. 

In the video we have a team of sales and demo experts (Dr. Eric Coomer, Waldeep Singh, David Marino, CEO John Poulos and other support staff) “…to outline new voting equipment options in Chicago on April 13, 2017.”  This was the 4th of four election equipment videos and had a few items of note that I haven’t heard or read anywhere before and I wanted to share those with you. (video is almost an hour long)

Dr. Eric Coomer YouTube screengrab (cropped)

First, let’s talk about the elephant in the room, Dr. Eric Coomer.  Recognize that name?  In this video, Coomer comes across as a consummate professional, knowing hundreds of thousands of dollars are on the line.  In my professional experience, it was a very good demo highlighting the capabilities and features of the hardware and software that Dominion Voting Systems sells.  As he walks through his measured and informational demo, you would never know the alleged radical and hateful conservative contempt kicking around in the back of his head.  So rather than dismiss Mr. Coomer outright, let me present some information that has been hiding in plain sight in what is otherwise an unremarkable video.  Given the propensity for technocrats to scuttle damaging info, I am surprised Google hasn’t memory holed this item, nor has Dominion has requested a takedown.

“What’s Coming in Georgia Will Be Shocking!” – Trump Attorney Jordan Sekulow Promises BIG NEWS in Georgia on Monday or Tuesday (VIDEO) By Jim Hoft

President Donald Trump lawyer Jordan Sekulow told Newsmax TV on Saturday that the campaign is filing a “shocking” lawsuit next week in Georgia!

Jordan added that the coming lawsuit includes NEW allegations that no one has heard yet.

Sekulow told Newsmax host Tom Basile:

“We have got lawsuits likely to be filed in Georgia on either Monday or Tuesday; I can’t get into the details. I can’t tell you right now, but what’s coming in Georgia will be shocking, when we file this in federal court Monday or Tuesday It’s nothing that we have talked before. It’s not what you heard in the press conference [Thursday] either. This is something completely separate… I will tell you, the Lt. Gov. [Geoff Duncan] in Georgia, the Secretary of State in Georgia [Brad Raffensperger] in Georgia, they’re in for quite a shock on Monday and Tuesday about how poorly they run and they ran – there’s going to be a proof – of how poorly run they ran the elections in one of their major counties”

Sidney Powell: Some ‘May Need Witness Protection’ After Our Exposé Beth Baumann

Trump Team attorney Sidney Powell on Friday told Newsmax’s Howie Carr that once the campaign drops evidence of voter fraud there will be a number of people who will need to be in witness protection. 

“When are we going to have some positive developments in the president’s case here?” Carr asked.

Powell said evidence of fraud will be released this coming week.

“This was very widespread, very deliberate, well-funded and everybody and their pet rock is trying to stop me from exposing it,” the attorney said. 

According to Powell, the various election software that was used went far beyond just the presidential election and was used so specific people were put in government positions. She believes it was also used against John James, the Republican candidate for Senate in Michigan, and Leon Benjamin, the Republican candidate for Virginia’s 4th Congressional District. 

“I think they did it to any particularly strong Republican candidate this time around,” she said.  

When Carr pressed the former federal prosecutor about whether or not there will evidence of a “smoking gun,” Powell stated the Trump Team has it.

Ken Blackwell: The Greatest Electoral Heist in American History

Ken Blackwell, former Secretary of State of Ohio, is the Distinguished Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance, at the Family Research Council.

The pieces are finally coming together, and they reveal a masterpiece of electoral larceny involving Big Tech oligarchs, activists, and government officials who prioritize partisanship over patriotism.

The 2020 election was stolen because leftists were able to exploit the coronavirus pandemic to weaken, alter, and eliminate laws that were put in place over the course of decades to preserve the integrity of the ballot box. But just as importantly, it was stolen because those same leftists had a thoroughly-crafted plan, and because they were rigorous in its implementation and ruthless in its execution.

Let’s not forget that liberals have been consumed by a fixation with removing Donald Trump from office for longer than he’s actually been in office. The sordid story of the 2020 election heist begins all the way back in January 2017, when Barack Obama’s former campaign manager and senior advisor, David Plouffe, took a job leading the policy and advocacy efforts of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, a “charitable” organization established by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan.

