“Venezuelans never got their day in court, but Americans still get theirs. In the interest of securing the confidence of the electorate, court challenges ought to be allowed to play out.”
On Wednesday six plaintiffs filed a civil action in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia against Republican Gov. Brian Kemp, the secretary of state and four others. The complaint alleges “massive election fraud” to help Joe Biden win the Nov. 3 election for president.
It further alleges “the fraud was executed by many means, but the most fundamentally troubling, insidious, and egregious is the systemic adaptation of old-fashioned ‘ballot-stuffing.’ ” This was “amplified and rendered virtually invisible by computer software created and run by domestic and foreign actors for that very purpose.”
The plaintiffs want Georgia to decertify the election. The 104-page complaint is now before the federal court, which will review the material presented and make a ruling.
Central to the argument against the governor and his associates is the claim that software used by Georgia was developed by Hugo Chávez—who died in 2013—to steal elections in Venezuela. Critics are dismissing this as a fantastic conspiracy theory. But they should instead welcome and help to air it.
Plaintiffs have collected affidavits, board-of-elections records, and other documentary evidence and under the law they are entitled access to the courts to present their grievances. Far from undermining American democracy, this demonstrates its strengths—and sets it apart from the likes of Venezuela, where elections are stolen with impunity.