Why Trump Keeps Fighting: America’s Future Is At Stake


“So fight on, Donald Trump. Don’t give in, not an inch. Election rules and laws must mean something, or our republic will not survive. That’s something to fight for.”

Never Trumpers, Democrats, the Big Media, Big Tech, and progressive government officials have all been unanimous in criticizing President Donald Trump for insisting state election officials do their jobs, which is to enforce election law fairly and equitably. With his willingness to fight, Trump once again shows why his voters remain so intensely loyal.

It’s becoming clear that the 2020 election will take weeks, if not months, to sort out. Trump is demanding that we “make every legal vote count,” and is seeking recounts and going to court to make it happen.

“If you count the legal votes, I easily win. If you count the illegal votes, they can try to steal the election from us,” the president said. “I’ve already decisively won many critical states.”

Meanwhile, the Democrats have urged Joe Biden to get out ahead of the count and set up a transition, as the New York Times and other media outlets suggest they will tell Americans who actually won and who lost.

The problem is, this election, which has only been delayed because of vote-by-mail rules put in place by Democrats trying to take advantage of the COVID-19 panic, isn’t over by a long shot.

Legitimate questions have been raised about the integrity of vote counts in both Michigan and Pennsylvania. In Wisconsin, a sudden trove of Biden votes miraculously appeared early Wednesday, erasing a comfortable Trump lead.

Progressivism, or Why the Culture War Is Turning in the Republicans’ Favor By David Harsanyi


On a House caucus call today, Democratic Representative Abigail Spanberger, reportedly in an agitated state, warned that Democrats “lost races we shouldn’t have lost.” She further claimed that “defund police almost cost me my race because of an attack ad. Don’t say socialism ever again. Need to get back to basics. . . . If we run this race again we will get f***ng torn apart again in 2022.”

Elsewhere, former Missouri senator Claire McCaskill had this to say: “Whether you are talking guns or . . . abortion . . . or gay marriage and rights for ‘transsexuals’ and other people who we as a party ‘look after’ and make sure they are treated fairly. As we circled the issues we left voters behind and Republicans dove in.”

I see other Democrats grousing today that their candidates in Florida and elsewhere were falsely labeled “socialist.” I’m sorry, if that’s not the message you want to send, perhaps Nancy Pelosi shouldn’t pose with a gaggle of Marxists on the cover of Rolling Stone. Perhaps Democrats should treat Bernie Sanders as a fringe crank rather than a comrade who’s just moving a tad too quickly. Maybe arguing “democratic” socialism is the good kind doesn’t quite do it for the folks in Des Moines.

What are voters in Texas supposed to make of every major presidential Democrat presidential candidate, including Joe Biden, giving their blessing to the authoritarian Green New Deal? Boy, fact-checkers had to work overtime to help Biden walk back those endorsements of fracking bans, of defunding the police, and of confiscating guns.

The Disinformationists By Victor Davis Hanson


Pollsters were widely wrong in 2016, yet learned nothing about their flawed methodologies. So how do they remain credible after 2020?

A republic is not just a nation of laws. It also relies on its good-faith watchdogs, such as honest pollsters, the media, and bipartisan institutions.

We still didn’t know the final result of Tuesday’s presidential election as of Wednesday night. But there are lots of reasons to worry that something in America has gone terribly wrong.

Many of the mainstream pre-election polls predicted that Donald Trump would lose in a landslide. He did not — to the shock of a host of propagandists.

A CNN poll had Trump down 12 percentage points nationally entering the final week before the election. An ABC News/Washington Post poll in late October claimed Biden was leading in Wisconsin by 17 points. That state’s voting ended up nearly even. YouGov’s election model showed Biden prevailing with a landslide win in the Electoral College. Progressive statistics guru Nate Silver had for weeks issued pseudo-scientific analyses of a Trump wipeout.

Pollsters were widely wrong in 2016. Yet they learned nothing about their flawed methodologies. So how do they remain credible after 2020, when most were wildly off again?

A cynic might answer that polling no longer aims to offer scientific assessments of voter intentions.

Stealing Pennsylvania By Lynne Lechter


Regardless of the outcome, Pennsylvania Democrat Governor Tom Wolf, the Pennsylvania state courts and the Democrat State Party have pulled every dirty trick in the books.

They have changed the rules mid-game, using COVID scare as a cover, but their chicanery is so overt, the curtain has been pulled back on their thug tactics.