Earlier this year, just as it was becoming clear that Joe Biden would be the Democratic Party’s nominee for president, Plouffe published a book outlining his vision for the Democrats’ roadmap to victory in 2020, which involved a “block by block” effort to turn out voters in key Democratic strongholds in the swing states that would ultimately decide the election, such as Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Detroit, and Minneapolis.

The book was titled, A Citizen’s Guide to Defeating Donald Trump, and it turned out that the citizen Plouffe had in mind was none other than his former boss, Mark Zuckerberg. Although Plouffe no longer officially managed Zuckerberg’s policy and advocacy efforts at that point, the political operative’s influence evidently remained a powerful force.

Biden Corruption Allegations Have 32% of Democrats Asking for a Special Counsel to Investigate By Stacey Lennox,

According to a poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports for Just the News, 32% of Democrats and a majority of registered voters want a special counsel appointed to investigate allegations of corruption against the Biden family. The poll asked, “If Joe Biden becomes president, should a special counsel be appointed to investigate allegations of corruption involving his family’s dealings with China and Ukraine?”

Yes – 52%
No – 33%
Unsure – 15%

The overall results of the survey of 1,200 registered voters are partially due to corporate media malfeasance in vetting the Democrat nominee during the general election. Some liberal-leaning outlets like The New York Times and Politico had written stories on the Biden family’s shady foreign business deals, even during the 2020 primary. Then they all had Trump-induced dementia regarding their own reporting during the general election. The DNC establishment had decided Biden was the nominee, and President Trump needed to be defeated at all costs.

When the most damning and corroborated evidence was obtained from Hunter Biden’s laptop, the corporate media was joined by Big Tech in suppressing and discrediting the information. Right-leaning media outlets documented how the information breaking in the New York Post was actively suppressed online. Corporate media outlets and their contributors straight from the deep state dismissed the story as “Russian disinformation.”

he results of the actions taken by Big Tech and the corporate media were documented in a poll conducted for the Media Research Center:

A new post-election poll from the Media Research Center, conducted by McLaughlin & Associates, shows 36 percent of Biden voters were NOT aware of the evidence linking Joe Biden to corrupt financial dealings with China through his son Hunter. Thirteen percent of these voters (or 4.6% of Biden’s total vote) say that had they known these facts, they would not have voted for the former Vice President.

A Cultural Revolution? by Sydney Williams

For a democracy to collapse into authoritarianism, what are required is a man or a woman and a movement. In Trump, we have a man but no movement. On the Progressive Left, we have a movement but no one person. To be effective, the movement must have the backing of the media, the academy and a sufficient number of bureaucrats who run government – advantage, the Left.

Trump is criticized by his detractors as a neo-fascist, a would-be dictator, but, apart from his love for America and his call to “clean the swamp,” he has no overriding political philosophy. The Tea Party did not expand during his White House tenure. The Progressive Left calls for an expansionist government that will provide more regulation, a “green new deal,” free college, all of which will mean higher taxes and limit individual freedom. They have on their side mainstream media, the academy and most of the bureaucracy that runs Washington. But they have no one individual around whom they gather.  Some might look at this as an optimistic appraisal – a leader with no real movement and a movement with no one leader – and assume an Alfred E. Neuman stance.

However, there are cultural trends abroad that should worry a believer in a free and open society. In the essay, from which the rubric was drawn, Mr. Xiao wrote about his father and his contemporaries, now living in the United States: “…they can feel a certain febrility in the air which reminded them of the events of half a century ago.” Former President Obama, in a recent speech, prescribed “a combination of regulations and standards within industries to get us back to the point where we at least recognize a common set of facts,” suggesting a need for an Orwellian Ministry of Truth. In a speech on November 12 before the Federalist Society National Lawyers Convention, Justice Samuel Alito warned that “tolerance for opposing views is now in short supply in many law schools, and in the broader academic community.” Richard Stengel, who joined Joe Biden’s transition team, wrote in an op-ed in the Washington Post in October 2019: “All speech is not equal. And where truth cannot drive out lies, we must add new guardrails.” Whose Truths? Whose lies? Whose guardrails?