Turkey: Erdogan Fueling Hostility Against the West by Uzay Bulut


The current problem is greater than the Turkish government’s violations against territorial waters and airspace of Greece, its continued occupation of northern Cyprus, or its threatening Europe with mass Muslim immigration or Islamist terrorists, among other hostile actions.

The problem includes Erdogan’s fueling of hatred and hostility within society against Europe and the rest of the West.

This attitude does not seem fit either for Turkey’s European Union candidacy or its NATO membership.

On September 13, a group of Islamists in Istanbul’s Beyazit Square protested against French President Emmanuel Macron. They held placards warning that Macron and the satirical French magazine, Charlie Hebdo, “will pay a heavy price.”

The protesters were condemning Macron for his stance supporting Charlie Hebdo’s decision to republish cartoons of Islam’s Prophet Mohammed and France’s commitment to freedom of expression, and against Macron’s support for Greece in the face of escalating Turkish aggression in the eastern Mediterranean during the ongoing crisis between Greece, Turkey and Cyprus.

Charlie Hebdo, along with a kosher supermarket in Paris, were the targets of a massacre by Islamist gunmen in January 2015. The magazine recently reprinted the images to mark the start of the trial earlier this month of the alleged accomplices in the mass murder.

“It is never the place of the president of the Republic to pass judgement on the editorial choice of a journalist or newsroom, never,” Macron said. “Because we have freedom of the press.”

How China funds and organizes riots and civil unrest in America By Ghenghis Gary


There is growing comprehension of the extent of China’s attempts to undermine America and establish itself as the world’s dominant economic and political power. Globally, China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), begun in 2013 has spread across all continents, enrolling at least 138 countries to date.

The BRI reach is vast and, although it lacks transparency, a common estimate is that it incorporates 38 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, 25 East Asia and Pacific countries, 17 nations in the Middle East and North Africa, 18 Latin American and Caribbean sovereignties, 6 Southeast Asia countries, and even 38 European and Central Asia countries including 18 EU members. China’s goal is to invest (buy) its way into these nations by first injecting its economic influence, then exercising its political force, and finally infusing its culture into BRI nations via “soft colonialism.”

Not only is China exerting economic and political superiority in these nations, but Xi Jinping’s BRI plan, under the guise of peace and security, is also establishing strategic military infrastructures in the form of naval ports, army land-bases, and air force installations in BRI member countries.

Although the United States is not a BRI member, what’s becoming more exposed through daily revelations is China’s sub-rosa investment, insurgent involvement, and planned takeover of America’s institutions and business sectors, including academia, entertainment, finance, agriculture and others.

What is less well understood and still remains largely obscured is China’s role in funding, organizing, and supporting anti-American groups responsible for the riots, looting, violence, and property destruction that have occurred over the last few months. What is becoming ever clearer, though, is that China had a central role in providing the financial support, structural assistance, ideological manifestos, and mass and social media propaganda tools to America-hating radicals who are intent on destroying this nation and its people’s way of life.

Gaffe-O-Matic: In One Day, Joe Biden Rolls Out Three Laughable Blunders By Matt Margolis


Former Vice President Joe Biden is running for the most powerful office on earth. Biden had a very bad day on Monday, making a series of gaffes that once again destroy confidence in his ability to be president.

First, Biden forgot Mitt Romney’s name while attempting to explain why he opposes Senate Democrats targeting Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Catholic faith.

“You may remember, I got in trouble when we were running against that senator who was a Mormon, the governor,” Biden said. Is Mitt Romney that forgettable?

Later, in Toledo, Ohio, Biden forgot which office he is actually running for. Which seems like a big problem considering he’s been running for president for over a year.

Joe Biden: “I’m running as a proud Democrat for the Senate”

Biden also got the website wrong when telling voters in Ohio where to go online to get voting information.

After saying he’s running for Senate, a confused Joe Biden tells voters to go to http://IWill.com/Ohio, which is not a real website.And we’re supposed to believe Biden is fit for office?

COVID-19 Lockdowns Have Been A Disaster — End Them Now


Lockdowns to slow or even halt the coronavirus pandemic have been the focus of an intense debate since early this year. But in recent weeks and months, both the scientific and economic discussions have come down hard on one side: The lockdowns have been an immense failure, costing the economy trillions of dollars and, more importantly, thousands of lives. Time to put an end to this craziness.