First, months out, they claimed they would need three extra days to count the votes.  Then, against all extant state laws, they said they would accept illegible or ballots with no security envelope postmark.  Then, incredibly they said a voter’s signature on the mail-in ballot didn’t have to match the voter’s signature in the voter registration books.  Banana Republic, anyone?

But that’s just the everchanging rules of the game.  On the ground, it got worse and worse.

Certified poll watchers were not allowed into many Philadelphia polling stations.  This is an old Philly trick.  Why is it important? Because without a poll watcher from the opposite side, numbers at the poll can be jiggered.  But even that wasn’t enough. 

Montgomery County, where this author resides and works as a Republican committeeperson, is the third largest county in Pennsylvania.  Historically solid Republican, over more recent decades, the balance of power has gradually eroded to majority Democrat, with some pockets of resistance.  However, in this election cycle, Republicans outpaced Democrats in new voter registrations significantly.  They didn’t outstrip the Democrats, but the trend was pro-Republican. 

Another Election Goes to Court Democrats began litigating years ago, and quicker resolutions could have prevented problems now.By David B. Rivkin Jr. and Andrew M. Grossman


“The media is already accusing the Trump campaign of attempting to litigate its way to victory, but practically every issue in play arises from the Democrats’ march through the courts in the run-up to Election Day. For all the cries of “disenfranchisement,” both sides agree that every lawful ballot should be counted. But after so many conflicting court decisions over the past year, what’s uncertain now is the law, and there’s no dishonor in asking the courts to say what it is.”

Whoever first quipped “It’s all over but the counting” forgot about the lawyers. Over the past year, Democrats and their allies marched through state after state in an unprecedented legal campaign to upend longstanding rules of election administration. The result is more uncertainty than ever over the basic rules of voting, and an increased likelihood that races will have to be called by the courts. Although it’s too early to say for certain, that may include the presidential election.

The battle lines are being drawn in states President Trump needs to win. Pennsylvania provides a typical illustration. In 2019 the state overhauled its election code to allow everyone to vote by absentee ballot. What had been a relatively restrictive regime, with early deadlines and limited availability, was transformed into one of the most liberal in the nation, requiring only that ballots be received by the statewide voting deadline, 8 p.m. on Election Day.

Even that wouldn’t hold. After three lawsuits to extend the deadline struck out this summer, the Pennsylvania Democratic Party hit a home run on the fourth at-bat. What changed was that the secretary of state, charged with defending state law, switched sides to support her own political party. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court held that the ballot-receipt deadline, established by state law, violated the state constitution’s “Free and Equal Election Clause” and legislated a three-day extension along with a presumption of timeliness for unpostmarked ballots received by Friday. It dismissed out of hand arguments that the U.S. Constitution’s Elections and Electors clauses vest exclusive authority in state legislatures to set the rules of federal elections that can’t be rewritten by state judges or executive-branch officials.

On the key issues concerning Israel, how would a Biden administration act? By David Isaac


“Expect a Biden administration to start where Obama left off.”

“Is it good for the Jews?” — that question has been asked in so many places and at so many times that it’s become a punchline. Applied to a potential Biden administration, the answer, unfortunately, isn’t funny.

After four years of basking in a beneficent Trump administration, likely the most pro-Israel in U.S. history, Israel sees storm clouds brewing, which is why unnamed Israeli officials are saying “it could have been worse,” meaning at least the Senate will probably remain Republican.

The fact is, as much as Israel’s government and its American supporters want U.S. support for Israel to remain bipartisan, the Democratic party has been moving away from Israel for some years.

So what would a Biden administration mean for Israel?

1. Iran

Prepare for the U.S. to reenter the 2015 Iran nuclear deal – in President Donald Trump’s words “the worst deal ever negotiated,” under which Iran was allowed to keep its nuclear infrastructure, continue enriching uranium, and proceed with research and development. Prime Minister Netanyahu had made herculean efforts to warn against the deal, telling Congress on March 3, 2015 that “Iran’s regime is as radical as ever.”

Biden, Israel and ‘Squad’ pressure  By Ruthie Blum  


To justify their backing of Joe Biden, beyond their aversion to US President Donald Trump’s tweets and demeanor, liberal American Jews and left-wing Israelis have been highlighting the Democratic candidate’s lifelong support for Israel.

With most pre-election polls indicating that a blue wave was about to wash away the past four years of a Trump-led White House and Republican-dominated Senate, media outlets the world over rallied to help that happen. In Israel, the three main Israeli TV channels prepared fawning features on Biden to air on the night of November 3, while those Americans who hadn’t voted early or by mail were still in the process of lining up to perform their civic duty in person.

