Aufheben der Kultur – Cancel Culture Part 3: Asymmetrical Warfare by Kathleen Marquardt

 The term “Asymmetrical Warfare” is frequently used to describe what is also called “guerrilla warfare”, “insurgency”, “terrorism”, “counterinsurgency”, and “counterterrorism”, essentially violent conflict between a formal military and an informal, less equipped and supported, undermanned but resilient opponent. Asymmetric warfare is a form of irregular warfare.  –Wikipedia.

In Part 1, I attempted to explain what Cancel Culture is, who inflicted it on the world, and how today’s tyrants intend to achieve their goal to erase our civilization. Part 2 shows how it is being carried out today. Part 3 describes some of the tactics of Asymmetrical Warfare and then how we counter it. The key is the Sun Tzu statement, “Know your enemy”. The problem is most people have no comprehension of the enemy’s goals and tactics.

I am not exaggerating. When I got into the Animal Rights (AR) battle, because my children were being brainwashed in their science classrooms by ARs from People for the ethical Treatment of Animals (PeTA) who were invited to indoctrinate the students, I was livid. I went on a crusade to counter their anti-human claptrap with truth. The first speeches I gave were to scientists and researchers where I learned right away that, even though they had been under attack for decades, they had no idea what Animal Rights really is.

Many, if not most, people today are in that same boat. They do not understand what they are fighting, just that it is evil. And they are ‘mad as hell’ and want to do something.

You are never going to win a war that you do not understand; many are in need of understanding asymmetrical warfare before they start shooting! That is exactly what the globalists want – our side to start the war. If they start it, it is just an extension of the ‘peaceful protesting’ we’ve seen killing people and burning down cities. If we start it, we are to be condemned, charged, and convicted. We have to know our enemy, and we won’t understand it by shooting. They have more and bigger guns. Yes, we know guns, and we have our bedrock beliefs. Just because they have no moral absolutes, and believe that their ends justify any means, doesn’t mean that we should or can start attacking. We won’t win without knowing who and what we are fighting, and how to counter by another front. Think asymmetrical warfare.

Asymmetrical warfare is exactly what is being perpetrated on America today – except the ‘formal military’ of that definition is absent. We watch television, we see people attacked and killed, buildings destroyed, parts of cities taken over by ignorant dregs of society. And we don’t see many officials doing anything to stop it. Instead, many are abetting these scumbags. Mayors are telling police to stand down; many are defunding their police departments. And now, we are seeing the brazen attempt to steal an election.

Washington Examiner interviews Trump lawyer Sidney Powell in podcast exclusive by Spencer Neale

Trump lawyer Sidney Powell laid out the case behind the president’s claims of election rigging in a wide-ranging interview with the Washington Examiner on Friday.

Larry O’Connor, host of the Washington Examiner’s Examining Politics, referenced articles from the New York Times and HuffPost that alleged a backdoor in Dominion Voting Systems used in several key battleground states could have been exploited to create vote tallies “that did not exist.”

Powell said those are part of the allegations being brought by the Trump campaign.

“Their system even admits, their own training manual admits, that people can go in and do that. That people can go in and put all kinds of votes in a ‘trash’ folder and then ‘trash’ them,” Powell said. “There are devices on the internet that can be used to see it, and we have multiple people who actually saw it as it was happening. We essentially have some pictures of it, and it is terrifying, and it is a huge national security issue. Why have the Department of Justice and the FBI not done something on this immediately?”

Responding to O’Connor’s question about reports of “overvotes or overballots” in key voting precincts that recorded “200% to 300% turnout,” Powell said it was a combination of different types of fraud.

“It’s probably attributable to fraudulent mail-in ballots or computer alterations of the vote. Either one is distinctly possible, and, of course, we have a lot of dead people voting. But that’s not what my case is really based on — that’s certainly one of the issues in the case, a scheme to defraud the people of their legal vote because people had to go out and affirmatively fill in ballots of people that they knew were dead and then file them, and each one of them is a federal crime punishable by five years in prison, if I recall correctly.”

