Europe: In for a Rude Awakening Will European media have to rethink its U.S. coverage? Lars Hedegaard

Mogens Lykketoft, Denmark’s former Foreign Minister, sometime President of the U.N. General Assembly and a Social Democrat, is a good man to listen to, if one wants to gauge Europe’s reaction to the recent American elections. In the Copenhagen daily, Berlingske, he writes this scathing comment: “For the USA as well as for most of the world it will be an enormous relief to be rid of this shameless narcissistic liar.” He is of course referring to President Trump.

The antipathy against Donald Trump is spread across the political spectrum. Even the foreign policy spokesman of the hard-right Danish People’s Party, Søren Espersen, expressed his hope that Hillary Clinton would win in 2016.

The point about the lying president is widely shared by media all over Western Europe. They seem to have forgotten that for four years they bought into every baseless accusation leveled at the President: the Russia Hoax, claims that he wanted to undermine NATO, his supposed hatred of non-whites and women, his wish to destroy the planet and whatnot.

For over four years, Radio Denmark, the state-owned radio and television outlet, has been pumping out anti-Trump propaganda as has Denmark’s other major TV-channel, TV2. For months on end they peddled the Russia collusion narrative and when that imploded, they quickly dropped the matter and went on to COVID-19, for which they blamed Trump, hardly mentioning that the President has limited possibilities of intervening. And, of course, they had little to say about the mayhem caused by violent Trump haters. Even after the Democrats had been forced to abandon the Russia Hoax, Denmark’s former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Uffe Ellemann-Jensen from the center-right Liberals, kept talking of murky conspiracies involving the President.

Dr. Death Becomes Biden Coronavirus Advisor Denying medical services to the elderly is one way to keep costs down. Don Feder

Maimonides, the great 12th century codifier of Jewish law, said: “The good doctors will go to hell first,” because skilled physicians will be tempted to play God.

Enter Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, a member of Biden’s recently-announced Coronavirus Advisory Committee. The architect of Obamacare, and brother of former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, is one scary dude. Kindly, Old Doc Emanuel is an advocate of health care rationing for the elderly.

In a 2014 article for The Atlantic, “Why I hope to Die at 75,” Emanuel wrote: “Living long is also a loss. It renders many of us if not disabled, then faltering and declining, a state that may not be worse than death but is nonetheless deprived. It robs us of our creativity and ability to contribute to society …. We are no longer remembered as vibrant and engaged but as feeble, ineffectual, even pathetic.”

When he became prime minister in 1940, Winston Churchill was 66. He was 71 at the end of World War II and 77 when he became prime minister for a second time in 1951. Feeble, ineffectual and even pathetic aren’t words generally associated with Britain’s greatest wartime leader. Ronald Reagan was 70 when he took the helm in 1981.

The problem here isn’t that Emanuel doesn’t want to live past 75, but that he doesn’t want the rest of us to live beyond that age either. In 2009, medical ethicist Wesley J. Smith wrote that Emanuel “explicitly advocates rationing based on what appears to be a quality of life measurement.”

WE CAUGHT THEM! Part 4: We Were Able to Replicate SAME IMPOSSIBLE BALLOT RATIO Found in Michigan’s Kent County As Reported by Dr. Shiva – 20,000 Votes Switched from Trump to Biden By Joe Hoft

A deep dive into the results in one Michigan County shows a similar pattern as was identified by Dr. Shiva in his Michigan analysis.  Dr. Shiva’s numbers can be replicated. Votes were transferred from President Trump to Joe Biden based on consistent rate of transfer.

This is VERY IMPORTANT that this analysis can be replicated by data analysts!

This is not a conspiracy.

This really did happen in the 2020 election.

TRENDING: WE CAUGHT THEM! Part 5: In Competitive States, Once Biden Gained the Lead with MASSIVE Vote Dumps, The Remainder of Votes All Possessed Same Biden to Trump Vote Ratio — THIS IS INCONCEIVABLE!

Votes were stolen from President Trump and given to Joe Biden.