What these pieces of “objective” journalism had in common was the absence of aspersions on the man’s life, political career or devotion to the Jewish state. Nor was mention made of the documents revealed on October 14 by the New York Post – suppressed by Twitter and mainstream media outlets – pointing to serious corruption on his part.

The thrill of Israeli members of the press and punditocracy at the near-certainty of a Trump-free universe was surpassed only by that of their counterparts in the US. That the polls turned out to be wrong about what promised to be a slam-dunk Biden victory elicited many a disappointed sigh and nervous furrow of the brow.

Election Day Plus Two Mark Steyn


As they say on this day in Britain and much of the Commonwealth:

Remember, remember
The fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot…

Or in this case:

Fake ballots, treason and plot…

Guy Fawkes, money talks. Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook (currently “suppressing” Mark Levin) is reported to have given zillions to the City of Philadelphia to “quadruple the number of polling places” – which explains why it’s taking four times as long to count four times as many mysterious so-called “ballot dumps”.

Among the other beneficiaries of Zuckerberg cash are the election judges.

So swing-state elections are now a subsidiary of Facebook: Votebook. What could go wrong?

~I dislike the litigation of elections, especially after the fact. Had John Roberts voted the other way a couple of weeks ago in that Pennsylvania case, the Supreme Court would have been seen as intervening to prevent the changing of the election rules. Instead, whatever case winds up before them in a week or three, the Court will be seen as intervening to change the election result.

Still and all, I’m reasonably semi-optimistic it won’t come to that. The Democrat-media plan is to call Nevada for Biden at some point today, thus making him the President-elect and telling Trump to start packing and lawyer up for his forthcoming criminal trial.

We’re Supposed To Believe The GOP Had A Great Election Night Except For President?By Joy Pullmann


It would be mystifying if Republicans won more seats in the House, retained the Senate, and picked up state legislative seats, all while the same voters voted against Trump.

Since Joe Biden was picked to be the Democratic Party’s presidential puppet, we have been told he would win the presidency by a blowout. Political media has been speculating eagerly about another “blue wave” that would wash over the nation in line with their preposterous polls showing Biden winning by as much as 17 or even more points.

Two weeks before the election, the “nonpartisan” Cook’s Political Report predicted an expanded Democrat majority in the House, a “net gain of five to ten seats to a gain of between five and 15 seats.” On election day, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Democrat campaign chairwoman Rep. Cheri Bustos predicted Democrats “would not only defend gains made in 2018 but flip districts thought to be in safe Republican territory.”

Last week, Democrats told the Washington Post, which described the party as “awash in cash,” they expected to flip as many as 15 House seats on Biden’s presumed presidential coattails. That didn’t happen at all. In fact, the opposite did. Now as localities run by Democrats “count” votes under suspicious circumstances, we are supposed to believe that voters selected coattails detached from a coat?

Republicans have flipped seven U.S. House races so far and Democrats flipped two, according to RealClearPolitics. That narrows Democrats’ hold on the House from 232 to 227, nine more than the majority, even if no more are flipped. Republicans could even ultimately flip 15, as many as Democrats had hoped to.

Republicans had twice as many Senate seats to defend this election than Democrats did, and they currently appear to retain their Senate majority. So far, Democrats have flipped one seat. Far poorer-funded Republicans retained seats Democrats literally spent hundreds of millions of dollars to flip, such as Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, and Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.

In latest batch, Trump gets share of votes he would need to reclaim Arizona. But next rounds of ballots present new challenges


As Maricopa County released the results from 140,000 more ballots on Wednesday night and Thursday morning, President Donald Trump received almost the exact share he would need to charge back to win Arizona’s 11 electoral votes and potentially reelection.

Trump won the batches of ballots from Maricopa County counted Wednesday and early Thursday by a roughly 57-40 margin over former Vice President Joe Biden. 

Those votes — likely early ballots sent to the county on Monday and Tuesday — narrowed Biden’s lead over Trump in Arizona to 68,000 votes, when his lead had been more than 90,000 votes earlier Wednesday.

Paul Bentz, a Republican pollster with the consulting firm HighGround, said Trump needs to win 57.6% of the 470,000 votes that The Arizona Republic estimates remain to be counted.

“That’s almost exactly what he got in the first batch,” Bentz said. “He could do it.”

But the problem for Trump is that he needs to replicate that performance across all of the remaining 470,000 votes left to count in the state. And he needs to do it across all Arizona’s 15 diverse counties, which include areas that are very blue: Pima, Coconino and Santa Cruz counties.