Trump: Biden is a ‘servant of the radical globalists’
GOP candidate running against Maxine Waters unleashes viral campaign ad
Biden Motorcade Vs Trump Motorcade
VIDEO: Estimated 1,000 Vehicles Join ‘Trump Train’ Event in Utah 

VIDEO: Trump supporters chant ‘4 more years’ at Biden rally

“Impressive!” Asked to Show Her Notes, Amy Coney Barrett Holds Up a Blank Notepad

The End of Appeasement in Britain? by Richard Kemp

For many decades, British society has been subjected to an almost continuous assault on our history, our way of life and our national institutions by the hard left…. the very policy Churchill warned against so frequently.

Forced to confront the so-far largely unopposed aggression against the West by the Chinese Communist Party and Vladimir Putin’s Russia, we are on the brink of not just one but two cold wars.

Standing up to their hostility will have to become the linchpin of a new grand strategy, comparable to the successful struggle against global communist encroachment over several decades…. If that is to succeed, we must see no more appeasement.

“This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” Winston Churchill’s words following the British victory over Germany in the Battle of Egypt in November 1942 might also describe recent political developments in Britain’s modern-day culture wars. For many decades, British society has been subjected to an almost continuous assault on our history, our way of life and our national institutions by the hard left.

The centre and right became so demoralised by this highly successful campaign that for years their response was appeasement, the very policy Churchill warned against so frequently when the fascist mirror image of this ideology threatened us in the 1930s. Now there are the glimmering signs of a fightback against the progressive liberal consensus that resulted, engulfing many mainstream politicians, the judiciary, civil service, much of the media, big business and education.

COVID Crimes Against Humanity by Julie Kelly *******

If Chris Hayes and the Democrats want some sort of coronavirus tribunal for crimes against humanity, bring it on.

For once, I agree with MSNBC anchor Chris Hayes.

In an October 5 tweet, Hayes suggested the need for “some kind of truth and reconciliation commission” to hold accountable the politicians and experts who mishandled the coronavirus pandemic. 

Hayes, no doubt, had in mind the president and Republican governors such as Florida’s Ron DeSantis and South Dakota’s Kristi Noem, who have bucked the credentialed class’ ever-changing diktats on the never-ending crisis.

Hayes is right—just not for the reasons he imagines. 

As the dust settles on one of the most destructive man-made events in history—it’s hard to think of an appropriate comparison aside from war—the grim reality of what a handful of people inflicted on the world is coming into clear view. And there is no question that the perpetrators of this catastrophe should bear responsibility.

While cable news fixates on the numbers of deaths and reported cases, other heartbreaking statistics go largely unnoticed by pundits and journalists who now think mask-shaming amounts to hard core reporting on the crisis. It’s been 216 days since Americans were asked to make extreme and unprecedented sacrifices to “flatten the curve” of the expected COVID-19 caseload. This two-week suspension of daily activities, which included going to school and operating businesses, was intended to protect frontline health care workers. “We’re all in this together,” we were assured. Horrifying scenes from China and Italy acted as powerful warnings of what could happen if we did not submit.

Why the Left Hates Religion And why Christians and Jews are Public Enemy #1 for progressives. Don Feder

Americans remain the most religious people in the industrialized world: 87% believe in God, two-thirds say they’re Christians, and 45% attend religious services at least once a month (23% weekly).

One political party supports their worldview, the other disdains it. One views religion as an ally, the other as an adversary.

That wasn’t always the case.

Traditionally, the Democrat Party – the party of Al Smith, FDR and JFK – was at least respectful of religion. Roosevelt regularly used religious imagery to bolster morale during World War II, as he did in his famous D-Day Prayer.

The modern Democrat party – the party of Biden, Bernie and Kamala – is increasingly hostile to religion, depicting it as a force for repression and a danger to democracy.

The Libertarian Betrayal Is an America governed by the ideas of AOC and Bernie Sanders really what libertarians want? Bruce Bawer

Don’t laugh, but once upon a time I was so naïve that I thought libertarians were really about liberty.

I even thought that they had an important raison d’être. Back in the day when some of us were uneasy both with GOP preaching on social issues and with Democrat statism, the libertarians seemed to offer a sensible place in between. I also remember having the impression that, even if you disagreed with them on some issues, at least they were ideologically consistent, which meant that they were principled.

But then I met some libertarians. I liked and respected a few. But others proved to be world-class oddballs, misfits, potheads, and crackpots. If they weren’t hatching plans for independent countries built on abandoned oil rigs, they were writing mad, elaborate political manifestos that seemed to have zero to do with liberty. And some were well-nigh indistinguishable from your standard-issue leftist, like the self-described “bleeding-heart anarchist” and “libertarian socialist” (!) whose savage review of The Victims’ Revolution, my 2012 critique of identity studies, in Reason, the libertarians’ flagship rag, could have been written by any multicultural academic.  

People used to write pieces asserting that most Americans were really libertarians but didn’t realize it. Some even said we were approaching a “libertarian moment” when this silent majority would finally take over. But I eventually came to see that while libertarians were thick on the ground in Washington, D.C., they had few constituents outside the Beltway – aside, that is, from the corporations that paid their think tanks to spew out principled-sounding arguments for policies that would line their pockets. 