For those who don’t recall, the initial lockdowns were sold to the public as an emergency move to “flatten the curve” for 15 days during March to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients. Americans, wanting to do their part, grudgingly agreed to the two-week suspension of normal economic and social activities.

Unfortunately, governors used the opportunity to keep their economies closed indefinitely, in some cases clearly for political reasons. In California, where the shutdown has been devastating, recent re-opening guidelines included “equity measures” ranging from gauging neighborhoods’ “tree canopy” to alcohol availability and voting statistics.

To be absolutely clear, these benchmarks have nothing whatsoever to do with COVID-19. They are merely an effort by far-left California Gov. Gavin Newsom to pander to his increasingly extreme base of voters.

Such arbitrary actions have severe economic consequences. A recent research paper from the American Institute for Economic Research found substantial damage to the U.S. economy’s various sectors at the state, local and national levels. including measures of GDP, imports, exports, business formations, unemployment, industrial output and capacity use,

Chicago Gets Its Deadliest Month In 25 Years, 95% of Victims are Minorities Daniel Greenfield


Black Lives Matter. Say their names. Rest in power.

Last month, Chicago recorded its deadliest September in more than 25 years as the city approaches 600 homicides in 2020 with a quarter of the year still left to go.

The Chicago Police Department on Thursday reported there were 81 homicides last month — the most for any September since 1993 when there were 84 — as well as 309 shooting incidents and 400 victims.

Through the first nine months of 2020, Chicago has reported 2,470 shootings — which have left 3,110 victims — and 588 homicides. The city already surpassed 2019’s homicide total by the end of August.

The number of September 2020 shooting incidents and shooting victims are also up 48% and 60%, respectively, over September 2019 totals.

Shootings and murders are up 50%. And they’re beating the nationwide increases. The victims are mainly “people of color”.

  The nation’s second-largest county has recorded more homicides this year than in all of 2019, the majority of which – 95% – were people of color, the Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office announced this week.

Sorry, these are not the black lives that Democrats are looking for.

The SCOTUS Front in the War on Faith What we are witnessing is the toxic fallout of nearly two centuries of secularization. Bruce Thornton


The Senate confirmation hearings on Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court are an opportunity for progressives to indulge their irrational bigotry against faith, as well as try to block the appointment of a constitutionalist justice to the court. They are right to be in panic mode, for if Barrett is confirmed, the originalists will have a 6-3 advantage, meaning conservatives can afford John Roberts completely morphing into Anthony Kennedy.

Politics, of course, lies behind the Democrats’ attempts to obstruct Barrett’s confirmation by any means possible, and potentially damage Donald Trump’s chances of reelection. The hearings give them an opportunity to bash Trump and recycle the patent lies­­––the President’s refusal to condemn the marginal number of white supremacists, and other DNC duplicitous talking-points like his alleged bungling of the coronavirus pandemic. And don’t forget the patently specious claims serially flogged on Monday that nominating Barrett in an election year somehow violates some sacrosanct tradition. The only authority for what presidents and Congressmen do is the Constitution, and its enumerated powers of the executive do not cease until his last day in office.

More broadly, Democrats are worried that Obamacare and, more importantly, Roe v. Wade and other pro-abortion decisions, may be up for review and possibly overturned. Hence the usual preposterous rhetorical tropes like “coat-hangers” and “back-alley” abortions supposedly prevalent in pre-Roe times. In fact, natural toxic abortifacients like pennyroyal were probably more prevalent. But “pennyroyal” lacks the gruesome frisson of “coat-hangers.”

Kim Jong Un Marks 75 Years of North Korean Communism With Giant New Missile Leader tears up during emotional speech at event where Pyongyang introduces a new intercontinental missile that is likely the largest of its kind on Earth


North Korea celebrated 75 years of communism with a military parade at which it unveiled an intercontinental missile that experts say is likely larger than anything else like it on Earth.

The Saturday event, the country’s first military parade in two years, signaled a shift back to the more strident approach Pyongyang long took before softening its stance amid nuclear talks with the Trump administration that are now stalled.