Lockdown Addicts New data from Sweden show it’s safe to keep schools open, but Joe Biden’s Covid-19 advisors seem more interested in shutting down. John Tierney

For the lockdown-weary, a brief window of hope opened after the presidential election. With Joe Biden victorious, Democratic politicians and their media allies lost their incentive to weaken Donald Trump’s economy and stoke Covid-19 panic among voters. And with Republicans well-positioned to retain the Senate, governors and mayors in blue states could no longer count on a windfall from a Democratic Congress to rescue them from the consequences of their lockdowns. Finally, cooler heads could prevail—right?

So much for that fantasy. Instead of reconsidering their policies, local officials are restricting more businesses and closing more schools, as New York City has just done. Journalists continue treating Covid deaths as the only ones that matter, while ignoring the mounting medical and social toll from lockdowns. Promising more restrictions, Biden has created an advisory board comprised of individuals who favor stricter lockdowns and foresee restrictions continuing until late next year, even if a Covid vaccine is quickly approved.

Biden and other leaders claim to be following “the science,” but that obviously doesn’t include the research showing the high costs and low benefits of lockdowns and school closures. Closing schools was a dubious move in the spring, when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned that it would likely do little to stem the pandemic (and noted that school closings in other countries had failed to make a discernible impact). Today it makes even less sense in light of the accumulated evidence.

BOOM! Sidney Powell – President Trump Already Released the Kraken – Claims Obama Was Involved (VIDEO) By Joe Hoft


Of course, we knew it was impossible that terrible and corrupt candidate Joe Biden who literally campaigned from his basement could beat the most popular fighter for the American people in history!

Powell was on Newsmax TV last night with Howie Carr as we reported earlier where she stated that President Trump had at least 7 million more votes in the 2020 election and Biden at least 10 million less:Then Powell announced that President Trump is relaxed because he already ‘Released the Kraken.’She warned the Deep State:And it involves Obama!

Law Firm Withdraws From Representing Boockvar in Trump Campaign’s Pennsylvania Lawsuit By Tom Ozimek

Law firm Kirkland & Ellis has requested withdrawal from representing Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar in a lawsuit brought forward by the Trump campaign, with Kramer Levin attorney Barry Berke stepping in as a substitute.

Kirkland & Ellis attorneys made the request in a notice of substitution of counsel filed on Nov. 20 (pdf), noting that Boockvar would be represented by law firm Kramer Levin, Myers Brier & Kelly, and the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General, until the end of legal proceedings.

This is not the first time Berke is to confront President Donald Trump’s legal team, with the National Law Journal reporting that Berke served as special counsel to the House Judiciary Committee as it built its impeachment case against Trump.

The move to switch legal representation comes after Linda Kerns, a lawyer leading the Trump campaign’s efforts to dispute the election results in Pennsylvania, complained to a federal court that she received an abusive voicemail from a Kirkland & Ellis attorney, with Kerns saying the message “by any measure falls afoul of standards of professional conduct.”

In a response, Kirkland lawyer Daniel Donovan said he thought the call was “discourteous and not appropriate” but disagreed with how Kerns had described it.

There is evidence, actually Rudy Giuliani gave examples of voter fraud during his presser at RNC HQ Amber Athey

Call me crazy for taking the man with hair dye dripping down his cheeks seriously, but I think it would be unfair to dismiss Rudy Giuliani. Amusingly shambolic he may be. That doesn’t mean he is wrong.

The media has been claiming since the election ended that President Trump’s claims of voter fraud are ‘baseless’ and ‘without evidence’. That just is not true. The President’s lawyer gave examples of it during today’s press conference at the Republican National Committee headquarters in Washington DC. But everyone is too busy mocking him to pay attention.

I tried to listen to what Giuliani actually said and not what he looked like or the characterization of him by the rest of the media. The cameras started feverishly clicking the first time he wiped the sweat from his face, all but guaranteeing that would be the focus of the presser.