Biden: The 56% of voters who think they’re better off than four years ago “probably shouldn’t” vote for me Ed Morrissey

How do you tell 56% of Americans not to vote for you — and that they’re fools to boot — and expect to win? Donald Trump got credited with playing eight-dimensional chess more than a few times in 2016 and afterward. Maybe this is sixteen-level Parcheesi.While in Cincinnati, Biden offered this bon mot to the majority in the latest Gallup poll about the famous Ronald Reagan re-elect question:

WKRC: Gallup reported last week 56% of Americans said they were better off today than they were four years ago—would’ve been under the Obama-Biden administration. So why should people who feel they are better off today, under the Trump administration, vote for you?

BIDEN: Well, if they think that, they probably shouldn’t. They think 54% [sic] percent of the American are better off economically today than they were under our administration? Well, their memory is not very good, quite frankly.

U.S. Doesn’t Need A President Who Hides His Agenda From Voters

Last Thursday, Joe Biden told voters “you’ll know my position on court-packing the day after the election,” which could not be a more clear statement that the Democratic presidential candidate is concealing an important point because he knows it will hurt him politically. What else is he hiding from voters?

Not only has Biden refused to say if he will or won’t crowd the Supreme Court with left-wing jurists, he’s condescendingly said voters have no right to know what his plans are.

“Well sir, don’t the voters deserve to know” if he will pack the court, “the no. 1 thing I’ve been asked about from viewers in the past couple of days,” a Las Vegas reporter asked him last week.

“No, they don’t,” responded Biden.

Packing the court doesn’t sit well with voters. They’re smart enough to know it would result in an arms race with both parties adding seats to the court each time they gained control of the White House and held majorities in both congressional chambers, and that a bloated, see-sawing Supreme Court would lose legitimacy and “thus unable to check the power of the other branches.”

Even through their rage, Democrats recognize voters’ concerns. So it’s no surprise Biden tried to diffuse the issue on Monday. At an Ohio campaign stop, he said “I’m not a fan of court packing.” It was an empty gesture, however, because he immediately added “I don’t want to get off on that whole issue,” meaning that he’s still hiding his plans.

Who’s Afraid of Amy Coney Barrett? Democrats are treating the nominee like a prop at a campaign rally.

The Senate confirmation hearings for Amy Coney Barrett may lack for political drama, but they are still instructive. They are revealing the deep fault lines over the Supreme Court, and how Democrats view it as a mini-legislature to achieve policy goals, rather than a real judicial body.

Democrats are asking very little about the actual law or Judge Barrett’s jurisprudential thinking. Instead, one after another, Democrats have used their time to focus on a parade of policy horribles if she is confirmed. And for emotional effect, they brought along photo displays of children and women who would supposedly be her victims on health care, abortion, gun violence and more.

All of this distorts the role of a judge, who has to rule based on what the law is, not on what she would want it to be. “Judges can’t just wake up one day and say ‘I have an agenda. I like guns. I hate guns. I like abortion, I hate abortion’ and walk in like a royal queen and impose their will on the world,” Judge Barrett said Tuesday. But that is lost on Democrats, who are treating the hearings like a campaign rally.

Ten Lessons from a Tumultuous 2020 By Steve McCann

“The Democrat party is now the fully owned subsidiary of the Marxist/socialist American left.  While the party hierarchy clings to the façade of moderation by trotting out the old faces from a bygone era, such as Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton, the party is now the vehicle to radically transform the nation into a hybrid Marxist/socialist state by any means either illegal or unethical.  It is also an entity that does not care about the poor, working class, or marginalized groups enough to place their interests above a political agenda.”

This year has been not only stunning but eye-opening.  The list of what we as a nation have learned about ourselves is not limited to the political arena but includes the scientific and medical communities as well as modern-day American society.  Among the most notable lessons are the following.

The Chinese Coronavirus pandemic has revealed that virtually all Democrat elected state and local government officials are fully capable of doing the unthinkable: creating a de facto police state.  They have issued orders and edicts or convey preferences with no legal authority and with little consideration of the human cost while callously disregarding individual rights.  Further, they have relentlessly fostered unfounded fear among their citizens as well as deliberately prolonged their economic hardships by enforcing lockdowns for no sound medical purpose, solely to defeat Donald Trump in November.

What is at stake in this election? Freedom, liberty, justice, law and order By Patricia McCarthy

Despite their obvious contempt for the restrictions the Constitution places on government, the Democrats are not above citing it constantly as if it means something to them, as they are during the Barrett hearings.  Their sad candidate for the presidency, Joe Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris, pretend to revere it but if they win, they will set about undermining it, as Barack Obama certainly did, to the point of tearing it to shreds.  

The genius of the Constitution is, first and foremost, its reverence for individual freedom, liberty and justice for all and, the basis of any civil society, law and order.  In the presidential debate with President Trump, Biden refused to utter the words “law and order.”  Throughout the summer months that saw numerous cities destroyed by rioting, looting, and arson, neither he nor Harris condemned the destructive violence.  It will take years and years and billions of dollars for Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, and other cities to recover — if that is even possible.

Harris not only approved of these “peaceful protests,” she encouraged them by vowing they would not end before nor after the election.  She raises money to bail out the violent thugs who perpetrated the barbarity.  Once free, some of them have gone on to commit further crimes, even murder in a couple of cases.  As everyone knows, most of the rioting has been committed by Antifa and Black Lives Matter, both groups financed by a variety of shadowy groups that embrace Marxism/communism.  Members of these two groups are recruited, trained, supplied with the necessary gear for rioting and transported to every flashpoint on a moment’s notice, put up in nice hotels and sent out to do as much damage as possible.  They mean to destroy America as founded.