We’ve previously reported on a number of instances where fraud presumably occurred in the 2020 election. We reported on shifts in votes and lost votes across the country that went from President Trump to Joe Biden.  This post was retweeted by President Trump:

Another Obama Lecture This time the former president suggests he was too nice. James Freeman

Former President Barack Obama, who presided over historic abuses of government surveillance powers, is once again attacking one of the principal targets. Four years after the Obama Justice Department misled a federal court into approving a surveillance warrant against a Trump campaign associate, Mr. Obama is comparing President Donald Trump to a murderous dictator.

Asked in a Sunday interview for the CBS News program “60 Minutes” about Mr. Trump’s claims of voter fraud in the recent election, Mr. Obama responded:

The president doesn’t like to lose and– never admits loss. I’m more troubled by the fact that other Republican officials who clearly know better are going along with this, are humoring him in this fashion. It is one more step in delegitimizing not just the incoming Biden administration, but democracy generally… I think that there has been this sense over the last several years that literally anything goes and is justified in order to get power. And that’s not unique to the United States. There are strong men and dictators around the world who think that, “I can do anything to stay in power. I can kill people. I can throw them in jail. I can run phony elections. I can suppress journalists.” But that’s not who we’re supposed to be.

Whatever one thinks of Mr. Trump’s claims—or Mr. Obama’s over-the-top comparison to dictators—Mr. Pelley has chosen one of America’s least credible advocates for presidential restraint.

Bradford Betz of Fox News reasonably notes:

…Obama’s time in office was by no means the paragon of a presidency bound by the rules of a liberal democratic republic. Court documents released in early 2013 showed that the Obama administration secretly monitored Fox News’ James Rosen – whom the FBI dubbed a “criminal co-conspirator,” despite never being charged with a crime…
Though Trump has been forceful in his denunciation of the press, the Obama administration arguably went further, evoking the Espionage Act to prosecute more people under the law for leaking sensitive information than all previous administrations combined.

Sidney Powell: the bravest, smartest, fiercest, patriot in America By Carol Brown

Sidney Powell is a force of nature as she exposes massive election fraud that swung a landslide win for President Trump to appear like a win for Joe Biden.

Undeterred by threats, she stands almost alone battling this shocking coup against our president.

Most recently, she was interviewed by Mark Steyn (50-minute mark) where she described the breathtaking scope of this fraud against the American people.

The level of corruption is extensive, deep, and broad.

Powell explains the tangled web of Dominion voting systems that were expressly designed to install dictators in Venezuela by manipulating votes. She states that the algorithm they installed on the systems for our election did not account for the massive landslide Trump was having on election night, and thus the pause in votes so the algorithm could be recalibrated.

Powell also discussed the international scope of the fraud, including evil actors in China, Venezuela, and elsewhere, while elected official here at home were also in on the scam, hoodwinking the public.

Jihadists Are Rooting for a Biden Presidency By Eileen F. Toplansky

It should be of grave concern that America’s avowed enemies are cheering on the possibility of a Biden presidency.  Thus, “Iraq’s pro-Tehran factions have welcomed Joe Biden’s election as US president[.]”  That such politicians who have called the U.S. “evil” and shout the phrase “death to America” would be pleased by a possible Biden win speaks volumes. 

Vijeta Uniyal explains:

The Iranian regime is equally upbeat in its statements about a possible Biden-Harris administration, hoping to revive the Obama-era appeasement policies.  If the mainstream media and the Biden-Harris camp have their way, the Tehran and pro-Iran terrorist groups may have a good reason to rejoice.  A Democrat-led administration will likely undo President Donald Trump’s legacy on Iran, lifting economic sanctions and ending the campaign of maximum pressure against the world’s biggest sponsor of terrorism and its Islamist proxies across the Middle East.

In addition, the fact that the terrorist organization the Muslim Brotherhood  wishes Mr. Biden well should send clarion bells ringing. 

Social Media Censorship Sows the Wind, and We All Reap the Whirlwind By Daniel Gelernter

Google, Facebook, and Twitter wanted to make a happier world in which we weren’t troubled by wrong information or misleading ideas. Instead they have led America to the brink of genuine catastrophe.