The well-orchestrated ceremony, which included rumbling tanks, goose-stepping soldiers and fireworks, happened overnight and aired on a tape-delayed broadcast on state television. It seemed to flaunt the regime’s confidence in its coronavirus pandemic response: thousands of unmasked spectators crowded close together.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, wearing glasses and a gray suit, entered as fireworks shot off into the pitch-black sky. He strolled to a balcony that overlooked the massive flag-waving crowd packed with soldiers and elites, including his sister, Kim Yo Jong. Tearing up at times during an emotional 25-minute speech, Mr. Kim thanked his military for contending with recent floods and the pandemic, repeating the country’s claim it has zero Covid-19 cases.

State TV showed spectators crying and repeatedly shouting “Man-sei!” or “Long live!” Mr. Kim didn’t mention President Trump or the U.S. nor did he issue any direct threats. He expressed hopes that after the pandemic passed, North and South Koreans could once again join hands.

“Our war deterrence will never be used as a means for pre-emptive strike. But if,” said Mr. Kim, pausing for a moment, “and if any forces infringes upon the security of our state, I will enlist all our most powerful offensive strength.”

A World of Geopolitical Opportunity America’s global position is stronger today than in 2016 in some important ways. By Walter Russerll Mead


As pandemic and polarization sweep the country, the U.S. has fallen into one of its periodic episodes of self-flagellation and existential doubt. That is not a bad thing. Constant self-examination and a refusal to settle for the status quo are part of the dynamic culture that makes America work. Whether we have a Biden administration or a Trump second term, however, U.S. policy makers need to look past the angst and despair.

In some ways, America’s global position is stronger than in 2016. This is not an endorsement of President Trump’s foreign policy. As is often the case in U.S. history, our opportunities have less to do with anything our diplomatic establishment has or has not done than with the intersection of the dynamism of American society and the advantages of the U.S. geographical position.

America’s dynamism made and keeps us a superpower. Today, two made-in-the-U.S. industries are quietly but continually renewing American power. The first is tech. Even as China scrambles to catch up, U.S. tech wizards (with talented immigrants thankfully among them), continue to lead the way. There are problems with the Silicon Valley ecosystem and justified concerns about whether tech giants are limiting and suppressing competition. But the unique American mix of technical genius, marketing and management savvy along with a sophisticated financial network continues to support the entrepreneurs who are changing the world.

That is good news not only for the civilian economy. Increasingly, information and communication are the foundations of military power. As long as U.S. companies and scientists remain on the cutting edge of key technologies, American defense planners start any conflict with advantages that others can only envy.

New U.S. Infections Lowest in a Week But hospitalizations surge in some parts of the country By David Hall


The U.S. reported the smallest increase in new coronavirus infections in a week, while hospitals in some parts of the country are seeing rising numbers of Covid-19 patients.

The total number of coronavirus cases in the U.S. topped 7.8 million, as the nation reported more than 41,000 new cases for Monday, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. The death toll surpassed 215,000.

U.S. hospitalizations, meanwhile, are at the highest level since Sept. 2, according to data from the Covid Tracking Project. As of Monday, there were 35,056 patients hospitalized across the country, more than 16% higher than the level a week earlier. While hospitalizations are rising, they are still lower than July’s daily highs of more than 59,000.

Dr. Fauci Protests Too Much He objects to a campaign ad, though Trump took his advice on Covid-19.


In the case of Anthony Fauci vs. Donald Trump, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) doctor and the media say the Trump campaign is running an ad that takes Dr. Fauci’s words in vain. Readers can decide, so let’s go to the videotape.

The 30-second Trump ad released last week says “President Trump is recovering from the coronavirus, and so is America” and goes on to note “together we rose to meet the challenge, protecting our seniors, getting them life-saving drugs in record time.” It then features Dr. Fauci saying “I can’t imagine that anybody could be doing more.”

The quote was pulled from a Fox News interview in late March when Dr. Fauci was asked if he had ever seen as large a public response by an Administration to such a health threat. He responded: “We’ve never had a threat like this, and the coordinated response, and there are a number of adjectives to describe this, impressive, I think is one of them. We’re talking about all hands on deck.”

He went on to detail the White House coronavirus task force’s ’round-the-clock phone calls and meetings. “So I can’t imagine that under any circumstances that anybody could be doing more,” he concluded.