Giuliani did in fact present evidence of voter fraud today but many people simply didn’t want to hear it. He cited multiple Americans, one by name, who have signed sworn affidavits stating that they witness some type of fraud, whether it was pro-Trump ballots being thrown out without cause, ballots being backdated to before the election, poll workers being told not to ask voters for identification, and more.
As Giuliani helpfully pointed out, affidavits are considered ‘evidence’ in a court case. Whether you agree or disagree with them is a different question. And it’s reasonable that not all of the people who signed their names would be willing to go public. If you want to hear more of the evidence that was presented, just watch the first hour or so of the press conference.

The Plot Against Sidney: Roger L. Simon

Lee Smith wrote an explosive narrative of the Russia collusion hoax in the number one best-seller “The Plot Against the President” that became a hit documentary film.

Someone should now write “The Plot Against Sidney,” because Trump and General Michael Flynn attorney Sidney Powell is currently in the crosshairs and then some.

And the attacks are coming not just, predictably, from the left, but from people you would think would be her natural allies.

Tucker Carlson, until recently literally king of cable news, called Ms. Powell out for being unresponsive and repeatedly failing to produce evidence of her claims about Dominion and Smartmatic computer systems and software on his Fox show.

Respected conservative columnist Byron York asserted about Thursday’s Giuliani/Powell/Ellis press conference in his daily email:

“But Powell did not prove it. She did not even allege with any specificity what she believes actually happened in the election. Powell said the Venezuelan software has the ‘ability to flip votes’ and can set and run an algorithm that probably ran all over the country to take a certain percentage of votes from President Trump and flip them to President [sic] Biden, which we might never have uncovered had the votes for President Trump not been so overwhelming in so many of these states that it broke the algorithm that had been plugged into the system, and that’s what caused them to have to shut down in the states they shut down in.”


On February 15,2016 National Review had a “Never Trump” issue
Conservatives against Trump By NR Staff February 15, 2016 5:00 AM

Have they reverted to that form?  Here is a sample of today’s online edition.

Trump’s Ugly Exit By Rich Lowry

Americans Deserve the Truth, Even If It’s Unpleasant   Jim Geraghty Declares that the Trump campaign is a “big con.”

‘The Dumbest Coup’ Kevin D. Williamson

Trump’s Disgraceful Gambit The Editors

The Insanity Oath Michael Brendan Dougherty

The Trump Elector Strategy That Dare Not Speak Its Name Dan McLaughlin.

How We Know Dominion Voting Machines Didn’t Affect the Election Outcome By John McCormack

Sidney Powell explains some of the evidence she has, says it would be criminal for her not to come forward with it – The Right Scoop

US Urgently Needs to Challenge China’s Chokehold on Rare Earth Materials by Lawrence A. Franklin

The Chinese Communist Party’s near monopoly on most of these 17 rare earth materials (REM) is by now a US national security vulnerability of enormous strategic importance…. China’s October 13 decision to curtail the export of these vitally needed rare earth materials should serve as an urgent warning to the U.S. to begin developing an independent supply chain of these materials.

The Defense Department has not acted with the sense of urgency demanded by the president…. Consequently, if US-China relations plummet to the point where conflict appears imminent, America’s military would be disadvantaged should the Chinese decide to sever exports of REM to the US market.

The US would do well… by quickly decoupling its economy from dependency on China for rare earth materials — and if possible, from everything else.

One of China’s most significant advantages in the race to dominate future hi-tech industrial production, among just about everything else, is its chokehold on “rare earth materials” (REM). These are materials — and the raw minerals from which they are extracted and processed — vital to the manufacture, for instance, of advanced weapons, fossil-free alternative energy systems, communication devices, computer products, and microelectronic networks.

It is an area in which China has already established dominance . The Chinese Communist Party’s near monopoly on most of these 17 rare earth materials is by now a US national security vulnerability of enormous strategic importance. China’s October 13 decision to curtail the export of these vitally needed rare earth materials should serve as an urgent warning to the US to seriously begin developing an independent supply chain of these materials.