My first encounter with social media fact-checking was over a year ago, when Facebook appended a “false information” tag to a meme I had posted about World War II, of all things. An article by PolitiFact, to which Facebook directed everyone who saw this meme, informed us that careful research had proved that gun control did not, in fact, help advance the Holocaust, and so it was not fair to use the Holocaust as an argument against gun control in America.

One problem with this article is the touchingly naïve idea that a complex question, over which historians continue to argue, could be stamped true or false as though it were a fact you’d simply been too lazy to look up. 

A second problem is that this fact-checking article is full of factual errors. But that’s not surprising when such articles are generally written by a twentysomething journalism school graduate who became an “expert” in World War II that afternoon after her supervisor told her to research a meme on the Internet.

The biggest problem, however, was that Facebook had decided that this question—remote and unimportant as it might be in our daily lives—was not something you should be allowed to think about. If you thought about it yourself, unguided, as though you were, say, an adult and not a schoolchild, you might come to the wrong conclusion. And lest you be misled into thinking there was a connection between gun control and tyranny, Facebook had looked into the matter for you. And don’t worry, they found there wasn’t any connection, so you can rest easy and move on to the fluffy kitten pictures.

The Obama-Trump Transition Was More Like Sedition Barack Obama and Joe Biden may have given a public impression of the peaceful transfer of power, but they were working behind the scenes to sabotage the incoming president. By Julie Kelly

Bipartisan calls for President Trump to concede the election and work with Joe Biden’s transition team grow louder each day. In a joint op-ed, Andrew Card and John Podesta last week urged the president to start handing over the keys to the White House. 

“[F]or the good of our country, and with the rest of the world watching, America needs to come together and start a smooth and peaceful transition of power,” the pair wrote for the Washington Post. “[A] delayed transition and the absence of cooperation between the outgoing and incoming administrations could hinder economic recovery, slow the distribution of a vaccine and, God forbid, put American lives at risk.”

The bipartisan Beltway ruling class measuring the Oval Office drapes for Biden now has summoned its biggest gun for backup: Barack Obama.

Right on cue and per his habit, the 44th president is on the scene to torch an already-smoldering body politic. Obama began his media book tour this month—timed undoubtedly to coincide with a volatile post-election period—and he is hard at work antagonizing his biggest political foe. (The first volume of his two-volume memoir, A Promised Land, is 768 pages long.) 

In an interview with CBS News’ Gayle King over the weekend, Obama bragged about his handling of the transition between his White House and Donald Trump. “The peaceful transfer of power, the notion that any of us who attain an elected office…are servants of the people,” Obama explained with a straight face. “We’re not above the rules, we’re not above the law.”

The former president told a swooning Scott Pelley on “60 Minutes” that “there are a set of traditions that we have followed in the peaceful transfer of power. The outgoing president congratulates the incoming president, instructs the government and the agencies to cooperate with the new government coming in.”

If those remarks don’t make your eyes roll all the way back in your head and prompt a loud guttural guffaw, nothing will. Between Election Day 2016 and Inauguration Day 2017, Barack Obama and Joe Biden may have given a public impression of the peaceful transfer of power, but they were working behind the scenes to sabotage the incoming president and his team. Obama, on his way out the door, set in motion four straight years of internal insurrection. 

Was the US Election Stolen? by Soeren Kern

“We’re fixing to overturn the results of the elections in multiple states. President Trump won by not hundreds of thousands of votes but by millions of votes that were shifted by this software that was designed expressly for that purpose. We have sworn witness testimony of why the software was designed — it was designed to rig elections.” — Sidney Powell, a former federal prosecutor and a member of President Trump’s legal team.

“It’s the software that was the problem. Even their own manual explains how votes can be wiped away, it’s like drag and drop Trump votes into a separate folder and then delete that folder.” — Sidney Powell.

“They can stick a thumb drive in the machine or upload software to it, even from the internet, they can do it from Germany or Venezuela even. They can remote access anything, they can watch votes in real time, they can shift votes in real time. We’ve identified mathematically the exact algorithm they used and planned to use from the beginning to modify the votes — in this case to make sure Biden won. That’s why he said he didn’t need your votes now, he would need you later.” — Sidney Powell.

“The software that they use is done by a company called Smartmatic. It’s a company that was founded by Hugo Chávez, and by his two allies who still own it. It’s been used to cheat in elections in South America. It was banned by the United States about a decade ago. It’s come back now as a subcontractor to other companies to sort of hide in the weeds.” — Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s personal attorney.

“Finally, if you want to get down to the votes, let’s pick Pennsylvania. We have identified 632,000 illegal votes. It’s enough to have the president win the state by 300,000, which is actually what he won it by, if you get that Smartmatic machine out.” — Rudy Giuliani.

“What we’re seeing is that possibly up to 2.7 million votes were simply deleted, that were for President Trump. How their voting system was able to have users that would log in and see the votes as they were coming in. If it was a Trump vote they could manually change it to a Biden vote. They could duplicate the vote if it was a Biden vote, and have a person cast not one but six votes for Biden. All of this technology, we really need a forensic audit.” — Jenna Ellis, Trump Campaign lawyer.

“Ten years ago, I was part of the first academic team to conduct a comprehensive security analysis of a DRE [direct-recording electronic] voting machine. We examined what was at that time the most widely used touch-screen DRE in the country, and spent several months probing it for vulnerabilities. What we found was disturbing: we could reprogram the machine to invisibly cause any candidate to win. We also created malicious software — vote-stealing code — that could spread from machine-to-machine like a computer virus, and silently change the election outcome.” — Alex Halderman, professor of computer science and engineering at the University of Michigan

“The concerns about possible ties between the owners of Smartmatic and the Chávez government have been well known to United States foreign-policy officials since before the 2004 recall election in which Mr. Chávez, a strong ally of President Fidel Castro of Cuba, won by an official margin of nearly 20 percent.” — The New York Times, October 29, 2006

Reports are pouring in of massive corruption and fraud in the 2020 U.S. presidential elections. The allegations run the gamut from ballot harvesting to rigged software, from duplicate voting to voting by deceased people, from outdated voter rolls to failing to match signatures, and from voter intimidation to altering the vote count. Whistleblowers in several states have signed affidavits that allege criminal activity during the voting process.

What’s Next for Antifa? A Biden administration might have trouble putting this genie back in the bottle. Jacob Zenn

Before the election, the Southern Poverty Law Center warned that a Georgia militiaman had said that a “rigged election” would lead to rebellion, and that the Oath Keepers militia would monitor polls nationwide to ensure that only U.S. citizens voted. The New York Times likewise asserted that an “army” of Trump supporters would “go into the polls and watch very carefully” in Philadelphia. Notwithstanding President Trump’s allegations of ballot irregularities, including in Philadelphia, none of the pre-election predictions of right-wing mayhem was borne out.

Many of these predictions were predicated on Trump’s alleged call to violence during the first debate, when he told the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.” The Proud Boys, a men’s club that includes members of all races, self-describe as “Western chauvinists” and are certainly uncouth. They hold rallies for Trump and oppose things like “drag queen story hour” for children at public libraries. They exist, however, in a dialectic with Antifa, the far-Left militant group that doxes “fascists” and engages in violence against both property and persons. For Antifa, fascist is a catchall term that includes anyone who believes in private property and sees a place for police in a functioning society.

Antifa differs from other far left-wing groups, including the Democratic Socialists of America, in that it explicitly endorses “physical confrontation” in order to deny freedom of speech and assembly to its opponents. Antifa was relatively unknown in the U.S. until Trump’s 2016 presidential victory. Its most notable action in 2017 was preventing Ann Coulter’s speech at the University of California, Berkeley, by threatening clashes with campus security and Coulter’s Proud Boy bodyguards. Later that year, members of Antifa were mixed in with the large and varied group protesting the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, where one person was killed by a white supremacist in a vehicular attack. Last year, Antifa beat up journalist Andy Ngo, who was reporting on a Proud Boys rally in Portland.

In most cases, Antifa’s violence is employed against innocuous demonstrators. For example, African-American Proud Boy Philip Anderson organized a pre-election protest against tech censorship of conservatives in San Francisco. A Black Lives Matter supporter wearing Antifa-style black-bloc garb punched Anderson, knocking out his front teeth. In September, Antifa member Michael Reinoehl targeted and murdered Trump supporter Aaron Danielson in Portland following a car parade.